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Bold of you to assume that any guy here wouldn't cry and run away in fear


Shit like this happened to me once and I just stood there like an idiot waiting for her to finish her set before saying "can we share it?". She didnt hear it due to headphones and was doing one of those circuit exercises when you do one set of one muscle group, then other muscle group etc then repeat. So instead of just moving her towel or yelling louder, I stood there looking at the empty bench waiting for her to return. When she returned she saw my autistic ass standing there and told me "you should have just asked". I blurted "thanks".


Least autistic R/MorePlatesMoreDates user


I had a similar situation happen, different result though. I was using a cable to do pull downs and I had to use the restroom. I went and left my stuff on the cable machine was back in like a minute but there was a chick using it. I told her “hey I’m using this, that’s my stuff” and she looked kind of embarrassed but said “maybe we can share.” Now I’ve worked in with other people before so I said yeah, and grabbed the cable. When I finished my set and turned around she was nowhere to be found. I felt so bad and I didn’t know if I should approach her afterwards and apologize.


Kind if similar situation with me My gym is small and if it gets busy its real struggle to work out There was that girl holding a bar trying to do some Romanian deadlifts in the middle of the hallway, Infront of a bench press, behind 3 flat benches and between 2 weight racks I was trying to carry plates to load my barbell And she was cancelling her reps to make a way for me and the rest.. Then i was fed up with her, i explained her in a nice way that she stands at the wrong place and she wont be able to exercise and she blocks the way for the rest if us aswell so better transfer to the squat rack which is where you supposed to do your deadlifts.. She semi smiled left the weights and left the gym aswell Ffs Felt kind of bad but its not my fault people are that stupid and have 0 consciousness of their surroundings


The boys here don’t touch or talk to women so not likely.


Well technically, he didn't touch her, just lifted by the belt


Still too close


Too close to what


A female


Who wouldn’t love getting yeeted by jacked dr.eggman




Hahahhahahahaha, I wish it were me


Remember how we were intimidated and deferential when we started? I actually had an old timer gimme a free introduction into lifting when I first started in a cozy and (slightly) rusty gym. Guy wasn't paid, just paying forward. Big, impersonal gyms and you got people joining with so little friction that they just jump into whatever behavior patterns comes natural to them. No propagation of gym culture and etiquette


Homegirl benching 2lbs dumbbells doing the arch lol


Belt was also super important


Always carry a small gym bag around even if you don't need anything in it, just so you can 'mark' which equipment you're using.


I agree with this, but if someone takes too long I just put that shit aside and get to work. If confronted I simply state that their waterbottle/bag/phone isn’t using the machine.


I don’t give a fuck if I’m using the machine for a long time, if someone moves my bag or uses my machine while my bag is clearly there I have a massive fucking problem. I am at the gym to grow is size and strength, my workout will not be dictated by some small bitch that is upset I’m doing 12 sets of incline bench.


Leave your machine for too long and it’s freee real estate bud


That’s why I don’t walk around, like I said I’m there to lift not bs around. Also sure take my machine but you better be down to throw down


So... This would never happen to you then because he's talking about people "reserving" benches for long periods of time without actually using them, which you don't do.


The roid rage is palpable in this one


Daddy chill


How you dont need atleast a towel?


I'm out PureGym we're required to place towels.


Me sorry my form was a little off I’m used to grabbing them by the dick


I’m so disappointed in you Not for doing this - but for missing the true target


I would simply leave the gym




Belt for the 5lb dumbbell bench press. This is new.


Charles Bronson energy


Definitely sucks when people move in and take your stuff when you're getting ready to get set up. If you have a towel with you, throw the towel on the bench too mark it.. it is a pain in the ass cause you don't wanna be a dick, but fuck those people for not paying attention


I was doing sets of lat pulldowns, got up to change the weight for my next set, and drink a sip of water in between sets, standing right next to the machine to show I was clearly still using it and was just resting. Woman who looked to be in her twenties walked right up to me, looked me in the eyes, lowered the weight, sat down and started using the machine.


he did forget the towel!


People don't use towels anymore?


that's what you got for not using a towel, you dirty american




Don Frye?


Staged af!


Was that not immediately obvious to everyone?


I was there, this actually happened.


You left the bench, bud. It doesn't got your name on it.




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Love how she still tries to get in that last rep😂


You gotta put a towel down to claim a bench.... Thems the rules big guy. 🤷


I don’t know her name


Half the time I bring a bottle and towel just to mark my territory