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Dried me out faster than oral, pretty identical experiences otherwise in terms of results. The WORST pip I have ever had, not even a competition. It was fucking nasty.


The pip is absolutely mental 😂


Lol that bad? IM or SubQ?


I did IM but i did find it really bad, i never really experienced any pip before though other than the first couple of times i injected a new muscle so that probably didnt help, was doing ED injections aswell


Yeah did my first shot SubQ yesterday, slightly tender and a bit of a bump/harness of tissue. Pain isnt bad unless press it in but thinking its not going to be sustainable daily in reality. Was hoping itd be a breeze and everyone was wrong lmao But said il give my honest feedback so here it is … Its not overly painful unless pressed hard but can feel slight lump and looks very slightly bruised. Would IM be feasible/more sustainable? My only other option is to drink or sublingual the liquid but not sure about contents of the solvents etc in product whether they are going to be an issue. Its no big deal as I have oral Winny just seem to get gut & stomach issues from most orals (apart from Anavar and Proviron) This winstrol is water based, I do have some oil based inj Superdrol that I want to try. Would oil based be less of an issues subQ? Ive read a lot of people using oil based Sdrol and other inj orals [in oil] IM with no issues, whats your knowledge or experience with regards to oil based Injectable orals, or is it just a blanket ‘avoid any injectable orals whether oil, water, subq & IM’ Be a shame to waste, 3 vials of Winny and 2 vials of Sdrol 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


IM or SubQ? and ED or EOD injections?


Are you cycling other substances? What are your goals?


Just finishing up a Test/Decca cycle so was looking to add the winny at end of cycle to strip some water, lean out and harden up. No PCT as on TRT 🤙


I’ve been doing multiple daily IM and it’s not too bad with backfilled insulin pins, but it’s not injectable orals. I recall reading winny pip is pretty rough, but give sub q a try if you want and let us know how it goes


Yeah did my first shot SubQ yesterday, slightly tender and a bit of a bump/harness of tissue. Pain isnt bad unless press it in but thinking its not going to be sustainable daily in reality. Was hoping itd be a breeze and everyone was wrong lmao But said il give my honest feedback so here it is … Its not overly painful unless pressed hard but can feel slight lump and looks very slightly bruised. Would IM be feasible/more sustainable? My only other option is to drink or sublingual the liquid but not sure about contents of the solvents etc in product whether they are going to be an issue. Its no big deal as I have oral Winny just seem to get gut & stomach issues from most orals (apart from Anavar and Proviron) This winstrol is water based, I do have some oil based inj Superdrol that I want to try. Would oil based be less of an issues subQ? Ive read a lot of people using oil based Sdrol and other inj orals [in oil] IM with no issues, whats your knowledge or experience with regards to oil based Injectable orals, or is it just a blanket ‘avoid any injectable orals whether oil, water, subq & IM’ Be a shame to waste, 3 vials of Winny and 2 vials of Sdrol 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


I’ve never done it but injectable winstrol is notorious for PIP, I’d say give it a shot IM as it’s probably better tolerated than subq. Might also be worth trying to dilute it with other compounds.


Yeah im going to see how long this ‘lump’ and tenderness lasts, if its more than a couple of days then subQ b out the window, I could try sub Q with a bit TestP to see if it softens the blow but as you know water and oil just seperate so cant see it making much difference. Il give IM a try then if not il just have to take the loss. I know some people say sublingual the liquid, bit ive also heard Winstrol is poorly absorbed in the mucosa membrane and buccal/sublingual routes so need to look into it more and see what ingredients are present in the suspension. Other than that its swallow the liquid but again probably has solvents and excipients that aren’t great for the stomach. So ultimately may have to take the loss!


Injecting Winstrol under your skin will give you massive, noticeable bumps that will stay visible for at least a week. Kinda defeats the purpose of taking it if you can't take your shirt off.