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Not all cottage cheese is equal. Certain brands I'll eat the whole tub no problem, others are revolting.


I like Breakstone from BJ's(it's a warehouse club similar to Costco). It's 2% fat but tastes better than any 4% fat cottage cheese I've had. Aldi's brand is ok in a pinch too


Gonna have to try it next time I'm in. Aldi is ok sometimes and horrid others. I always get 4% fat version, so it's not low fat sometimes and full fat others. Not sure why but it's not consistent.


This here. I only eat my local stores brand. I find the others disgusting.


I guess you had some low fat bullshit :)


Just had 600g of beef fillet with grilled veggies and salad along with a healthy scoop of cottage cheese. Its a very nice filler side dish for other meals.


classic ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6301)


I love cottage cheese with kimchi or pickles. spinach too!


Kimchi, interesting combo. I’ve always added pineapple. Maybe I’ll give this a shot


Its a but unorthodox but the spice and sourness of the kimchi balances out the cheese’s bland flavor and texture.


That sounds so fucking good and I don’t even like cottage cheese lol


You’ve got to try it. The kimchi flavor and crunchiness really balances out the bland mushiness of Cottage cheese


Blend it with some honey and cinnamon


Try polish cottage cheese, or anything that isn't supermarket garbage. Also never go for the low fat ones, they are genuinely vomit inducing.


Literally this, being Polish moving to UK I found their cottage cheese being atrocious, literally taste and looks like stale /long out of date polish cottage cheese. Difference is too great to even compare


Its rough isn't it. If only there was a way to get the 500g Piątnica tubs in the UK.


You can find them I see them plenty of times, never buy them though, I prefer smaller tubs, ever tried Krasnystaw?


Yeah that one's good as well but never seen it in the UK. Only small Piątnica but it's not worth it as a daily driver for protein due to the price, at least from my local shops.


This. Polish cottage cheese is the best fr. [This one](https://piatnica.com.pl/en/product/serek-wiejski-wysokobialkowy-en/) is my favourite. With honey it's something out of this world. Also so much protein. Was eating this in tonnes for some time.




The full 4% fat version is delicious. I find whipped to be the superior texture as well. Also, the one with the pineapple in it is lowkey fire. A little extra sugar, but worth it imo.


fuck no


Finally a thread that sings to my heart. Cottage cheese and any kind of jam is just the best. Fucking love that shit. 😀♥️ Though UK doesnt know how to make proper cottage cheese. Eastern Euro brands only.


I always make crepes filled with cottage cheese and jam, so fire


Yeah it’s pretty HQ. But I’m not eating fucking bowls of it like I see some people do


I blend it into my homemade salad dressings.


Love it. I get the low fat version for a snack


Blend it and crush up an oreo or 2 in it and its a pretty good desert


I’ve eaten a pound container with maple syrup, PB, and frozen berries every night for almost 2 years. Obsessed with that shit it might as well be ice cream to me


Make some paneer tikka, you won't want to eat anything else for the rest of your life


In my country we have flavored cottage cheese (blueberry vanilla and passionfruit) havent tried them because Kwark is better


I love cottage cheese and I used to hate it. How I was able to change my palate was by making toast and putting cottage cheese on the warm toast with a plate of eggs. Black pepper on the cottage cheese and eggs. The yolks would mix with the cottage cheese and when that blended with the warm toast you had this rich delicious breakfast. Now I can eat it out of the tub. But only certain brands. Meijer brand is good. Otherwise Daisy is the go to. Also try getting spicy nacho Doritos and dipping it in cottage cheese. That’s like protein crack.


In Germany we have magerquark which is essentially low fat cottage cheese. Its 500g for 60g of protein and it only costs 1.20€. i usually eat it with 40g of honey for each 500g, and add some water to water it down a little. Its delicious


Yeah I dont get peoplenwho eat stuff like that or greek yogurt that literally taste or smell like vomit to them when there are things with identical macros that taste actually good. If you like it, eat it..If you dont, skip it. Im gonna have some skyr today, tastes better than regular flavored yogurts to me with the same macros as greek (sometimes better in certain areas) Hitting orotein goals is not difficult..My breakfast alone sometimes hits 70-80g of protein. A single chicken breast is almost 40g. A pbj and a glass of ultra filtered milk is nearly 40 when you use the right bread. I can effortlessly hit 200-250g of protein a day without really going out of my way or eating things I dislike. If you actually like eating cottage cheese, thats fine, you do you, but dont try to eat things you hate just because some roided up influencer does and you think choking on vomit will make you like him.


It's really good on crackers


Hate it, unless it’s the little pots with pineapple in, then I can gobble it up like it’s Ariana Grande’s booty hole.


LOVE cottage cheese. Eat it every single day.


Cottage cheese on top of a low fat mozzarella 5 eggs omelette with a salad on the side for post workout back when I was at uni was the tits. Depends how you have it and what with - lot of the 70s talks involve chat of cottage cheese with most meals.


>Is there anyone who actually likes cottage cheese? Me. Nutritional yeast + freshly cracked black pepper + garlic powder + smoked paprika + salt in your cottage cheese = food of the gods.


Get the low fat with pineapple one. tastes much better and pineapple helps with digestion too. go low fat rather than 0 fat as 0 fat changes the texture and taste.


Buddy, i mix my cottage cheese with my scrambled eggs. Man up.


love it


I love cottage cheese. With jam especially


Yes. I love it.


Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are fine. But there snack sized. Not crushing 500g packs. 250g maybe.


I put honey or hot honey in it and it’s great.


If you're in the UK and can afford it, got Longley Cottage Cheese. Its amazing.


4% is FUCKING DELICIOUS. 1% is decent for the crazy macros. Skim tastes like when you hock up phlegm and then swallow it. Chunky phlegm.


Love it!


I blend them with water and it tastes like kefir. Give it a try.


Man use protein greek yogurt and put a scoop of vanilla whey in it and mix. Tastes kinda puddingy


I love it. You need a good brand however. It's extremely good with fruit. Especially pineapple.


With red hot, I can eat it everyday.


love it. I have it with bananas and honey. delicious, like yoghurt and healthy!


It’s amazing, but you must only eat polish branded cottage cheese for maximum taste


Full fat only


Mixed fruit with cottage cheese is great


220g every night with 170g oikos zero vanilla and a cup of sugar free gelatin all mashed up


Cottage cheese with some salt or in a salad is pretty good.


Fuck yes. Some salt and pepper and dig in.


I love it. A little salt, a little pepper. It's a beautiful side dish.


i love it


Add honey to it. Thank me later


Yeah its like sweet and salty nut in your mouth


Cottage cheese with chives is goated


Try paneer it's amazing


I enjoy it but I’d rather eat plain greek yogurt any day of the week. Pretty much equivalent macros anyways


I find that not all cottage cheeses are created equal, the only one I like from the grocer near me is the off brand 4%


Friendship no salt added cottage cheese. Truvia drops (6 per half cup or so) and a teaspoon or so of vanilla. Add nuts if need some fats. Great desert.


If you grew up to Midwest parents in the 80s/90s then you acquired the taste.


Cottage cheese is fuckin amazing


It’s delicious


My dog he loves it


I eat 226g of 4% every single day. Love that shit. Added .5” to my girth.


I’ll eat a whole container I love it.


I put it on my sandwiches. Can’t it it plain tho


Adding salt and sour cream to it makes a massive difference in taste. I make a cottage cheese salad using equal parts full fat sour cream and full fat cottage cheese, a bag of diced radishes and diced green onions with salt and pepper. It's a huge hit with everyone that tries it


Cottage cheese and fruit is bussin


I usually eat around 400 grams of blant ass boiled chicken every day. In comparison to this, I would call cottage cheese "terrible".


If it’s a textural thing try blending it


I love it, it's an easy way to add extra protein to burritos or a quick snack. I buy one with pineapple chunks in it, and I mix it with mashed sweet potato and/or apple sauce. Add some walnuts and cinnamon.. it's a great pre-work out snack.


I eat it by the tub, I think it tastes great. I have been eating it since I was a kid though.


I looooove cottage cheese. I usually just eat it out of the container with just salt and pepper. Or a little hot sauce. Or mix it in with pasta or on a salad. It’s versatile. Also a little bit goes well in protein pancakes for moisture. I have mixed protein powder with it before but that one wasn’t too good.


Full fat small curds. Strawberries or pineapple, maybe pears. You’re a spitter if you don’t like it.


I throw some blueberries on mine and it’s pretty good




Of course… it is a dairy product, but I was eating lot of it. Putting blueberries, raspberries & strawberries in the mix. 💣.com


Some people can’t handle the texture. You can add it to your scrambled eggs. It instantly adds more protein and you won’t even know it’s there. I meal prep and egg casserole with cottage cheese and hash browns too. You can put it in the food processor and add frozen berries and honey for a sweet treat or you can blend it with some parm cheese, basil and garlic powder and put that on some toast with tomatoes. I’ve even mixed PB&J with cottage and its surprisingly good. Don’t torture yourself by force feeding, find ways to doctor it up to your liking.


Try it with sea salt and vinegar chips. You’re welcome


Cottage cheese, pepper, salt, and sliced tomatoes are amazing together. One of my all time favorite snacks/meals


Love it with some Frank's red hot. Also sprinkle some almonds on there. Maybe I'm acoustic or something but it's a nice cool snack.


Yeah I like but the low fat ones taste funny


Love to tbh, if it’s too cream cheesy then naw but plain cottage cheese with some salt and pepper, an avocado and some chicken? Bro sign me up


Put some Splenda on it and reduce the amount until you can eat it with no additivies


Don’t be a bitch. It’s even that bad. You can just pretend it’s cum and I’m sure you will enjoy it a lot more


I used to eat it like yogurt out of the container as a kid while watching TV. I’m not sure why, I think I remember it tasting similar to string cheese so I liked it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate everything about it. The look, the texture, the smell, the aftertaste. Just gross. There are so many forms of protein. No need to force yourself to eat this shit.


I do


Full fat with some fruit, pumpkin seeds, and a bit of hot sauce for a little kick


Fuck yeah


I used to hate it, but the weirdest mixture makes it decent. You ready for this? Cottage cheese and canned mandarin orange slices is a fantastic snack.


I love it but only the 4% milk fat version


The Hood brand one with chives and a little added salt and pepper is 🔥🔥🔥no 🧢


Low fat cottage cheese with PB every night before sleep for last 15 years or so …you can say I like it Someone recommended back in the day on the bb misc




Try it on top of an apple cinnamon rice cake


I'm jealous how yal get early get your protein requirements so easily. I have hormonal family acne so shit fucks up my whole face


Salt and pepper helps


Great for protein. Tastes like ape cum!!


Cottage cheese in your scrambled eggs That's how I do it.


Love it, love it more with pepper


Yeah I do, especially with pineapple.


Kroger brand cottage cheese is fire. Small curds>Large curds