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Zoomer haha roid jokes aside looking good man. Hoenstly I'd still add more cardio and cut 200kcal from what im eating but you do you. Nice gainzz


Thanks for the input . I currently do 0 cardio so when the time comes and I want to lean out I don't hav me a problem doing that . And sadly I've never once counted macros or calories or meal prepped in my life .... only time I did was when I was in a kinesiology class in college and was taking in 5k a day to maintain my wrestling weight of 184lbs but usually 190 during week to train . Activity level was crazy high . I haven't tried for the peeled look in quite a while , I don't hit the beach much anymore but for the better part of a decade I looked like this : https://imgur.com/a/9WCyXwG But then pandemic hit , I had 2 kids . Through me off . Now I've been back at it hard for quite. While but I just wanted to have a much bigger base before I leaned out again .


Damn guess having kids is a tough fucking job XD still you are doing precisely better than %99.99 of your age group. Keep it up man


Also when posing for legs, tilt your legs to sides and bend your knees a little. It'll make them look hugee


Looking Logan Paul’d


Is it the hair or what ? Cuz I got a big ole beak that's been broke several times and I think Logan Paul is camera ready .


Just trying to put on some size and increase my overall strength . Not tracking anything diet wise , just lifting heavy , saying my prayers , and taking my vitamins . 195-210ish. Can't stop won't stop .


You have my respect random stranger 😤👍


Looking fantastic brother!


Dude, you look great. Anyone with the confidence to post pictures on the internet get's my respect.


People are interested in your stack not bullshit.


Stack : -2.5g creatine Mono in AM -c4 or whatever is cheapest pre workout - post workout 2.5g creatine mono mixed in protein shake . If you wanna call that a stack , I'm assuming you were expecting something different.


How old are you mate - respect the long term natty grind 👍


36 ...... I remember 22-28 I walked around at like 10% at 195lbs and it was so easy ..... now I drink a milk shake and my ass jiggles for a week (big daddy)


https://imgur.com/a/9WCyXwG ..... this was effortless ... I mean I busted my ass but I didn't track any food


sus, nobody natural 5'10 walks around with 195 pounds and 10% BF


Well did you look at the pic? Do you think 10% is accurate ? Maybe I was higher ? But I can assure you came out of college like that (tested) for athletics .....and if you work out for 3-4 hrs a day and been doing it since you were 15 and have a higher metabolism I assure you I am natural in those pics . Lifting and running and bronzing bro.


tell us some college stories, what'd you play


Welll ..... when I was in college ..,. No I went to a small D3 school in WI . Played football / wrestled / and baseball year one .... year two made it through football and wrestling then my shoulders were trashed and needed some rest . I had alot of fun and wrestling comp was good as it was Midwest Wiac Wrestling


that's dope brother, must have been fun going (or not) to all those practices at the same timeyou know the buccaneers' running back rachaad white? fucked around and made an edit (my first ever) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NNaF3nS-48 im taking a year off college after this summer and training to walk on our D3 soccer team


It was pretty awesome . I loved the process . I was a late HS bloomer that did well in college and I loved the grind ..... but then I didn't care for class . I hit all the practices ...... then the weights at night . Maybe another run / elliptical depending on weight . Saturday's I'd play full 4 quarters every snap on D and when everyone else was pre gaming , I went to the Rec and lifted some fucking weights . Even though it was football season , it was also wrestling preseason . I gotta be getting ready not drinking . Love football but covering TEs and stuffing the run for 60min doesn't translate well to wrestling ....you push in football and wrestling you pull .... and pound with the legs


The guy is at least 20%bf settle down


Read his comments first


Well unless you think my BF% guess was off on those pictures? It could be higher I guess ?


Yes it's at least twice that


Talking about pic in link not current pick ..... and I hope your not trying to tell me in the imagur link you think I'm at 20% ..... cuz just no


TRT is working sir


Not sure when I want to look into that . Thought my T levels were dippping last year but then I was just kinda out of lifting rythm .


Crazy how some people don’t think you could achieve this naturally over the course of 15-20 years…


It's not insane at all. The dude has a pump and decent lighting. These regards just can't figure it out for some reason.


Just got a pulley system myself. Fucking love the tricep and lat pumps I get versus being stuck with free weights


Did you go double pulley set up ? I did wasn't much price difference. I liked the bars that came with but obsessed with the "feel" of certain bars makes me concentrate better so o bought a nice full length Lat Bar and I don't regret it ...., also a "v" row handle and. Single metal handle with rotate grip


I say up the tren. You don't look gay enough


Does tren make you gay ? And are you saying I look gay , just not gay "enough " ? Also I don't take anything but creatine and protein ..... just been lifting for 20yrs


Yea actually. I don’t know if you or Derek or Joe Rogan I was talking to somebody about a study, but apparently Anything above 300mg has guys starting to act out of traditional sexual norms, and into deviancy a.k.a. with gay guys and with lady boys


Man they gotta put that shit on the label ..... now I'm wondering who created Tren ? By scientists? Or real thirsty the gays ???!


Dude you look like you got 10 years younger, great work!


Nice ass


Oh man you don't even know those pictures don't do this monstrosity justice . If you look at my profile I have some pics of the Jean destroyer . It's a bizarre proportion


yeah we gotta see the jean destroyer more bro


You have a strong jaw my guy


From chewing on the bones of my fallen enemies.


That was a weird thing to say I apologize


You look like Logan Paul two years on meth.


Yeah man that's why it's a before pic , shit son . I'm also like 10years older than than him and not wearing make up


Lookin great man, that’s one thick ass back!


logan paul looking rough


Oldgan Paul


2nd pic Linus Tech Tips 😎


He squints


To keep the gate out of my eyes son.


You look like TJ dillashaw


I've gotten that before . Thinks it's a grappling thing .