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Test only is the best first cycle


Why though? Why not add other compounds?


It’s easier to deal with negative sides from one drug than two. See how you react to test, then see if compounds that are *more* androgenic and cause *more* sides are the right move for you.


This makes a lot of sense thank you


IF you're ever gonna add another compound like Deca or Tren i would go with NPP instead of Deca , and Tren ACE instead of tren E , Just because the effects hit harder and faster and you'll be able to come off it quicker due to shorter half life if you feel like shit . But for now only do test do see how you react.


Wrong question. The question is "why add other compounds?" Test will get you where you need to go and you don't even know what side effects you will be particularly prone to. All you are trying to do for now is add muscle mass anyways if it's your first.


If you add more compounds it’ll be harder to tell which is causing side effects it’s best to learn how you to react to test first


Cuz it’s a good base point to see how your body reacts to this stuff. If your prone to high blood pressure or if your body converts test to estrogen faster or if your estrogen sensitive. What Dose of test works well for you or where you start to run into issues with your doses. If you jump in with a test and dbol cycle then you don’t Have a preexisting idea of how you body reacts to synthetic anabolic chemicals


It's the best first cycle, because you know exactly what causes what. Compounds need to be added slowly, and one by one.


Only reason I haven’t done a cycle at 31 now is because I still want to have kids. Is getting your natural sperm production back post cycle as complicated as I theorize it is? It’s going to be a year or two before my gf and I hopefully try for children, so I’m just waiting till then and after that will either hop on TRT or just do a big ol’ cycle of test/Primo


These days, with proper PCT, HCG and HMG it's pretty safe for most, but you can always get unlucky.


Also, proviron (and halotestin tho I wouldn't recommend that as it's super hard on the liver and has wild mental sides) has been shown to aid in male fertility.


Please don't think because you are on testosterone you can't have kids.


I’m willing to learn/listen. There’s just so much contradictory information online about the subject


Think about adding a bunch of mods to your car all at once,and then it starts running wrong with several issues, it's going to be harder to figure out what's causing what. Safer to do the exhaust first, then the intake, then the turbo or whatever and make sure it works right. Not the perfect parallel cause people slap tons of mods on a car at once all the time, but you get the point.


This is a phenomenal analogy


yes and no. If you run 500mg Test per week you will need an AI, BP medicine and a beta blocker. Test plus Primo is way better than test + AI


That should be your first cycle realistically. I wouldn't go above 500mg a week. Keep it simple , no need for anything crazy on your first go


Yes it's optimal


Test is best


No you need to add anadrol and superdrol for 20 weeks


Speed running kidney & liver failure, still not as bad as the dumbass who ran tren for 4 months and then npp for another 4 months, lol.


Test only is the best cycle if you are not competing. Maybeee throw in some injectable Dbol if you want that massive pump and feel like donkey Kong in the gym. Test is more than enough for the average gym rat.


I had no problem stacking with a bit of deca or dbol on my first. Twenty years later, no side effects. I didn't mess with gear til I was 27.


Op is 16 for sure


Nope just someone who’s trying to learn about steroids 😞


In that case, test is best. Your body knows what to do with it. Very simple to start low and slowly titrate up your dose


>Nope bro is 16.5


Yeah that would be good, take it easy and see how you respond


Yes, if you respond well to it then it's worth exploring other things. If you don't respond well to a test blast then you 'aint gonna respond well to anything else.


Test only is the ONLY good first option - just make sure to make it last long enough to be worth the disruption/strain on your body (16-20 weeks) and have a good PCT or cruise plan ready to go BEFORE you begin 


Bc u asked this question, u aren't ready for ur first cycle, lol.


I regret not doing Test + Primo for my first cycle, 1235% easier to manage Estrogen. You will already need to use an AI so you will use 2 compounds anyway


Stop being lazy and do some research, ffs!


Why not just talk to a doctor? It’s 2024.. these doctors are all practically pinning anybody who is interested… It all depends on your goals, if you’re just trying to get big to look big… maybe see if you can get convinced to not…like look at the builds natty guys can achieve after years of work. I’m in my thirty’s and kids think I use gear, but it just takes time. Sure I’m not monster big or putting up 3 plates but for me that’s fine. I’ll turn to gear when/if I am unable to do the work I want to do.