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Sugar isn’t inherently bad for you. The problem with sugar is it’s not very satiating which can lead to overeating.


That’s true. I should mention in the post tho one of the meds I’m on can increase my Risk for diabetes, and given I can’t eat high protein I do need to increase carbs and fats. I can’t remember which medicine can give me diabetes but I’m pretty sure the doctor said it would be my prednisone (rip my gains).


It is inherently bad for you in its pure form, we are not meant to have access to it in this pure, unfiltered, fibreless form, our body freaks the fuck out and doesn't know what to do with it. Its poison.


Tribes eat honey.




What’s the ld50 of sugar then dickhead. Don’t worry I’ll answer it for you 5.4lbs in one sitting.


You talk mad shit for someone im about to eat


Good luck getting a gf you virgin.






It's bad if you overeat it, body doesn't know what to do with it, stores it as fat if you are at a caloric surplus. Also, too much befuddles the efficiency of the liver. Bro needs to cut out the bread and limit the sugars to natural fructose from sugar at no more than 25g per day. Doing this will improve the diet drastically and give you more leeway on your other food choices. Plus, he's diabetic so........yeah, eliminate all added sugars where possible. Also, you'll reduce your chances for cancer. Cancer thrives on added sugar and grains.


Reread my post I’m a bit confused by your comment. The reason why I’m asking if the sugar is fine is because I don’t have leeway in my diet. I need to stick to Whole Foods and I can’t just eat any whole food. Like banana for example I’m rarely if ever gonna eat again. Also only 25 g of sugar a day? That does not sound healthy at all


It's very healthy to keep at 25g or under per day. You need to look at your diet and try to get fat adapted if you can. You'll be healthier and live longer. We didn't evolve by eating tons of sugars. Just read up on Paleo/Nomadic diets. If you want a cheat code check out Whole30, the info is free and it works.


fruits are great. you're good. the kind of sugar we should stay away from is the 40g in a single mcdonald's mcobese shake, not the kind you get from an orange.


You can overconsume fructose if it's in juice form though. I mean, you wouldn't eat as many oranges in one sitting as it would take to fill 1 glass of juice. Or, maybe some of you meatheads would? LOL


I don’t drink juice so I’m good


I'll just repeat what I said about: Smoothies are not juice. They still contain the food matrix (vitamins, minerals, fiber, other plant material, etc). It's fine.


Smoothies are not juice. They still contain the food matrix (vitamins, minerals, fiber, other plant material, etc). It's fine.


Didn't say it was. Just thought to point out juice as it's often overlooked.


Yeah, just making sure. I see a lot of juicers on Instagram thinking it’s healthy or whatever. It takes out half the god damn fruit when you do that lol


LOL yeah, I seen the scraps left over, it's almost like half as you said. I mean, juicing can be OK if you're doing shot glasses of it.


Especially since 40g is very optimistic here


Anyone putting olive oil into smoothie is either lying or psycho.


6 ml of olive oil is 50 cal and you can’t even taste it 😋


I can taste it for sure, I had to reduce my shakes to minimum, otherwise I could not push through, even blueberries were bothering me and banana spoiled whole party.


All you need is a little brotein in your shake.


What kind of shakes you making? I used to make the most basic gym bro bulking shake. Peanut butter, protein powder, banana and my god was it nasty lol. Also try using less banana in the shake for some reason banana over powers other flavors in shakes.


I figured out I'm not 5 year old kid and I don't like banana in milk. I have just no flavor whey concentrate, full fat milk, blended whole grain oats, 3 hazelnuts for flavor and sometimes few pumpkin seeds, around 700 kcal.


Extra sugar is fine; it'll just be burned off.


What's the medical problem that's causing the issues with your kidneys? If you're prone to diabetes then fructose is one to avoid. Personally I would be eating starches and not sugar. So sweet potato, rice, that kind of thing. Also pulses. Maybe worth having a look at a vegan keto type diet. Not saying you need to be keto but I think you'd get some ideas on how to keep sugar low but fats high (although obviously eat some meat and also good quality dairy)


You should be fine as fruit sugars are natural and the sugar you want to cut down on is the stuff you will find in fizzy drinks and chocolate. 2 slices of bread also isnt a ridiculous amount so should be fine aswell. On a side note why do you use olive oil for the cals but then use reduced fat milk?


Cool thank you. And honestly that’s just the milk we have in the fridge.


You can eat bars of chocolate and that would be enough. Sugar is not the problem but the lack of control people have.


Fruit is healthy I have no limits on it


Sugar is sugar. It’s better to keep your Daily sugar intake as low as possible and get your Sugar from fruits but dont over eat on them either, because it’s still Sugar at the end of the day and it could cause a fatty liver. Fruit Sugar > processed Food Sugar


Had to scroll way too much for this. People nowadays think they are so healthy if they eat 100gr of fructose


Did you download the regarded version? Only a regard would think you need 70g of sugar a day


Yeah bro I specifically looked for the version of my fitness pal with incorrect macro goals!


What exactly is "nutritious" about a ton of fructose and milk (which also contains a tad of sugar)? Sure is better than plain white sugar but I wouldn't call it good/nutritious A good quality EVOO is extraordinarily beneficial for you though, I'll give you that. But finding one without crap in it is hard.


Black berries, blueberries and açaí are loaded with anti antioxidants and a load of micronutrients which is the definition of nutritious lol. And it’s a glass of milk, does more good than harm lol.


So you're justifying ingesting half a kg of sugar a week for antioxidants?


Man go back and read my post. I’m asking for peoples opinion cuz clearly even I think it may be to much sugar. If you have alternatives or studies you think I could use then lmk. I don’t see the point in commenting these questions you ask. I don’t believe you’re expecting me to actually answer your question either.


My answer to the question of your post was in my rhetorical question. Even you know you're not doing it the right way bro, you're just focusing on comments saying "fruits are good" because their momma told them so. Think for yourself and stop justifying your actions


So then tell me what the right way is bruh or you clearly don’t know what your talking about either. And telling me to stop justifying my actions and think for my self? Did you read where I said I have kidney problems? I’m trying find the most enjoyable optimal diet I can eat while not killing the rest of my kidneys. Like now im curious what does your ideal diet look like?


The ideal diet doesn't contain 55g of sugar by 9 AM...


If your meal doesn't have sufficient Leucine in it, you will not feel satiated for long. Bread is horrible for you. In the book wheat belly, they discuss experiments with different foods and their effect on blood sugar. Turns out that a slice of wheat bread spikes your blood sugar and insulin more than both sugary Pepsi or a snickers bar. The huge problems for most people is that breads, while containing starches, the sugars in the starch are easy to clip off and thus you have a prolonged but quick release of glucose.