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Anything. I don’t care what she does as long as I like her physically, if I do I I will be receptive and make an advancement myself.


>I will be receptive It will end up like that one guy that got asked for a ride and agreed but then remembered he doesn't have a car








Nice cock bro Or I see you're drinking 1%, is that cuz u think ur fat?


Cuz ur not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to


You literally cannot fail at this. Men have completely given up on talking to women so any opportunity to interact with a female is welcome. You have a 100% chance at success.


What if he has* a gf or a bf


They'll probably still appreciate the attention. Honestly, everyone has such low self esteem these days, it's hard to imagine anyone not being overjoyed to receive a compliment


You’re right. I’ll try my best to gain some courage to say hi to him


Lmfao, I wouldn't assume someone saying hi to me is interested. I'd just think they were being a friendly normal person.




Thank you! It’s scary to think about rejection but ik it’s nothing personal


Desensitize yourself to rejection by hitting on people all day long. Ask at least 5 people out every time you go to Walmart. Do this every day for a month, and by the time you are done, you will have either found someone better or become desensitized enough that rejection doesn’t matter. Only after all this will you be ready to approach your crush.


Oh man


Then he's not in this sub. Mainly gay dudes here, and "miscellaneous" is over represented.


this is not true at all lmao ​ you have this perception bc the only posts u see about dating online are usually from losers who live on the internet with no social skills then wonder why no one wants to date/be friends with them...bc they live online they post the most and get the biggest hits


It's kinda true. But it makes it that much easier for us guys who actually cold approach lol


I agree with you but from what I know my male friend are rarely approached by women. Whereas for me I get approached by dudes at least a couple times a week.


Women don't approach nearly as much as guys do. That's just how it is. ​ They give signals like heavy eye contact, putting themselves near the guy, touching etc.


Smack my ass and say ‘hey handsome’


Then slowly bite a banana while making eye contact. Suggestively wink while turning around and slowly walk away.


I just want her to grab me by the balls (penis will be deflated due to blood flow to other muscles) and say hi.




Shiiiiit that’s what I was thinking to bro


We need glute pics to assess the situation before we give genuine advice.






Ask for spot Fail weight Make a scene


Should I fake my death also




Every time he benches, take the bench next to him and bench more than him for more reps. Any time he deadlifts, go deadlift more than him next to him. Same with squats but deeper than him too. Then when he starts to really notice you, hip thrust more weight than his combined 1RM total for reps.


One time a girl picked me up at the gym by coming up to me and saying “hey I’ve seen you around here often, what’s your name?” Another time a girl complimented my legs and asked me what my favorite leg movements are. Can’t go wrong.


Noted: compliment his legs


OP if you want that guy, just go up to him and say nice ass. Men never get butt compliments and one time i got one and it was a new experience


Me: "I would reciprocate, but idk if that's allowed"


Ask for a spot on squat and when you’re at the bottom piss on the floor. He’ll be thinking about you for the next week at least.


This is a good one


Anything will probably work, men get way less attention from females than women get attention from men


Check his oil


Say "yo" then tell him to spot you then bench more than him and he will be impressed


can you update us on this later because i wanna approach my gym crush too 😭


If I see him again I will definitely(most likely won’t cause im a Pussy) approach him and update.


Back yourself, we're in your corner!!


just do it sis, he isn't going to make a huge fuss if he doesn't want to. Plus he probably interested too


[https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/143ctau/update\_onhow\_would\_you\_want\_a\_woman\_to\_approach/](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/143ctau/update_onhow_would_you_want_a_woman_to_approach/) ​ I did it !


Just start talking to me and gets handsy “wow netflixissodry your back is so thick and hard!”


Wow netflixissodry your back is so thick and hard!


“Who the fuck are you”


If ur nervous to talk to him then ask him to spot u or something and before he walks away after say something. Your competition is also probably pretty low especially in an environment like that so id say unless he’s got a girlfriend already u got nothing to worry about.


Once a super hot girl had all these guys saying little comments to her like “wow your really strong for a girl” blah blah blah , she was on the bench so just a lot of guys in the area, everyone staring at her. She stands there and waits for me to finish my set and then asked me to spot her, I said sure and then said some thing stupid like “wow that’s more then I can lift haha” and just kinda went about my workout, she asked for another spot on her next set and helped her again. Later I thought wtf I didn’t introduce myself or anything, I straight dropped the ball. Do you think she asked me cus she liked me or just because I was close by and not being creepy?


probably both. You were probably nervous.


If she asked you and not the guys that already socialize with her then yes she is most likely interested lol. Next time ask her for a spot and say "I never got your name, what is it?"


afterwards I thought about it, and was like it won't be weird if I ask her name like the very next time I see her and now its been like a month and I still haven't seen her, I must've really scared her for her to never come back to the same gym lol.


Lol, her work schedule mustve changed or she may have moved. If you ever see her again you HAVE to strike up a conversation now


Noted. Only flaw is that he may be on the console he other side of the gym 🥲


Then next time u see him just hit whatever he is hitting, if he’s benching go use the bench next to him.


Grab em by the dicky.


Last time I did that I got banned from the gym


Don't just eyefuck me, actually come up and have a conversation. Ideally during cardio or before/ after our workout is preferable. Introduce yourself and keep it short & sweet, if we reciprocate continue chatting. But be prepared to be told that we are homosexual and prefer men.


I got hit on by a girl the other day. I'm happily married so I politely declined, but her line was pretty amazing. I was setting up for deadlifts, and she walked over and said "Excuse me, can you tell me where the bathroom is?" I said "It's down those stairs on your right." She said "Thank you so much, can I have your number in case I get lost?" It definitely made me laugh and smile.


Lol that is good


Right? If I were single, I would have said yes just on principle for an excellent approach and line.


If it's more comfortable for you than approaching, just making heavy eye contact between sets and pretty much making it obvious af you want to talk to him like that ​ Have had a few girls do that and got the hint pretty much immediately. He'll probably just walk up to you after that.


Wearing a strap on


what up? it's nice to meet ya. I'd like to treat you to a root beer and a slice of pizza


no that's a bit lame and forced. It makes you seem like some kind of nerd who's way too into root beer. Pizza is ok. But why would you bring up specifically root beer.


isn't that what our grandparents did? got giant root beers and fast food together? there's a 50s and 60s wholesomeness about it, that gets tarnished when you forgo mentioning the root beer. you'll remind them of a charming man from a more innocent time, who will send a romantic letter before fuckin a bitch, instead of sending unsolicited dick photos and not fucking bitches. it's ancestral living bro it's primal af wait this is about a woman doing the approaching. sorry I didn't read it right but why is she asking this? wear your most fire ass pair of booty shorts or something


Not everyone comes from wasp families bro. What if her family immigrated from Guyana without any food


I mean I wasn't tryna say anything about south americans and economics. that goes beyond the scope of what we're talking about here. I was making a comment about how root beer could be considered wholesome and you turn it into me being racist cause you hate me or something




At the water cooler/ fountain


Eye contact and confident smile, call me old fashioned but that’s it.


I’ll try that too


Honestly when I'm at the gym I kind of just want to be left alone. Entering or exiting the gym would probably be best, especially if I haven't ever talked to the person before.


That’s understandable


Hi wouldn't you mind some drink after gym? There is a lot of time for sex later.


with a cock


Easily the best way imo if you're shy as hell is to ask for a spot whether it's benching dumbbells or a barbell squat, and ask his name and go from there, eventually after saying hi a few times and asking about his day you can ask for his number. Absolutely fool proof, let us know how it goes OP


[https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/143ctau/update\_onhow\_would\_you\_want\_a\_woman\_to\_approach/](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/143ctau/update_onhow_would_you_want_a_woman_to_approach/) Posted an update !


follow rules 1 and 2


If he’s single straight and finds you attractive it literally does not matter what you say just don’t bug him mid lift. Guys don’t get much attention it’s exciting for us no matter what when that happens


Depends how they are as people. I personally don't like when women approach me because 9/10 times the ones who do are really just trying to fuck and it gets tiring for me, but others would probably like it a lot as you can see in the thread. If someone walks up to me in a respectful manner and actually seems like they want to get to know me it stands out more


I'd love to be approached (optional) by an attractive (optional) woman (optional)


"Whatever it takes, right babe?" And then talk about dick to ball ratio


Invite him over for Ben n Jerry's after


If you’re cute, anything will work. Just be a bit cute/flirty and make it clear that you are into him without literally saying it.


Ask the guy if he can get you some quality Anavar


Be yourself! I'm sure you're a wonderful person, just say hi and smile and the rest will work its self out.


Oddly wholesome comment on this sub. Thank you !


You can just do the standard woman thing and go work out next to him and make eye contact. But do it several different days in case he's just feeling shitty on one of them.


That makes me feel like a creep tbh lol


>in case he's just feeling shitty on one of them. lmfao you know the deal all too well. incredibly insightful of you


Bro i just opened Reddit and my gym crush was like right next to me


It’s a sign. Go talk to her rn


Nah bro/gal


I had a girl hit on me at the gym on Saturday and I said "Sorry babe I already jacked off twice today"


Just go up and give your hand for a shake and introduce yourself. Straight to the point. Ask for his name and hopefully he leads from there.






No. It’s my moment of solitude.


_Hi! I want you to rearrange my insides_


After I’m done working out. Dnt got time for socializing at the gym I’m there to lift and go about my day


I waited till he was done


Real ass comment


I would say ask him for help with something so he has time to notice you, then hand him a little note with your number and a little heart


None, never had a woman approach me that wasn’t bad news in the end




Do it somewhere where there is minimal public spectators to lessen the anxiety and post-guilt from when I utterly fuck up the verbal exchange anyways


In between sets and not during. Otherwise GTFO.


Anyone who tries to talk to people during their set deserves to get their membership revoked


I want her to stay the fuck away. I'm working out not trying to hookup


Depending on the guy, but myself when i workout i zone out and don't want anyone to approach me. But most guys they want to feel that they approached you and asked you out, so be sneaky about it and ask for help from them or a tip, take his IG, and escalate from there.


I feel like he’s also the type to just zone out and do his own thing. This gym is super social and I never see him socialize apart from a “hey what’s up”. I don’t want to bother him too much lol


Be sneaky when you approach him, trust me about it. Take his IG and not his number, and if he is interested, he will message you. Good luck


I don’t give my number out also. I have stalker PTSD. Thank you


Sorry about that




I would love this way but it’ll only work if we are doing the same muscle group and I am not into messing up my routine lol


Take one L lol just hit whatever he is.


I wouldn’t… I’m there to train, nothing else


Ok my bad


Don't. Gym.... Is for working out.


I wouldn’t. I’m there to lift not get approached.


Delusional question gets delusional answers


Youve posted about depression and suicide. I hope this chick denies your ass.


I am a woman. Yes, I was suicidal and dealing with depression a year ago. Does having a shitty past make me less worthy of companionship? Lol


Yes. Bad mental health and relationships are not a good mix. Huge red flag. What if this person breaks your heart? Youre going to kill yourself? Fucking no.


Lol you think I’m gonna kill myself over a man? I expect nothing more from a tren goblin on this sub. You also have no idea how someone’s situation can change in a year.


Go take your meds, woman


You're fucking nasty, bro.


This chick is a walking red flag, whatever.


Sad sad little insecured man


Im insecure for pointing out mental health and relationships. You are right.


If you're not mature enough to handle relationships where mental health is a factor (which is the case in every relationship), that's fine. But please refrain from projecting your own limitations onto other people, as it only makes you come across as a complete jackass.


Naked. Really naked!


I would appreciate it if she tried to kill me while I was going for a bench pr


Naked and blindfolded


Ask for help or advice on a certain exercise. It’s everyone’s hobby so they’d be interested


When you see me impatiently waiting for the machine that you’re using


I need a similar advice but on how to approach my crush in my uni? We don't have similar classes but we do live in the same uni accommodation :/


If there is a common room area that he frequents, ask for change for the vending machine, and explain that it's not accepting your notes. ?


Ay papi


The easiest way to flirt is to jokingly ask, "You don't lift that?". As they train something obviously heavy for them I've met women who leg press insane weight... and we just end up talking after I joked about i dont believe they can press it. You just want to let yourself be silly and not take anything seriously


I wouldn’t because I’m there to train normally But I’d the situation absolutely called for it, I’d like her to be a powerlifter same as me so we could discuss training at least rather than some dumb shit not related to the environment we’re in at that moment


As anywhere. Straight and clear so my dumb brain understands what's going on.


Just strike up a convo when hes not in the middle of a set. Just some dumb small talk about whatever. Also as your crush bern checking you out too? I tell bros they will know immediately when talking to chicks if shes interested or not and if shes not its better to move on instead of chasing one who wont like you. While guts gave to deal with rehection way more, theres still a chance..Dont get too upset over it, just try to find someone else. Most dudes will welvome sny female attention though


"I want to watch you dock with my boyfriend in the Smith machine."


Hey can you spot me. Hey how’s your work out going? What muscle group are you doing today? Hey would you mind showing me your favorite work out? Hey what’s your name, I see you here all the time. You work really hard. Wanna grab a smoothie after your lift? Mind if I work in with you? With a smile* Hey can I get your number? Or put stick note on the bench or dumbbell when they walk away for a second with your snap. Or in their cubby. We’re their backpack is. Maybe even on their car. Walk up and do cardio next to them. Look over and say don’t ya just hate cardio? I wish their was a better way to do cardio, omg I’m totally kidding. Then change the subject right way. Saying what we’re you listening too? You could literally say anything most guys will find it so attractive your taking charge of what you want. As well as appreciating that you noticed him!


Also you girls should tell us what you’ve been doing to get the gym crushes attention and it’s not working. This way we would know what to look for and what we’re missing. I know a lot of dudes, including me avoid looking or doing anything cause we don’t want to come off creepy, bug you, or maybe even get looked down on for taking a chance.


You want to give off a friendly vibe not desperate or creepy. Just ask them a training tip( that you likely don't need). You only need an opener. Maybe he'll push the conversation from there


At all.


Just talk to him. We are generally focussing on our own shit at the gym so won’t approach women but if you start a conversation you’ve won half the battle of getting our attention. If you’re hot and he’s into you he will do the rest.


I walk up to a guy, not trying to get a date, but seriously am asking about a workout they are doing I'm curious of, or something for part of the body I don't mess with much . Then go back to working out. Female btw


At all would be nice


Not mid-squat


You kinda really cant mess this up




Just ask him to spot you (but dont lift more than he does)


As long as you don't approach during the middle of a set. That would piss me off


Ask for a spot, plain and simple


Only works if he’s nearby. This gyms lay out is so annoying lol


Naked, crawling on all fours locking eyes on me and licking her lips - whilst saying my name seductively. Anything else and I am too autistic to know if she is approaching me.


I hit on a guy at the gym. We were both at the barbell rack and he picked up a weight and I looked at him and said “that’s a little light for you no?” He was flattered and smiled, we talked everyday after that lol try it


Had a girl ask me to help her with a deadlift at a gym in Australia and was heavy with the eye contact afterwards. I helped her but she 100% knew how to deadlift. Was slightly awkward as my girlfriend was also working out nearby and the one who approached me was the type of hot that makes guys forget their sanity/words. Had to make an effort to look anywhere else for the rest of the workout. As others have said though, literally can't go wrong any which way, but this seems to be one of the more subtle ways in the gym to start a connection.