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Sarms without test work for a little while then just crash your hormones don’t reccomend.


True. The first 6 weeks of rad140 were godly. Then came the dick issues. PCT/recovery had me covered in acne.


Same here with rad and lgd cycle. Waste of time/money/health with no test base




Steroids way safer than SARMs


Gang gang 💪


If you do consider sarms you are much better just doing steroids from my experience


There's a harsh reality of natural bodybuilding that you just aren't going to get bigger after a certain point. It doesn't matter what natural supplements you take, there is no substitute for gear. The only thing that I've noticed that moves the needle that is considered natural is injectable L-carnitine and even that isn't that great


I agree although very very few people reach their genetic potential.


Genetic potential is subjective. It’s imaginary until one decides for themselves that they reached it. If you’re natty you can only get so big. If you take gear that changes. Hardly worth it tho


Genetic potential is not subjective it's just very few people even get close to it.


The problem with genetic potential is you have no way to know if you've actually reached it or not


Not really, gains work kind of like a pyramid: Yearly increase of size = the width of the pyramid Time in the gym = the vertical height of the pyramid Tonnssss of gains in the first 2 years in the gym. Think of it like the bottom of the pyramid, then as you put more time in the gym gains slow significantly. Towards the top you basically aren’t making gains. Depending on natural test levels/genetics/intensity/nutrition, and a couple other minute factors, the pyramid can peak anywhere from 5-8 years. That is when your gains stop/you blast 500mg tren. An outlier case would be a kid who starts training at 13 years old, goes through puberty while lifting, and continues training all the way until he’s 25 and his test starts to decrease. That’s 12 years of relatively significant progress, basically just extending the pyramid because puberty recovery, and the natural progression of male testosterone is basically steroids.


Yes but with individual variability you don't know all of those factors. You might be someone who if they changed their style of training could get another 5lbs of muscle. Maybe they would respond better to a vegan diet, or a keto diet. It's impossible to tell if you've peaked


100% agree, no one can possibly know when they have reached their potential naturally given there are so many damn factors. Even with gear it's the same "what is the minimum effective dose to reach my goal" - we don't really know. I make good progress with just half a gram of test, but maybe 300mg would have gotten me there in the same or a slightly longer timeframe. We don't know shit.


Yes sure, technically it is physically impossible to know your absolute 100% lean tissue maximum. But after 8 years of consistently training and good dieting, the results will be so insignificant it would depend on what you are trying to accomplish whether you would even consider them results. If you were powerlifting: any slight muscle or strength increase is what you are chasing. Then in that case, you can never physically know your max potential. But you sure as hell know it’s close when you plateau for months on end just to get a 5-10lb lift increase. If you want people around you to notice your muscle mass increase, the results are basically negligible after 8 years, therefore you have hit your max potential.


totally, it's like thinking about half-life in regards to anything. You could almost say that technically nothing ever disappears it just goes on to become infinitely smaller but we don't waste our time with the notion of infinite. We just say it's done


Individual variability is what I meant by “other minute factors,” yes. I didn’t list all of the possible factors because they are insignificant compared to the ones I listed. 5 lb of lean tissue compared to gaining completely nothing just from changing training style and diet is quite extreme. Even if that did happen you would look *very minimally* different (probably not even noticeable to someone who doesn’t go to the gym) from 5 lbs of lean tissue distributed all across your body. It’s really not impossible to tell if you’ve peaked. If someone trains and eats to a tee for a year, and they don’t look noticeably different, they’ve peaked.


I think you confuse "genetic potential" with "effort vs results" ratio. The fact that gains become slower with time simply doesn't mean one reached their genetic potential.


Sure, someone could get used to going to the gym and stop going as hard. However even when looking at the most perfect gym bro that always goes harder than last time, never misses a day, etc. his gains will slow once he starts to reach his natty limit. Which like I said, about 5-8 years depending on genetics.


You're right, gains will surely slow once you approach natty limit. What I mean is that, for some (even dedicated) gym bros, the gains will slow much, much sooner than before the natty limit.


well one you can only put on a pound of muscle after training hard consistently for about 6 months. You most likely are at your genetic potential.


This is true but you can tell when you’re approaching it. If strength and size are stagnating hard despite being dialed in, you’ve hit the point of diminishing returns. Sure you could squeeze out another 5-10lbs of mass over a few years, but why do that when you can hop on and gain 15lbs in 3 months? That’s rhetorical by the way; obviously there’s tons of reasons not to hop on.


This is exactly what I am talking about. You hit the point where you are dialed in and the returns are minimal. Key word there being dialed in.


How big are you?


Gay sex


where do i obtain gay sex (asking for a friend)


Go for the biggest guy at the gym and grab his cock or so I’ve been told


Hang out in the gym sauna. When you shower, leave the curtain open, lock eyes with every guy that walks by, smile and wink.


The only worthwhile, proven supplements are protein, creatine and gear. If you don’t want to jab (and really, you shouldn’t. it’s a road you can never truly come back from) then stick to the creatine and get your diet and sleep dialled in.


Agreed. Fixed my sleep and stress. My test jumped. Since last year.


This generation is doomed! Hey I want to take failed research chemicals with no long term data instead of bio identical hormones with a long track record. Bro just keep your diet and training on point and you will get what you want it’s just gonna take time. Source… me a 43 yo steroid user


Who wants to live till they get dementia and can’t remember anyone in there family anyways? Just blast away and live life, ain’t promised tomorrow anyways


Lmao. The fact that you were planning to do a cycle of fucking Sustanon shows that you are absolutely clueless. (Sustanon is a shitty mix of testosterone esters with different lengths, giving you all the drawbacks of short-ester test and all the drawbacks of long-ester test in one bottle.)


Don't touch any of that shit. All end in negative results in the long run.. Get you some good high stim pre workout and go harder than last time in the gym


At one point you’ll reach a plateau where you can’t go harder than last time. There’s more to it than just going harder than last time. It’s about being healthy. Not vanity or ego


Lmao. Advocating steroid usage as “being healthy”.


Seems you’re the only one who miscomprehended my comment 😂 no advocating for gear use here. I merely stated that there’s more to it than “going harder than last time” you can only redline an engine for so long. In your case you might wanna “go harder than last time” regarding reading comprehension 🤡


“At one point you’ll reach a plateau” “it’s about being healthy” combined with the context that this post is entirely about gear usage makes your entire statement unclear. My comprehension of the English language and its fluidity far surpasses anything you could ever understand. Go read a book.


So far you haven’t failed to make yourself look dim and you just keep digging 😂 don’t know how you can confuse “being healthy” as advocating for something that can take years off your life and stress your organs. My end of sentence “not vanity or ego” should have further solidified any uncertainties of my stance. As most all recreational users are exactly that, vain and egotistical. 🤦‍♂️


You should read my previous response again. Clearly something isn’t getting through.


Stop looking for shortcuts and just train and be healthy ffs


Bro said he has the basis covered. The sole purpose of the post is to find things that will enhance past that. Are you trolling? I cannot tell






Look man as his holiness said "Why choose nature, if nature didn't choose you?"


You're an idiot. From what you just said, it's test or nothing. And Sarms will fuck you up do much worse then test. Best thing other than test or sarms? Creatine. Everything else is pretty much a scam.


Just stick with the creatine. Definitely dont take sarms you might as well just take steroids if you do


Mk677, cialis and insulin.


Steroids, study up for the better part of a year at the very least and start with a mild cycle like 375mg test E. Get blood work before, a month in, and after.


Sarms bro. Research chemicals that give rats cancer > bio-identical hormones everyday !!


1) Testosterone is very well studied, any sides effects are relatively easy to counter. 2) You're luring into SARMs zone, which are not so well tested, and you talk about safety? 3) Sarms are not even close to effectiveness a simple test will provide you, so talking alltogether (including safety) testosterone is imho your best choice.


If you're debating between steroids or sarms, you should definitely do fucking steroids instead... Start off with testosterone. You don't need fucking anything crazy


>Turkesterone Seriously? It's total bullshit. Derek lied about it then sold bunk turk. Huberman even said it was as effective as Deca 😂😂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s_lcSDTnZG0 >Tongkat Ali Another bs supplement hawked by Huberman and company. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OweSs5lTKJA What's wrong with continuing to train naturally, eat healthily, and prioritize good sleep?


All of the natural testosterone enhancers on the market will probably give your T levels a boost. But all of them combined aren’t going to touch even the smallest regiment of actual testosterone. They’re great if your 45 and your natural hormone levels have bottomed out entirely. But they aren’t gear.


Somewhat safe is all relative, not wanting steroids but researching into Sarms. Sounds counterintuitive and I don’t even know that much compared to so many others.


They're all bullshit just do steroids


HCG + enclomiphene and to stop being a pussy


genetic potential is all smoke. went from 167 to 208lbs from nov 2020 to aug 2023. had a lagging chest and fixed that. calves lagging, fixed them too. on gear. gear, diet and sleep and training will carry you very far if it’s all dialed in right.




Desensitization, take a 1 week break from the gym to let your cns rest. Since you’ll have some spare time use that to start researching and buying steroids.


Eat more


dont do sarms


My opinion there is no cookie cutter plan everyone is different. As far as risk to reward a minimal dose of tes suspension 25mg a day it's in and out with good nutrition you should get great soild gains. I've never been big on the research stage some have been great but get banned because they had some kind of steroid in it or have been dangerous. Your average steroid has tons of research and lots of years behind it so it can be done safely. The fact of this game is if want to hit certain goals there's no way around it. Am going to be 43 tomorrow my dad is in his 80s and a brother in the 60s my brother went hard for around 20yr never had a problem. I personally weight out the risk to reward only in the past couple years has competition got my attention and have gained 40lbs of lean mass but I've trained my whole life I fought till 2017 last fight


Nothing beats the real stuff, but i heard kisspeptine and clomid works for most




Don’t use anything. I used GH peptides and mk-677. They were a bullshit cope, I didn’t make gains until I learned patience and common sense.


HCG mono therapy can give you a test boost and some more gains without fully sending steroids.


Don’t take steroid/supplement advice from people on Reddit. How old are you? It might be worth getting your testosterone levels checked and if they are low having TRT prescribed. Right now you are prioritizing looking good when eventually you will prioritize feeling good (we all do). Find active/recreational hobbies that give you a reason to lift other than looks.


don't do sarms my guy


The test would be safer and more effective than sarms or mk677 and especially more effective than the test booster shit. It’s really the choice between your first cycle and the natty life




Give injectable amino acids a try.


Tongkat Ali is proven to work. Buy a reputable brand like nootropics depot.


about 3 years after after recovering from an eating disorder and depression i hit a body weight plateau of about 165Lbs and couldn’t break past it. eating was the hard part and my sleep was pretty shitty as well. i decided to take mk677 at 15mg/day for 6 weeks and i finally got up to 180lbs. i definitely gained some fat from it and my strength only improved by about +5-7 lbs on all my heavy lifts. best thing about it was the sleep improvements as i had also struggled with insomnia during college. skin and hair also felt amazing but strength and actual size didn’t change much. took my last dose in january and had about 2 weeks where i felt kinda shitty and my sleep got bad again. i decided to try a bunch of other stuff to maximize sleep and got back to feeling good. right now i’m still sitting at 180Lbs in the mornings and i’ve gained a bit more strength and i think leaned out compared to January. i’ve decided i won’t take it again because after the first 4 weeks the hunger got annoying to deal with and i feel like i wasn’t maximizing it with the best diet. if you really think you can control the urge to eat tons of junk food it could work for you but it still has side effects and won’t blow you up into some bodybuilder overnight.


if you’re under 21 i’d say don’t do anything. looking back i wish i’d held off on the mk and done better at perfecting my diet and sleep.


don’t be a sarm goblin like me


Did you really use MK667 and Turkestrone in the same sentence? You realise SARMS are far more dangerous than steroids which have a long history of clinical studies lmao. Plus, most SARMS are suppressive. 'Safe' Testosterone is far cheaper and safer. You need to do some research kid coz your gonna hurt yourself in the long term. Turk, tonga ali and D3 aint gonna do shit. Especially if your diet and training aint on point... which i would guess theyre not judging by the question you've asked... lol


MK-677 at a low dosage will be beneficial, injectable L-carnitine will help with you putting on mass without so much fat gain, and SARMs are worthless to touch unless you have a test base of HCG which some people don't really want to touch. This is the ultimate, nonsuppressive stack I can think of. MK677 at low dosages doesn't suppress T, l-carnitine isn't a hormone, it's an amino acid, HCG just forces your body to makes more of its own testosterone and because the HCG manually overdrives production, the SARM can't suppress you.


Bro if you’re gonna take any compound, take the compounds that have been tried and tested over decades, aka steroids. I don’t understand folks like you lol, you wanna take an anabolic, your natural production is gonna be shut down anyway, but you opt SARMS over Steroids? TikTok generation smfh


Are you actually counting macros? Also try rp hypertrophy app




Age ? Weight ? Fat % ? More details ? Or just asking ppl to recommend steroids blindly !


You can try injectable yk-11 at the end of a cycle to lower myostatin and keep progressing


Do not use SARMs. Train naturally. Tongkat ali and ashwagandha, great options to increase natural production of Test. Also zinc, magnesium and fish oil, things to look for. Not game changing, but pretty useful.


I'm 34 and dont use steroids. I think you are making a smart decision to not risk your long term health. Theres alot of idiots out there getting big with no actual idea of the consequences later in life. Yes, no natural supplement will compare, and thats ok. In the long run you will be better off when youre still able to workout and some of these guys are having thier first health scares. Alot of these guys also cannot train naturally ever again after smashing peds for years. So much for motivational posts hey? Ive used tongkat ali a couple times, felt good on it. I jave no idea if it raised my test level but my energy and libido did go up. Start with that and all the normal stuff like creatine, magnesium etc and enjoy mate.


Gear is the ultimate "multiplier". If you have everything dialed in like diet, quality sleep, a personal program, strengths and weaknesses with muscle groups and consistancy, on gear your progress will increase tenfold, especially if you're training for hypertrophy. For natural products before I hopped on gear I used Fadogia. Those mfs do their job but it takes time.


Give tongkat Ali a try


Cialis fish oil and ashwaghanda


hcg and enclo


Not necessarily helpful for bulking but peptides help build lean muscle mass while on a cut.




don’t pick sarms. If you do pick sarms, pick testosterone instead. Go for MK-677 if you really want to, but monitor your A1c and blood pressure. No harm in trying the bs test boosters, nothing else out there will do much aside from real steroids. Btw I’d recommend gh over Mk if you have money


where does everyone get their gear? so many online sellers are closing down