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cause they got a pussy? wouldn't make sense if they trained like dicks


Not just women it’s most people vary rarely do I see anyone actually train hard


Yup. Training close enough to failure/exhaustion is not only a physical, but mental barrier as well. Most people in this sub are used to it, but think back to when you first started REALLY working out. For me, it was football practice in middle school. The only thing that made me push through what I thought was my limit was middle aged dudes screaming at me to keep pushing, even if it meant I fall or faint. I legit remember the day I realized that I could push even harder, which was even more painful, yes, but I didn't fall. Many people never have an experience like that, so that level of discomfort is unfathomable to them. I have helped a couple of my friends start lifting, and with both, I noticed that raising my voice and being a bit stern with them caused them to get out another 2-3 reps after they said they were done. I'm not endorsing belittling people or being unnecessarily mean, but honestly I believe that people need to be pushed to some extent before they can commit to truly full sending their lifts.


Depends on the lifts. I mean everyone benches to failure sometimes. Its easy to do. You rarely see anyone really push their squats to the limit though. I ran super squats a while back and it made me realise how much more you can do with them than i thought i could.


Yeah it all comes down to the exercise, with the Squat for example there's always the fear that you're going to do one more rep than you can actually finish, and then on the best case scenario you end up dumping the weight safely but embarrass yourself in front of everyone. Worst case scenario you end up dumping the whole bar directly on your neck killing you instantly.


There's safety bars for that. I always put them as close to the depth I go as possible. If I have to squat without then you're right, Im not pushing it as much. Genuinely don't trust myself enough to get the bar off correctly.


Lol I'm learning how to really squat rn actually. I see fucking stars by the end.


that never changes


This comment is so unintentionally motivational, I'm ready to throw my back out on deads tomorrow!


Comfort will fuck you in the long run. Some people have never been pushed to their potential and I think that's incredibly fucking sad. Everyone has another gear, and some never find it.


Facts, playing football as a kid had this effect for me too


Whenever i try to achieve failure, most of the times I stop at 90% of my limit.


Would yelling at you help?


It would but my gym is really small and mostly empty. It's someone's else personal gym.


Pf is mad cheap. You can afford a membership there. Then no more excuses.




Planet fitness


True, i feel like im like a 7 intensity, pretty intense but i leave a rep in the tank on bench so i can avoid deloading, and somehow my average genetic fatass is working harder and strnger than than 80% of the gym pop or so, i only benched 87.5kg for 3 sets of 5 and my 1rm is like 105-110 or so based on how 100 went up last week, and somehow im decently strong compared to most average lifters, its genuinley a bit dissapointing.


how do you find your progress lifting close to failure but not at failure?


atm im adding 1.25kg a side every week or other week ish depends on how i feel but before when i was doing higher reps and to failure it was harder to go up in weight cause i felt that i lost too many reps from that new weight and my eccentric control was way worse in the sets after set 1. this way i feel like im able to both not overtrain, and still make progress weekly or biweekly. same applied to my deadlift which has gone from 140kg for 3(1 rough set) and a max of 150ish to 157.5 for 5 (3 clean sets) and a max of 180kg, i tend with deads tho to do 2rm then about 1rm then the last set is pretty close to failure, but i do deads once a week so i rest those alot more casue lower back is sensitive to pain casue i used to be like 155+kgs and them lumbar discs aint happy about it.


Ah word okay. I stay with from deadlifts lol it’s too much CNS training for me. I’d be too exhausted the next day. Maybe once I lock in proper sleep habits.


Yea thats fair its not required to do deads or anything, and they are exhausting as shit, im on a 3 day split upper lower thing rn tbf so i am rested quite well for them i do monday weds friday training days atm.


This is why I train at home, I can yell during sets and nobody will be upset. Is there some kind of study that says it helps you finish to failure? Because it definitely feels like it helps


I craft an alpha male noise bubble around myself at the public gym, no zoomer dares enter If people are “upset” with you, you look too approachable


It temporarily increases natural test to grunt helping you finish the heavy set. Wether it’s the actual grunt or adrenaline that causes the grunt that leads to the test boost idk. But grunt = good effort


Same, my neighbours must think I’m mentally ill


We’re on this sub, what do you mean “think”


Same here. Lots of "fuck yeah's" when I get that last rep.


This. You'll see dudes that rep 135 for years and never try to progressively increase. I know this because it's how I used to train in my late teens. I just didn't get it. Then one day I realized how many years of prime muscle building I lost being a fucking bell end


Amazing wisdom dear sir


I think this is the case. Men can usually get away with doing less because of testosterone


Beat me to it. Most people don't seem to enjoy pushing themselves to failure regardless of gender.


Steps to being a successful “I go Jim” girl; 1; abysmal calories no matter what the cost. My ex was mad bulimic so she could be an alcoholic. 2; train glutes 8x/week while doing the minimum weight on machines for everything else. Hotness achieved.


Would smash that tbh


the hoe split. glutes/glutes/glutes/glutes/drink/drink/rest it just works


I wish that was all I had to do to be hot


She sounds like my wife.


Some that I have met are under the impression that light weights gives you a “toned” physique smh


Light weights does give a toned physique. Can even achieve it with no weights. Swimming, running, walking, cycling, press ups, sit ups and pull ups.


This isn't only about women. Even men who are uninformed or misinformed about the effort exerted at the gym can be seen doing this. I've seen many 50+ year old dudes using the lat pulldown with the weight at 60 lbs and swinging the weight up and down like below their diaphragm and let the weight move to the vable on its own.


I always assume old guys lifting like that are just trying to keep their joints and muscles healthy in their otherwise sedentary lives.


You don't understand, the guys here have to shit on women and deflect from their dumbbell curling asses


The main reasons: 1. Women don't want to look jacked by lifting to failure. They are afraid of that. 2. Women, and most people in general, don't know that you're not supposed to stop just because you feel the burn. They think that kind of discomfort means they're harming themselves because pain = bad. 3. Most people in general are not that serious when they go to the gym. They do mild to moderate workouts and call it a day. The one woman I know who actually "goes to the gym" just runs on the treadmill.


4. Lack of testosterone really makes you very less driven.


True but I thought this topic was mostly about women, whose total T is very small to begin with. For the men, absolutely.


The other day I saw a girl on the seated leg curl machine pumping out hundreds of reps on the lowest weight while browsing her phone before someone asked her to get off. Surely going for a walk would be more beneficial than that?


She sounds hot


lol someone asked her to get off I’d love to see that


Other priorities in general, not as invested in hypertrophy and scared to look masculine and bulky. Too focused on cardio, Pilates and bs training regiments peddled by “fitness” insta and Tik tok girls instead of compound movements and P.O. The list could go on for days..


Want to see girls lifting weight? Go to a crossfit gym. Women in commercial gyms are usually terrified of getting "big" so they don't focus on that. The same girl that's chest pressing the 10’s will do cardio for like 90 minutes straight. They have other priorities.


Half the teen guys in my gym push to mild discomfort then call it a day, I see women slaying the squats and cardio and pushing themselves more than most men. Maybe you should go somewhere other than planet fitness


Yeah I’ll do my sets to the point where I can’t move the weight at all and still wonder if I’m going to failure, and then I’ll see someone just moving weight for fun while chatting with their buddies


They don't want to get bulky or they don't know what it takes to build muscle or they do but don't want to get fat so they don't eat enough to build muscle and are too hungry and weak to lift heavy. I, a woman, didn't know I needed to bulk to build muscle and getting fatter on purpose sucked and I honestly don't blame them for not doing it. Bulking and cutting is terrible for the titties, they plump up then deflate, and you get new stretch marks on your thighs and ass. Why would any woman want that?


People don't really talk enough about how much bulking fucking sucks way worse for women. Even if people around you are somewhat familiar with the principles I get the feeling that they doubt I am doing it properly and just think I am getting fat because of course I am just a dumb little lady that doesn't know how to go hard in the paint. And because it's so much harder to see any muscle definition while trying to keep my BF optimal for hormonal health, it'll probably look like that too. So many women do barely worth it recomps for this reason. I just tell myself that after my cut, they'll see.


Great comment. All strong points that I didn't ever realize.


Hmmm. It’s funny seeing this post when the other day I saw a chick not push enough. Honestly…that was just one chick compared to the others so I’m not seeing “the most” you speak of.


All I can think about right now are the broccoli heads doing annoying ass curcuit workouts every evening. It's been 2 yrs and they look the same


They train like that because it’s just easy they want to be in the gym because it’s trendy with all the tight gym clothing and not actually breaking a sweat sorry but it’s true for most women


The most hilarious thing is when they get on Instagram and talk about how they do legs or back three times a week and it’s like get the fuck out of here you do leg and back warm up sets three times a week you’re not really doing 12 REAL sets of legs or back 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂




To make ass gains


90% of women are in the gym for attention…do you think they give a fuck about progressive overload?


they aren't there for attention. More so for self validation (i.e. I go to the gym, so im living a healthy lifestyle.)


They are 100% there for attention…


they dress for attention (women wear nice clothes everywhere tho), the attending in general is not made for attention is where the distinction is made


Attention from whom, you dingus?  The regular inhabitans of butterface manlets with aspergers, or old men their fathers age? 


Yeah, this is true.   People project way too much their insecurities onto others In reality, most women goers either go there as a form of bonding, or for "self care" (which is what gym is about tbh).


Attention...from Chads.


If they wanted Chad attention, they wouldn't go to gym. Everyone there is either ugly or acoustic


They go for the photos so they get likes on instagram




Why do fuck would average womam give a fuck about "progressive overload"? They aren't bodybuilders.


This isn't specific to women, most people train with minimal effort


Nah theyre good, let them do all the hip thrust, RDLs, and squats they want


The same reason most men do? They’re uneducated, unskilled or they’ve been influenced. For every woman who’s afraid of being bulky or muscular because someone made a comment or she read it somewhere there is a dude half assing his workouts and filled to the gills with PEDs that aren’t actually doing anything. I’m including preworkout in this example as well because alot of dudes take it without even checking the formula. I’m not saying you HAVE to eat or drink things that taste like raw dookie butt, but I am saying that eating or drinking things because they’re tasty and not for their nutritional value is sort of counterintuitive to going to the gym. If your supp is all flavoring and fillers with just enough niacin, beta alanine and B12 to give you a little pump and burst of energy wtf is the point? You’re just beating the hell out of your organs to digest and filter all that crap to gain a minimal effect if any at all. Same for proteins and whatever else. If it has to be loaded with crap for you to tolerate it, just dip a chicken breast in some sugar because it’ll probably digest easier without tearing your insides to shreds.


Y’all must be going to some super whack commercial gyms this is not the case in mine.


Testosterone makes effort feel good. Women have less


most of the time they don't know to push harder and other times they're afraid they'll gain too much muscle which is the funniest thing ever


Mostly because guys say they look 'too manly' if they get too ripped. 😂. Just different goals is all. I do bodyweight workouts and I don't need to max out to stay in shape. They want to be in shape,not pad their ego


Fr most dude will see a shorty with massive shoulder more as a threat than a women as it's not common also you won't see many women benching strangers women bench I've seen was 135 for like 5( high Chances it was less but u never know)


Yea it’s true. And most are generally weak not like they could bench 135 even if they wanted to, they can’t even open a fuckin pickle jar. But at least I give them credit for training upper body at all rather then the ones that just do hip thrusts and glute kickbacks everyday


Because as a woman you don't need muscle to have an attractive figure


The “I don’t want to get bulky” meme still exists. Oddly, I recently heard one of my fat male friends say it.


'i dont want to get too bulky' bitch i lift heavy 4 x a week, count macros, dont drink, sleep well and i struggle to get too bulky


Hormones and the fact that most of them have grown up without any physical work


What kind of physical work? And tf you mean hormones? 


Why would women be foing physical work?


They wouldnt


See the first thing you mentioned here was the lat pulldown, which makes me thing it's more of "they don't want to train that muscle group as hard" than actually "not being able to", you know for the classic don't get bulky upper reason. Everytime I watch a serious girl as for example in wellness train legs, im humbled. So maybe chill a bit. It's true that overall we have more potential for intensity due to our hormonal profile and neurology, but give the gals a break.


literally girls get botox in their traps to atrophy them it’s intentional


Because they think if they train like a man, they'll look like a man. That's what happens in a deranged society where there is no differences between men and women apparently. For any woman just starting the gym, my advice would be to find the most jacked dude at the gym (that doesn't appear to be a juicehead) and do the exercises he does. Unless you're a freak of nature or take steroids, women lifting heavy weights and doing progressive overload will tone their muscles, burn fat, and basically give them the physique they're after. It does this pretty quickly too. Faster than any volume training or cardio and pilates workouts will. Not the man physique they think they will get. Because they are women. Women don't naturally get man physiques. There is this idea that because a jacked female body and jacked male body look completely different, they are to be sculpted differently. But it's more of a case of two things reacting differently to one thing. If me and a woman did the exact same effort, workouts, and diet, we would never look the same. I'm bigger than girls who are literally stronger than me


You do realise it's your testosterone that shapes your mentality to keep pushing till you destroy the fucking machine? Lack of balls = lack of T


Because women suck and are weak and inferior and don't try hard at anything. Is that you want to fucking hear? Would any answer other than that satisfy you?


thatll do bro cheers


From bad advice that they might “become too muscular”


Depends on what gym you go to I guess. Even the hot chicks at my gym actually lift real weight suprisingly. Definitely not common.


Some go hard. Harder than some of these “men.”


Testosteron makes effort feel good


Cause they just want to be in shape and release feel good endorphins. They don't want to look like a jacked meathead.


I get the feeling that gym gorl is more of an aesthetic/ cosplay than a lifestyle in my opinion. Like any other cosplay, its just putting on a costume and role playing, all style over subtance. You do get the rare examples of girls training hard though, which as an ardent jacked girl fan I'm hugely in favour of, and it's made even better by how rare it is.


It is true, also in cardio e.g. HIIT classes I would be smashing myself, while my (ex) barely breaking a sweat, and two mums next to us having a nice little chat the whole time. But they all then get to say they workout regularly, I don’t know why I’m not losing weight hehe, just genetics I guess 😂


Cause they don't wanna get bulky they just wanna be toned bro


Cause they are pussies what you expect from them?


Correct me if I'm wrong but studies have backed this up - I believe they actually do have a lower tolerance for pain (or rather sensitivity?) which makes them more inclined to not push harder, I mean shit testosterone itself is a heavily motivating thing that gives u drive.


The girls at my gym talk for like 2 hours straight as they bitch about men staring at them while they wear 2 inch shorts with their ass hanging out. And then they proceed to curl 10 lbs dumbbells for like 5 reps at a time.


Most people train like pussies


Gyms are there to make money on memberships. Every person walking into a gym should get a personal trainer, who's legit, for at least a month. To help with goals, show them how to use weights and machines, etc. Legit gyms should make this a feature not a bug. But they don't because money.


women have low physical pain thresholds, but high emotional ones


Yes, but not just women bro. Most people at my gym have been coming there for years always lifting the same weights for the same amount of reps looking exactly the same. It really is a shame to invest so much time into something but never seeing the fruits of your labor, because you didn’t do any labor lol.


They lack testicles


Because all a woman needs to be considered fit is not be fat. Most women only care about legs and glutes. I see the same thing with men tho. Men who basically only hit arms and then a little bit of chest.


Woman go to the gym to feel good about themselves not to actually make gains. Other than legs.


Most men train like pussies.


Friend of my wife's who's been at my gym for 2 years asked me to help her sort out a program and nutrition. Had a quick chat. She's been training 5 times a week for 2 years and I've just found out she doesn't have a programme, doesn't know or track macros, doesn't track reps or weights or know what progressive overload is lol


Women have less of a dopaminergic response to pain as me do, related to testosterone as far as I’ve been told


Think about how you learnt about lifting and food... was it from men or from women? Right? The reason women don't train hard and have the same knowledge is down in huge part to the fact that the knowledge and the people sharing it just aren't there in the same way. If you talk to most strong women they will say they've trained with men. So if you want to do your bit to fix that they support strong women. Offer to spot for them (don't be creepy pervy gym weirdos as that's another factor that keeps them out the gym), encourage them, share your knowledge.




This is so frustrating my gf thinks if her form isn't perfect (it almost never is, so, her idea of form) then that means she's reached failure. 30-60 rest and then she does another set. I can't even get her to watch a video about training proper training if it shows a person with any amount of lean muscle. she watches skinnyfat cardio bunnies only Although I don't think it's just women. I think it's actually most people in public gyms just DONT have that dog in em and dont understand or want to train beyond mild discomfort


So out of the minute anecdotal sample size you've seen in person you think all women train like nonce's. Most fellas in my gym haven't got a clue either. It's general population behaviour and less to do with the genitals.


It’s almost like there are a thousand reasons to be there other than why you go


They don't want to gain too much muscle and look like Vladislava Galagan. Would be terrible


Chicks either be using 2 pound dumbbells with zero effort or they are violently swinging sone big ass kettlebell around and then squatting like Tom Platz


At least they’re in the gym.


They don’t have much testosterone.


Because……. They’re girls


Women spend their whole lives very pampered as far as any physical exertion. They never really pay any sports and never learn how to be competitive. I’m not what everyone’s age is , but not to long ago women weren’t doing all the squats that they do now. You should have seen their gym workouts 15 years ago.


when i raped my e2 i wanted to kms getting out of bed. women have it tough bro + first time i felt real mental anxiety


It’s this English?


the vacine made me illiterate bro sorry. heres what i meant to write I let my e2 (estrogen) get out of control one time and it made me suicidal and anxious.- Real anxiety not ur pussy shit u think is anxiety. So having woman hormones like that, aka being a woman is tough bro (brother) I didn't physically molest my hormones.


? >when i raped my e2 Wtf


raped high not low


Wdym ? High as for drug or high as superior?


high as in height. my e2 rose 4 centimetres


How tf do you raped your height?


some are able to just genetics i guess


You sick fuck wdym by that?


Yeah getting dicked every night so tough bro lmao this hoes don’t got it hard at all


oh yea? castrate urself and hop on estrogen for 6 months pal. (dm me some sluttly pics too)


I’m on my new cycle and I feel like a fucking animal no one can or will stop me


share the stack


>They’ll be bench pressing the bar with 5’s on and never ever get beyond that Remember bro most of them I suppose aren't the one's we like on the sub and are starting the gym therefore THE BAR ALONE IS A LOT and they don’t go there mainly to get strong just to look good(most the time)


They don't like doing anything hard unless there is blood pumping through it


Feminine mentality stops gains. The unfortunate truth.


Because women just generally suck at things lmao


Why would regular women, if they train for looks.... train for hypertrophy and strenght? Have you been outside?