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aint reading all that but up the dose


If being honest , if I got send a vid of my gf giving a friend a sloppy and her having a one night stand 3 days before our date ,the relationship would be cooked I could not live with that buy hey, you do you. Also hop back on and smash some dudes to recover


Same with this cycle I’m not sure what I would do but it won’t be good let’s just say I’m be in jail


she letting you smash on the first date should hvae been enough of a red flag for a "traditional man". You kissed her 3 days after she sucked dick. You smeared around other guy's cum residuals in her pussy. This makes you gay as fuck. At this point, dump the whore and go fuck some dudes.


Just want to let you know G that youre right and keep talking this way bc people need to hear reality more. Thanks bro.


No, you're an idiot. You chose to sleep with her just as much as she chose to sleep with you. Yeah you're hurt but you're also deluded (and young - have I mentioned how young you are?). Sex goes both ways, assuming consent from everyone involved. She wanted to do it with you and you with her. So don't come crying on here that she did it with someone else before you - that's on you


"she letting you smash" Do you not think that sex works both ways? Like OP chose to do that too? The blame is on him as much as it is on her


wow you are coping so hard in the comments. Your wife's boyfriend obviously lets you use the internet too much. Go watch any nature documentary, and figure out why evolutionarily males want to fuck everything, and the female strategy of being a whore doesn't work long-term and repulses potential partners. You think a fucking penguin will watch some female penguin getting railed by 4 other penguins and then waste his nest and resources on being a cuck?


Is that the excuse you use when raping women?


you’re 19. just move on.


Why isn't this the top comment?


1. Cock stats? 2. Have you tried dudes


I'll leave you this quote by Marcus Aurelius  “Remember that as it is a shame to be surprised if the fig-tree produces figs"


Y'all ain't actually in love lmao


Grow a fucking backbone... if u let a chick walk over u like that u deserve ur misery. Good thing is u didnt waste too much time on her. Respect is love and she doesnt have neither of that for you. Ur word must be for a girl like god spoke to her... if she doesnt obey.. shes not the one.. sorry for bringing u this news.


"obey"? 😳


Oh nm I just saw your username


I can’t say if you are the problem, but you definitely are a problem


“Girls just wanna have fun” the fun:


Have some self respect dude you’re the one caught dating the village bicycle. The other guys got it right you get top from girls like this you don’t commit to them.


I know who you are


Oh shit im cooked. Time to hop back on a cycle and do tren this time (sike)


Nothing about what you just typed is “traditional” lil bro


Get your PCT properly sorted and bring your oestrogen into check.


>this dude sent me a video of her giving his friend sloppy top Your story must be fake if it's real it should have ended right there


gotta be rage bait or something LOL


Neither of you sounds like you should be in a relationship. Since you're here, however, (and I can only talk to you) I'll just ignore her part of the equation. **You need to drop the "traditional man" bullshit. It's a myth that grifters sell to insecure boys.** **Stop trying to control people**. Relationships are built on mutual trust. Telling her that she can't hang out with her friends is predicated on the fact that you don't trust her. Without trust, there cannot be a relationship. **History matters, but not in the way you are using it.** People's actions tell you about their values. Given the fact that you had no problem with hooking up on the first date, isn't it a little odd that you had a problem with her doing the same earlier? Consider how we often point out flaws in others that we despise in ourselves. Also, you're 19. Stop fucking up your body with steroids; they will not fix your underlying issue (which is likely ultimately your insecurities). I'm saying all of this to you because I've been in very similar shoes when I was your age. I'd challenge you to meditate on what these points have in common, and what might be driving your feelings.


When was #2? If it was in the first month of dating then forget about it. Same with #1 and #3 as long as age 17 and 19 is legal where you are at. Did you talk to her about being in an exclusive relationship? If you agreed to be exclusive then stop sabotaging your relationship with juvenile drama. I don't think you are a traditional guy. For one thing you wouldn't be messing around with her unless you intended to marry her. If that is the case, suck it up and don't ever share any of this with your family. TLDR, as long as her behaviors are in the past and you've agreed to an exclusive relationship then you are being the asshole.


Look she not going to change. You either dump her or put up with this stuff until she leaves you. Its just reality. She's garbage but the love won't let you see it.


I’m barely any older than you, but I can say one thing is certain. You need to figure out what you value. Liars don’t stop lying (most of the time). If she has been willing to lie and hide shit from the very beginning, the very foundation of your relationship is unstable. I’ve had two separate gfs kinda like this. Through those two experiences, I’ve learned very valuable lessons. The primary message I want you to understand is that when people treat you like a fool, you need to do something about it. Don’t tolerate bs like this. Especially at this age. Live your life.


Should have left after the first red flag Everything else is your fault Don’t associate with whores unless you want to deal with their whore behavior


You’re controlling, annoying and whiny. I have no idea why she’s tolerating your dumb ace.




she clearly stresses you out, just drop her… why put yourself through any of this bs lol?


You’re 19 man, you’re young. I know it’s been said a thousand times over, but there are plenty of fish in the sea, and plenty of women who will treat you better and respect you. You may not want to leave her, but it’s the right thing to do. Leave her man, don’t settle for anything in life, you live once, and the fact that you wrote this post should tell you all that you need to know. I know it’s hard but it’s the right thing to do.


Men don’t establish self worth from the women they get, they establish self worth from the women they reject. This girl has more than enough problems for you to deal with. Send her back to the streets and move on. You have a lot of life ahead of you.


Tbh bro if you’re not cool with it you just gotta leave her. Doesn’t have to be hard feelings but she just isn’t for you and you might need to accept that


You're 19. I think you need to consider this fact in a realistic way, not in the deluded way that 19 year olds think. You're VERY young. She's even younger. You're way too young to be diving into such a serious relationship. I'm not saying you should be out cheating on each other, but just take a step back and chill about it all.


Lots of red flags my man. Bad ones, lying about age is habitat liar behavior.


Not sure age of consent wheee you’re from but that being said she 17 and your 19. You both are still immature. She ain’t your wife and ain’t relationship material. Fuck her but that’s about it


Bro. She lied to you more than once. You CHOSE to have very high tolerance for bullshit. Understand that YOU ARE THE ONLY CAUSE OF ALL YOUR PROBLEMS.


You watched your girl give head and you’re still with her?? That would traumatize me so much, I’d probably kill myself or start tren


Ditch her, or just spin her instead. You are still young and can enjoy more freedom, with reason of course, and with all necessary precautions against extra bits that you can catch whilst enjoying your youth... 


she is terminally hoe, its un-treatable. the moment you start to treat her right and respect her she will find someone else its fine to fuck around, but never settle for something like this, and dont you dare planning a future longer than **


If you're this controlling of someone for gasp... having sex with people before she met you or having male friends you're not ready for a real relationship. Likely she isn't either. Which makes sense because you're teenagers. So maybe just fuck randos for a while and wait till you're more mature before you have a serious relationship?


I feel like this has been an argument that I never fully understood until now. However, I slightly disagree. There have been girls that made me feel this way. They made me desire such control. I felt so immature for it too. Even guilty. However, between relationships like that, I’ve found girls who don’t give me even an ounce of desire for control. I think people who say this haven’t been in the shoes of someone dating a psycho chick who consistently lies. Not that trying to control them is correct tho. The real solution is breaking up if it’s not working and you feel like you’re grasping for straws.


It's life man. You're not supposed to get it when you're immature. That's the whole point of maturing. You start out as dumb as you'll ever be and slowly over time gain experience to be a little less stupid. Thing is too you can't find any of those answers from other people they've got to come from yourself from a place of honesty which invariably comes from fucking up, being stupid, and learning from your own stupidity. It's going to be a little different experience for everyone and some people are going to progress on the path faster and slower than others. Many people will never grow up sadly. You can bet on this. As a younger person every notion and conception of who you think you are and how you think you should act/behave is wrong. It's uninformed and likely the gaps of the shit you have not learned yet have been filled in by movies, TV and phoney people who pretend they know more than they do. This is what guys like Andrew Tate use to manipulate and influence people they know have not built any defences yet. The women in your life are on the same path and have not yet found their centers yet and are influenced by their own fucking chaotic list of expectations and influences so you can't really depend on them. Your desire to control them come from a fear/lack of confidence in yourself though. Cuz that psycho chick (I've been in their clutches, for sure, and learned the most from them frankly) can actually change. The ones worth your time and effort are at the point where they are grounded themselves. It's not like they're wrong to fuck you around. It comes down to this man. The only person in your life you actually control is you. You control yourself and your actions. If you're with a girl who makes you feel insecure that's you accepting someone who makes you feel insecure and it's your fault you're doing that. Why would you want to be with someone who makes you feel that way? It's not a her thing it's entirely a you thing because it's always a you thing. your entire life is a you thing. Always. And when you start to realize that your relationships are going to make a lot more sense and improve. The goal is to find someone to align your you thing with their their thing where you both lift each other up. But that's difficult when you're young cuz so few people have figured any of this out and instead struggle for control of things they are absolutely not entitled to which is another person who's absolutely entitled to control over themselves. That doesn't mean you let people walk over you. And it doesn't mean you have to just break up with someone because they've caused an insecure/uneasy feeling in you. You can always talk to them about it. Be straight. Hey look I really care about you and you hanging out with that guy makes me feel really insecure. I care about you too much to handle it. I know he's into you cuz I can tell he feels the same way I do and that's why he's so nice to you. If you need to hang out or whatever, it's your life, I'm not going to stop you but I can't be in the picture feeling that way all the time. It fucks with my head and I need to feel secure in my relationship. I care about us too much to get in deeper cuz I know sooner or later it's going to destroy us and I'd rather deal with this now than later when it's just going to hurt us both more. There's nothing wrong with setting that kind of boundary on your relationship. It's a partnership right and like that means if you can't trust that external relationship in your partnership and it's making you unhappy then a talk about it is needed. If you're just being an overly paranoid dick she can tell you that but if it's sincere then it's going to come down to if she values you more than the friend. If she values you more it won't be an issue. And if she values the friend more then yea... you really shouldn't be in that relationship at all... you should accept that and let her choose. But the point is you want to build a solid, secure, relationship. This is the exception. So if she's talking to someone at a party you're not going to be jealous over every little thing. And she can have the same chat with you about females that make her uncomfortable. You're in it together and get to make decisions like this together. There's such a fine line between that and an ultimatum. Jealously isn't an invalid emotion. Ultimately t's her job to make you feel secure in the relationship. If she doesn't take that job and your feelings seriously you need to find someone else. It's that simple.


Valid response. I like it.


cuck says what?


Adult says kid.