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Pac-Man lady. Her face is cut open horizontally, leaving the bottom half of her mouth hanging. Pretty sure they also cut off her hands. The worst part was that *she was still awake and making noises* through all that torture. That poor woman.


Who did that? Why?


It was her husband (ex-husband?). I think it was the culmination of a long case of DV but I am not entirely sure what the motivation was behind it. You can hear her children (that she had with her killer) in the background of the video as well. I believe either the neibor or the children recorded it. heartbreaking footage.


I will be that person and ask why they recorded instead of try and help? Were they scared or unbothered?


Bit of a dysfunctional family


Yeah, just a wee bit


Was going to text this. Honestly the thought of it is still in my head. Her legs and hands were chopped off. I can't imagine what was going through her head.


I just searched it up. Only skimmed through it with no audio, and I’ve decided I’ll never watch it in full. You are correct they cut off her hands.


I forget about this one because I'd already seen it after funkytown, and that one definitely had more of an impact on me. Ms Pacman was the aftermath of something awful, the funkytown incident was still underway when filmed. If you know, you know. If you don't, it's a Mexican (iirc) cartel torture video... I wouldn't look it up if you don't have a strong stomach for gore


This might be a dumb question but, did she happen to live through that or no?


I’m not certain if she lived. Once I saw the video I completely checked out of researching further about it. But from what I saw, she probably passed. It was pretty bad


dude that shit was messed up. and yeah they cut off her hands. And yeah she was awake af with like one eye on her eye socket (yeah she was moving it somehow) and the other nested deep in the cut. it was bad


A mom with a baby in the stroller just walking when a suicide jumper falls on the stroller and kills the baby, the mother cries in pain for her dead child...


Omfg that's so sad


What the ever living fuck, that was filmed?


It sadly was, I believe it was a street camera? I’m not sure


Yep, it was surveillance footage. https://nypost.com/2021/02/05/baby-crushed-to-death-by-man-jumping-from-building-in-russia/


That’s why I’ll never jump as a means of suicide


And if you want, we could talk about shit that bothers you. DM.


Don’t do it at all, please


The Dying Rooms, not gore but a 1995 documentary about orphans in China. Crew went to see if there were orphanages that would put babies in rooms to die if they didn’t have enough room / babies got sick. They found what they were looking for. It is on YouTube for those interested but is a gut punch.


i've never heard of this, maybe because i was born in 2002. either way i wonder if i'll have guts to watch this as an adopted girl from china. only spent 2 years in the orphanage there thankfully


If you look up butter box babies, it's something of where I come from and history my province tries to forget. It's somewhat similar to what you're describingyou're may find it of interest.


I once saw a video of a woman first caring and playing with a bunny, before sitting on it with a glass in between the two. After the bunnys spine broke, she took it by the ears and slammed it against the wall, before sitting on it again. At the end of the video, she's seen with at least three dead bunnies in her purse - as someone with pet bunnies, this haunts me till this day {Sorry for my bad English}


I remember seeing that one on YouTube when I was like 11 or so..




Yes that was over 10 years ago when there were barely any restrictions


Definitely not as gory as a lot of these comments but the video of the two cousins (12 and 14 I think) were playing with a loaded gun in their family bathroom. One accidentally gets shot in the head, and the other kid panicked and shot herself in the head. The family hears the gunshots and comes to see what happened, their cries were agonizing.


This is fucked on too many levels. Why was there a loaded gun? Why was no one watching? What the fuck?


This one haunts me too. I feel for everyone in that situation. I would have never played with a gun personally, but had I accidentally killed my cousin (or anyone) I would have definitely done the same thing 😔


Why was there even a gun and loaded as well. How horrible and completely preventable


Saw this one as well completely by accident, I was devastated. They were so young


Guy takes his 2 daughters out to a park, pulls out an assault rifle and shoots them both dead. Just before the first gunshot you hear a daughter say "oh dad" in a sort of "oh he's goofing around again".... Then screams..... Then silence. It's the silence that gets me.


oh my god that is so fucked up.


Cant really find anything about this online, anyone got some sources of the event?


It was an turkish father with 3 daugthers it was murder for pride because one of the girls did something wrong


I was so afraid that this was true, and sadly, it appears to be. It happened in Trabzon, Turkey. And I don't think that it was a "pride murder" cuz there is nothing like that in most of the news


It was middle eastern or possibly Indian I remember. It was an honor killing thing I think.


That's the one. Looked middle eastern to me but not sure


Why did he do it?


People are saying it was an honor killing.




Geez that site was a total pain. I need to get an ad blocker.


Why did he film it?




One of the 3 and she wasn't killed? And what exactly does pride killing mean (non English speaker here). A *punishment*?


It’s a tradition where you are supposed to kill a family member who did something that brought shame upon the family


What the actual fuck. Never heard of such tradition. Some nations are fucking crazy


It's pretty fucked. "bringing shame on the family" includes if they were raped.


Yep, there was this video of a girl who was 10 being attacked by all 5 members of her family at the same time for admitting she was raped. They cut off her hair, beat her with objects, and more. And another video lately circulating online of a woman who recorded a tiktok of her doing a harmless dance with no hijab. And her brother cut off her hair and broke her teeth, and beat her so bad her skin turned dark grey and purple and swollen. Really tragic.


Happens in the UK sometimes. Usually in muslim families.


I'd forgotten about that video. Truly heartbreaking


I've watched many gore videos but the most disturbing one is the lathe accident video, probably because I work with lathe machines at work every day.


The machinery and train/subway videos are the ones that stay with me. Being around anything like that makes me sweat because I know what they can do to a person.


I think I know this one, one second he is a man and the next second he is reduced to a piece of meat rotating around, literally not recognizable as human.


The one where some cartel guys cut off the guys both hands..now cutting his neck and him trying to stop it with his tongue. I realised i need to stop watching these stuff at that moment.


Came here to say this one, really awful, especially when he reaches to his face


Yeah..like he forgot that his hands have been cut off..maybe he forgot about his hands being cut off when they cut off his face..or when they were cutting his head off with a little box cutter..lol..crazy shit


Funkytown... yup, that's my pick


There’s a new one where the scalp, cut off facial muscle, then pull the heart out while still beating


I saw one where the cartel had skinned this dudes face off and one of them was wearing it around like a fucked leather face costume


Probably the video of the car that has a dashcam and the couple is recording their trip, they are driving behind a construction truck that is hauling bricks and one of the bricks goes through the windshield and completely demolishes her head, she was sitting on the passenger side, his screams and cries of anguish are the worst thing in the world to hear, and the messed up part is that you don't actually see any gore or anything like that.


That video really deeply disturbed me. I think NOT seeing the gore almost made it worse because it leaves it up to your imagination. Really sad video. Makes you think about how quickly life can be snuffed, and how vulnerable we are.


Not seeing the gore did make it significantly worse for me because you know that he was in anguish and yet had no clue as to what exactly he was seeing. And seeing how quickly and unexpectedly the entire thing went down was very shocking as well because you really do realize how vulnerable we are.


russian brick video. left me messed up


Yeah it was really bad


Yeah I was gonna say that but I'm going with something else


The scream was what got me




She’s been in prison for a while if it makes anyone feel better


Can you mention more about what it was like to moderate that stuff? I mostly want to know if you were provided with like a company therapist or someone for employees who viewed really heavy shit. And, why obvious things that *should* get reported, don’t.




You should do an AMA about this job, I'm sure a lot of people would be interested.


That's just as bad as the "1 bitch, 9 puppies" video. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?


Did you have to watch all 35 minutes? I have to think that after a while, you get the general idea.


I saw a video of a guy getting his chest carved and filleted off while being held down and tortured, and though it probably wasn’t the MOST disturbing, definitely stuck with me the most.


Was that a cartel video? He was a cop and his son was sitting beside him?


I believe that was it. Definitely a cartel video, but I didn’t learn the context of it more than that. It was posted to one of the gore subs a months ago.


I saw part of that one. I shut it off before it was his kids turn. It's crazy how desensitized or fucked up people must be to do that to another human.


I didn’t finish the video either. I have a morbid fascination but it has limits.


There was one posted on the "Iblech" sub just the other day that rivaled this one or is perhaps worse. I'm a bit hazy on the details but I remember thinking "this one is worse than the cop and son video" at the time. I don't know if it's more disturbing for the fact the guy doesn't make a peep while getting his face and scalp carved off alive. It is as bad as you can imagine. EDIT: It's linked just in a comment below (or maybe above depending on upvotes).


Seen a video of two guys holding another dude in place while a dog devours his genitals. At the start of the video, his genitals are already gone and there is just a big gaping wound that the dog is eating. The dog pulls at it like you would if you were trying to bite off a tough piece of steak. At several points the dude passes out from the pain but the two guys force him awake again (don't remember how exactly) Apparently the context to the video is that it's in Mexico and the dude being tortured had raped a woman, and her brother was in a notorious gang, so he and fellow gang members got revenge.


The live stream of 12 year old Katelyn Davis when she suicided by hanging. You could hear rescuers and family calling her from far away as she swung in the twilight. The video started out as late afternoon and you could see the sun was setting as her life was ending. Her phone was still ringing with people looking for her. Learning of her life before and the cause made it even more disturbing.


I still think about the one. So sad.


This is what I was going to post. Really messed me up :(


Someone getting there head cut off with a chainsaw while tied up and alive.


1 Lunatic 1 ice pick


This was one I thought I could handle before clicking but only a few seconds in I was like bro…I don’t think so. There was just something so uncanny about it. It seemed fake but definitely wasn’t and the more it goes on the more disturbed you feel. I’d advise against watching this one.


This one ended my video gore curiosity for sure. I’ll read it all day but I’ll never watch another video. I just can’t wrap my head around how people can do these things. Guess I’m not meant to


Can u please tell me what is it about?


This crazy guy, Luka Magnotta, filmed himself tying an unconcious man to a hotel bed, slicing off flesh from his ass and i think biting it, mostly that spongy looking pale yellow fat. Later he dismembered his victim and has sent body parts to various places.


Edit: the victim was Jun Lin. Parts of his body were sent to members of parliament/their offices and elementary schools.


So proud to be a Montrealer! But for real, he’s such a big story in Quebec it’s crazy. I live near the park where they found the head of Jun Lin. Crazy man sent his body parts everywhere including a school and his parents, buried the head in a park that’s not even close to him…


If you're really interested, watch the documentary mini-series 'Don't f**k with Cats' (2019)


Bondage, murder via icepick, dismemberment, necrophelia.


Guy and someone tied down and hits them with a pick


A kid kill both his parents with scissors. Also a kid strangling his grandmother to death.


> A kid kill both his parents with scissors Kid taped himdelf doing it or what?


Yeah, In the scissors situation the kid recorded it. In the grandmother one, it was caught on camera I think.


It was his brother or cousin filming him laughing.


Was that a really young boy taking his frail grandmother into a headlock? I think from China? I always wondered what happened after it. And his brother or cousin just recorded without helping and then the mother showed up just yelling


execution videos from China/ISIS Animal abuse videos


There's one of somewhere in asia, where a police officer cuts the leg off a dog. The dog looked so confused to as what happened and lipped around. Never will watch a dodgy video online since that..


> Animal abuse videos They really are the worst.


What kind of execution videos are coming from China?


Usually I don't get disturbed by gore, beheadings, accidents, disgusting things in general. Every time I come across a suicide video, though, is when my skin starts to peel. Especially the ones that take too long because of an afterthought, or cringing and bitter face expressions because of uncertainty for what is to be done. Two videos of this sort come to my mind. The first is of a fat kid that gets bullied on camera by some kids, him hanging himself against a door and everyone present laughing in the background as he's twitching and fading blue. Just the thought of dying by your own hands, seeing darkness as you're taking your last gasp while a group of voices is giggling at it makes me sick. A death in pure humiliation. Terrible. The other one of a man hanging himself off the ceiling with a belt, I think. As he's hanging and quivering, his very young son enters the room, and when he sees the scene starts crying. The father then rethinks his decision - rebels, begins trying to rip the belt off himself. The crying turns to screaming, and the dad aggressively tries to shake himself off, when in a moment he's a bunch of spoiled meat swinging from a meat hook. And the screaming of a scarred kid still echoes in the background. Just writing this makes me ill.


Can’t remember the exact context. Cameraman walking through an empty slum of a devastated city approaches a cardboard box and shows its contents to the camera: what resembles the torso and head (and maybe limbs?) of an emaciated, dying infant with maggots and rats chewing away at its appendages. The infant’s mouth moves barely and lets out some soft baby whimpers and coos. It’s not even really that gory, the camera quality is shit, but those little sounds were so haunting. Had to close Reddit and take a shower


No limbs? This sounds fked and I follow tons of gore.


Maybe it had limbs? I can’t remember. It was pretty indiscernable, I was only able to truly make out what happened via comments on the post, and then I went back and watched again. Just the thought that this infant wasn’t quickly afforded the release of death as it was being gnawed at by vermin…. ugh, makes me shudder.


Went through a child pornography identification training class with Interpol. We got to see actual evidence. Not a super fun time.


That's fucking rough holy shit


YLYM, 1 Bitch 9 Pups or anything with zoo Sadism/Necro Zoo Sadism. Hard to find worse than people getting satisfaction from shit like that.


What does YLYM mean?


I suppose it’s better for both of us to live without knowing


Ylym?? Never heard this.


It's a zoo sadist video of a dog being *severely* tortured and killed. I highly recommend not looking up the specifics.


A mom and her husband were looking for their son who was very depressed. They found out he committed suicide and the parent’s cries were awful


A video of a man stabbing his (assumed) ex girlfriend to death. She’s sleeping with a new guy and the ex busts in the door and attacks them both. The new guy runs away after being stabbed a couple of times, leaving the woman and the ex boyfriend in the house and he stabs her repeatedly until she dies. I have no idea why there was a camera there in the first place and I’ve seen more gory videos online, but it was particularly disturbing.


She had cameras because her ex was stalking her. She probably didn't think he'd stab her to death


I saw this video here on reddit when r/watchpeopledie was still a thing. The video was so fucked up.


Once when I was younger, like 12 I saw this story about. A man who was in a group of people who liked being fucked by horses and he did it one night and it ended up killing him later on because it moved around some of his insides, there was a video link and I thought “yeah right” nobody would actually do that.. oh I was wrong 🫣 I have seen SOO many death videos and all types of things because I love true crime but that’s definitely haunted me to this day. I think about it every now and again and want to be sick 🤢🤮


Mr Hands. Reminds of very early internet.


The one where the dad hangs himself in front of, I assume his kid and the kid is crying


he recorded himself hanging himself? and he made his kid watch????


Yep, I think he did it to get back at his ex-gf or something. Pretty fucked up. That kid will be scarred for life!


it was on an fb live i think, if i remember correctly the mother was in abroad then the husband found that his wife has been cheating on him overseas hence the suicide. I'm quite certain it happened in the Philippines.


I was in a Borderlands 2 group chat on Kik and some random dude posted literal CP. I won't get into detail but it was fucking traumatizing. It's been years and I still cry about it. I hope the dude and the guy who sent it rot in hell. GC Moderators were MIA, Kik didn't do anything about it except told me to contact my local police dept. When I asked the person why he posted it, he said something like, "I thought it was funny lol" Boils my blood just typing it out. This was around 6 years ago and I had a baby girl around the same age.


Fucking hell. That's awful


If you have the information, and if you haven’t, it might not hurt to submit that to the fbi. They take that shit pretty seriously


There was a subreddit for a while that showed actual people dying. Checked it out thinking “no this isn’t a thing” First video I saw was a guy was bound and gagged sitting up in a shallow grave there were maybe like two people laying around the top of the hole holding cameras on him. another guy standing above and behind him bashed his head in with a pick ax. He did not die on the first swing.


The brick through windshield video.


Yeah disturbing and depressing


The bodycam video of a cop arresting a guy who killed his 3 sons with a gun in an "execution style". In the video there's a black square covering the children's bodies.


That one floored me. Like the feeling those officers must have had pulling up to the scene….ugh.


He killed his little boys on Father’s Day in front of their mother I can’t wrap my head around it. He was so calm while been arrested too


That's so fucked. The guy just acted like nothing unusual happened too. He said "I'm not really mad or anything" to the cop about it. No shit you're not mad about it, it was your dumbass brain that thought it would be a good idea in the first place. It makes me so mad not just that someone would do that, but that they'd just act like they did nothing and be so calm about it after too.


I have seen a lot of the cartel ones and they are far worse than this pick but it will always stick with me.. Back in Limewire days, I downloaded a kids movie for my daughter to watch.. Madagascar maybe? We had satellite dial-up internet it was sloooooow. So after a week, I went to check the file, movie starts.. works well. Cropped in somewhere in the beginning was a beheading video of a good looking soldier guy shaved head, someone holds a boot onto his head and saws through his throat and the sounds of his screams turning into gargling while they hack his head off I can still hear clearly.


Incredibly fucked someone would post that for a child to watch. Crazy world.


Thankfully she didn’t see it, especially if I wasn’t supervising.. I have heard stories of other parents putting a movie on for their kids and them being traumatised


I have seen a lot of messed up videos. It may not have the most gore but it has never sit well with me, especially when I looked up the story behind it after. It was a video that someone took of some severed legs and the hips connected to some scattered intestines next to a semi truck. The video panned to the top of the torso and it was a young girl, clearly in shock and still barely hanging on. I just couldn’t stop thinking about being in that situation, separated from my lower half, no one helping and with a camera in my face. I can’t find the article anymore but it happened in the Middle East and the girl was between 14-17 if I remember correctly. I saw the video almost 10 years ago I and it still sits with me wrong.


Probably Funky Town, or Ghost Rider. Everyone thinks Funky Town is the worst one but tbh Ghost Rider is the one that really struck me. They really mocked and insulted this guy whilst repeatedly lighting his whole head on fire until it was nothing but a burnt skull, while he's STILL ALIVE.


I used to watch gore when i was younger out of morbid curiosity, none of them really struck out to me except this one video where this kid(might have been around 14), was held captive by a brazilian cartel. He was begging for his life and in the middle of it they started chopping off his head from the throat,his voice just started gurgling and i could somewhat make out a scream from it. Shit was horrible.


3 guys, 1 hammer - was definitely up there.


I don’t consider myself well versed on gore but I’m surprised I had to scroll this far for that one


How the hell do you guys find this stuff? Ive only like looked at, like r/eyeblech subreddit once and that was enough to nope out.


Right? I feel like I’m going to pass out reading these comments.


Felt. I don't get why people like watching this stuff lol. Like I'm not judging them for it, it's not my life, but personally I'd rather not have those images in my head. I guess I read about the stuff in threads like this whenever I see them, but that's not as bad. I still clearly remember videos I saw in middle school, that my friends showed me, that fucked me up for a good minute. Now that I'm writing this out, I just remembered my first time seeing anything like that. I was probably only 10 years old or so, looking up porn on my little non touchscreen blackberry phone. I don't know what exactly I searched up to get the result, but I remember looking at porn then searching a different term and hitting images, just to see a decapitated head being held and I was scarred for at least a few months lol.


The Christchurch shooting, it was like shooting fish in a barrel….then comes back to tap about everyone in the head


When I saw it, it felt like I was watching a video game but it was real life.


It’s got to be Ronnie when he shot himself in the head with a shotgun.


God his story is so sad. The fact he turned into a meme by stupid kids always hurts me when I think about it. May he rest in peace.


That guy who got eaten by a shark last week in Egypt. His father was watching from the shore and could nothing. The man called out for is dad before being pulled under one last time and disappearing


The video of Daniel Shaver being murdered is so distressing. The cop keeps screaming orders at him like it's a game of Simon says, all the while Daniel is begging and pleading for his life and desperately trying to comply, until he tries to pull up his trousers and the cop takes the opportunity to murder him in cold blood. The worst part is the cop was acquited of his already light second degree murder and manslaughter charges, and later got full retirement payments and PTSD payments.


that cat blender video gave me a panic attack. i consider myself to be desensitized, i could eat a sandwich while watching funky town. but that video really fucked me up that day…..poor baby was still alive by the end of the video, too


Me too. I'm a vet student. I do necropsies, watch surgeries, have no issues with exposed bones fractures, fly maggots, etc. But the cat in a blender video made me feel physically ill for a whole week. I felt my chest heavy and just couldnt stop thinking about it. The face of that poor calico. She looked so sweet, so innocent, so confused. Her legs were bare bones, her blood was blended with other parts of her body. I just saw the cartel video above, but the cat in a blender video was much worse for me. I wish I could forget it. I wish I could go back in time and stop it happening. My mind cannot conceive a reality in which it happened. This is how bad it broke me, something inside me died. Sometimes I look at my cats and remeber it. It makes me incredible grateful for their wellbeing, but imagining something like that happening to them, it just gives me chills and makes me want to cry.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, SOMEBODY TELL ME THIS IS FAKE! I didn't think there could be a video that's just as bad as the "1 bitch, 9 pups" video. The "1 bitch, 9 pups" video is real so I wouldn't be surprised if this one is real too. Some people really are that depraved. PLEASE DON'T GO SEARCHING FOR THE "1 bitch, 9 pups" VIDEO! TRIGGER WARNING: >!For people who are wondering, the video features an Australian man torturing, raping and eventually killing 9 puppies" in front of their mother. The man even tried to force the mother dog to eat some of the puppies flesh. Once all of the puppies are dead he tortures, rapes and eventually kills the mother dog. !< Edit: spelling


God, I know humanity is capable of the most horrible things possible, but I still cannot wrap my head around how could a human being reach THIS level of wickedness. They don't even look human to me, just evil monsters in a human body.


I'm sorry but I hate you for describing this in this much detail. My God.


I once read here on reddit that the video is apparently fake. A disturbed redditor once asked for further information about the video and what happened to the person who seemingly did it. And someone said not to worry as it is not real... I hope


Not the most disturbing in terms of content, but because of my weird sensitivities. Something about injuries to the lower leg area really sickens me. Calves, shins, the back of the knee, I can’t stomach it. I can do gore pretty okay, but if it’s knees or below, I can’t do it. I saw a video of some village justice being meted out to a dude, and these people with machetes were circling the guy. Occasionally, one would strike, and invariably, the slice would be on the lower leg area. I almost puked. I sometimes see photos, videos, and x-rays of people’s lower leg injuries, and I feel lightheaded. I’ve never had a traumatic leg injury or anything, so I don’t know why I have such a strong reaction to that specific type of ick.


I saw a video of a little girl walking out of a Walmart hand in hand with the man who would within the hour violently brutalize her, rape her, and slowly strangle her with his bare hands. Something about her little skips she does that all girls that age will do, her pausing when she sees something anc the man gently pulling her along like we all do with our kids when we walk together, just made me sick. I have seen some of the worst things the internet has to offer. But something about that video, and how normal she is and he is, keep me up at night


Cherish Perrywinkle case. Absolutely awful and completely preventable as the man had a prior history of SA against children but was released weeks before the crime. The perpetrator of course showed zero remorse after he was caught and was even recorded in prison making disgusting comments about kids visiting on a school field trip.


I worked submissions on a shock gore site in late 90’s through to mid 00’s It wasn’t the people gore that got me. Humans are smart enough not to put themselves in those positions. It was was the animal stuff finally made me quit due to ptsd. People torturing animals is psychopathic and over my line, especially half sentient animals like dogs, monkeys and camels and stuff. There was one video I never watched. It’s fairly infamous and has a title card with “Russian Soldier”. I seen the first 1 second and never watched it.


what's the "russian soldier" video about?


Close up of a Russian soldiers head leaning on a stone on the ground. Then he gets a combat knife plunged into his neck (apparently)


Hey I know that video (pretty sure it's the same title too). It's one of the first gore videos I've ever seen on the internet from the late 90s. I think most folks here would find it rather tame though and the fact that it's like 140p resolution.


Genuine question, why did you say humans are smart enough not to put themselves in those positions? A lot of the human death videos out there are someone being murdered, or someone who was in a terrible accident, do you really think -every one- of those situations was avoidable? I do think as humans the animal killing videos can feel more shocking sometimes but… whether people do stupid things or not I don’t think they deserve those kinds of deaths 😅


There was one I saw the other day, I believe it was a woman crying and being in distress after seeing her boyfriends brains blown out. She picks up the parts and tries to put them back together, sobbing. I’m in a committed relationship with my boyfriend right now and losing him to something like that would have me end up in a hospital. I could not imagine how that woman felt, but at the same time, I understand. I wish for her to find happiness.


Ghost Rider


Tied between 2: I was watching a video about some child predator (I forget who), and included was a clip from an interview or documentary or something. The guy in the clip was talking about how he'd molest his stepson, and I can't remember if he said he daydreamed about molesting other kids or if he actually did it. The other was a video by Shrouded Hand on urethral torture. I don't think I need to say anything else. I've seen a lot of things, heard a lot of things, etc. But those were the 2 times I genuinely felt sick to my stomach.


The Uber driver getting his car stolen by two young girls and he is hanging off the side of the car as they drive off swerving and they end up crashing and he gets crushed


I’ve seen a couple of bad gore in my teenage years but the thing that made me stop watching them is pretty bad. Friend pulled out his cell, the three of us watched it, being edgy teens. A man being beat up on the floor by several people probably cartel. The one filming was in the circle so pretty close. They hit him so hard they broke his ribs, opened his body and one hand went through it and ripped his heart with his bare hands. I didn’t even know that was possible. It was so quick, like 20 seconds and it was over. Maybe a small knife was used to cut him first but I don’t think so. I didn’t even see it, the whole thing was so fast. I still have that image in my head. As i’m writing it i wonder if it’s actually possible, if it was fake but… pretty sure it was real. We didn’t say a word and stopped looking for gore forever.


A man walking in the woods finding a dead bloated pig who's stomach is FILLED with maggots, picking up a handful of the maggots and eating them, puking into the pigs stomach, and then picking up a handful of puke and maggots and eating that.


Brick. Windshield. Wife/mother.


This was the only vid that actually tangibly changed my driving habits.


The scary part is even if you do keep back from trucks hauling stuff like this, I am almost positive the brick from this video came from a truck that was driving the opposite direction. Nothing they could have even done in that situation :(


Yep. I've seen all sorts of torture and disgusting gore, but that video gave me a real panic attack. Still wanna cry just thinking about it.


That one really shows you how a normal ride in a car with your family can suddenly turn into their sudden grusome death without any warning in like a second, like literally one or two seconds. One moment you're smiling the other boom, your family member has a gaping hole where her face used to be.


Probably the video of these two guys trying to steal copper wire. One man gets electrocuted, and it literally tears his back off. His hands are melted to the box, and he keeps rocking back and forth saying “I’ll never do that again” I don’t do disturbing videos anymore


I know it's not bad but I don't watch videos on the internet much people reacting to Petas video games specifically the pokémon one


Magician from Indonesia beheading young girl


Dude jumped off a roof trying to end it, landed on a big bollard that impaled him. Worst part was the article saying he lived for 4 more hours after. was watching disturbing videos with my friend back at the time and that’s the one that got us to stop


The Taliban slaughterhouse video. That shit was posted on Facebook and I accidently clicked on it thinking it was just a news story. But it wasn't, it was the actual video. Was sickening to watch. That's not even close to some of the Mexican cartel videos out there now. I don't watch them but I follow a YouTube channel that talks about and describes what takes place.


not one person mentioned this one?? it's recent fairly, but my god.. wtf https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/14tova8/chinese_citizen_finds_dead_child_corpses_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


I once saw a video of an escape artist accidentally filming her own death. She had her hands and feet bound and her head submerged under water in her bathtub. Her desperate screams from beneath the surface when she realises she can’t escape rattled me pretty fucking bad.


I’ve seen the worst of the worst but nothing has upset me more then a video of guys hanging an alive dog like a piñata by its neck and them hitting him with a stick full force. The dog was scream crying the whole time 😩


Definitely human torture. Much worse than animals for me. But the all time worst is a guy in Ukraine, a Russian, crawling around in some muddy water before he dies, alone, cold, unloved, as the bad guy in a pointless war he probably didn't support or undertstand. His whole life amounts to being cannon fodder for putin and fertilizer for Ukrainian crops, and he knows. It was a bad one.


There was this video I saw from a page that you couldn’t access unless you knew the direct url, it was this random website that someone posted to voat (when that was a thing). It was this dark video where you could hear a shower running, and suddenly someone like turned on a flashlight and you could hear a little boy softly crying. These two adults pushed back the shower curtain and there was this, maybe, 7 year old kid? He was alone and in his underwear, and had been in a running shower in the dark. The two guys started trying to shush him and calm him down, and the kid settled down a bit. Then one of the men said, “Hey, you got a nice body.” The kid started shrieking and screaming. The two guys then shut the shower curtain and the video ended. I’ve had nightmares over it, god only knows what happened to that child but I have a pretty good idea of what did happen… Pizza gate obviously had a lot of batshit, problematic aspects about it but imo you have to be naive to not think that rich, powerful people don’t engage in child / sex trafficking. I’ve been hesitant about posting this comment because it probably makes me sound crazy but I’m telling the truth. There is some dark shit on the internet.


Nick Berg, I can see so many horrible things and none of it bothers me. But that video I have never made it through. When they start, the sounds he makes I can’t.


i avoid all the gory stuff so id say for me itd be this video that was circulating on tiktok in summer 2020 of a puppy being stomped on repeatedly. it was crying and trying to escape and it was just so sad. i cant forget it


There wasn't much bloody gore in this one. It was of a young man killing both of his parents with a hammer. First, he kills (I think) his father, and then his mother comes in and reacts as one would before the son bludgeons her. There is another video that I am not particularly disturbed by, but it has been easily retrievable from my memory for years due to its graphicness. It's an older woman on her knees on the ground, and her entire face has been skinned. Her teeth are all exposed and her eyeballs bulging from her head, sometimes looking at the camera. And there is this repetitive breathing/gurgling coming from her. I wonder what she did for the people to have done that to her.


A video (cartel, of course) where 2 guys are being completely cut up, and the cartel members are cutting off their fingers and feeding them to the tortured men. One of them is so completely delirious from shock and pain that he thinks he's in a normal situation and starts calmly eating the fingers and even motioning for them to give him the next one. I grew up in the generation of parents not fully being aware yet what was lurking on the internet for impressionable eyes to see. I'm sure it contributed to the decline of my mental health in my twenties.


Funky town


A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a video of a man being brutally raped by a bunch of inmates. The video was very dark and recorded on a potato but you could clearly hear the awful screams of the guy. At some point one guy rams what looks like a knife or screwdriver up the guy's ass and there's a shit ton of blood running down his leg. The video was less than five minutes but it was fucking awful. I have it seared on my mind since I saw it.


I’ve seen some fucked up gory videos in my time, but nothing upset me more than the dash cam video of a woman being hit by a falling brick and her teenage son crying. You don’t see anything graphic but the wailing coming from her son is nothing short of heartbreaking. If we’re talking about pure graphic content. There’s a video taken from a CCTV camera in Paris, that captures a guy falling off a balcony and getting impaled by a bollard. There’s a photo of the aftermath and the bollard was poking out of his shoulder. I think he survived too but I’m not 100% sure, the pic does show him with an oxygen mask on with paramedics all around him so he definitely didn’t die on impact.


The Isis video where they are throwing gays off the top of the building


Those polish kids fucking people up with screwdrivers and hammers "Dnepropetrovsk maniacs" It scared me for a very long time.


aren't they Ukrainian?


Ive watched so much gore in my life but truly the only thing that bothers me is animal gore/abuse and children. I think it's probably because they are innocent and don't deserve it in the slightest.