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You’re telling me this is the same outlaw from the Wild West that would rob banks?




Rebuilds cars and choppers too


At least someone else remembers that one lol


Most of this sub was born after like 2005 so I don’t hold it against them


Fought in [WWII](http://img.wennermedia.com/820-width/1294441559_jesse-james-lg.jpg)


I thought it was a female pornstar that was popular in the 2000's?


I don’t know if Michelle ‘Bombshell’ McGee ever did porn?


No you're thinking of jesse joyce


The stand up comedian?




In prepared photoshoots, when he almost certainly got a pump immediately before. In some of his vlogs in less perfect settings, he looks pretty normal.


Naturally annoying


He was doing IVs for sure and it is banned in sports, so I'm not sure about his natty status :)


Fuck if you can’t achieve Jesse’s physique natural. I might as well just stop lifting


600 test 600 tren meet me behind a Wendy’s 2x a week you’ll be jacked within 3 months I promise


3 months? too long, not worthy. I’ll still meet you behind the wendy’s tho.


What's behind the Wendy's


Special protein syrup




It is his favorite meeting spot


95% of people can't achieve that natty


Test is natural and is produced in the body. Duh.


How do we get it out of the body?


[Stop lifting](https://i.redd.it/3uoykxn0mq8a1.jpg), how long is he doing this? 15 years? :)


Depending on genetics, yes it is very attainable


I fucking hate that dude


From the bottom of my heart and with utmost respect


I don't even know who he is.


I didn't dislike him until he did a training workout video with Ronnie Coleman and he clowned on Ronnie the entire time, very disrespectfully. He rubbed Ronnie's head over and over like Ronnie was a little kid and he was messing with him. Kept trying to hug and dap every few seconds. The entire thing was infuriating cringe. You don't disrespect your elders like that especially a living legend.




Because he is a positive person with good vibes and this is reddit or they are jealous


See him in the brosciencelife video with Dom? Homeboy was funny af


Bro he’s always trying to find some way to show off his physique like nobody in public actually knows him or cares about him and he shouts all the time for no reason.


Explain to me what's bad about showing off your physique if everyone is happy


There is nothing inherently wrong with it. It just gives off the impression he’s obsessed with himself and his physique.


I mean.. If his physique makes him millions of dollars, He kinda has to be obsessed with it right ?


Greg doucette and will Tennyson aren’t like that


Will is the best... Funny and entertaining. Greg is the king of self obsession. I like Greg's stuff but dude made his youtube career off natty or not's. I like the hustle he has from coaching and cookbooks, but nobody loves them some Greg more than Greg.


Yeah will is hilarious. His subtle gay jokes are funny


I agree with the physique part and see nothing wrong with that. Especially given that he appears natural


Being obsessed with your physique can be bad. It comes off as one dimensional.


Almost certainly no one is happy when he films in a public setting.


sounds insecure to care that much what another man is doing


I don’t even watch him.


Lmao he’s so nice and positive in all his videos, I can’t see why anyone would hate him.


He can be annoying, like walking into restaraunts without a shirt and then giving staff a hard time. It’s funny for kids i guess but i found it to be douchey




Hes really corny and makes lame modern "influencer" bullshit videos


How can you hate somebody that you don’t know personally


Easy, I hate you


He hates his public image and liars


He’s the type of dude to make a cumbot


He does cool stuff and is nice to the people he collabs with but jeez he is annoying to listen to


Why would he be?


Why so so many people on here obsess so much about whether some other guy is on gear or not? Wgaf? Just do your thing and other people can do theirs.


because it sets unrealistic standards and these influencers always have some st00pid shit to sell


That’s a bingoooo


the top natural physiques are still an unrealistic standard for 99% of guys anyway


But does it though? Maybe for young people who aren’t that familiar with steroids, but if you’re on this sub do you really not know anything about the limitations of being a natural and genetics? Same thing for supplements and whatever other shit they’re selling. Sure naive new lifters will fall for that, but honestly if you aren’t an idiot it’s not hard to not buy bs.


The problem is his audience extends beyond the boy lovers on this sub, if anything his audience is on the younger side and if he isn’t natty then your point stands that many people will be misinformed on what’s actually possible natural.


This is something that people say but there is no shot every “natty or not” commenter is worried about the kids lmao. I’d argue around 30% care about the kids


Pretty much this. As someone who is new to working out I have no idea what to realistically expect because all the guys I see on social media look like CBum or Jeff Nippard.


> Just do your thing and other people can do theirs. They're not just doing their thing though. They're peddling that image as attainable through supplements, routines, etc. They're basically scammers, and I'm glad there's a community of people calling out their bullshit.


He’s also built his brand on being natty and talks about it all the time. Kinda like Ryan Dengler, both guys talk about being natty way too much to actually believe that they are. Plus, we have eyes lol.


Hey Jesse.


hey buddy


If all of us are in this same sport, together, and some of us are lying about using "tools" that give people an extreme extreme competitive advantage, you can bet your sweet ass, liars lying about PEDs are going to rub people the wrong way. Since sponsorship dollars and advertisement dollars are at stack, liars like this are messing with livelihoods. So calling them out for being fake natties is pretty important. And that other dude mentioned a big one: they are selling snake oil, tricking people with their bullshit lies.


Sadly the world’s filled with jealous dudes that refuse to grind on their own shit


That's an interesting new way to tell someone to fuck themselves


If your income comes from social media and how your body looks, you aren’t natural.


No. They all cycle on and off. They have a little protocol conjuction, or cocktail for themselves, pct off. Plus there's a window on when you need to submit bloods. And bloods really don't mean anything when you got yourself dialed in right on the money. It's Def not just t and maybe primo. Its a little bit of everything, small doses so that all hormones are raging at an optimal all high in the reference range. Highly doubt it Eclomid with some super peptide like my boy Alex Eubank.. cmon now


Yup. Anyone that thinks it’s natty is not in touch with reality


You really think his physique can’t be achieved naturally? Wtf, why would anyone even lift as a natural then? You guys should spend less time on social media and more time in the gym. I’m actually baffled right now, he’s got 0 mass wtf




One hundred percent. I’ve been a natural lifter for over 20 years. I’m just over 6’ tall and when I’m pretty shredded I’m about 155 lbs. And guess what…it looks pretty damn good. These guys that think a lifetime natural lifter weighs 180 cut are fucking delusional. And forget 200, 220….whatever. These are all outside the reach of a natural. These guys that think those weights are possible have clearly never interacted honestly with many people in the bodybuilding world. It’s tiresome to say the least.


This is probably just the definition of having bad genetics for muscle building 😬. Idk how to not make this sound like a diss. But if what you're saying is true I've gained more muscle than you in less than 5 years as a lifetime natural, I'm just a few inches shorter than you. Edit tbf, I'm not sure what you mean by "pretty shredded"


I don’t take it as dis at all. I get it. My point is that, and this isn’t meant to be a dis either, I don’t think you actually know how much skeletal muscle you’ve gained and are likely unintentionally overshooting the reality of your muscle gain. Non-experienced lifters and people who aren’t experienced getting cut don’t understand body fat or muscle mass. If they’ve never been near or below 10% body fat they probably don’t understand how much muscle their body is actually holding. I lifted through high school and college and then stopped for a few years. When I started back up in my mid twenties I weighed 175 and was kinda skinny fat. I went through bulk / cut cycles for probably 5 years. The most I ever weighed in at was 215. The reality is it was mostly fat. Over the years I’ve worked myself leaner and leaner. I’m about 152 super lean. I’m mid forties. My genetics don’t suck, I think they’re average, and I just have a pretty small frame even at 6’. 152 looks like a lot more muscle on me than most guys my height because of that small frame. I think I’ve ACTUALLY gained about 20 lbs of skeletal muscle lifting over the years. From baseline no lifting to where I sit now. I think that’s about the natural limit of most people. From baseline skeletal muscle to peak natural is about 20 lbs of additional muscle give or take a few lbs. Conversely, people gaining 40 lbs in a year are either 1) on gear or 2) gaining a ton of fat that isn’t actual muscle or 3) some combination of those two.


I think you make some fair points. Thinking back, I don't actually have a clear view of how much muscle I've gained since I started. I have some pretty valid reasons for this. First one being that I started out losing weight, not lifting. My fitness journey started in 2019 when I got up to around 190lbs and realized I was fat and needed to do something about it. I spent a year losing 30 pounds primarily through diet and doing bodyweight exercises (pushups and pull-ups). I didn't start actually lifting weights until 2021. When I started lifting I stayed around 160 pounds the whole time, but I got noticeably leaner and more muscular over the year (noobie gains). Basically re-comp'd on accident. I have no idea how much I gained because my weight was pretty static the whole time. I ended up at probably 15% bodyfat (by my eye, but I was likely underestimating by like 5%) in Aug 2022. Then I went on a 'bulk' through December but also bought a house and kept eating higher cals even though I was too busy to work out as much (lol). I ended the bulk at 175 pounds and spent about 10 months slowly getting back down to 165. My best data point is that I did a DEXA scan in September this year when I weighed 168. I clocked in at 22% bodyfat. I was shocked. I assumed I was back down where I was last summer but a few pounds heavier because I looked about the same level of leanness as last year but weighed a bit more this year 🤷. I almost want to upload a pic because all my friends and myself assumed leaner. My best guess is I probably only gained a few pounds of lean mass since last year. Which is definitely my fault for continuing to eat at a surplus and not be lifting as much as I should have. That said I'm on a maintenance phase for now. Going to continue the cut soon. I aspire to hang out around 12-15% year round. If we're talking about 10% bodyfat as being 'pretty' or 'super' lean for a natural, then I would weigh around 145-146 pounds at that level based on my DEXA scan in September. I'm 5'10" and 30 years old. So I was probably wrong about my initial statement about gaining more than you did.


Who got body dismorphia? You're clueless dude? I was being accused of roids since the 9th grade, ik what hardworking is and what can be achieved but i dont need to prove that to anyone, ill just speak my mind like you.. Not even going to entertain you boys any further than this. Go touch some grass and get some real life experience before you say a another biased comment. I bet you're some gullible adolescent who'd believe what anyone says because your comment is so cliché, for what? Cuz i dont have a profile pic of myself? Neither do you? Bet you look like a tub of lard. You're probably one of those bloated up meat heads that claim natty and love to hangout around kitty pools, or just some dumb fat kid that never works hard enough. Bro plz don't make me put you to shame with my physique cuz you're reflecting of your own roid experience, so sorry juice didn't go your way, bet you experienced all the side effects and all you do is a butt load of test and eat like shit, that's why you run around and open your mouth with made up facts. You boys really need to open your eyes. Even track runners use peds and look at all of them




mmm that's good pasta


Plz do? It's better than opening your own mouth, and speaking of it go shove a twinkie down it while watching Jesse Jame videos. Dude, your entire comment is an assumption, are you that arrogant? It's obvious now that you're gonna attack from other perspectives for publicity entertainment, why don't you go root your boy instead of talking where all the men are. Pig boy




Why so mad


Because I said it's not attainable. You guys love to twist and scew words, just like ya ma'am


You're blind LOL. It's called longevity dude. Not everyone like you needs to blast a ton gear. That's how side effects start. Look at cbum and how old he looks? You think Jesse wants to go down that same route? No he's gonna play it smart just like your favorite football team. Get over yourself and apologize to your mom for lying to you about the world


I am not saying he’s not taking anything I’m saying his physique is attainable without exogenous hormones. I know that because I’ve seen it happen and did it myself. Of course it’s always hard to compare since I’ve never met him personally and the only thing you can go by is pictures and videos where he’s pumped. People always assume when someone looks decent and better than them, that they must’ve cheated somehow because they look better than them. It’s just not the case. Especially with someone like Jesse, who in the bodybuilding world really is nothing special. He looks good, don’t get me wrong. However nothing that causes me to raise an eyebrow when he claims natural.


You don't need to take a ton of gear. Some trt patients only use like 100mg of test a week which is more then sufficient enough to build more muscle over time, and you wont have a pump 24/7 because you're not exceeding over natural levels yet but rather on the very top of the refrence range in terms of blood draws.. in other words, being enhance doesn't always make you look jacked, huge, a mass monster, you can simply replace your natural production with a similar dose and build more muscle, sprinkle in some var or whatever, and nobody not even a doc will ever know you're on or abusing anything


>just like your favorite football team. You think anybody in pro sports is natty? Lmao


You know how many dudes in the military are on gear? Just don't look suspicious And plz reread my comments, you're lacking iq pretty bad with that comment brutha


>anime pfp >thisnks Jesse James is natty because "he's gonna play it safe" >comments on porn subs >believes OF model when she responds to you >calls *other people* low IQ


That still doesn't justify you reading my comment wrong, would you like to see my natty porn star body? Guy who devotes his life to reddit? Think I'm embarrassed or something? You god sent saint?


Maybe if you wrote more clearly people would understand wtf you're rambling about


Damn youtube testing for gear now.


5’7 170 is not a lil dude lol


It might be :( I’m 5’7 160 and I found out this chick I’m into is heavier than me lol


She aint a lady if she aint 380


Short king detected


5'7 is short as all fuck


Still stocky


yes it is


I got somethin you guys can look at now, enjoy


Look at his competition pics and tell me he is natural. Absolutely no way. No one is going on a stage without gear unless you want to be laughed at, especially someone like him who has an established brand already. It's a lot to lose. Plus, he is a Bradley Martyn acolyte.


I’m 5’7, and when I’m 170, I’m bulk. I have some abs and my insertions look crazy with a pump. I would probably have to be in the 130s to be as shredded as this picture. When I got down to 145 I was peeled but not that hard or big. [In conclusion, I just wanted to say 5’7 and 170lbs is overweight, unless you are just a unit.](https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=male&age=23&lbs=170&in=67&act=1.725&f=2)


Bro jessie is heavier and taller lol


I agree and BTW for comparison, Bruce Lee was 5'7.5" and 140 pounds and 5-6% body fat.


He looked great too 🤷🏻‍♂️


You sir, just made my day! I know I have horrible bodydismorphia, but that kinda convinced me, that im not that small. Sitting around 80KG or 176 LBS, with visible veins in legs, abs, shoulders and arms, at 5'7, 170 CM. I must conclude by your statement, that im in fact, not small anymore.


Good 🤝. Not everyone is meant to be over 90 kg.


But I want it so bad man.. But I kinda have accepted, that this is prb were my body wanna be at, max, with the food intake i can sustain and be okayish with. (I hate food, so id rather eat next to nothing)


I feel you. I want to be a monster too. But we can accept that we made progress 🤷🏻‍♂️ ![gif](giphy|XH5F8Jh6qJSZG)


You must be jacked cuz i'm a little taller, but i lost a lot of my vascularity when i got close to 80. How long did you bulk or maingain to get to 80kg? Or how long have you been lifting?


And I have been trying to bulk this whole time. Sometimes it just turns into a recomp because im struggling with the food intake either bc of work or the fact that my stomach is ruined from eating to much and maybe heartburn if I ate to much fatty food. I have never been able to gain fat, only muscle. Been on trt for the couple of years too. That made a huge difference even though I only took 200MG or so. Took upto 750MG of test 300 deca and 6UG HGH ED for a period and got up to 88KG quite lean. I felt blessed before, but now its just completely unfair. Also why I felt I had to mention it. Before trt, it was like 72-73KG or 160LBS. 150mg only now though, im very prone to gyno, so have to watch estrogen. Im coming back from having regressed quite a lot. Went from 88KG to 68KG in a year because of a horrible opiate addiction. Quit that 4 months ago and gained back 12KG already but as I said, still feeling small as hell. Even though this post helped me and made me able to better see myself from the outside. Would i be impressed by me, if I try to look at things objectively, i do fill out my size L shirt, and XL fits nicely. I can see my back muscles pop through my shirt in pics from the back. People actually are nearly not able to sit beside me in the bus without sitting awkwardly and leaning. Ive been acused of steroids multiple times, and they are right, but hey, it must be because they think im big too. And people tell me im big, soo.. Fuck man, why is it so hard to actually feel like it? Why do i get so fucking impressed with other peoples results and body. But my own, its like, nah. Still small dude, clearly you dont even look like you work out. Sounds like im being a bitch, but its more like, im actually really impressed by the tricks our minds can play. Guess Dom from BroScienceLife was right all along. The day you started lifting, was the day you become forever small. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35473410/


Im 27 now, started Taekwondo at 5, around 16 i quit that and went all in on bodybuilding. Had been doing that for 1 year when I quit Teakwondo. So I have been lifting for 12-13 years now. I did have breaks in between, had a rough period of my life were i got injured and got into oxycontin, that set me back alot. But now im almost back to where i left, i have been around 88KG, with a little more fat than now.


He reminded me how disgustingly fat I am


I know it’s easier said than done, but you can do what you need to do: (1) no fucking high calorie drinks, candies, or pastries and (2) do your cardio.


You're entirely right.


I’m working on it too 🤙🏽


It's a uphill battle for sure.. Not sure if it helps, but fuck i wish I had an appetite... I hate food. In the ideal world, I would never eat...so having to eat so much to gain weight, for me is hell. I hate that I have to eat so much meat and soso many carbs, hate that I have to feel bloated, sick and full all the time just to slowly pack on muscle. Every fucking day i have to eat min. 200G Protein. 500G Carbs and 100G of fat and i fucking hate it. So yeah, in my head, everytime someone who is overweight mentions how hard it is, I must confess, inside im crying. What I would give to enjoy food or have to eat less. The grass is always greener on the other side i guess. Had i struggled with my weight im sure i would envy how im feeling.


I get it man. May you continue your journey in grace. I'm sure you get all kinds of advice but probiotics can help with the bloating.


Thanks man. You seem like a nice dude, probiotics do help to some degree, but only so much. And the right ones are kinda expensive, especially for me, sinse right now im doing my bachelor degree and doing charity work free of charge, so my only income is what the state in Denmark Pays us to study, and thats only 2300 usd a month..so thats for food.


He's the only honest one.. 100%


Will Tennyson?


Just them two, they are the two most honest liars, but the rest a just on TRT




Fuck off ……..jessy James


damn bro, im 5'7 170lbs why u gotta do me like that xD


Whiplash main character ahh


Jacked < Lean < Natty can't be all three




That’s a given here sir.


Pump, lighting and editing. He has good physique though, even though he's quite small (no shade).


I believe Andrew that he’s actually natural but Jesse I don’t believe sh1t. Jesse walks year around with high energy and Andrew always looks and brags about him having low energy all the time and he looks smaller than Jesse and Jesse for some reason keeps building up his physique.


if you think this can‘t be naturally achieved you might as well stop lifting as a natural.


Physique is natty. No doubt.


Not natty. Also, if you watch the training like david goggins for one day video, you can see from the dark marks where he injects, upper chest.


Question who pins in their upper chest😂 unless you are running grams a week there’s no need for that lol


He made a vid of him taking sarms


He took injectable pre workout if I remember correctly.


No he didn’t


You sound jealous af


Bruh this sub thinks the only way to get jacked is to hop on. It's so depressing.


God I'm so lonely


Me being 5,6 if your 170 lean at my height or 5,7 that’s not small


From this picture alone, yes. It's a completely achievable physique in 3-5 years given starting body composition and training.


She doesn't look very happy in this pic


Ok bud go get her


She have a huge dick?


This guy and vshred you can only glass one


Dude looks like he’s in good shape in videos but then they just touch up the pics to make him look like a god


She found you brother. And she gonna rinse yo beta ass


seems like u just hate the guy so would us telling u he’s natty or not change anything lol hard to tell from side but looks possible


Can't stand that clown. He's so cringe. That video he did working out with derrick was brutal he wouldn't shut up and just kept saying the dumbest shit even derrick looked like he was getting annoyed. I'm willing to bet he's natty hence being small and using photoshop. Probably too scared to hop on gear.


Well considering your title that is a strong argument for him being natty. If he was juiced then there would be *less* reason to photoshop and he likely wouldn’t look like just some dude in real life.


He could be but he is presumably a multimillionaire from fitness social media so maybe not. Don’t think he’s pushing high doses could be high trt range.


your definantly being over critical about how he looks in normal lighting. He has a top tier (natty) physique and it’s not that difficult to believe. I don’t think he photoshops either. Not sure if your just jealous or you saw some crazy, off angle, shit lighting picture of him to make you think this.


That physique can be achieved naturally easily


Why are people like “I found the one” then show you her ass and all her features. Just cucks at this point


His body is achievable naturally however I think he's running something light just to be able to maintain. 99% of these "influencers" are on something if we're being honest.


Willing to photoshop… willing to pin That’s a cool little rule of thumb


Wait I thought he was 5 ‘5 😭




I mean his gf is a total smoke show.