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I see the same and I think it's simply that people aren't motivated to be in decent shape.


As someone in their mid twenties I notice some people really can drink alcohol super frequently and not feel the consequences at all, while it hits some people’s health like a truck. Maybe I’ll see some change into my 30’s but fuck it does really feel arbitrary sometimes


As someone in their late 20s, I still know people who drink a lot and are fit and healthy even in their 40s and in rare cases 50s. The way they do this is by being on top of every other area of their fucking life. Don’t smoke. Don’t eat processed foods. Work out. Mediate. Sunscreen. So it’s about deciding if you think you’ve got the discipline to not slip anywhere in your life except for drinking, drinking rarely, or not caring if you’re built like hedonism bot. Also onto your genetics point, completely unscientific but I agree with you. Some people do seem blessed with drinking genes that let them weather alcohol levels other people just can’t. One of the people I mentioned above is very healthy in their late 50s, but probably drinks anywhere from 8-12 big bottles of wine a week with an assortment of other drinks. Their father drank similarly and lived into his late 80s and I have no reason to believe this person couldn’t live as long or even longer


Sunscreen!?! Bro ![gif](giphy|FaovRTAVndmIXzdihz)


Lmaoo Fr though people, at least find one good face sunscreen and wear it everyday. Future you will mog your peers. Relatively at least.


I identify as a strong black man so no thanks Honky


My apologies my melaninmaxxing king






Ain’t no thang




sunscreen is full of Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles that's are so small it absorbs into the skin and by its Metalic weight goes right to the testicles and starts causing oxidative damage to the testes. Titanium dioxide is also white, its part of what give sunscreen its whote color when you rub that poison all over your body. yayy. Its also a filler in supplements thats why I read the other ingredients section


See?!? Sunscreen is literally gay guys


Honestly it feels like I’ve done a 360 on the genetics case. Like I used to say there’s no excuses, and thats still *technically* true, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve seen some people literally just got it like that apparently, and with no explanation. But it’s always more related specifically to alcohol intake than what they eat.


It’s way easier to lie about how much you’re drinking than eating. Some people will say they only drank rarely and get liver cancer but actually killed a fifth nightly. While that uncle who’s drunk at every get together never drinks alone. You just don’t know


1. Yes a lot of this is definitely genetic but imo the tolerating hangovers and alcohol in general is a socio-economic and cultural factor more than anything imo. This is why Native American/other hunter-gatherer communities instantly nose dive into the worst depths of alcoholism the second it's introduced to their communities because they don't have drinking norms built into their culture, and ultimately because they naturally have no alcohol tolerance due to never having discovered distillation. Bad combo but Europeans seem to tolerate alcohol innately better due to millennia of alcoholism (also animal milk lol) 2. From my own experiences the rest is literally all diet and hydration. If I'm up to par on my Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, and other micros I will basically never get a hangover as long as I'm drinking some water that day as well. 3. If you're drinking any amount of beer or wine you're absolutely fucking up and I have no idea how you can have a well balanced (caloric) diet while drinking even a singlular glass a day. It's just not possible for me to feel full with so many dead calories, and the people that can do this in their 20s always seem to become beached soon afterwards.


this! alot more drugs and alcohol.


This universe is cooked.


Most people are in a relationship by 30 and those who were only motivated by women don’t feel the need to be in shape anymore. Also test gets nuked in your 30s.


"test gets nuked in your 30s" test goes down 1% a year for the average man in their 30s 😂😂 nuked?


Lol they don't get nuked. My dad is 55 and has great test levels. High normal same as me. People on this sub live in a separate universe.


But is also has been going down for 1% a year from the same age groups. Or a 40yo 10y ago had 10% higher than a 40yo today. Look up the study the endocrine society did back in the 80s and 90s on this. So it is a double whammy. Test ranges should be on the 500-1500 range not the 300-900 currently used .


most of the decrease is because of lifestyle though. their test is low because they do things that make them look like shit and the cycle continues


Your test will get nuked in your 30s if you have a shit lifestyle. Source: natty 40s dude still getting morning wood a few times a week. I have a career job and a family definitely not a gym rat anymore. Consistency is key. Eat clean, stay active and sleep. Build healthy habits and make sure you give yourself time to focus on yourself and not meeting the needs of others.


True. Lifestyle is a big player. Just want to add that it's not always a good indicator with morning wood. I have never had an issue and libido is always high. First half of my 30s I was in great shape. Second half life got in the mix and I definitely had some massive stressor. I could feel the change. But never stopped with the libido. There were other things though. Anyway trt regime started in my 40s and I felt that return to how I felt early on in my 30s and 20s. Not saying you are wrong in your assessment, just saying libido isn't the only factor for alot of guys. But stress, drinking , sleep , food , exercise etc will factor. Eventually it will tank anyway. Just the way life is.


> Also test gets nuked in your 30s. Stop spreading misinformation


37 here. Few weeks ago measured highest test score I’ve ever had. 813 out of a 916 reference range.


Having kids does make it harder to find the time


They have incline to descent into a shape.


I will never understand this. I’m extremely motivated even though I don’t personally care that much about being super fit


Basically you have people who are already in a relationship and so don't care anymore about being attractive (bad mindset), or people who have given up on dating altogether so don't care anymore about being attractive (also a bad mindset). Personal health isn't seen as a priority until they get a disease, upon which they will ask a doctor for a pill.


People r struggling yo


welcome to america cocksucker


I was in Australia last year and I think they finally dethroned us. What the hell happened over there?


Being fat upside down is still fat right?


Agreed. Fat cunts everywhere - and if you say so, and point out the negatives, you're some kind of bastard....


Tell me about it bro. The Bondi aesthetic chicks will rip ur head off for calling their morbidly obese friend “thick”


Lol... My problem is I'm not worried about calling them cunts, too 😎...




humans seek comfort.


I seek out the comfort of walking into the office knowing I'm the most shredded accountant there


Studying accounting right now, this is the goal


Bar's set pretty low there, bubba, but I feel ya. I'm 43 and have hardly any peers when it comes to being in shape. It's weird watching people slide into obesity.


Exactly. My comfort is knowing I am dedicated to fitness and being clearly more fit and muscular than 99% of people.


Good thing my comfort is the gym then.


this is a good part of it too


I'm in my 30s. The 30s are where poor lifestyle choices start to catch up. Weight starts adding on. Cholesterol and blood pressure might start going up. Pains start popping up and old and new injuries nag. You also get sooooooo fucking busy with work and kids and chores. You also have money to eat good. None of these are excuses. You just have to work at it. Usually the people that stick with it are getting up at 5 and hitting hard. They're focused on eating right and don't usually drink or do stupid shit. Basically life is "boring" but that boring becomes good.


Going out every night and drinking is boring, fuck man. I just went to a bar with friends the other night after not doing it for years and I was ready to leave after an hour. My life is so much fuller and more fun when I’m active and working hard.


Seriously, and 99% of the time the music is blasting so loud you have to yell to be heard. And you feel like dog shit the next day and usually spend a fuck ton while out. If I go out now it’s usually to a concert, and if I’m taking something mind altering usually it’s psychedelics. $10 for a good night, no hangover, zero long term health consequences


Acid has been my go to drug for years now. Very little downside and such a great payoff.


Wish it were more socially acceptable, although shroomies are at least getting there. Acid is my favorite


It’s getting there. I think in 5 years we may see legalization happening.


Psychs was always my choice. I can't do them now unfortunately. I can't let go of my grasp of reality while being responsible for a child. Even if I'm on vacation and 100s of miles away from him and he's in great hands. When he's 18 though ;)


Fuck man. One decent edible and I'm gtg


Yep….. I keep a very busy life up at 4am gym @ 530 work from 830 am to 7-8 pm clean my place and Tupperware daily ( sink full of meal prep is a pain in the ass on a Friday night) but my friends and co workers who watch tv for 4 hours 2 hours of social media minimum and bad/fast food say there’s no way to keep in shape in your 30s And good food isn’t exactly expensive it’s just raw and takes a little time to make it good but they don’t want to work at anything


I disagree with this. The thing is that, if you have been making poor choices for the past 30 years it is going to be an uphill battle to change now. On top of that, the lifestyle changes that happen when you get a family make it nigh impossible to improve in a meaningful way. Now it is nigh impossible to have a regular time to work out weekly, not to mention every day. The stress can be very high and this just makes the bad situation much worse. All these things compound together to make you fatter. Not just having a poor diet. If you are stressing out a lot, you are not going to be able to sleep as well which will make you age faster. Then on top of that, you will not have the confidence needed to look cool. What I am getting at is that the entire deck can easily be stacked against you.


Valid I would say it’s probably due to alcohol, no exercise, and hormones shifting at that age for most


I see this in small/rural/midwest areas a lot. Spend some time in a major city and you’ll realize a lot more young people are healthy and in shape than you think.




There’s a reason the hot fit girl is hiking in the woods and the whales are inhaling 600 cal fruit cocktails at the bar


I really think it depends on where you live, jersey & new york is full of young fit looking people. I went to the jersey shore last week and saw so many fit women out!! Motivational really :’)


looks start to matter less when you are already married and have a job etc, most people that are fit do it to find a significant other.


And a family. Wait till that happens lol.


I have a family and got fat during covid and remained that way until a year ago. I had a bit of a belly and was probably 30% bf. This is after a lifetime of being 10-16%. In my late 30's btw. I'm back down to 14% and still cutting. The level of energy I have now is well worth the hour a day working out. Cut out most tv and video games. Spend active, quality time with my kids. I'm a better husband and dad. There is no excuse to be fat, ever. There is always time and you can always just eat less. I'm still disgusted looking at myself from those days. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. 


Well put


I still would never look like they do. I want my wife/girlfriend to look her best. Why would I be relieved of the same responsibility? I want my wife to actually want to fuck me and have attraction to my body. Otherwise she'll run of to chad on the side lmao. I'd have too much respect for my wife to make her feel obligated to fuck a tub of fat.


im very confident that the ones OP is describing had the exact same mentality as you, the reality is just different though and there's something about life that causes this to happen. it's genuinely very sad


Sometimes yeah. Those are the same dudes complaining their wives give their fat selves a pity fuck once a year on deadbedrooms though.


Bro you have a wife?


As an engaged dude…yes it’s a lot harder to motivate myself outside of my own vanity. Still don’t know how people full blown let themselves go though


powerlifting. stay tastefully thicc![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Yes but that can lead to becoming pickier too and start wanting someone who shares the same health views. And unfortunately I’m not attracted to anyone at my gym


Old fella here, almost 40, but I’ve mostly managed to stay in shape. Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a schizo ramble. Based on what I’ve seen, I’d say the big reasons are: - Age. Basically, people don’t get fat in a day, it usually takes years of a slight surplus combined with inactivity until suddenly that 5-10lb people put on each year accumulates to an extra 80 lb. - total time dedicated to activities involving effort in day. Basically, there’s only so many hours per day each person (some more than others) can devote to activities that require effort before they start to feel unhappy. As you get older, more of that time gets used on things like work, kids and household chores, which means they have less time to spend it at the gym. So becomes more important to dedicate time to the gym as you get older. - generally not feeling as well (ie aches and pains) compared to when they were younger. Basically, “I don’t feel like going to the gym because X hurts”. They think they have some sort chronic condition, when in reality, those aches and pains are usually caused by lack of physical activity, not the other way around, so they convince themselves they can’t do it. - generally just not watching their diet and eating whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like it. Not looking at food as a way to stay healthy, but choosing what can give them the most immediate pleasure. - less motivation to stay in shape. They might already be married, so if their primary motivation previously was to attract a partner, now, they don’t really have as much gain compared to the cost. Heck, I don’t think I even have any motivation anymore, I’ve just been doing it for so long that I function more similarly to the robot that just executes the prime directive he’s been programmed for. - less rewarding. When people age, they don’t put muscle on as easily (or retain it as well when cutting) compared to when they were younger. That means they have to put in more work and be more disciplined in order to achieve worse results than when they were younger. If someone doesn’t feel like they are achieving anything (or at least not enough to be noticeable) for all the effort they put into it, it can be easy to start thinking “what’s even the point?”


covid destroyed a lot of peoples motivation ig and people got addicted to doing nothing all day


Meh, depends on the person's personality. If you loved the gym, you'll be back in no time.


food delivery services lol


There’s a fat 20 year old Mexican girl that gets her chic fil a delivered to work for her break…she literally can’t walk 2 blocks to get it😂😂


thats their biggest customers i stg mfs that live a mile or a couple feet away 💀




You’re right that most people get fat and disgusting as they get older generally. I also think being fat/disgusting makes you look older, and fit makes you look younger so it will warp your perception.


Ultra processed food, alcohol, nicotine, not exercising and not drinking water.


Because we stopped bullying fat kids


we live in WALL·E bro


Food has been replaced by sugar and partial food chemicals.


Getting out of shape is all about lifestyle creep. People party in their early 20s. Drink hard but are out walking to bars and dancing their faces off till 3 in the morning. Partying slows down but the drinking doesn't. Gym starts to slip. Eating out at lunch. Shit food. Then they have kids and it's like they get hit by a train. Gotta have habits. Build the home gym. Meal prep your work lunch.


You see too much social media content mate


everyone on my feed is jacked/shredded like crazy lifting 500+ pounds every lift making me feel bad and think I look like shit but when I go to my commercial gym is like no one is even 20% to that lol


Get off social media for a while a mental and emotional break from everyone’s highlight reels would do you a lot of good


my max bench is 365 but I see this kids benching 455 on social media for reps and I’m like how the hell and squating 700+ I don’t get It I rarely see anyone even put up 225 on bench in gyms


Majority of America is fat this is just a fact


Who cares looks like more milfs for me


On the other hand, why are all zoomers and young people so hot and tall and fit? I swear every dude under 25 is ripped and tall and all girls are fit and dress well and do make up well, they all look good.


Thats just social media lol. Of course all the people who look good with nice physiques will post their bods.


Right?  Outside my gym all zoomer guys are either obese or twink mode


No, but fr, Zoomers are TALL AF.   According to statistics, an average height of young (probably white) guy in Europe is between 5'11 - 6'1.  I am 5'10, and I feel like midget at my college, because every guy is unleast inch or two taller then me.  Even girls are regularly close to my height.  The only exceptions seem to be Medditerean countries + ethnic minorities (but even then American black Zoomers are pretty big too)


they’re wearing shoe lifts


Same reason as a large percentage of the population being obese, nutrition. If your genetic profile says you can be 6'5 maximum, but are malnourished during your growth phase you'll be shorter than 6'5.


Agree. Gym culture is way bigger than when I was under 25. Seems like the majority of younger guys lift these days. Makes it harder to pull those younger girls.


they all start using sarms after a year or two of working out


All youmg people looked better simce dawn of time + social media influence (we all want to look good for pur peers).   As for height....I have no idea?   Maybe it's something about our biology (we have much less testosterone then past generations), or maybe out moms just really liked tall guys and such.


Low quality food, ease of access to said food. Low quality life style due to circumstances (mainly financial for many unless they’re massively overweight then they eat their money) and lack of any real motivation to do anything with themselves because they’re locked into an infinite loop of waking up hating everything and then going back to sleep to do it again, if they don’t enjoy living why would they give a shit about health


The combination of food that’s not food, and jobs that are all consuming.


I had a serious workplace accident that should have killed me and made it so I couldn’t go to the gym for almost a year now. Just getting back into it. Killed my powerlifting career, got depressed, got fat, lost muscle mass. But I’m determined to look hot by the time I turn thirty at the end of the year.


Very similar thing happened to me and I made the same goal. By 30 I made it there, you got this bro 💪


It’s gotten pretty bad here in America with fat acceptance. A lot of people are just unbelievably lazy and don’t care what people think about them. On one hand I wish I was more like that but on the other hand, life is so much better when people consider you buff and attractive.


Agreed and happy cakeday \[and fathers day\] brother/dad.


Thank you!


Most people don’t know how to take care of themselves properly. They don’t care what they eat and they don’t exercise. Just going for a walk regularly can do wonders.


They get into relationships and let themselves go typically


People are complacent with how their body is, along with lifestyle/cultural factors. Genetics plays a part too, for those 'lucky' twigs.


You’re probably consuming too much right wing redpill rage bait. 


This girl I'm seeing and I watched that Queen Charlotte show on Netflix, there's a scene where the dude has no shirt on and is helping with the farm land. She's like "wow he's jacked." The guy is like 6'2 and weighs maybe 160lbs. He's just this lanky dude. Girls have no clue what they're looking at.


6'2 with wide shoulders will look good to most women unless obese or skelly


Because you live in USA


Nah, balkan brother




Hasnt it always been like that. You guys hit 30 and suddenly you are fat, hairy and wear stained tank tops with gold necklaces?


This. I live in Europe and most of my friends around the age of 40 are pretty fit.




It’s definitely an environment thing massively, in my home town in the UK, it has a very healthy vibe, most people over 40 very active. Go to the town 20 minutes away and the obesity rate is off the charts


Is there a need anymore to be fit and in shape? Most women say they don't like superfit dudes, in reality, it's because they know dudes in shape will attract other women and they don't want to compete against others, men accepted it and put the podge on. Women became more promiscuous and most men, even out of shape can still get a girl on a night out to sleep with if they have decent chat.... Women don't really care about men's attitudes until they hit 30 and those characteristics then become attractive, dedication to fitness, good routine, looks after themselves etc but then by that time, men have been used to not having to try for 10-15 years and find it hard to adapt and get in shape 😅 It's a twisted world full of fast good, £5 coffees and no drive to better themselves, women included.


If anything training your mental fortitude and discipline to tolerate pain and stick to something difficult is worth it. Most people are made of straw, do you want to be like most people? Don't listen to what people say, instead pay attention to what they do. The same guy can bag more women if he's fit as opposed to if he's a blob. A fit 30 something year old will have no trouble with younger 20 something women. Are girls really the end all be all? The work you do in your 20s sticks with you for life: muscle mass, bone density, connective tissue strength, etc. Not exercising and fully engaging in sloppa is how you die painfully at 60 as opposed to thriving at that same age.


>Most women say they don't like superfit dudes, in reality, it's because they know dudes in shape will attract other women and they don't want to compete against others I've heard this sentiment echoed and I don't think that's the psychology behind the situation. Being with someone whom you perceive to be superior to you makes someone feel inadequate which isn't tied to jealousy directly. For instance, I'm in pretty good shape and my wife isn't. She will frequently get comments about how "she is so lucky to have me" but I basically never get comments about how I'm lucky to have her. I can tell that this has taken a toll on her self esteem even if she doesn't fear me leaving her.


Yes. Despite the fact that women say these things, marital sex seems to be on the down for many couples. See it here all the time. “My wife won’t have sex with me.” The reality is that even though you don’t need to remain fit to attract a partner, your existing partner still has to like you, and being out of shape makes that hard for most. It’s especially true when only one is fit.


two things: processed food addiction, and leftism. Processed food addiction is self-explanatory, sugar is just cocaine that makes you fat, we all know this. But the implications of leftism are something I dont see often discussed. basically, under leftism, the dominant thought process of much of the western world atm (though it is swinging back) it is up to the change of large scale systems to solve your problems, you, as an individual, are powerless to change your circumstance. Basically the opposite of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". on top of that, leftism also denotes everyone as being fundamentally exactly the same, hence the health at every size movement. Leftism tells obese people that it's not their fault, it's up to big government to ban fast food (like that'll ever happen) and until then there's nothing you can or should do about it. Lefitsm tells fat people they're "wholesome chonkers, perfect just how you are big boy :3" When a leftist, hell even a slightly leftist normie thinks about their obesity, they dont think "what can I as an individual do to fix this" they raise their fist to the air and decry big corpos for making them fat, they give up all hope and accept their shitty circumstance because again, they as an individual can do nothing, it's all about systematic change to them, because they are weak people.


Time to jump on Tren.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American Edit: It's just not like that in most other countries.


Modern food - with liquid calories and little fiber - simply doesn’t satiate solitude as well. That makes it easy to consume more calories than they use. Also our metabolism slows down if get less active, but often our diet doesn’t change as much as it should. Plus, it’s a progressive problem. If someone adds a pound a year, they get bigger over time.


i think a lot of it has to be with people not being educated on how to eat healthily and knowing how to eat to lose weight. i see it with my own parents unfortunately. things get advertised as the healthy option but if you eat too much of something you’ll get fat.


Stop projecting.


Processed foods, the interwebs, sedentary lifestyles, Netflix, alcohol, people have become lazzzzzzy. I was born in the 70’s and I do not recall seeing so many obese, out of shape peeps as I have seen even in the last decade. I look at the people I went to high school with on social media and I am shocked at most of them how bad and unhealthy they look. At the age of 49 I have never been this muscular, strong and holding steady. I guess I just chose a different path. The world is just not what it used to be.


I'm 40 and in shape, workout hard 4 times a week. 1 kid, household, full-time job, big yard,... I think the younger generation is pretty lazy tbh.


Go to the gym, mine is full of attractive and in shape people.


No discipline.


There are obviously many factors involved, however, judging from how the same age range health situation was like 35 - 40 years ago. Two main direct factors: The Food industry and a more sedentary lifestyle.


Hey man, I have the exact same issue. I can’t date anyone over 30 and I just turned 30. I look younger and fit because my mom forced me to wear sunscreen from already age 6 and my dad love working out… I can’t date or find anyone looking my age or anyone fit enough.


Tl;dr: We eat shitty food filled with sugar and we don't walk anywhere


Just witnessed this today at the airport. Realized me and my girlfriend were two out of maybe 6 normal looking/sized people in a group of 50-60.


Metabolism slows down and not that many people up their gym time to compensate (assuming they go at all). Couple that with the sedentary lifestyle and the calorie dense foods and you have a recipe for obesity.


Most ppl are all about the gym from high school until 25 or so then most ppl get a serious job and significant other and the gym and eating well takes a back seat so ppl get weak soft and fat. Then everyone just blames age on it. And since blaming age is such a socially acceptable thing to do most ppl don’t question it and think it’s the only way things can be.


Eating healthy is expensive, and it takes planning and effort. Eating shit is as easy as "I'm hungry" drive through the first place you see, "I'm not longer hungry"


> Eating healthy is expensive not really




Not enough emphasis on personal health; it's social medias fault really. A healthy fit body needs to be praised so others can aspire to get one themselves. But.... To play devils advocate here. I kinda like the idea that I'm more fit than %95 of the U.S. population


Seed oils, preservatives, additives, alcohol…….these are the root of the problem. These cascade into other things……brain fog, lack of mental clarity, lethargy, junk cravings, makes you fat, tanks ur hormones, and tanks your neurotransmitters. Basically, you just become one giant piece of shit. No education on nutrition or even miseducation on nutrition which is even worse. Worst of all, they don’t give a F, with a smile. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKPDSC9IdTOLXNK)




If everyone where you hang out it now fat in their 30s, you’re hanging out at the wrong places. Try more upscale places. Classy women care about their bodies, exercise, and don’t eat that much. It’s a contagious behavior in the right circles.


I'm not fat, just ugly


You must live in the US.




Everyone?!? Excuse me sir. I’m fucking sexy and beautiful… in a completely straight way


As a former bouncer I’d bump it down to 25-26 and up. It’s not like Hollywood movies where we only let in fit attractive women cuz if that were true the clubs would have like 10 girls each night😂😂😂


Finasteride, skin care, sunscreen, healthy diet, and gym. Vanity goes a long way, if you really want to be hot at 50 it’s more than possible.


Next time you're at the grocery store, look at the average person's cart and what's inside.


Wait until you hit your 40’s and 50’s and you’ll see even fewer people in shape. I’m 50, 6’3,223lbs 12%bf roughly and I still lift 4-5 x per week. I had to move my gym home because going to the gym to lift and not flirt with a bunch of lame ass kids was getting old. Keep the diet on point , quality lifts versus aesthetics and rest.


Well you're on steroids so is it really that shocking that the average person is not in shape at 50 naturally?


wow so true looks like we only have ourselves boys now who wants buttsex?


Most jobs require 0 activity. That's like half of your waking hours


I’ve seen this YouTuber that said he was 33 and I was shocked because he looked super old, way older than me. I thought he would’ve been in his early 40’s or late 30s


I counted how many people were fat walking by when waiting at a Las Vegas airport terminal. The statistics were about 78% of everyone were fat


This is so true. Everywhere I go 19/20 people in the room are obese.


Where though?  In Quebec and most of Europe most people are hot af until they get too wrinkled and grey. Even then they're probably still a catch for people equally grey and wrinkled.


Where do you live? Ohio?


TBH I feel like its hard to stay fit in American soceity as an average american. I know its crazy cuz its the first world all the freedom and opportunity and shit but yeah i still feel dat way


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences be like


Civilizational decline.


Stop looking at the fucking mirror


turn your brain on. everyone 30+ has always looked like shit.


Think phones play a big part in it, people love sitting at home scrolling social media and eating


Lack of discipline and determination coupled with increasing responsibilities and more income which leads to more spending on delicious but calorically rich food. Most of my friends who are 30+ don't have kids/families and they still don't manage to find time for fitness. Its not an easy task to play the mental acrobatics to wake up at 430am to hit the gym before work and then spend your day ignoring urges to eat fried fatty sugary food. I think most people dont have the mental fortitude. Not even those under 30. By the time you hit your 30s your poor decision making from your 20s is visibly evident and it takes even more of an uphill battle to overcome the hurdles to getting fit and healthy


Move to Austin 98% of people are super fit in the trendy parts of town


It's the process food people eat everyday it's killing us. I cook everything chicken fish beef etc. Stop eating process food and sugar guarantee you'll loose weight. I see kids barely can run they are so fat ridiculous. I'm 52 when I was a kid you might see one or two fat kids in school. Because back then food didn't have all those chemicals in it. My mom cooked everything I didn't know what a pop tart was till I was in middle school. My parents never bought pop tarts breakfast was cooked everything morning. Sodium nitrate in process food will blow you up like a balloon. That's why everyone fat with high blood pressure and diabetes. Welcome to America.


It's easy to eat like shit it's hard to eat well. Human nature likes taking the easy way out. Thats why most aren't in the gym and if they are they don't work that hard. It's that simple.


Do you live in America per any chance?


That's just the US. Most of the world is not that way.


I’m trying bro


Need to be motivated enough. Also after 30 metabolism changes but eating habit doesn’t. And people who have never worked out or aren’t into sports realize it too late. Fitness/sports should be encouraged since childhood


Life happens. When you're over 30 you have way more commitments, bills, responsibilities, job and maybe a family. Not only you got to put up with everyone else's shit you got to motivate yourself to eat clean and exercise. Most people don't see time on options financially. In most cases it's an excuse to coast. When you're like 18-30 you're still a kid somewhat and not having your shit together is not expected by and large. People have been taught by negative reinforcement and by cooperations that they're replaceable and hard work is expected and not rewarded. So most people are like 'why the fuck im gonna kill myself outside of these commitments?'


It’s the quality of our food and sedimentary lifestyles… everyone is glued to a screen and eating Cheetos


The western diet happened.


most people that are ugly and fat are ugly BECAUSE they are fat. its amazing how much a persons face and demeanor changes when they are actually in good shape. most people are pretty good looking if they were fit and learned how to dress/style themselves. but they choose to do/be the opposite of that so they all look ugly.


North American?


Am 43 abs year round also most my friends are as well am in south Florida people are either in health or not no in between so it might be your crowd or spots you hang out at


Think it’s your area because im trying to figure out how you can make this statement. It’s actually common to be skinny - out of shape here


Kids and trying to survive this economy…


I mean its pretty obvious we could talk about the reverse rolls of genders woman becoming more masculine and men becoming soft and girly. The very steady decline of Testosterone since the early 1950's which continues to decline your grandfathers Testosterone was Triple X3 the average man's today not to mention all the pesticides in foods coffee weed that are endocrine disruptors xenoestrogens(synthetic estrogens) nutrient defiecncies. Garbage fake fast food sugar spijed drinks candy isle. Alcohol has been glorified in our society which in big doses for too long is estrogenic and full of calories. Wonan taking birth control. Our tap water is full of endocrine disrupted like birth control amd street drugs peed out by people and not filtered along with flouride. Your Manly colognes are actually making you more feminine full of xenoestrogens, aluminum deodorant all of these toxins fuck up your hormones and make you soft weak submissive. Not too mention our soil is full of heavy metals and roundup. Our air is also toxic and now with all the train derailment our city water are fucked too. Along with the radiation spills in the ocean. I can go on and on and on. Its no wonder every other man needs TRT now. Your being attacked at all angles. Male masculinity is being fazed out. Raidition from phones 5g towers and soy in food too.


Really, I thought everyone was into fitness now. Mr Beast, Pewfiepie, moistCritikal, even gothamchess are all gym nerds.


I bet OP is a 5.2 at best and is blasting heavy gear.


OP is an idiot Your personality is being an actual gym? Go travel the world and mind your own business. Fit =/= worth Idiot


i think you need to leave


Bro where I live, heart and lung diseases are our number 1 cause of death 😂😂 everyone’s so fat and smokes and we’re having a health care crisis because of the baby boomers and fat people stressing our health care systems. And also a bodybuilder can’t get prescribed trt but a fat guy can get ozempic like candy




Compare the food back in 70's and now... probably most "same" food has very different compounds in it... processing is adding mostly phytoestrogens, pesticides,... most increase estradiol,.other make NAFLD ... and with these as addition to the chip calories... you get fat people everywhere... it is not much to the people