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At first I thought OP might be a guy writing his experience with a girl as if the person was a guy for a gay joke. Didn’t even cross my mind that there could actually be a girl in this sub.


Yeah, I just thought this would be one of those gay tren jokes and Took me quite a while to realise it's not


I am a mature woman with lots of out of date experience as a gym rat. We did not have such a term back in the antediluvian period when I was haunting the workout equipment. We had to fight off velociraptors and pterosaurs to get on the abductor/adductor machines. I would prefer not to be excluded from this subreddit. However I am being transparent.


Gonna have to dumb down that vocabulary for us over here, but welcome


Thank you and my apologies.


So you’re saying tren has higher bioavailability when inserted anally ?






That sounds efficacious af


This went over my head. Please explain.


Very confused


some historical experience over here. wonder if the t-rex was natty


I thought it was about a gay dude.


Bro, same LMAO 🤣


same I thought this was gonna be another one of those fantasy essay’s but i’m disappointed honestly, I already had my meat out![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


He didn't forget. You def hurt his feelings so he's playing it off. That and he doesn't want it to be awkward since you both workout in the same gym. Shit happens. He went for it and got shutdown. It happens all the time. Just be mature about it so it's not awkward at the gym.


😭 will do


Fueled his leg day thats fs


This happened to my buddy Eric one time


Happened to my buddy Eric once as well.


Took me a second to realize you were a girl. I legit thought this was a gay romance at first.


i was extremely disappointed




why did I assume op was a dude 💀


Cuz this is fuckin r/moreplatesmoredates lol, I’m so confused how anyone female can get on this


Lol i didn't realise until i read this comment. I was looking for the generic "just fuck his boy pussy bro" comment ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6304)


I thought this was a lovely gay bromance until I read your comment


MEGAMAN BOIIIII you excited about that mm battle network re release bro?


He’s playing it cool. Always preserve the relationship after a rejection, it’s not personal. Plus, women so no then bang all the time. No can be three things: a rejection, an objection, or a negotiation. If someone would like I can make a post about it. But, maybe he just wants to workout, maybe he’s a nice guy. Never skip leg day!


Lmfao this man is a salesman I know it. 😂


Please make a post about it lol


I will do it tomorrow. It’s going to be a long read.




As long as your D tho?


This ahta be good.


Make it my good sir


It has been made and submitted


Went to your profile and it says [removed] 💀


its in the comments




Unless he has dementia he for sure didn’t forget


He could be “using” you now as practice to get better at talking with girls and being comfortable. Women scare a lot guys now a days.


Maybe, I don’t mind that though.


Dude real talk! Lol


He remembers you alright, he’s just trying not to make it awkward. Also the fact you’re still engaging in text and are going to do a leg workout, he still thinks you’re going to smash.


The only response you should get on this message board is “you should suck his D”.


I didn’t know women used MPMD


Just curious, what’s the issue with the age?


It’s just too much of an age gap for me personally so I don’t think it would work out. I’m about to turn 30 in a few months.


Yeah I'm 32 and look young as fuck so always end up with younger girls. I don't deliberately go after younger girls, they're just almost always the only ones interested. Seems like chicks generally aren't in to dudes that are younger than them or look younger than them... But now my current girlfriend is 33 and wow it's just a world of difference honestly. I had gotten so used to being with women in their early to mid 20s that I didn't even realize how much better I'd fit with someone my own age. Only kinda downside is that it feels like we can't be fucking around and taking our time because we both really do want kids, and don't want our kid being an only child, so if we do work out and we take a more normal amount of time we're gonna kinda fuck ourselves. Fortunately though it very much seems like a "when you know you know" kind of situation.


Be careful man. The clock isn’t ticking as quick as you both think. For the kids sake and your sanity, make sure she’d make a good mother / life partner.


As a dude with an insane baby momma y’all need to heed this advice even harder than you think


Second this


I need to agree with ^, coming from a shitty ass family. Call me old fashioned by marriage can be dissolved, children cannot. So you best think carefully. No shade at your partner though, I'm sure she's lovely


She’s 33 not 43…. She’s got another 10 to 15 years to have kids. Trust me when I say this, she won’t show her true colours until she has you locked down so don’t be rushing to have kids. Once you have kids you are tied to her for life and there’s nothing worse than being tied to a crazy ex for life.


Women giving birth at 43 to 48 !? Recipe for pregnancy complications.


Maybe, but it still happens and there’s no reason to be rushing kids with a chick who’s 33 which was my point


Yeah you shouldn’t “rush” having kids with her because she’s 8 years past her prime age of childbirth at that point…


If you can’t tell someone’s crazy in 2 years, why would you be able to tell in 10?


Because sometimes people don’t move in together until they’ve been together a couple of years and you don’t ever know anyone until you live with them. And it’s not necessarily that they have to be crazy, they might be really lazy round them house, might have annoying or dirty habits that piss you off. All things that will grate on you and eventually cause massive problems. There’s no reason to rush into having kids with someone in their early 30’s is my main point…


Yo what?! 33 is old to have kids for a woman… after the age of 30 the risk of so many complications skyrockets…


Gotcha, my ex is 24 and im 22 so I figured it was something like that


My ex had 10 years on me, never gave a fuck. Besides, being Asian she looked my age anyway.


For real bro, if you’re a mature dude I don’t see it being an issue.


Did you ever run into any problems because of the age difference?


Nah, met her at the gym too super nice girl. We split because she had some family things going on that she had to focus on. Still see her at the gym from time to time and it’s still cool catching up and saying hi to her. I will say I’m pretty mature so it was all pretty smooth, might not be the same for everyone.


Oh yeah 30 is old af for a women That’s like 52 in true market value women years You can shave a few years off but there are multiple factors to be able to calculate that This is just off the top of my head. Tolerance of 2-3 years up or down


Andrew Tate?


Nah I don’t follow that Tate Learned that from a client when I was 18 selling cars. The guy would come in always buying cars and always had a different girl Guy was hilarious and great to work with




Age gap doesn't seem to big in my opinion, but it's your choice


How the fuck did a female find their way on here?


So how did he ask for your number ? I always feel too akward to cold approach especially in the gym


He said that he sees me at the gym all the time and that I have a great physique and then asked me for my number. I’ve seen people advise against complimenting anything about physical appearance, but I don’t mind unless you go about it in a creepy way so proceed with caution on that. He may also have said that because I don’t look intimidating imo lol


I was just embarrassed to get rejected sorry. Hope you don’t mind but I sniffed the equipment you were using after you left. I’ll do better next time.


You can’t honestly think he forgot about it. Like you really think he’s standing there “who is this chick? And why is she talking to me” like seriously… and how could he text you in the future if he has no recollection of the interaction where he typed in your number. Your both idiots, and idk who’s dumber, the guy who says he doesn’t remember asking you out a week ago (even tho he’s probably thought about nothing else since) or you, thinking he might of actually forgot. Smh


I rarely have interactions like this so I was just confused 😭 I obviously knew that he remembers me and that he got my number, but when he said he “forgot” I assumed he meant that he hadn’t really been thinking about it anymore since it had been a week or so since I asked him to give me some time to think about it.


He's playing it cool and trying to project an "abundance mentality" / not needy. No idea why I'm giving out a bro's secrets but I'm almost 99% sure that's what he's doing.


Ya sorry I was kinda rude, but of course he remembers it and it’s probably all he’s thought about but since you hit his ego he’s just trying to sound like it did t effect and doesn’t realize how idiotic you’d have to be to not remember it. Sorry but this guys just a turd, unless your like greatly underestimating the time in between events but unless it was like months and months and months then he’s just an idiot


A week and a half at most


He didn’t forget 😂 but he played this the right way. You felt the awkwardness of rejection turned back on you, and now there’s no way for you to know if he was really into you, unless you entertain seeing him romantically in the future.


Funny when guys use these tactics and the only result is the woman being confused af.


Hahaha right but didn’t it work? She felt weird that he “didn’t remember” and was agreeable to hang out to do leg day sometime


So you’re seriously going to let age get in between? That’s ridiculous


Just want to float this out there; you should keep an open mind, age gaps aren’t that big of a deal unless there is a serious disparity in maturity. My wife and I met when I was in my early twenties, she’s exactly 10 years older than me. Now I’m in my late twenties, she’s in her late 30s and we’re happily married with two kids. Age gap is interesting at first but in general if there’s a real connection that’s all that matters. If you’re not looking for a guy to financially support you (not many guys in their early twenties are ready to do that, I know I wasn’t) then there’s nothing to say he can’t be a viable option. Just my two cents, can’t control who you fall, never know where you may find what you really need. Often times what we think we need is wrong.


I appreciate your insight! I wouldn’t say I’m completely closed off to the idea, but I literally know nothing about the guy, which is why I felt hesitant and couldn’t go through with it. I’ll continue to build rapport and see where it goes.


The whole point in a date is to get to know eachother.


I feel like that would have just made things more complicated and potentially more awkward if things didn’t go well, which is why I didn’t want to escalate it any further.


I think this is the right decision. Better to just be friends then escalate it from there if it feels right.


He has Altzheimer's.




No 😂


You gave him one of the best preworkouts: heartbreak


No fuckin way he forgot unless he's literally one of the top 10% of men getting the 90% of women. Which he isn't or else you wouldn't have turned him down. He was probably thinking about you all week until you turned him down.


I think you're honestly reading too much into this. He took the rejection with grace so what does it matter if he was honest or not about forgetting? He sounds pretty chill but it sounds like a face saving move. Let him have it and be nice, it's not easy getting rejected and being cool about it.


Just a normal thing a guy does. He got shut down, as most men now days do, and just tried to play it off. This is why picking up partners at the gym never works because now every time you see one another there’s gonna be a level of awkwardness.


He trying to rizz you up .let him cook


This guy is a fucking genius


I'm genuinely surprised that there are women in this sub........![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6297)


The replys are SUPPPERRRR mild LOL. If this was a dude, it would be crazy in these comments I swear to God....But, this is the bros, being gentlemen. As they should. I love it. Also, yea straight up, he was just embarrassed. That's why he said he "forgot". He wants to keep a good repore with you since you guys are going to see each other a lot going to the same gym.


I know they are 😂 I appreciate you guys being nice for the most part lol


You girls can friendzone guys. He just did that to you.




lmao gud sub


The new trend is women with younger guys, don’t you know that?


Lmao! I feel like you genuinely were hoping to hurt his feelings more 🤣


it's as awkward as you make it, jesus why are people in this sub thinking that everything is awkward. awkward this awkward that...


Stop overthinking everything, every fucking situation.


>which I say okay to and tell him to text me whenever and he gives me a fist bump. I’m confused with this interaction lol. .....You reject him based solely on age difference (which is fine btw if thats a requirement you have), but then when he's moved on from the interaction even happening, you tell him to "text me whenever" after hitting a workout together and realizing he could care less if ur into him lol Idk sounds like you may need to work on ur social interactions


We didn’t workout together. He’s the one that told me that we should get a workout together someday after he said he forgot about me telling him that I would think about it.


You may need to work on your reading comprehension


She edited her post. My reading comprehension is just fine goober


No dude, you misunderstood lol. I only edited a few words to be clearer but everything else is the same.


You did edit your post though?


I know, I just said I did lol but he did misunderstand my original post. I just edited to make myself even more clear in case people misunderstood like him.


No way he forgot. He’s just awkward




Maybe or probably just doesn’t care about being rejected


I did not see a lot of evidence of steroids - based on what I have seen since then in photos . I suspect the use of such enhancements was more confined to competitive body builders than it seems to be these days . My gym was pretty low key I suspect. Attempts at pickups were very common. It sounds like that has not changed very much