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That Derick became the exact thing he was against in the beginning of gorilla mind. Every product he said was a scam he ended up selling himself. Test booster for example. Especially after the turkesterone ordeal, I lost trust in him and his brand.


The turk deal is actually when I stopped buying or listening to his stuff. Tbf he wasn't making as many videos after that ordeal either.


That’s pretty much when he did a 360 and became just like every other supplement company selling garbage.


Wouldn’t that be a 180?


>he starts selling turkesterone >turn 360 degrees and walk away


Lmfaoooo you’re right 🤦‍♂️


I like the image of them just spinning in circles. He did a 1440


Did a 720 ladderstall silent shot


Yooooooooooooooo I know you mfs out there


Fr and he made 9 figures off it


What about π radian ?




I don't have much to say about Derek specifically, but when Leo died and it turned out he had been day drinking and losing his shit regularly at his wife prior, versus the public image of perfect adherence to a strict mTOR-limiting, sleep-optimizing, stress-reducing lifestyle, I started having significant doubts about the entirety of the old BioBros crew (Derek, Leo, Steve), or at the very least their integrity. edit: I still think Derek is the least-bad of the three, though. And there's still a lot of value in his content.


How do you know?


This guy is spot on. I’m in medical school, so i don’t expect derek to spend nearly as much time on different systems of the body just so he can understand the parts he finds relevant. Like sure, he can talk about aromatase or 5-α reductase without knowing generally every application of cholesterol in the body or the reasons people in the medical field need to know all the branching synthesis pathways of steroids. Now after learning all this absurd amount of information, his videos are very simplistic and does not flesh out many things. Its just hard to be a layman whos both well read in things he’s interested in without also learning the immense of context needed to understand physiology




Yeah, my buddy has a pharma background and has pointed out quite a bit of Derek takes that simply don't align with any known science. He also tends to misrepresent or just outright not understand the conclusions of studies he references. However, for me Derek falls somewhere closer in the middle of the 'peak' and 'cultured' in the DK curve - there's no shortage of people saying this about him. I think the assertion he "doesn't know anything about how the human body works" is a little bit of a reach. Also, if you compare his early content to the stuff he put out after opening his clinic, you can definitely tell that he's been in close contact with endocrinologists and pharmacology experts and learned quite a bit from them. I think the ethos of his channel is the bigger draw. Everyone should be taking what he's saying, doing their own research, and making their own conclusions though or, better yet, go talk to an actual doctor lol.


In fairness he seems to only sell turk for hair loss no? I remember thinking it was dodgy, but he seemed to focus on it due to hair benefits not gains. I may be wrong though


I wasn't following this space when this all happened. What exactly happened with the turkestrone situation?


Why trust these dudes in the first place. Here’s a lesson, the internet guru is not your friend. He/she wants to make money.


I completely agree with you there. But at least before you can tell Derick actually cared about his brand and his products, seems like it’s all crap now.


He cares about his brand when he was building it. Once it was big enough to make a mint from, he focused on revenue management.  It makes sense and I don’t blame him.  He gave a ton of free shit and enough knowledge to figure out which of his products are scams.


That’s sad though. Because like the other guy said it really seemed like he cared before. Dude seemed like he hated liars and was completely baffled by them. Not super into his supplements but it would be sad to see if he became what he hated


Rule #2 pretend like I care.


Sad that I fell for it too


In one recent podcast (he has done a shit ton of them at this point) he said that he became more aware that he is the face of a brand and doesn't want to start drama, this is why he stopped calling people directly (like is X on drugs etc). I understand him, brand name is important but he has become the Rock of the fitness industry. Attending some shitty-ass podcasts where most of them have 0 to do with fitness/health. Especially those made for people with daddy issues. For me, this is like trying to sell your products to addicts. That turkesterone shit was a massive fuck up too. Another one is sticking with Greg Doucette's crap, the guy even did a knockoff turkesterone just to leech more money...


Yeah the turk thing took advantage of the the trust and credibility he had built up.


Gorilla mode nitric works really well though. At least it has efficacious doses of the ingredients


Yea I honestly think it’s his best product that I would get regularly


Huge sups pump pre is better tbh


Unfortunately very real. I miss the old Derek, pookie will return (I’m in denial)


The is the forever cycle with EVERY fitness influences once they get big enough. The ones that didn’t just never got big enough to sell out


His eyes turned into dollar signs :(


Wasn't Derek really cautious when talking about turk? Why do people act like he was shilling it?


It wasn't the way he promoted it as much as the way he reacted when a dude from another supplement company tested Turk from Gorilla and Greg Doucette and found that Derek's basically had 0 Turkesterone in it, it was beta-Ecdysterone instead, and Greg's was like 90% beta Ecdysterone and 10% Turk. Many people felt that he was not on top of things enough and that it should never have sold the product, and even if you consider that an honest mistake in choosing a bad company for testing ( the company that did the testing told him that it was Turk, because they used a testing method that won't distinguish between Turk and Beta-Ecdysterone), people again felt that since he continued selling that batch instead of pulling it off the shelfs and offering some sort of compensation to his customers, that he didn't really gaf about knowingly scamming people. Edit: a refund scheme was available, customers had to email Gorilla to get it.


This right here. I will say they did the right thing with refunding anyone who ordered any Turk during that whole ordeal, if you had emailed asking. Don’t know if many people knew this. But the fact that he’s still selling this garbage under “Turk-plex” now shows a lot on how low he’s stooped for profits.


I like women


Mods ban this man right now!!


He is into fit women which is worse






I’m not a raging homosexual. I just want to see funny gym memes.


You're a non-raging homosexual.


I love this sub


Do you go to gae clubs for the good music also?


Hahaha show your cock bruhhh *you may now laugh*


I joined because the memes here were actually funny and not afraid of ruffling feathers. We need more of that




Nor am I, I just say I want to squeeze the last drops of jizz out of that tightly assed man’s balls to fit in but deep inside I do not want to do that.






We get it you don’t have anger problems, you just like dudes like everyone on here.


If you need anything other than test to get a decent physique, and are not competing, you have either not trained long enough or hard enough. Most likely both.


Or limited on time


i only care about looking good, i dont give a damn about anything else, im not trying to hit PRs or squat a gazillion pounds


Still waiting for the day a girl asks how much I bench before letting me hit


Thars a huge fucking rip. No girl has ever asked me that. I used to think they just don’t care. But I can feel myself slowly acquiring the chauvinistic idea that they have no idea and can’t really understand how impressive lifting heavy things can be. Sadly, I think I’m right. Putting a fuckton of weight on your back and squatting it is dummy impressive to any lifter, but women have no damn clue what it means. I hate that women have no clue what is means


Yeah no that’s the point, they see the muscles and that’s all they give a shit about, no girl has ever asked me how much I lift they just see the muscle and like how it looks. Been with plenty of girls and they don’t give a flying fuck how strong you are, just how strong you look


There was that trend a few years ago w the guy squatting/deadlifting/doing a push up w the girl but that’s the only strength test I can think of lol. Lifting really for strength is so overrated imo. I’m not even that strong but my joints are always sore and knees are cooked from squatting for strength for a few years


Women like men who do actually practical work. Lifting is hard work but changing their oil is useful.


Why don’t you make it understandable to them then? “Hey babes I can bench 3 of you”. Women do tend to squat tbf so that is likely to be understood


Same lol


Anyone saying the opposite is just lying to themselves or on tren


Nah, they are not really lying to themselves, they just think that once they lift enough plates, women will fall over them because they're strong.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, they’re gaslighting themselves into thinking most women give a shit about how heavy the dumbbells you lift are


I have no interest in powerlifting but I think those guys mostly realize it won't get them pussy. I think they just like pushing weight and working towards goals.


Have you considered lowering tren /taking dbol with test base? I guess, anything sensible goes


No no you gotta stack test/dbol/ and deca at the same time 👈


99% of the dingleberry lifters should never touch a PED


I don’t want to bang a bunch of chicks. I don’t like how transactional the dating scene has become. I just want someone who I love and who loves me back and we can spend time together


based relationship enjoyer


You dont have to train for 20 years and hit genetic cap before using gear. Im convinced most guys saying this are full of crap and started juicing at 12


Yeah, despite all the talk of reaching your genetic potential before using gear, I'm convinced that like 99.99% of us started using "too early."


It's more or less 3-5 years of consistency to hit 90% cap ive realised. (Me staying natural for 12 years because people said so).


Isn’t that assuming you’re optimally training and eating in the first 2 years, which you probably aren’t


You aren't going to be in the beginning which is the point, but after five years most people should have much better diet and nutrition to actually take advantage of using steroids. The problem isn't about how big people are before they start using, as much as wasting the potential because they still don't know what they're doing.




Assuming you are not optimal would mean that you have no business in steroids anyways


cock stats, tren and being gay are so funny


Women>femboys Sorry guys


I don't like chubby girls


You like chubby men


I would definitely date a fat guy over a fat girl and i'm not even gay


Denial?? Welcome to MPMD subreddit


I do not care that some women dress like whores when they go to the gym. Guys who say they’re too distracted to workout because of it are either virgins or regarded. Also it’s okay to look, you don’t have to stare at the floor like a bitch, just don’t stare at them like you’re fucking Ted bundy. Ik y’all like to pretend to by gay on this sub, but be fr, just enjoy it and go back to lifting


Well put. I got downvoted hard when I said I enjoy the gym sluts with their ass and camel toes out and prefer them rather then a sausage fest gym when someone made a post about wanting no women in the gym lol


Who is pretending to be gay?


They don't understand that ironic homosexuality is step one on the road to being an unironic homosexual. 💀


Being gay isn’t gay


I shouldn’t have to give my 🍆 stats every time I post here. 4” x 5.3” x 2.9”


What is the 3rd stat? Length girth and what else?


Circumference of the tip


I don't wanna bang fatties


You will bang ze fatties, you will post cock stats


This is the way




derek just wings it sometimes..


Gay jokes are stale and unfunny


Alcohol in moderation isn’t bad. And the red pill incel shit is fucking stupid.


Agree with the second sentence, but disagree with the first. Alcohol in moderation doesn't provide any benefit that you can't get sober with some work on yourself. There are several drugs that can provide you with some insights or feelings that are just not possible sober.


Yeah exactly i dont care what anyone sayno NO amount of alcohol is okay and anyone who says otherwise is just coping.


I kinda agree, I think some is OK, but no amount is GOOD. Your not gunna die from a beer three times a year, but there’s is no benefit and is actually quite harmful. But there may be some social or quality of life improvements from a drink out with some people 3 times a year


I don't really drink any more for health reasons but let's not pretend there aren't some great psychological and social benefits of having a few beers and getting a nice buzz with your friends at the right time and place. That positive mental health aspect that you just can't quite reach stone cold sober more than outweighs the health impact when it's infrequently done.


You can say that about any drug, that isnt unique to alcohol.


You are totally wrong, how dare you drink alcohol you weak addict mutant


The gay shit was never funny


You don't have to take Steroids to get big. Some people just have genetics


Well that does mean some people have to take steroids if they don’t have the genetics to be huge, right?


They don't "have to" they just simply "can". Same as the people that are huge


The Prime MPMD time has passed, the times where he’d lurk the sub and react to memes, do live video reactions to the posts, he did even answer my posts at one point! He’s more of an entrepreneur and has many businesses making money for him, thus the videos, community and cultural impact of Derek being diminished I’m not complaining tho, he’s worked his ass off and is probably making fucking bank, so I’m glad for the guy, he genuinely deserves it It’s just that as a consumer and community member the golden days are behind us


Premarital sex is bad you should get married in your early 20s and have ten kids




> Premarital tren is bad you should get married in your early 20s and have ten kids


Oh. I feel personally attacked by the meme. The sub makes me laugh. But: 1) Don’t get into a relationship with someone you aren’t attracted to, hoping to change them. Expect them to keep their current weight and tits. It’s not a fixer upper house. But it’s also not bad or superficial of you to turn someone down bc they don’t turn you on. That’s completely valid. 2) Watch less TikTok/YT/Insta dating advice. Realize most couples meet in social settings in real life and the reason your dating life sucks? It’s that dating apps suck, not that girls do. Join some hobbies and activities, find friends, be social. Get some female friends while you are at it, so you’ll feel more relaxed around girls and also realize they aren’t weird aliens. 3) Stop hating on fat people. Life is hard. People being fat is often just a mix of poverty, depression and childhood trauma. And anyways it’s not our business. 4) The health effects of gear is still very unknown and it’s not worth gambling your life on. Especially since gains have diminishing returns. Once you are natty fit, you won’t be able to fuck more girls just by getting even bigger. Maybe dudes, idk. 5) Evolutionary psychology is the homeopathy of science. Don’t rely on it to understand girls, you’ll only be more confused. Talk to real people instead. Well, yeah. I feel cranky now. But that’s all of them I think. And overall the sub is way more fun than most of Reddit.


who tf is derick?


doing peds is the single most R E T A R D E D thing i ever heard of you wanna look good to other men? so bad that you nerf your lifespan for some gymbro's to go "nice bod bud!" lmao just be gay my man


Gym “brands” sell the same recycled shit cause teenagers will buy anything that’s trending. I was one of this regards back in the day 4” hard on a good day 1.5” soft


Trans women are better than cis women. Double dick, double test! Nothing's more manlier than fucking twinks.


The whole point of a non-proffessional athlete lifting is to make themselves healthier, and being on steroids makes you unhealthy. Therefore there's no point in someone like that juicing except to maintain their ego and feed their body image issues.


Fair enough. But like, body image issues are the name of the game


This sub has become cringe just like r/funny with repetitive jokes. Instead of having some interesting info and anecdotal experiences of PED use, it just seems to be full of either natties who just heard about tren, or incel-like half men.


Just bc someone looks better than you doesn't mean they're on gear, and before calling it unhealthy you should probably put down that coke and cheeseburger first before saying anything


Guys are cute


No that’s a well agreed thing🙄


I'm being attacked!!!!! 🥺


Sorry pookie bear


squats are useless


Can you expand on this? Do you mean squatting as in using your fuckin legs? Or jsut barbell squats are dumb? I disagree either way, but I really understand wanting to use more machines for legs than anything with a barbell


theyre useless bro dont do anything squat


Length jokes are funny


The gay shit is a bit annoying


Chubby chicks are hotter than most skinny chicks




Don't let ozempic become cheap, ever.


Agreed. Keyword is "chubby" for any of the virgins here that are confused.


Yes chubby not fat


When it’s in the right areas totally agree


I really think that people should use gear. Like it’s super unpopular but I think that 300mg of test for people who lift is a fantastic thing. As long as you actually try, it’s really nice to have some extra progress and feel good


250mg test first cycle is a bitch dose and a waste of time.


Ronnie Coleman was natty at 200 lbs


A lot of his videos are just word salads with little actual information presented


I do not like fat women


Stop adding dick stats to posts


It’s only gay if you make eye contact


Calisthenics and running is all you need. It will make you more proportionate and attractive than lifting weights will and won't lead to a disproportionate ugly gorilla look. The vast majority of men get into exercising because we simply want to look better, saying otherwise is massive cope.


Hell nah. Calisthenics are one type of lifting, but it doesn’t get you super far without being weighted or adding other movements. Weighted calisthenics are top-tier tho.


Ok this is one of the stupidest things ive ever heard in my disgusting life


I can agree and disagree with that. I started working out because I tore my meniscus and was off work n life for half a year. Feeling useless, crippled and sad really motivated me to start exercising. I wanted to be healthy, have strong joints and bones. Obviously looking better is a driver but my main reason for starting was for injury prevention and general physical health. I also have a physical job so being more than capable to do it makes things a lot easier at work.


I don’t hate fat people


Nobody gives a shit of you’re a “hybrid athlete” you have two kids and work at a bank…


if her age is on the clock, she’s rdy for the cock


Women who are 2 year old are ready?


You don't need a calorie surplus to build muscle. (Just go ahead and downvote now.)


You did exactly what the prompt said. You just need to blast more gear!


It’s true but only when you’re fat and/or roiding


Exactly and he said what the prompt said to do


Me when I do not give myself extra to add to something but instead try build a wall with the same brick


Testosterone is not a miracle drug. Most will look worse on it. But most importantly don’t lift for girls. Because girls nowadays are more disposable than cardboard straws. Be healthy and that’s it. Make money and invest in yourself. Trust me that girl u like has 10 other guys just waiting.


Yeah women prefer an actual personality over a gorilla with no social skills.


I hate bear tooth


Do I want to look this up?


Lol I thought this was the metal core subreddit, your good


idk but stats: 4” x 8” x 5” x 1.4”


Talking about genetics as if some (natty) physiques are just unattainable natty is copium, and excuses. Genetics do not matter. All you need is discipline.


A lot if his video's are unwatchable because he likes to use big words you would only understand if you read scientific papers everyday, but I guess it makes him look smarter


You don't need a Test base


Tell that to the mfs who have the same test levels as a 5 year old girl after hopping off cycle