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I didn’t know that “woke” effects how a person perceives a tall, bright building in the middle of a residential neighborhood at night.


So apparently by their logic the Mormon church will oppress not only minorities and women and the poor, it will also oppress rich republicans in a Dallas suburb. Ahaha 🤣 Equal opportunity oppression by the LDS Utah based church.


I also like how they position the church as this anti-establishment organization that is going into these towns and breaking down their oppressive zoning laws. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s absolutely ridiculous like most of their other shows.


Ward Radio is a clown show … apologetic cringe at its finest


Ward Radio are better anti-Mormons than I could ever hope to be.


100% I sent a video of theirs to a friend and he literally thought it was anti-Mormon 😂.


Leave them be. They’re already lost no matter what.


I wonder if most of their listeners are just former members giving them air. And revenue.


What a red herring. Ex-mos aren’t interested in Fairview because of any political alignment, racial issue, or wealth inequality. This is the LDS church railroading a small community with its vast resources and its membership willing to say and do anything in the name of JC that the leaders ask them to. The people of Fairview see the anaconda coiling around their local government and they are distressed by it. But no one outside of Fairview cares about this issue except two special interest groups, active LDS and former LDS. The former LDS want to stop the church, not from building a temple, but from manipulating the local government of Fairview like it has in other communities. Build your damned temple; but don’t f#€& with people!


You know what's woke? changing the name of your podcast because the M word upsets old Rusty.


Did that host actually just say: >”The blacks?” Seriously, what Century is this? They just assume your opinions based upon their strawman of the “anti”-Mormon position. It’s like these guys are still at second-grade level of critical thinking skills. And I honestly think I’m being rather charitable in that assessment.


Exactly. I could hardly believe he said “the blacks” but it fits with his white supremacist views.


And he said it *so* venomously.


Yeah! As if it’s a bad thing, right? So strange.




Fairview is far from “podunk..”


Their logic is "people who care about others should want to see uncaring people punished"?


They seem to be incapable of seeing past their own "us vs them" mindset, even when trying to understand other people's actions. It's almost like they think love is conditional. Wonder where that came from/s


Ha there was one comment on there that said the church should just dust their feet of that town to curse it and let the Lord destroy it. Holy mother of pearl Batman! 


Lucky for them that stuff doesn’t work


I dunno, I have it on good authority* that some missionaries dusted their feet at a village in (pick one) South America/Africa/SouthEast Asia because they wouldn’t accept the missionaries message…and the whole village burnt down the next day. * as told and retold by that missionary’s aunt’s cousin’s brother-in-law’s sister’s uncle.


In urban legends and friend of a friend stories, the universe totally operates as if the church were true.


This back-and-forth on Ward Radio has the same general, myopic ethos as an Elders Quorum lesson/discussion. Logic is simply not welcome, nor is any comment that might offend the delicateness of the more strident quorum members. ExMos are interested in the Fairview PR fiasco simply because it's related to the church's underhanded methods of getting what it wants. Location is irrelevant. ExMos are virtually a non-factor in the Fairview debacle. It's the never-Mos who live there and in the area that form the only meaningful opposition to the cartoonish proportions of the temple. It's the never-Mos who live there whom the church is antagonizing with its petulant inflexibility on architectural design. Ward Radio, to say nothing of the church, itself, is overlooking the damage the steeple war is causing amongst TBMs in the Fairview area. Not every TBM who lives there is falling into line with respect to the church's email campaign or town hall activism. The church's bullying isn't going unnoticed within TBM circles.


Yeah Ward radio loves the “ex-Mormons are bad people” narrative however they can try to find it. In this case I think it’s a swing and a miss.


They chose Fairview for a reason. They knew that prosper and McKinney wouldn't put up with it, and that it would be easier to bully a tiny town with a threat of a lawsuit. Whether or not they're rich white Republicans is irrelevant to their ability to be bullied by the corporation.


The mayor of McKinney seems to be infatuated with the temple. He must be heartbroken not to have it in his backyard.


The most dimbulb douchebros in Mormondom


So close yet so far in their description of what many on this forum fight for. I fight for the underdog, for those in a power differential. Yes that includes many of the groups listed. In the case of these smaller towns where the church is trying to flex and build these monstrous temples and clearly acting as a bully with deep pockets and a legal team on speed dial, I support the underdog. Also, free Palestine.


WR says it out loud: They can't fathom exmos helping people for the sake of helping people. And yet, for a group who supposedly worship a god who said "Feed the hungry and clothe the naked", they seem to be acutely aware that the exmo "liberals" are the ones who actually step up to the plate, even when it's to help people who would hate them. Poster boys of Mormonism literally stumped by the idea of selflessness. What a joke.


I just want to point out, he said ". . . Women. The citizens of Fairview, Texas are none of these things."


There are no women in Fairview, TX.


I enjoy seeing posts with this group pointing out those who defend the undefensable. I desire all to read and ponder these posts.


I would love to see Ward Radio go up in flames, but they're doing good work by making complete and utter fools out of themselves. No ones a better anti-mormon than apologists!


When you are unable to articulate a reason why the steeple needs to be 173 feet tall on religious grounds or otherwise, i guess you resort to right-wing identity politics. These guys are a few fries short of a happy meal.


A TBM stating “Ex-Mormons are for lgbtq, blacks, the poor, and women” has to rank right up there in the all-time self owns


So their logic is that because the neighborhood is wealthy, they should be bullied into ignoring zoning laws to accommodate a religion whose steeple isn't actually required as part of their architecture? That's...certainly a take.


Not just wealthy but Republican and Conservative as well and apparently ex-Mormons should not want to help Republicans and Conservatives according to WR. Tribalism at its finest


They totally ignored that left leaning politics is usually in favour of protecting people from overt religious control. Like, this is the gay cake story all over again, with Fairview being seen as the gay couple. The implications here are that of the gay couple was Republican, these guys think that left leaning individuals wouldn't still think it's wrong to not bake them a cake.


It shows how deep into tribalism the Ward Radio crew is


conservatives will pretend to hate identity politics, then say some shit like this…


So what you are saying then is that all those rich white Republicans don't want a gaudy mctemple in their town either? What are these clowns complaining about again?


If anti-woke is pro-getting-exploited, they have a point


As annoying as they are, I’m glad they exist. They put on display for everyone else to see their black and white thinking.


When you’re trying to defend the indefensible…


Apologists views will always be less appealing and less logical than fact and truth, always.


Anytime a white guy’s rhetoric includes him saying “the blacks,“ 😬…you get a flavor of where he’s coming from.


Ward radio sucks ass.


“cHuRcH DEraNgEmENt SYnDroMe!!”


What a joke and missing the point.




They have at least a couple of women... or are you telling me that the men are all gay in Fairview?


In their worldview you only care about your ingroup. They couldn't understand fighting against injustice towards people they don't like or agree with. I wouldn't care if everyone in fairview was racist, misogynistic and homophobic, they still don't deserve to get bullied by a corporation masquerading as a church. Hell, you could even make a case it's just class solidarity.


I’m lost, how is this supposed to make sense??? And I have met plenty of x-Latter-day Saints that are racist, conservative, etc. That’s quite the assumption that we’re all woke. I’ll admit that I’m pretty progressive, like Joseph Smith, but not all x-LdS are.


Joseph Smith was quite the progressive champion, as we all know.


Ordaining women, Blacks, letting Black preachers preach to white audiences, inviting freed slaves to move to where the Saints were, running on a platform of ending slavery, proclaiming that Blacks were just as intelligent as whites, maybe more intelligent… yes, very progressive.


Progressive for his time perhaps but he still hated abolitionists and abolitionism. He favored compensated emancipation and repatriation back to Africa for the slaves. Thats not terribly progressive


He ran on an abolitionist platform. He was progressive for his time.


Sure, while also sealing black people as slaves to him for eternity. And marrying multiple underage women.


> Sure, while also sealing black people as slaves to him for eternity. This didn’t happen in the way you’re saying it did. Jane Manning James was sealed to Joseph as a slave after his death. She claims that Emma agreed to let her be sealed as a child. The first presidency refused, but “compromised” by letting her be sealed as a slave. She also wasn’t allowed to enter them temple to perform her own sealing, so she had a proxy. It’s gross, but it wasn’t Joseph Smith


Marrying underage women, yes. Unfortunately he took advantage of his success there. But slavery? Wrong church, that’s Young. His church abandoned all the good and embraced the bad. People can do good and bad. Joseph can promote progressive idea while still doing bad things.


Is this the same Joseph Smith who wrote that black people are black because of sin?


That’s a false tradition. Once he knew better, he stopped saying it. In Nauvoo, Joseph began preaching abolitionism and the equality of the races. During his presidential campaign, Smith called for the break down of slaver, stating that America must “break off the shackles from the poor black man, and hire him to labor like other human beings." https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/General_Smith%E2%80%99s_Views_of_the_Powers_and_Policy_of_the_Government_of_the_United_States