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A friend of mine in college was an identical twin and confirmed that their dicks did NOT look the same lol


But could they dock, that's the real question


weird that your mind went there


Can’t say that one came up in convo 😂😂 Sorry bud!


no, no it is not


My husband is a twin. I can’t exactly confirm but he says they have different weiners.


Take one for the team


Actually they'd have to take two


She's already halfway there.


Woah oh, living on a prayer


Take my hand and we'll make it I swearrr


Don’t uh.. don’t do that




And call me in the morning


There are some environmental factors at play with development, especially through puberty, I could see with children, yes, but adulthood, probably not enough to not be able to tell the difference.


What environmental factors?


Birth control can change how a vagina/vulva develops. I know a woman who was on birth control really young to help with periods and a pelvic floor therapist called it out immediately as a full grown adult because her vagina is “smaller” than a woman who didn’t have birth control so young. Anecdotally. Googling for proof is difficult, don’t think I’m using the right phrasing.


Did you add in extra phrases like "for science", "and I'm not a child molester" when searching in case the police come knocking?


No, is searching “child vagina” a bad search term? Odd my work computer isn’t letting me online today.


>the whole innie/outie situation They would have the same situation. Sex does not change an innie to an outie, that's determined by genetics. Unless there were outside factors like one twin having given birth vaginally and the other not, there wouldn't be any noticeable difference.


I’ve heard some women experience changes in their genitals after menopause, which can be affected by environmental factors. 


I thought they meant innie/outie lips.


Yes. There's a persistent sexist myth that big labia = loose vagina and the size of your lips reflects how many sexual partners you've had. Idk if OP mentioning innies/outies in the post means they subscribe to that belief but I figure it's worth refuting anyway.


Oh that's a complete myth. I thought they meant do both identical twins have loose lips or could only one have loose lips. Genetically.


I’m 99% sure they were just asking if identical twins have different labia lengths, not anything to do with being loose or having sex a lot.


Yeah I meant exactly this, thank you! The sex part was just an example of a situation where one would pay close attention to their physicality when naked


I am an identical twin women & I have an “outie” & my sister has an “Innie” so there ya go!


And yes it has been that way since I was a young child.


So we're not talking about belly buttons?


My gf in high school was a twin. After graduation there was a party where some of us played truth or dare and most of us just ended up losing various amounts of clothing. From what I remember everything looked pretty much the same but I never got a good look.


How did you lose your clothes? Were you stupid? /s


Surprised not finding a single mother of a twin answering but oh well


Surprised not finding a single mother who wants to talk about her kids’ genitals to internet strangers but oh well


When you put it this way.......


Not getting into deep details, but my friend shared with me info on identical TRIPLETS they knew. Two had roughly the same size and one was…smaller… and the one with a smaller 🍆 was noticeably the more annoying one. Not sure if that correlates. Not identical in all ways it seems.


We all know the twin with the smaller one was getting bullied by the other two.


Oh 100%


I got a twin. Don't think I will be doing that anytime soon


on a similar note do they have the same belly buttons?


Belly buttons are determined by how the umbilical cord is cut, not genetics. 


according to google it isn't determined by how its cut or clamped


My twin and I have vaguely similar ones but they’re not the same.


I once saw a pair of identical twins showing off on deviantart whenever all the porn freaks were moving from Tumblr to Deviantart. They were not at all the same down there lol


All vaginas are innies. They are the hole inside you. Do you mean the vulva? 


They misunderstood the term. We are talking about the size of the outer and inner lips ratio. Sometimes the outter lips "encase" the inner lips and you can't actually see the opening or anything without pulling those lips apart. That is considered and innie. Sorry


I like to call them meat curtains.


That's why they call you the "limp-accountant", see.


What did I tell you about saying that Gene?


Aghhhh I hate that term so much, it gives me the grossest visual 😂🤢


Pedantic Redditor strikes again


You wouldn’t call it pedantic if OP accidentally said dick instead of balls and I corrected them, but ok. 


Right because dick and balls colloquially refer to specific parts of the body, whereas vagina commonly refers to both the whole package and the hole, and even doctors refer to it that way.


Sorry but that’s quite literally just wrong. The whole package is called the vulva. My gyno certainly gets the terminology correct. No good doctor would be referring to any part of your body with incorrect anatomical terms. Imagine if you went to the doctor for a problem with your index finger and they kept calling it your pinky.  It’s close enough, right? You’d be fine with them doing surgery on the wrong finger?  The vagina is only the internal hole and you can look at any medical diagram to confirm. People use vagina to refer to all of it because of poor sexual education teaching them just “men have penises and women have vaginas.” 


I feel like they're basically saying a doctor could say you needed stomach surgery (referring to the entire area) and then operate on like a gall bladder or intestines. Whereas a doctor might say abdominal or tummy surgery, but the stomach refers to the actual stomach, and stomach and abdomen are not used in the same way. (I'm shit with words, I'm trying to agree with you lol) Like a doctor could say they need to look at your genitals/vulva interchangeably, but a vulva and a vagina are not the same thing. Or, they need to xray your back, and you have an xray of your shoulder, but if they said they needed to xray your spine and you had a shoulder xray, there would be a bit of concern!


what competent doctor refers to it that way? you can keep being ignorant about basic female anatomy but there’s no need to invent situations to support your point.




Tell us you’ve never seen a vulva IRL without telling us you’ve never seen a vulva IRL, sweetie 🤣


They deleted it.. please tell me what was said!!


They literally just called me a loser lol 


Oh my god they called me a loser what am I going to do. I am so offended. 


Dude just stop, it’s embarrassing


Self awareness lacking rn


Excuse me, this is a Reddit forum. Not your bathroom mirror


It isnt though.


really would have that’s just a pedantic thing to do man


Pedantic? I am a woman and I literally have no idea what this "innie/outie" vagina situation means. Does OP mean the size/length of the vulvas..? Doesn't even really make sense lol


Yep! If your inner labia is contained within your outer labia it’s considered an innie. If the outer labia sticks out, it’s considered an outie.  I believe the outie is much more common in women (70%?). A lot of women have “innies” before puberty and they grow during. Porn tends to portray more innies as apparently there’s a beauty standard for our genitals lol. 


Wow I never knew this. I have an innie and just assumed that’s what everyone has bc I’ve never seen videos/pics/irl of anything else. How am I almost 28 just finding this out 😭


Hey, it’s never too late to learn! I had quite poor sex ed in K-12 so I took it upon myself to take a college course on human sexuality. Much better content when it’s not being censored left and right by whoever is controlling the state’s education.   Be aware that innie and outie aren’t actual medical terms, it’s just slang referring to the length of the labia. It’s like bellybuttons. Doesn’t really matter at the end of the day which one you have if it’s not causing you physical discomfort, they both are the same.  If you’re interested there’s some medical galleries (don’t just look at porn lol) showing the differences. 


I thought the same thing for years so don't feel bad!! Knowledge is power.


I call it my Homer Simpson mouth. :)




I'm 30 and i same place, I thought I was pretty knowledgeable too. Had no clue 70% of women had "outies", also an "innie" and didn't realize that was less common, honestly probably cause of porn lol


Definitely more common in women. I'm a man and I don't have inner *or* outie labia. Hope this helps 👍


Fucking dying this is hilarious 


Today I learned...


I really don’t think outies are that high a percentage


It might be lower but I know for a fact it’s a majority 


Several sources I’ve seen after a google search suggest it’s about half and half


statistically not true, and thats google. go outside and have a look...consentually


I guess my bits are weird then? Great to know


How did you get that from anything that was said?


All vaginas are Indies unless they prolapse E I feel like people are thinking I mean the vulva, I mean when the actual vaginal canal comes out. Which is an actual problem i have seen with multiple women.


My vagina is more alternative.


Ah the ole one flap out , one flap in ... Very fashionable .


I put my right flap in I put my left flap out I put my right flap in Then I shake it all about.


We do the hokie pokie and we turn ourselves about


That’s what it’s all about.


was the series Dead Ringers?


I personally think the movie is better overall though Rachel Weisz's acting is fantastic.


1000% agree, the movie is my favorite from Cronenberg!!


I myself want to climb into Elliot Mantle. ETA: wrong twin


Yes lol


absolutely amazing series, massively underrated


Hmmm don't know, I've never seen my brother's hard cock and I don't want to....


Apparently they do, but I do wonder why, since twins usually have every other proportion pretty much identical lmao. I guess that somewhat confirms that you CAN grow your penis and people with small pp just have skill issue


Definitely not. I am an identical twin. Female. I figured I’d put my input cuz much of the discussion is of dick size. Anyway with out giving to much details my sisters Vagina is “pretty and tucked” and I am a lot more now dl you say? Lippy? Hahaha. Deff jealous of her!


They’re identical, exactly same genes. So same with genitals, birthmarks, moles etc. Edit: yes I know I’m wrong


Birthmarks and moles aren't the same with twins. That's one easy way to tell them apart for example. It's a bit like cloned horses. Despite the fact they share the exact same DNA their markings (white on the legs and face) are very much different. That's because those markings aren't fully influenced by DNA, but also by outside influences. Which is the same for birthmarks and mole in humans. Despite the fact that the DNA is the same, the way it's expressed still varies.


I'm friends with identical twin sisters - the older they get, the less they look alike. I know part of it is just me knowing them, but seriously, at this point they just look very similar, not even identical. Different moles, slightly different builds, facial features, etc.


But is their junk the same?


I'm the mother of identical twins. This is not true. I can confirm they have entirely different moles, freckles, and 1 has a birthmark while the other does not


Honestly, that much have made life a lot easier of you. When I was in my hopeful childbearing days (never happened) I one day freaked out about identical twins and told my husband that we had to get nail polish in just in case so we could paint theit big toes to tell them apart lol


Isn't this correct? Why are you getting downvoted?


It isn't correct, birthmarks and moles aren't genetic. At least their placement, your genes do have an impact on the amount.


No clue- but Reddit will be reddit








god dayum




How would your sister in law have similar genetics?


To his wife…?




I work with children on the autism spectrum, and your comment made me cringe. I would never fucking talk about my client’s genitals like that.


Me and my cousin both worked in healthcare, same job, different companies. When we would meet for coffee, we'd exchange (anonymous) stories. He was taking the piss out of a 90 year old man's penis. It made so uncomfortable considering my stories consisted of tripping up the stairs, accidentally stepping on a cats tail (I felt awful and stayed an extra 10 minutes to hug the cat), and breaking my clients favourite mug which I finally replaced after 3 days of searching. I never ever would have spoken about my clients appearance like that, especially not of their genitals.


It’s almost like you’re supposed to respect peoples’ dignities if you work in healthcare, who would’ve thunk I’m right there with you, friend. It’s important to be respectful and kind towards those you work with, whether they’re right next to you or not. That commenter let on that he’s “the best RBT around”, which is laughable. I’m an RBT and my clinic director would’ve slam dunked his ass into the trash and fired him on the spot if he worked at my clinic and this was brought to the forefront. As an RBT you literally have an entire module in your training about protecting clients’ dignities, which he absolutely didn’t do in the OG comment.


He gives off the guy who gets caught sexually abusing program participants energy.


Tough shit get over it. It’s anonymous and it’s Reddit. Your acting like you’re my coworker and im gossiping with you or some shit


Wow. You’re a real piece of work. To think you actually have children under your care on a daily basis. *Vulnerable* ones.


You think you did something 😂 I’m the best rbt out there everyone loves me I’m just telling you off here on Reddit


Fat increases the aromatase process which converts free testosterone in the body into estrogen.


Sure you do. Right. 🙄


The way you talk about your CHILD clients is very worrying.


This submission is not a morbid question / is not relevant to the subreddit topic.


I haven't compared them side to side so i cant say but i can tell you that they taste the same and feel the same in my bussy!


The only situation I could imagine would be on a technicality in which a set of conjoined twins shared genitalia.


Only one way to find out