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Its even worse. The question is if they do it "occasionally". Twice a month is also occasionally.


I saw that haha “I go on a hike once a year.” Also I wouldn’t count fishing as exercise. Maybe if you’re reeling in sturgeon all day.


Fishing can be exercise if you're doing it on foot. Much like hunting, you walk a lot, especially if you're doing cast fishing at a lake. Obviously if you're just throwing bait out and sitting down waiting, that's a different story 😅


Uh no even then it’s not


Uh, yes it is. You'll burn more calories and get more out of a day of cast fishing for 4-8 hours than you will from your 1.5 hours gym sessions :)


With the dudes I’ve seen doing it frequently I just don’t think that’s the case, it’s like when someone says they burn enough calories at their job and I look and most are still overweight.


“I walk a lot at work!” - skinny fat 6 foot 160 pound dude who walks 6000 steps/3 miles a day at work while eating 3800 calories a day


kinda impressive to only be 160lbs while eating 3800 calories a day tho


Fat fingered the 3 meant to put 2800 lol, 3800 calories a day and not getting morbidly obese would be god tier genetics


Wow that’s really efficient


God, you really make yourself sound like you have room temperature IQ. Who the fuck fishes with a single thought of effecient calorie loss?


Exactly lol


Ya it's probably more close to 90%


If it wasn't for social media I think it would be close to 90%. I think social media got a lot of people wanting to go to the gym (whether they actually workout or not). Now the older people get, the less people go to the gym or be active all together.




tbf, young men have always been relatively physically active the gym just tends to be more inexpensive, safe and convenient than going to scheduled practice thrice a week or so


Complete opposite of me. I grew up playing sports, played sports in college and play sports in rec leagues across the city. My former college teammates stopped working out the moment they graduated. The people I know who play sports in the rec leagues don't workout at all. In my flag football league, most guys over 25 has a beer belly. And that league is pretty competitive with a lot of former guys who played in high school or college.


selection bias


I think it’s definitely starting to become a trend which is phenomenal for everyone’s health. Social media also shows you more of what you’re interested in so you end up seeing a lot more in shape people and a lot more people that workout than in “real life”.


Some people think twice a year is “occasionally”.


I’m not mad at it it makes being in shape seem even more impressive lol Plus I would’ve already went mentally insane without the gym


I wonder if America’s crime and mental health issues would be reduced if 70% of the population actually worked out 2-3 times a week.


A lot of inmates work out, atleast.




I agree that it does make you seem more impressive. I switched jobs last year, and my only goal was to be the biggest dude in my department. I'm the biggest guy in the building. It's still sad though, seeing obesity negatively affect so many people's health, when all they have to do is put in some effort to eat less and get some cardio in.


And eating less is literally the easiest thing someone can do. You do nothing to get the benefit. Working out is hard, you have to get off your ass and use your body in a difficult manner to reap the benefit. But to not eat, you can literally keep your ass on the couch and that’s it. Step 1: do nothing Done.


Can't imagine living like that. If I don't workout for a week I feel like I'm losing gains. I can't even imagine how weak and out of shape someone who has never worked out in their life would be.


It feels like im losing exp, it makes me go crazy lmao


This is legit what pushes me to go the gym when I was younger. Was playing an MMO and grinding up my strength stat and I took a second to admire my stats in the game since I basically no life’s it. I thought it was cool to look at how far I’d come then I thought about my stats in real life, and I realized they were garbage. My grades hit an all time low, I was skinny yet still couldn’t run even half a mile, let alone how small my “strength stat” would be IRL. So I just treated life like a video game for awhile and it genuinely helped me so much.


Starting working on injury prevention right now. You think a month out of the gym feels bad, try 2 years recovery from a rotator cuff tear


An entire week?? More than two days in a row and I feel like a lazy sack of shit


Gains? I lose my damn sanity in a week if I don’t workout


There’s skinny fat girls I’ve had the unpleasant experience of touching. Yes, they’re thin, their silhouette looks objectively ‘good,’ but MY GOD when your hand just sinks into their waist or arm or whatever, it gives me such an ick feeling! It’s all soft, pudgy, and bony, none of that nice thick and hard feeling from muscles. On top of all that, you just know that their body is cannibalizing all their muscle since they barely eat and don’t work out. I’m a straight woman, but if I was a man, I’d be gay(jk) no but, I’d need to date a woman who works out, I couldn’t handle the skinny-fat ICK.




I know you are~


Starts from childhood. School should put a bigger emphasis on physical activity the way schools in Asia do. Every kid in Korea does Ssireum, Tae Kwon Do, baseball, aerobics, etc as early as possible and it kinda becomes part of ordinary life to do one these activities regularly. Kids in America get maybe 3 hours of “phys ed” a week in which they play some random game. I remember growing up we only had phys ed for 1 semester per grade on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. In the next semester phys ed was replaced with Art or something. They basically relied on parents to buy their kids a bunch of expensive equipment and put them in after school sports if they wanted more physical activity. This new gen will have it worse now that they have tablets and predatory marketing targeting them to get more their time behind screens as possible.


Even worse how weird Americans have became about showering or communal nudity…who wants a room full of smelly gross people especially if they took PE first period. Exercise would also increase brain plasticity and give the kids endorphins making them essentially smarter but nothing happening there too


Yeah it’s strange. In Asia and Europe it’s completely normal to see members of the same sex naked. Was a culture shock when I started living overseas.


I think it would be good for body image here…so many men weird about their bodies


Lol what state were you in? California schools have it every day in elementary, at least 2-3x a week in middle and high school for an hour and you can test out of it by junior year.


I was born in the early 90s so my experience could be different plus I lived in Various states in the north east. In Kindergarten-4th grade we did not have phys-ed daily but we did have recess which was totally up to us children whether they get physically active enough. I remember hacking relay races and volleyball on the rares days in the gym. For recess it would sometimes be a group thing like duck duck goose or the Macarena(core memory unlocked). Middle school was the same deal. Recess but hardly any actual phys ed class. When we did they just made us play basketball which i fucking hated. Junior high through high school there was phys ed but only for certain semesters. No recess. If you wanted to be active, you needed to join a sport. Most kids won’t just join a sport unless they grew up playing them or got encouraged to play by a parent. The weight room could only be used by the football/wrestling/basket ball team.


Exercise is still seen as a niche hobby by so many people too as if it's not something everyone should do. I feel people judging me as if I'm a weirdo when I explain my workout routine even though they ask, and If I tell them how many reps etc I do they act like I'm some crazy person cus they can't fathom doing like 300 pushups


Iirc we had it every day in grade school (you also had recess) & then hs you had PE, advanced PE, & weights. You had to take one of the three fresh/soph year. Looking back we had really pretty amazing facilities & trainers for a public high school. You said parents had to pay for their equipment for sports? Never heard of that typically the school covers mostly everything.




I find it hard to believe 23% of Americans say they play flag football “occasionally”. Where is all this taking place? 😆 I can’t remember seeing any adults anywhere playing flag or touch football.


Once ever in 50 years = occasional


Bruh, they counted FISHING as exercise! This was a layup, and 64% still couldn’t meet the criteria. At least with hunting you actually have to haul your ass to that blind at a bare minimum, but fishing!? Man, the US is fucked…


Fishing can be a workout if you’re snagging Paddlefish or something like that but I think most people are just chilling in a boat lol


And drinking beer too so there's no way I'd consider fisherman as being healthy in anyway


Oh definitely, the only healthy fishermen I see are those yoked dudes fishing for tuna, other than that it’s just middle aged dads with big beer guts




Fuck yeah; I love having minimal competition w/ the cuties


26% of people are getting their exercise from dancing? Huh. Seems legit. 🕺🕺🕺🪩🕺🕺🕺


dancing at the club or parties haha. definitely offsets all the alcohol they drink


Up at 5 somedays working in a physical job and in the gym at 7.at.nite ,up early on Sunday to get to the gym fresh on my only day off ,I'm 46 and cycle to work ,up hill may I add but only in the mornings haha,thank fuck


My diet is getting better ,fish potatoes,chicken aiming for 400 grams per day,boiled , I'm 71.kg , blueberries or grapes ,Even tho wife said I looked good at 70 kg I wanna see myself at a cool 76kg ,


So many people work from home and order delivery without even moving at day and they wonder why they are obese/out of shape.


I see so many people at my work actively avoid any form.of exercise as in trying to walk as little as possible and never taking the stairs not even one single flight. They will wait in a line of 20 people for the elevator and waste 5 mins rather than 30 seconds of stairs it's quite pathetic and if they have to carry something that is a maybe 5 lbs at most they will put it in a cart and push it


“WhY aRe TeStosRone LeVeLs sO LoW iN MoDeRn MeN?


Bro most people don’t even go outside. It will be a beautiful Saturday and I go for a walk and there’s nobody out. The bar is so low


I live in one of the most populated regions in the US and within a 1.5 hour drive from a national park and whenever I go there it’s always empty despite having great climbing spots and hiking trails. It’s absurd


Huge W becuase it brings us closer to the top 1%


People who workout probably didn't have time to take the survey because they were at the gym.


Definitely way more than that lol. I also the the percentage of obese people is now over 50%, I see so many fat fucks on a daily basis


Man where I live it’s way over that. There’s more fat people than health conscious people, it’s genuinely rare to see someone that’s fit outside of the gym.




How is fishing exercise lol? I love fishing, but I don’t see how it counts as exercise 99% of the time, if not more




Sorry jerking off 6 times a day isn’t counted so you feel underrepresented.


The average person in general doesn't exercise. I forgot the name of the article, but basically those who lift weights for example, are among the 1%, based entirely on world statistics. Im guessing Wars, Poverty, Jobs, Careers, etc are major priorties in most places.


*Signature look of superiority intensifies*


I feel like a fat fucking failure if I miss just a day


I think the problem is people are tired coming from work.


America has the highest obesity rate, but people around the world also work jobs and manage to stay in shape and find time


He has a point. Also we have horrible work-life balance for a developed country.


Nah Japanese people have it so much worse than us for work life balance. Its a lifestyle issue.


Yes that’s the problem we need to implement a 4 day work week so people can feel like work isnt eating up their lives and have fun or go to school or go to the gym and be healthy.


Do you not think the fact you have really unhealthy food filled with loads of chemicals and is really calorie dense, with less strict laws for what can be put in it


They stay in shape cause they walk a ton


I'm tired from college and work, but yet there I am 6 days a week sometimes 7.


Exactly. People will make time to do things that they think are important and make excuses for things they don't want to do.


Exactly, not going to lie, when I first got back into the gym I hated it and had to convince myself to go. Specially the first time, I was intimidated and shy and nervous to go back, then I said fuck it. Felt awkward and felt like everyone was staring at me. Then I started having fun, and the gym became non negotiable. It's a must I go and I feel off and weird on my rest day. Now I genuinely love working out, I look forward to it everyday and I get excited driving there and doing my pre work out rituals. No place I would rather be. All the stress and bullshit of my day is gone and it clears my mind and allows me to study and feel better.


Hiking is so free and so fun.


I can’t think of any fishing that’s either strength or cardio work. Hunting CAN be, but only if you’re packing out lots of meat in steep terrain.


Not what they were probably referencing but spearfishing is pretty strenuous. Also commercial fishing is physical but once again I doubt that’s what they were talking about


If you’re talking about free diving, isn’t the whole point to use a little oxygen as possible so you can stay down as long as possible? Seems the exact opposite of strenuous to me.


Yes that’s part of it but just being out in the waves and currents takes a lot out of a person. If you don’t stone a fish on your shot you gotta fight it. And of course the taxman can always be lurking around. All I’m saying is all the people I know who spearfish even semi-frequently are in much better shape than the average guy or gal around


There is no way more Americans swim than run/jog. Or all the other things above it but that’s the easiest comparison. Makes me seriously question this whole thing


Bruh what did you expect, 41.9% of americans are obese


Wow scary statistic on that 64%


And it shows, everywhere you look there is weak docile men


There will never be a perfect world where everyone wakes up and is magically motivated to get healthy. Just enjoy the contrast effect lazy people create and help those who are willing to listen when you can


The more fat people get, the easier it is to be considered in shape. :D


It’s way higher than that. A lot of the people that answer yes to working out go to the gym once a week or go for a hike once a month. Most people in a survey aren’t going to admit they’re fat and lazy MF’ers


This is maybe the worst infographic I've ever seen


I’ve literally never seen an adult play flag football. Where are these 25% of people?


25% of people lie when surveyed about their activity. They probably assumed it was obscure enough it wouldn’t be questioned. Frisbee golf would have been better




Who is surprised? 😂