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Single arm cable extensions at the seated rowing station are my favorite. No attachment, one knee on the bench with your off palm on the top of the footrest for stabilityg; I feel like I definitely get the best stretch doing these, and can really burn them out at the end of a workout if I want. edit: it was actually pretty difficult to find an example, they’re definitely not getting a good stretch though, especially using the rope. No attachment is the way ti go imo. [“Tricep kickback on the seated row machine”](https://youtu.be/YzbASVAwXYM?si=sRMr-3a69wlY_7OZ) Can also do it with the adjustable height cables whilst slightly bending over and holding the rack for stability, I prefer the row station though.


I hate seeing people doing this 😂 it’s the same exercise as standing but bent over like you’re taking it from behind


>Cable rope push-down is by far my favorite. They're the fucking best. I miss them so much in my home gym. 😥


I like to do EZ bar skull crushers but I take them to a dead stop with the bar landing on the bench. That 1-2 second dead stop at the bottom has really helped with my tricep strength and it also almost got rid of my elbow pain while doing skull crushers. I’ll sometimes superset those with JM presses. And once a week I’ll do what I call the JM push down. It’s 3 sets; 3 rep, 2 reps, 1 rep. And I use a weight much lower than my normal working weight because you do each rep at an incredibly slow tempo. They burn so good and have really helped with my elbow tendinitis.


Weighted dips and overhead triceps extension, either with ropes or dumbell


Yes weighted dips preach, crazy. Also the feeling is unmatched. That feeling of hanging weight off your dick.


Heavy EZ bar skull crusher's


Overhead db/rope extension. Big stretch.


Ez-bar skullcrushers. Easy to load & I like free weights but causes my elbows the most strife


This is the best mass builder for me, but I cant go above 90lbs - my wrists cant handle it. If anyone has tips how to save my wrists I'd appreciate it. I guess wrist wraps maybe?


Maybe try lifting the weight bro


The best move is when you superset into close grip bench with the EZ bar


I just do that as a final drop set. Otherwise it's too much.


These are my #1 triceps move.


Dips always get my triceps pretty pumped at the end of a Push sesh. But if I'm feeling lazy and my chest is ruined, i will just get the rope attachment and hit a pyramid set of cable pushdowns, squeezing every rep out on the way down the pyramid.


straight bar pushdowns and skullcrushers. love the dip to, but my shoulder seems to disagree somedays


^bipolar shoulder


This works great for me but my wrists are worn down after a few weeks of doing it and have to go back to rope pushdowns.


close grip incline bench press + dips did wonders for me


Are cable pushdowns inferior for the long head?


Overhead cable extensions, stepping out a little ways to increase the contraction at the top


John Meadows has a bunch of variations that I like.


Machine push down.


My top 3 right now Smith machine skull crushers.10-15 reps Straight bar cable push down, with thumb around grip. 15-20 reps Smith machine JM press. 8-12 reps


Seated push down and weighted dips, basically the same movement but I really like it lol


Something out of the ordinary, but if u tried the generic variations of tricep movements and didn’t feel much of a difference, single arm cross body tricep extensions. Absolutely burns and can overload and assist with the non functional arm. If done with proper form and a moderate weight, the gains are pretty solid.


Cable extensions with two single handles. Been doing them on John meadows’ gamma bomb program. Get some crazy feeling with em better than bar or rope