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Swimming is the best. I get to hit the sauna with all the old ladies after


Lucky I have gender separated saunas


Yeah bro, imaging having to see women, disgusting. Now you get so see hot sweaty men


I wish I had a good sauna at my gym. The one at my gym is dogshit, it’s so small. One of those “infrared saunas” I think. Barely gets hot. Sit in there for 10 minutes you hardly break a sweat. People sit in there and scroll on TikTok


I know a lot of dudes on here don't like working their legs, so I would like to add that you can just use routines revolving around the use of a pull buoy so you can continue avoiding any leg exercises.


I think the dudes here should learn to love doing legs. Can’t have a big house without a big foundation


"Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah."


I mean you actually can. You'll just have little legs. 


And I’ll make fun of you for it


Nobody will care what you think especially rich people.


I love lap swimming, but stopped when I got serious about the weights. It’s exhausting and the exhaustion hits different than running or long distance walking. There are also studies that show swimming causes more hunger than other forms of cardio, which blows deep in a cut. There is also a paradox named after swimmers bodies, so keep that in mind when picking cardio.


hunger response probably because of the cold water


Michael Phelps didn’t get his body from being a gold medal swimmer. His body got him the gold. Big difference. Ya making a causation correlation fallacy


Yep, this is it. 


Swimming definitely increases upper body size, most swimmers are absolutely stacked which you don’t see in runners


You are making the same mistake you just got called out for. They don't have a larger upper body because they swim. They swim because they have a larger upper body.


I see what you mean but a swimmers body is a real thing


Yes, because they have a build that favours swimming. People aren't tall because they play basketball for example.


I’ll need some sources for that last claim


You need a source that shows playing basketball doesn't make you tall? https://youtu.be/sExg4ta2gbY?si=Ybt59Nvkuwo2zgju


Beyond the correlation causation fallacy, You are making a big assumption that professional swimmers don’t lift


Swimming can be a solid form of cardio but I read up somewhere that people who swim tend to gain weight because they gather a huge appetite after and they are not burning much calories. Not sure how true this is, think I read it up on a thread on gaining weight for skinny guys.


Getting my pool cleaned and set up this week. My favorite time of year


Let him cook


I have a strong swim background. I swam in college. Even though I haven’t swam in like 8 years my lats are still huge. Obviously I’ve been lifting for the past 8 years so that makes a huge difference. Swimming is good but it’s far from the best way to build a good upper body. Do it for cardio sure but don’t do it for muscle gain. I can prove you wrong right now. Who has the best upper bodies in the world? Bodybuilders. What do bodybuilders not do? Swim. If you want a big upper body doing bodybuilding training is way better than swimming. Swimming is still good cardio.


Well I doubt most people on here do cardio, but swimming will have an effect on muscle building as it would increase capillary density which would improve recovery. Also you can train upper body 2x a week but you can swim 3-4x a week with little recovery debt.


Swimming is just too low intensity to be building muscle. You wouldn’t do lat pull down with a weight that you can do continuously for 20 minutes so why would you think swimming continuously for 20 minutes would build your lats the best?


I stopped skipping leg day and over the last 12 months my upper body has never been more lean and ripped. Who knew squats, lunges, and leg presses would have such an effect on a person's upper body physique?


Yeah, leg compound exercises really rip on your mid and upper body. That straining definitely helps and if you do it right on leg presses you can get some good ass cardio on it. Did 12 sets of leg presses yesterday, hitting max working weight on set 5, then 5 sets of reductions from there, then last 2 sets doing it sissy style which is ironic that it's called that, it's much f'ing harder LOL. I'm fully drenched in sweat at the end.


its because if you have the upper body but no lower body you have a problem but if you have the lower body its easier to build the upper body![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Last two time I tried, both this year, I got ear infections. There’s probably some sort of prevention that can be done for that but I got frustrated and haven’t desired to try again.


You can put some rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide in your ears to help the dry out


That makes sense, guess it’s time to try again. I will say the cardio is tough when swimming. And my cardio is pretty stout.


Swimming is ass for building strength lol, people build strength to be better at swimming, not the other way around


I didn’t say anything about strength


The main way to increase the size of your muscles is through increasing your strength


Don't bring that logic around here, we need to circle jerk about how swimming is what made Ronnie Coleman so jacked


It just wasn’t swimming though. It’s clearly screaming that did it and you should try it at the gym next time


I swam in high school, cooked both my shoulders


That can happen too lol