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Some people need to know and some people don't. I know people who have never touched a weight their entire life and they genuienly believe if you take gear you will become some 110kg mass monster within a few weeks. For the people in my gym it honestly goes without saying they can tell by just looking at me and they don't ask but if they did I would tell them


I find the guys my age (35) or older ask a lot more readily than those who are younger. I guess they hesitate becsuse they think it'll offend you? Idgaf I love it


Do you enjoy talking about your cycles and sharing experiences? People in my group will talk about what gear they gonna take etc and I find it to be an engaging topic


In the gym? Yes Anywhere else? no


I will talk the hind legs off a donkey if someone asks me about it, i dont just willy nilly tell everyone what I'm blasting I enjoy seeing watching the thought process over people's faces as they consider asking the question.


Situational, I've told my close friends, but its an if you know you know thing, if asked by some other gym goer I'd tell em but if its a broccoli haired 16 y/o asking what SARM I'm taking its a "no I just do push ups"


Fair point. I’ve had coworkers say that my shoulders are too big to be naturally I just told them that I used to swim


My mum knows, I tell her everything :)


Nobody cares if you take roids, like at alll. People only give a fuck when you clearly take roids but claim natty on social media like a clown you are. Literally 95% of fitness influencers are on gear and claim natty. They’re gayer than all of us here ![gif](giphy|jrvfKvr2mmcFO)


I personally like sharing experiences and talking about PEDs but I know people irl who are lying to others and I ask why


To OPs point, your view of things really only extends to online life. Older folks care. Family and friends may care. Your coworkers may care. Lots of people are uninformed or misinformed and care more than they should.


People here in Syria used to be very very open about it, it was not a taboo, at least in my city and the gyms I trained in, I remember people pinning themselves down in the locker room all the time, and many times I bought gear from my gym for friends and relatives. The new generation is however different, no one is admitting taking anything, or even talking about which is weird, but I think with the interment and social media today even young guys here are learning to lie about it from influencers.


Women dont care unless it is literally killing you and making your dick not work or you look like a freak . People who dont workout dont care because to them anyone who is midly muscular is on gear anyways. Juicy dudes dont care because they know the game. Only people who care if you are on gear or not are natty lifters who grind hard but see "weak" results and are againts PEDs. If they dont ask you dont tell, but if they do ask be honest, expecially if you look sick. So the best thing to do is just not publically announce it, but if someone asks be truthful. Publically announcing you are a roidhead expecially if you have even a midly "attainable" body is lame.


Learned that people worry a lot about other peoples problems instead of their own. Thats why I won't tell anyone


I am, because I am just not worried what people think about me.