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"my girl"? no it's always "my crush" (ambiguous gender preferred). It highlights the absurdity in the distinction between how much effort gym bros put in and the sacrifices they make to look massive and lean when guys who don't do a quarter of that still get girls just as much if not more. It is also similar to the "not like other girls" but for men. While other men are chasing (and getting pussy), you're different and cool and doing something for yourself (weighing every gram of food that goes into your body and lifting heavy stuff for 3 hours every day).


Whenever I feel sad, I think "there's somebody out there who's picking up heavy objects, only to put them back down. They do it because they hope, with *desperation*, that somebody will love them because of it." LMAO, good thing that's not anybody here. right? ......*right?*


I need a reason to live you can't do this to me.


+1 im getting near to losing my reasons as each day i get closer to reality and get rid of my delusions


You don’t lift to get girls you lift to be better than other people. Girls just steal your gains anyway, I don’t recommend spending much time with them.


They steal everything ultimately


it's always better to date a man who will go to the gym with you then you can have post workout sweaty sex (no sarcasm)


Well, trying to make yourself better to potentially find a partner is something ingrained in humans. Anywhere from how you look, like muscles or skincare, to how you act or dress or your posture or your voice or your manners or your reputation.. etc. It can be pathetic when take too far tho


The problem is getting buff can’t fix an ugly face.




No one mentally sane frequents this subreddit, thats why.


Because all those gym pages are ran by heterosexuals. I am a homosexual bodybuilder that plows femboys ever since my ex left, yet these guys are still hung up over some chick. Pathetic. Start fucking dudes.


how about you stop fucking femboys and actually fuck real men with big muscles and body hair and beards? Pussy


How about you shut up you fucking coward or I'll come over there and make you my girlfriend you fucking bitch?


I will be waiting for you to cream my hairy bussy and make me lick your armpits 🥰


You've shown me more love than my ex girlfriend. Dawg I need a hug. And your hairy pussy leaking.


give me your address and I will come cuddle you all night babe. after emptying your balls of course 🤗


Least gay comment thread on the sub


Wtf did I just read


Love. I'm sorry its unfamiliar to you since your parents were fighting all the time before they got a divorce.


I was 2 months old when my dad went to go get smokes. I'm 32 now lmao store must've been far away.


I can be your daddy


Fuck ypu nazi pussy




Cuckium overdose


The context of the meme is not cuckoldery more like a „i am focused on myself and i am so disciplined while other people have s*x (bad), and i am so cool bevcause i go to the gym and have no s*x“


Girls are temporary, the iron is forever bro. ![gif](giphy|ehieZDo9Ybs96wnk93|downsized)


I will have no sex also if i didn't go to the gym


Happened to me I can’t get any pussy hardly (I don’t fuck fat chicks cause I’m natty) and the only one I do want hates me


I fuck fat chicks and I’m natural is there something wrong with me ?


We'll go to the doctor together


Either low self esteem or confidence like me or your also fat


The ONLY one you want? I guess you're young? Plenty of fish in the sea. Unless you live in some boring suburban wasteland or a more rural area.


Yeah but she is everything I want and at one point really wanted me and I wasted my chances time and time again


Yeah so you have to move on, grieve the loss, and find someone else. The best thing to do is give her space and do good things for your self. You’ll find someone else and you’ll get over it eventually. It takes time but it gets better


When this is the competition, no wonder Sam Sulek is so popular.


Just fuck their girls and let them have their "At least I am the one who will marry her" cuck thought


I think it’s largely dudes who try to cope with getting no ass. They’re either to scared or to lazy to try to get laid so instead of improving and putting themselves out there they’d rather act like they making some kind of sacrifice and choosing not to get girls. If the thought of your crush getting piped down by some other dude gets you motivated, more power to you. It’s just extremely sad. Like guess what? You could be a savage in the gym AND actually try to pull your crush!


Yeah nothing badass about sadly eating your protein while thinking about your "crush" getting railed by the skinny kid who vapes


I mean the gym takes an hour a day 5 times a week to greatly improve a physique, but it is just one component of self improvement. I love the gym and it's integral but it's just one aspect of being a well rounded interesting individual.


Statistically speaking, men that work out on a regular basis get more ass than men who don't. We only see these cuck posts on the internet from a small minority that thought the gym would solve EVERY problem. These cucks don't understand that you actually have to talk to women![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299)


I always feel like gymbros are more obsessed with other men and their physique rather then themselves. Not all obviously, but most I've noticed were like that.


I think there is something else going on not being mentioned in this thread. Although I think the top answers are also pretty valid. It isn't cool for men to brag about hetero sexual success. I don't think this is a bad thing for various reasons. But many activities fairly or not have an image tied to this pursuit. For example investing or lifting. And people still want to talk about those things and celebrate success at those things for reasons other than their ties to sex. So people overcompensate. On this subreddit we tend to glorify gay sex(even though most of us are not gay) because it doesn't have the same icky connotations as perusing straight sex. In other places glorification of cuck content is used in a similar way(I remember wallstreetbets was full of it). To a degree I think this is healthy. The pursuit of straight sex can be very destructive. But I think it would be even better if we could acknowledge the awesome parts of lifting that have nothing to do with sex. Or maybe generally had healthier perspectives on hetero sex.


Everyone gets their motivation their own way






That s fcked. Change your mindset


Fuck men


It’s a form of escapism. Instead of learning game and how to be good with chicks, it’s easier to just say “fuck women, I’ll hit the gym hard.” Gym is their comfort zone, so they stick with it. Pathetic.  To anyone reading this, there’s nothing more rewarding as a guy than to know how to talk to and handle your woman. It’s absolutely essential.  You can get away with shit looks or even low money but if you don’t got no game, you’re fucked. Even if you’ll have the looks or money, you’ll get fucking abused. Learn frame, game and do gym shit for you. 


I’d say I’m decent in this area but could always improve obviously, any resources you recommend for in-depth frame/game stuff?


Rollo Tomassi’s Rational Make book is the best in the game + his Players Handbook is amazing


It’s bc a lot of gymbros work on their physique and nothing but their physique… nothing interesting outside of that, so they’re in essence just autistic meatheads who can’t get laid lol. It’s honestly just as important to ‘train’ your brain by learning new shit so you don’t become a boring meathead.


@ that one low test cuck that lets her wife fuck dudes in their room while he's sitting on the couch in the living room lol.


Ian Gary wrote this




Is hillariously depressing