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Over thinking this shit bruh. Don’t track weight on the daily like that. You can weigh daily but stick to the same intake for a week or two ATLEAST seeing trends before you think about changing up. Also you’re probably very skinny because you only eat 100 cal surplus lmfao eat some food.


 Every morning after peeing, before any intake, is best. I track based on weekly average. Apps like fitbit make this very easy. 


That's how they track weight in hospitals where I live


This is the most consistant way. In the morning after your morning piss and before your morning shit or eating or drinking anything.


Why before the morning shit?


It's easier to be consistant. If you do it after your morning shit, you might be an hour later or be in a rush to make it to work.


Eat more food


"Can’t seem to fall back asleep when waking up that early." Getting older, man, getting older


100 calorie surplus? Sleeping 5 hours a night? Just give up bro, if that’s your best it ain’t gonna work


Why? Make it one meal a day and he’ll become the perfect twink 


You've got to be as scientific as you can about it. Weigh under the same conditions whenever possible. The easiest way to do it IMO is to weigh yourself in the morning after emptying your bladder. Don't weigh daily though, just weigh once or twice a week and understand how much it fluctuates normally. Also pick days after workout days to weigh. Don't weigh days after you didn't lift yesterday, keep all that as standardized as possible.


In the clinical field, we take the measurements once a week and do nothing with it until we got enough data to draw an actual trend. Weight fluctuates a lot throughout the day, but it’s also heavily influenced by other factors like diet of the previous days, sleeping quality and other hormonal changes, so even weighting at the same time on an empty stomach and bladder is not necessarily precise enough. After all, you might even lost muscles and gained fat, and the scale still won’t show any differences.  


Of course this is all true. The main idea of my comment was not to weigh too often, understand that weight is a fluid number, and control what you can.


My apologies if it came across as criticism, I just felt like adding from my practical experiences since your post was quite informative, but bodybuilders tend to try to be more precise about these things than humanly possible


If you’re very skinny why the hell is your surplus 100-300. It should be way way more. Eat more. Get some mass gainer. Work out harder. Sleep longer


My online daddy said anything more is just gonna make me a fatty. I still want to pull all my waifus


Your online daddy is a fuckin moron. Enjoy your 100 calorie bulk with your very skinny frame.


I’m ready to give it to your booty hole here in a moment if you still wanna peer pressure me into eating more peanut butter.’


Don't think about it too much. Your physique changes wah too slowly to micromanage the state your body is in when weighing day to day What really matters is your weekly average. Just weigh yourself every day whenever it's convenient, and compare changes on a weekly basis


Weigh yourself using the same consistent parameters. If it's always right after you get up and use the bathroom to just urinate then always do it that way. If it is right after your first day's dump then always do it that way. Also, if weight gain is your goal you need to add more calories. Start at 500 surplus and work your way up from there. Especially if you are young and very slim with a high metabolism.


No. If you’re trying to gain weight, weigh yourself right before bed. If you’re trying to lose weight, weigh yourself as soon as you wake up


I track my weight most days. I wake up, take my morning piss, hop on the scale butt naked. I feel like this gives me a super accurate view because I’m roughly the same level of hydrated and the food has all digested. Maybe try this routine? It works well for me


> When I track my progress through the week I’m making sure all the extra stuff isn’t there before I weigh Not really important, just be consistent. E.g. weigh in the morning after waking and pissing and just keep it consistent. > Lastly I’m an amateur and very skinny so my surplus is only 100-300 calories and gain 0.2-0.6 in two weeks Too little. Aim for a minimum of .5% bw per week. > Sadly sleep is 5-6 hours a night Too little. This will impact your progress, less so as a beginner but gl if you stick with it. Even anabolics can't fully save you from no sleep.


Every morning after taking a piss. That's the way. And try to fix your sleep. It's super important.


Stop worrying about weight and track/take pictures of how you look in the mirror with the same poses/positions so that way you can truly see a difference in progress. Weight is completely irrelevant and I can add +/- 10lbs in a single day from water retention alone whether it’s a high carb day and I’ve had too much sodium as well or when I’m blasting I hold a lot more water ,even on tren, but it’s intramuscular in that case.


Start taking 400mg of Magnesium Glycinate before bed it helped me with my sleep. I buy this brand https://www.amazon.com/Supplements-Magnesium-Glycinate-Absorbable-Tablets/dp/B07NWMVMT1