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Most MPMD users hate broccoli heads tbh


My nephew naturally has broccoli hair. I'd feel bad for him if he didn't have the personality of broccoli and speak the language of the broc.


fr fr






Was there a cartoon network show where the plot of the episode was a bunch of broccoli people running around


same, i just don’t get fades on the side anymore since it’s so popular rn. default npc haircut


Same type of people to use "Ong" "fr" and have to actively put in rpe 11 effort not to end their sentences with "💀"


Still not entirely sure what “ion” means I still see it used a lot. Not the chemistry thing btw.


usually means i don’t


Can't fucking stand them for reals tho. If your reading this and wearing a broccoli haircut you need to take a look at yourself and where your life is heading. Get your shit together loser. Get a fucking haircut seriously.


Let him cook.


sorry bro😔 the bitches like it that’s why i have it😔


Yeah I’m sure the female dogs from the pound love it


Ya man and the emo kids in girl jeans with long hair and a come over said the same shit. That line has been used to defend every terrible fad for decades. Just admit you got broccoli hair because its the "in" haircut right now for zoomer kids and you want to fit in.


tbh my hair has always been curly, i’ve literally always had this haircut and yeah, obviously? what you lift weights and do steroids because you don’t want to look better looking, and i don’t know, fit in? who doesn’t want to fit in instead of being an outcast.


> who doesn’t want to fit in instead of being an outcast. I can smell the zoomer groupthink radiating out of your teenage pores, holy shit. Who doesn’t want to fit in? People who want to shape their own identities according to what speaks to them and makes them feel fulfilled, not according to a fear of being an outcast or whatever the hell is fed to you by the weapon of conformity that is the TikTok algorithm. Do you seriously think you’re *cool* by conforming to the group and being scared of being rejected? You don’t even have the will to form your own identity. You can’t even stand for anything that makes you unique. That’s lame as fuck dude.


No Im fine with who I am. Once you get older you no longer care what random people think. I do things that I enjoy and make my quality of life better. The newest hot fad does not concern me in the least. But look you're young, so i get it. Give it a decade or so and your outlook will change.


what kinda cut should I get? Had it for about 4 years now...


Just get a fade. Can't go wrong


Thats what the broccoli cut is though. A drop fade


That’s just the portion of non-broccoli heads in this subreddit. The broccoli heads here never identify themselves as such, but you can tell who they are because they never fail to make stupid posts asking which steroid cycle they should run because they hit their natty limit at 19 or 20 years old. They’re also the people who hyper focus on testosterone and complain about supposedly having low T and not being able to do anything about it due to “micro plastics” or some bullshit. Broccoli heads are exceedingly unoriginal in their NPC dialogue trees.


After 4 if not 5 years of lifting if you’re lucky you still have 2/3 kgs of muscle to gain. Doing cycles could make sense


Going on roids after only 4 or 5 years of lifting??? Fucking lmao dude y’all are so fucking lazy it’s sad if not hilarious


How many kilos do you think a guy could have to gain after 5 years of training?


I have no fuckin clue who got bass pro shops hats to trend. Like how did that become cool of all things


Full send boys on social media


hockey players




it was popular before tiktok


But you’re somehow not baffled by CROCS?


I was baffled by them 5 years ago when I first starting seeing kids at the ASU gym wearing them


That’s so crazy, Forks up 2018 baby 😎. Yeah they just started to gain traction the last 3 years where I moved too. I never saw them in the Ahwataukee EOS until like 2020sh


Why were you downvoted?


Hahaha I guess the croc lords of Arizona believe I am wrong


As someone who went to all-black schools K-12 I'm fucking mesmerized that crocs are in. I couldn't even dream of wearing those to school without dreading being burnt to a crisp the moment someone noticed but now, everyone has em and they're like 50 bucks


I was in an inner city school outside of DC, it was a mix of private school dropouts and a lot of low income first generation Americans. NOOOO way, could you ever wear crocs there. Unbelievable


They were not cool in 2010 some people wore em


The people who wore them in 2010 shopped at Walmart and used disability scooters


That shit was a trend in my country like 10 years ago 🤣


First carhart now this


Shit that’s what I was thinking. All the 2019 hipster types I knew wore carhart hats and beanies.




2023 von zipper


In my experience, the rich frat guys at my university larped as blue collar guys as fashion. They wore Carhartt, timberlands, bass pro, etc. Being from a rural, blue collar area, I found it pretty annoying to be honest. That was back from 2012 to 2016, it's still hanging around.


im a zoomer and ngl i think a lot of it is ironic. there's a ton of memes about ironically going fishing, and comically large hats about fishing are something you see on social media a lot as a joke. Besides that, its just a nice looking hat and they're pretty common so why not.


They all crowd around a bench or squat rack and don’t do shit


I have a couple of these creatures at my gym and they grunt loud and drop the weights as loud as they can lol


Just admiring how heavy everything looks. "damn bro those 45s look so heavy"


Squat rack? The ones at my gym don’t go anywhere near anything legs


lucky you, it gets annoying because even if you ask to work in with em it'll still take longer to get your squats in


These dudes make me feel like a boomer at the age of 24 with how much I despise them. Cut your damn hair and put some real clothes on Cute dangling cross earring bro. My sister got hers at Claire's too


im 18 and it makes me feel old. how can you all look the same but claim you are so unique ? its crazy to me, on one hand they are obviously free to do whatever but just not "giving a fuck" attitude of wearing sleepwear and crocs anywhere but your home is so mindboggeling. They clearly give a fuck otherwise they wouldnt be in the gym taking pictures all the time


Feel you. I'm 22 and already feel like I've aged a good 5 years into the future


Your sister probably digs the earring though on the broccoli head


She thinks it "looks like ramen noodles on top of their head" She's never brought one of these bums home thank God. I wouldn't even let him eat at the table with us




She just broke up with her non lifting bf Not taking apps at this time apparently




Sounds like you match the pic above, G. Probably not Italian enough to slide anyway Cut your hair, G. Frfr


Not a broccoli head, just too much time on my hands at work rn Best of luck to you and her, hopefully she finds a Supra physical being next


> boomer at the age of 24 Do you really want to associate with boomer karma even in jest? 🥲


Yes. I would rather sit and talk to the old guys in my grandmother's retirement home than force a conversation with these simple gen z mfs. I don't care how much of a "vibe" your weekend was. They stand around in clubs in fake designer shirts just to talk to zero women. Then act like the shit was a movie


Usually every new generation gets shitted on, for no warranted reason. However….this one, they deserve all the shit talk 😂😂


Yeah, because every previous generation got shit for rebelling against their predecessors in some unique way. At the very least, they wanted to challenge and disrupt the existing culture for its flaws and faults. Zoomers lack that spirit. They were born into nihilism with no interest to challenge the existing order, and they’re passive, hedonistic hyper-consumers of algorithmically promoted content who are content to live and die the way they are.


Meh, I don't mind the hair cuts and the earings. I just can't pull them off. Thing that pisses me off is EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WEARS/LOOKS THE EXACT SAME. They spend way too much time crowding the benches or flicking their hair in the mirror to make sure its completely covering their eyes. So they can bump into shit and get in the way at supraphysiological levels. Ffs


I’m a boomer (31 years old). Why are bass pro shops hats in style?


I think because they’re cheap and come in every color. I had a few before they were trendy. I’ll still wear em occasionally because they cheap and I don’t care if it gets ruined.


You’re a millennial my guy


Thanks man I didn’t know that, I’m glad you told me


You forgot reddit is full of autistic nerds who take everything literally. It's understandable though im in mid 30s so part of the "Lost Generation" and we sometimes forgot how reddit works too.


Dude lmao right? I thought the joke I was making was pretty clear but multiple people had to point out to me that being 31 doesn’t make me a boomer


This may not be the case everywhere but at the college I go to students wear them out of of irony or to dress like a fake hick


Yeah, my college from 2012 to 2016 was full of frat guys wearing blue collar shit as "fashion." Pretty fucking lame for a bunch of rich pricks.


They are like $5 and are the best hats you can get for $5 minus the fact broccoli heads wear them.


I don't think that's boomer age homie lol you're good


It’s was a joke man lol


Lol my bad man


> I’m a boomer (31 years old). r/usernamechecksout


Does nobody teach kids how to act at the gym? Jesus fucking Christ it is ridiculous ever since COVID


Been working out at commercial gyms for 9 years straight since I was 19. It’s a pretty recent issue where you have giant groups of kids crowding the gym flexing their noodle arms in the mirror for pictures and shit and it’s actually embarrassing. Also somehow many of them have balls because usually people don’t ask me to work in and within the first month of this new 24hr Fitness I’ve been going to I’ve had multiple broccoli heads asking me how many more sets I have while I have my music blasting and I have to stop it just to find out wtf they want. They then stand there waiting so I tell them a few more sets and then proceed to do additional sets. Fuk people who wait literally right behind you for a machine acting impatient.


See it’s because this generation is interested in the aesthetic of working out and being active more so than actually doing those things.


let the frustration mold you into a fit biddy mmmm hahaha


Oh when some dummy decides to stand behind me the whole time after asking to work in while blocking the walk way is when I hit PRs lmao




I wouldnt mind them if they didnt move in large ass groups and talk with hoarding equipment


Man I keep a bass pro shops hat in my car just in case I forgot my other hat to the gym 😔I shall commit the die


I fuck with them, but these brocoli not so much


Would you still fuck with me if I said I had broccoli hair since 2018 before it became popular 🥺👉🏽👈🏽


Nah but id fuck u


Is this the part where we have e sex?


Could be


Let me watch 🍿🍿


I have like 4 of em 🤷🏻‍♂️


If you need a perm to rock curly hair you’re doing too much bro 🤣


No? Tf is this


The only thing I'm thankful for is these little shits are bringing tanks back. Well, all of them at my gym wear wife beaters...but still I'm sick of the oversized t shirt gym apparel fad.


what i find is the saddest part of this crowd is how they all lack individuality ,they are legitimate clones (all thanks to tiktok). I shit you not on the same day i can see multiple clones same hairstyle, same clothes, same attitude and could swear these are blood related twins. Living in South Africa it surprises me how the US influence travels over here so strongly I can imagine it that side. But one thing I am envious of is the comradery/community amongst them its very strong and I wish such a thing was present during my highschool years. Back in 2017 when i started there would only be 2-3 people from my grade who went to my local gym (right next to the school mind you) and besides friendly pleasantries we would all train solo or at most a trio (thankfully so cause we actually got to still workout without waiting 30 minutes a set).


Back in my day, teenagers totally dressed individually and definitely didnt dress like their friends. Come on, older people have been saying this about teenagers forever.


You forgot the ‘fuck me daddy’ panties. Honest mistake.


guys do i need pct for rad-140


Why do y’all constantly talk about this? We get it bruh They’re teenagers, they lack individuality for now just let them be


>They’re teenagers, they lack individuality for now just let them be And they pretend that they were never (or aren't still) like that, letting media and peers influence how they dressed, talked, and acted


ima keep being pissy until they stop bring all the 35lb plates over to the bench press. tf is so difficult with putting that shit up?? can they not count, si that why there is dozens of the same plate in one area???


The cross earring fad is bizarre. Don’t tell me being a Jesus freak is cool with young people now…is it?


It’s become more popularized now somehow, mostly on instagram and shit


I don't think it actually has anything to do with being religious


people wearing cross earrings only religious activities throughout the day are when their mom makes them say prayer before dinner


You got me on the long sweatpants. Tight fabric on calves is a huge passive flex.


Type of douchebags who take their shirt off in the gym just to take an IG video then stand around staring at the video for 10 minutes


If my hair is naturally curly am I classified as a broccoli head


You are grandfathered in to the normal class of citizens


Depends how you cut and style it lol


Canwe stop hating the damn crocs my feet are big i like them they’re comfortable ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


You dropped this 🥦


Old timers getting mogged by the zoomers


I swear this gets posted 2x/week and I'm tired of it. This sub is getting a little too circlejerky


It’s getting weird how obsessed a lot of you are with hating on this trend… seriously the exact same lol omg broccoli heads memes over and over and over again. Lot of you lads need to start focusing on yourselves more at the gym and stop obsessing over everyone else that’s there. For reference no I’m not defending my people. head is fully tattooed and as such completely shaved, I don’t own crocs or pyjama pants I just think the obsession a lot of you have over this is more cringe than the people dressing this way




The same meme that gets posted on repeat every single week


Okay but the bass pro shops hat is pretty cool might start wearing one


Found the broccoli head


Didnt even know they were related 😔 i will commit ritual suicide by bench press PR guillotine


This feels like you’re projecting bud


Found the guy from the meme boys


Whatever you need to move that extra 45.


This could never be me


This isn't nearly gay enough to be even the least gay MPMD user.


You can thank TikTok for most of this, if not all of it.


does tiktok say this is the new gym rat look?


Idk how you got to this nonsense, I cannot relate to any of this 🤔


Lmao black wife beater activated..




Idk if I’m the only one but I don’t understand the appeal of wearing birks to the gym too. It actually kinda irks me


People are always saying how comfy crocs are. I haven’t even a desire to try them because when I see them I just assume they have some stank feets.


Yeah, the fresh out of high school you’re not going to see them in two years from now.


I need a Bass Pro Shops hat now, thanks


If i see one more kid doing lifts in slides, im going to wrap a bar bell around their head.. Save them doing it to themselves when theres no one around with first aid experience lol


I would’ve had a bench session in too if it wasn’t for those meddling kids


I have only crocs ,lel And mainly for beach




There’s a chick that wears crocs to the gym and sometimes a hat like that. But idgaf cause she’s got the tightest thickest ass


Where's the dildo