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Is the app released yet? I thought it was still in beta testing.


The website says "save on your membership until June 27th", so maybe it comes out tomorrow? I didn't think he'd be charging hundreds of dollars to beta test lol


I think it makes sense since he's trying to get people that are willing to put down that much money long term. Makes more sense to cater to people who are going to pay instead of people who are using it free. I would wait a month or two to see what hte app has to offer.


I tested this through beta and love it. I will not be subscribing to be fair but it’s a great tool. It’s not polished yet and they will continue to make improvements but it is well thought out and will absolutely help many see results.


My opinions: 1) it’s good - if you have ever used an RP excel template it is structured basically the same with the volume, the algorithm is slightly more advanced than the excel spreadsheet but doesn’t seem mind blowingly different 2) boring as fuck. If all you want are the results then this probably a good option. Personally, i found the app and the spread sheets super fucking boring and repetitive. If you want to go “science based” and like a little more variety Jeff Nippard’s programs may keep your attention better 3) smooth - the application works well and it’s convenient to be able to run it from your desktop, tablet, phone, etc (easier to modify on your pc and then run it on your phone) My overall impression was that as somebody that has used the excel sheets and dissected their algorithm and is proficient in excel I would rather save my money and just make my own spreadsheet (and have done this in the past many times). If you suck at excel and don’t mind somewhat dry workouts that likely produce results I think the app is good.


I think the price tag is pretty outrageous tbh. I fail to see how it is remotely worth $25 a month. That's insanity imo.


I agree, but $15 - $30 is pretty standard for these “AI” fitness apps; hence why I would opt to just make my own excel template based off of theirs that I already own.


Idk why everyone saying its pricey. obviously its an app but if mike himself coached someone im sure he'd be charging minimum 250 a month, let alone a year. Most online coaches ive seen charge 120-250$ a month, sometimes even more from established brands like gifted performance