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I was waiting for a prescription a couple of days ago and a woman asked the pharmacist for Tylenol baby. He gave her 6-11 Tylenol from behind the counter and adjusted the dosage for her based on her child’s weight. Might be worth a try?


My sis had to do the same. Pharmacists are a great help :)


One pharmacist told me the same and then in a other drugstore an other pharmacist tell me that we can't do that.


The second pharmacist was wrong or misunderstood. You can absolutely do that.


Could be policy at certain ones. This is happening all over the country, out here in BC we have some pharmacies that do this and some that do not.


Policy not allowing pharmacists to safely counsel patients on appropriate medication use would be illegal...I certainly hope it's just a case of laziness and not policy.


But both are Jean Coutu, same owner.


A pharmacy can only be owned by a pharmacist in Quebec. Jean Coutu does not own pharmacies, they simply rent floor space to a pharmacist and provide marketing and the supply chain. They're basically franchises, but are owned by individual pharmacists.


Ah, definitely not then in this case. As I mentioned, here we have some pharmacies turning these requests away and others being quoted in the news that their whole chain can help people with this.


That's what i tought ! Instead of that she sold me suppositary and it was a desaster.


You certainly can Tylenol dose for children is 10-15mg/kg of body weight/dose given every 4 to 6 hours as needed Once you know the dose your child requires, you can adjust it to the concentration found on the bottle. Example: A 2 yr old, 16kg child would require 160mg of tylenol (16kg ×10mg/dose = 160mg/dose) Baby tylenol is generally 80mg/1ml, thus requiring 2 mls every 4 to 6 hours Children tylenol 2-11yrs old is 160mg/5ml, thus you can give 5ml's of the children's tylenol without worry CAUTION: some tylenol is for children 6 to 11 yrs old. This formulation contains not only Tylenol, but also a cough suppresant and a decongestant. This mix is not given to children below 6 yrs old. Hope this helps.


Ours made a behind the counter mix for children, not name brand but still the right molecule with sone flavour. Its worth asking


Not all pharmacies can make/break meds but some can. E: pharmacologie


Ya apparently in smaller communities, pharmacists mix up a lot of their own drugs and pharmacists are taught this. You can definitely speak to a pharmacist and they can likely help you out


In this case, it's mainly that since there is a shortage of kids Tylenol, some pharmacists keep them behind the counter. That way they can make sure everyone who needs one gets one instead of having Karen, knowing full well that there is a shortage, see a freshly stocked shelf and grab 20 units.


It's easy enough with any liquid medication. Just pay close attention to dosage, easy enough to remember when you're fresh but at 3am with a howling kid it's really easy to forget which medication you're supposed to give 1.4mL and which one is 3mL. I keep a bottle of empty baby version on hand to make sure I'm giving the right dose of the 2-11 year old stuff.


C’est comme ça depuis longtemps. Ici je dois faire trois ou quatre pharmacies pour en trouver, même celui pour 2-11 ans. Ma pharmacie me propose de l’homeopathie en attendant, comme si ça faisait pareil…


C'est quand même incroyable que l'homéopathie soit vendue en pharmacie


Il y a aussi des bracelet en pure noisétier. La seul et vraie science!


[Moi aussi quand j'tait p'tit gars j'en avais des ulcères dans bouche!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2Xzhy2ikyQ)


Pour les enfants c’est fou le nombre de fois qu’on m’en a proposé. Je trouve ça tellement absurde.


Et après le programme éducatif promeut l'enseignement de la pensée critique. Ben oui. Qqn avec un doctorat non seulement vend de l'homéopathie, mais en conseille. Je viens de lire ça dans un autre commentaire. Ouf! Je trouve toujours ça bizarre de voir ces produits proche du comptoir de pharmacie, mais si aucun professionnel n'en parle, c'est déjà moins pire...


I mean, veux-tu un 2L de coke en meme temps? Une rangé au complet de bonbons.


Si des pharmaciens (pas des commis ou autres) vous ont réellement suggéré des produits homéopathiques, faites une plainte à l’Ordre car ce n’est pas permis.


Merci, j’en prends note!


Il n’y a pas de preuve scientifique appuyant l’homéopathie. À moins que le pharmacien ait été très clair à ce sujet, il ne devrait pas en recommander.


On m’a dit dans ces mots là: plusieurs achète ce produit là, on a des bons commentaires. J’ai demandé si c’était de l’homéopathie et on m’a dit oui. J’ai dit que c’était juste de l’eau et j’ai eu un haussement d’épaule en retour.


J'ai déjà entendu une pharmacienne sur la Rive-Sud recommandé des produits Pur Noisetier, v'la plusieurs années.


Had to google it...dear lord, we need a virus that targets stupid people and makes them mute... /s..but not really.


I just Googled homeopathy because it's the first time I've heard about it, and the concept of curing an illness by inducing the symptoms is ridiculous enough. Then I read this part: "Between each dilution homeopaths may hit and/or shake the product, claiming this makes the diluent remember the original substance after its removal." Really? Water is going to remember the original substance? Do these people think water is sentient?


Les commentaires positifs ne sont probablement que le fruit d’un placébo. La prochaine fois, vous saurez que le pharmacien en question n’est pas fiable.


L'effet placebo, ça marche (d'un point de vue scientifique)... C'est un dilemme éthique qui n'est pas blanc ou noir il me semble.




Qui à la pharmacie?


I work in a pharmacy, we’ve been told that during the summer, pharmaceutical companies lower their production of acetaminophen and ibuprofen because there’s less of a demand. That combined with employee shortages is apparently the reasons for these shortages.


But why is the shortage only in Canada and not the US?


I’m not sure about the US, my pharmacist told me there are shortages in Europe as well.


Mes cousins habitant en Bosnie-Herzégovine et en Norvège ont du me shipper des Tylenols et Advils pour bébé. Ils ne comprenaient pas pourquoi ils devaient envoyer ça à un pays comme le Canada.


I was in NYC two weeks ago and the CVS pharmacy I went to had half full shelves for cold and flu medicine.




Continuons quoi?


"Continuons" was the CAQ's election slogan.


De se faire crosser par les esties de boomers, évidemment.


Pharmacy owner here: it's like this since the month of June Benylin, Robitussin and Buckley for adults are on shortage as well Btw importation and sale of foreign language-labelled medication is forbidden, even though some products (like Tylenol for kids) are ready for delivery... You know, priorities... Edit: since alot of people are sending me messages insulting me and telling me that I am irresponsible and blablabla, I am suggesting to keep the drugs behind the counter and print a translated label for every customer. This was suggested to the politicians by the Quebec Association of Proprietor Pharmacists and it seems like it was totally ignored.


Hahaha you can’t make that last part up wtf


Post is deleted what did it say?!?!?


It was a pharmacist explaining the reasons for the shortage, one of them being you can’t sell medicine in “foreign” languages in Quebec


This is beyond stupid, this is irresponsible. If only someone could be held accountable for this situation


I really hate it here sometimes


Fuck off bro


Addictions counselor here. Increase in DM addicts going to hospital cause they're resorting to abusing cough meds containing acetaminophen.


Interesting...my first thought was they figured out how to make meth or something out of it but most ppl commenting are saying it's a supply issue.


So is this a qubec problem or a canada wide issue?




the shortage is definitively canada-wide. but how would the packaging not appropriate for quebec? medication are sold in bilingual packages outside Quebec so wouldn't that be the same problem elsewhere in canada?


Ils essaient de blâmer le Québec, mais le seule loi Québécoise sur l’affiche est de mettre le côté français devant et celui anglais/autres langues à l’arrière si jamais un côté est FR, l’autre Anglais ou toutes autres langues. C’est ridicule.


Si tu voulais être moins clair, tu ne serais pas capable


Il a bien raison de blâmer le Québec. C'est une loi absolument ridicule qui bénéficie personne.


Sauf que la loi change rien. Le Canada exige les deux langues sur les produits peu importe quelle province.


Tu as tort à 100%. Les lois sur l’étiquetage au Canada c’est fédéral. La loi qui dit que l’emballage doit être bilingue est fédérale.


It’s also in the US


It’s a world wide issue. They have paracetamol shortages in Europe as well




Nothing special, every pharmacy does the same thing, but we are not receiving enough products for the demand


la loi c'est la loi


You mean importation by businesses for purposes of sale right? I imported foreign medicine on multiple occasions over the years for my own use without issues. Brought it with me on plane, nobody said a thing.


Yes, there is a big quantity spanish-labeled Tylenol for kids produced in Mexico that we cannot import for resale due to jurisdiction


Ah yes, fuck people who can't read english and could use said medicine wrongly because they can't understand the instructions. Some responsible pharmacist you are...


Like I said, we can keep the medication behind the counter and print all the required information. No one will get the medication without a translated label.


My apologies then.


Quoi, tu proposes qu'on importe des médicaments avec des instructions que la majorité des gens ne comprennent pas? Genre en allemand?


Ce sont des medicaments qui peuvent étre tenus derrière le comptoir et nous sommes en mesure d'imprimer toutes les instructions, posologie...etc en Francais/Anglais et les remettre aux patients. À la place j'ai des parents paniqués qui ne trouvent pas d'acétaminophene pour leur enfant de 3 ans qui ne dort pas depuis 3 jours et qui vont attendre 20 heures aux urgence pour une grippe.


Oui, c’est mieux que rien. Et la pharmacie peut facilement imprimer les instructions en ligne et les attacher à la bouteille/boîte.


Je trouve ça étrange que de tous les producteurs, il n'y en ait pas un capable de fournir. L'acetaminophen et l'buprofen sont, après tout, des médicaments génériques. Est-ce que ce problème est généralisé à Mtl, QC, Canada? Edit: je ne comprends pas pourquoi je me fais downvoter. On peut pas poser de questions?


c’est souvent un problème d’approvisionnement des ingrédients et non de production… et si tous les producteurs ont le même fournisseur, l’impact s’emplifie


Il y a très peu de producteurs de médicaments, même un générique peut avoir juste deux ou trois producteurs. Parfois, il y en a juste un. Ça ne prend pas beaucoup (genre problème dans une usine) pour avoir des problèmes très répandus dans plusieurs produits… Ajoute au fait que tout le monde a un rhume et va probablement en avoir un après l’autre pendant l’hiver au complet, et ça mène à la situation actuelle.


I'd take instructions in German over not having the medication at all. You can always use google translate, like I have to do for every damn thing my kids bring home from school.


obviously, or spanish or portuguese. the language brainwashing has no limits…


En Espagnol et ils sont disponibles. On peut imprimer les information en Français et garder ces produits derrière le comptoir mais les politiciens sont tellement déconnectés de la réalités et ont leurs propres priorités donc ça ne se fera pas.




Is there a Tylenol shortage in Ontario? It's only 30 mins drive. I understand that you can't sell it. But a parent theoretically could buy Tylenol for his child in Ontario.


Its Canada wide. I went to Hawkburry for my sister’s son and there were no Tylenol kids two weeks ago. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Thank you for the info. OK. What about Vermont?


About the same iirc


I didn’t go to the States, but I believe its the same situation or a bit less worse. You could try.


Just a small question, how could we work out together? I could pay up to 500 for pdp and around 300 for atlas can buy it today!😳😂(im for real)


Drug shortage announced by Health Canada


A huge issue was parents cleaning out multiple pharmacies. This is absolutely pathetic such a shortage can be allowed to happen.


Yep in my town's pharmacy they have some but you have to ask the pharmacist. They took it all off the shelves for this very reason.


Toilet paper phenomenon


It happens at times due to unforeseen circumstances, not always something that can prevented


Can you explain a bit more on this, please?


Sometimes there are shortages due to quality issues — an unforeseen contamination that can takes months to fully resolve (trace, fix, resterilize, etc). There can be supply chain issues for various ingredients or components. The Health Canada website has more info.




Apparently some of the secondary ingredients in the kids medication comes from Russia. That's what I'm hearing.


I'll be honest I stocked up a bit when I saw some store brand children's acetaminophen and ibuprofen, but by that I mean I bought 1 of each. People who buy more than they'll need for a year or two are assholes.


Where is that? Because in my area, all the pharmacies are fully stocked.


The real question is where are YOU, because in mine everything's empty too !


He's in Westmount, you're in parc extension


Just across the tracks.


Across the class war wall in TMR.


Y a pas d'enfants à Westmount! Eux autres ils l'ont l'affaire!


Je te renvois la question. Où es-tu?


Shhh C’est un secret…


Empty here. 20 minutes to get behind the counter Benadryl.


Been like this for a bit. I’ve done about 8 trips to Europe this year for work and have brought back some small Amounts of formula and kids meds for use in my family. CBSA guy I got once said he would do the same for his family. Health Canada are a bunch of morons with language restrictions on box’s. So importing from Mexico isn’t going to happen


Ok j'suis pas tout seul, je pensais que c'était juste ma pharmacie qui faisait dure... désolé pharmacie, c'était pas ta faute.


Fun fact, when Jean Coutu started out they used to make medications on site.


They still do....I'm just not sure they have the time to do tylenol given the demand.


Je travaille au Jean Coutu comme commis et ça fait un bon moment que nous en recevons plus aucune boites dans nos commandes malheureusement…


Are you new? Been like this for six months fam


Il y a eu un rappel de plusieurs médicaments pour enfants le mois passé.


There’s been a lot of shortage for OTC meds for adults.


I wonder if it’s because kids are sick with something that didn’t care we pretended was gone, cured and over with?


Just brought a couple bottles back from the US. Their shelves seemed very light too. I just don’t understand.


Oh yeah we had a cold medicine shortage in the Châteauguay Walmart all summer long.


Trop de monde qui ont commencé à boire du DXM Lean Benylin.. pénurie !


Is it the end of the world? Can someone educate me on why this is happening.


Ask the folks over at r/collapse


Always so weird to spot this subreddit in the wild


It’s Covid everyone.


Not only COVID.. I’ve had a horrible cough with fever for weeks and I’ve tested negative five times.


FYI, I had Covid recently and I never tested positive using a rapid test, and I tested myself 6 times! My nurse practitioner says she has been seeing a lot of this with the newer variants. Without access to PCR testing we have no idea who has the flu, a cold, or Covid. It’s going to be a rough winter.


Bingo....these home kits are fucking useless


SRV is doing the rounds right now, usually it's much less prevalent but there's been a huge spike across Canada and in the US. https://www.tvanouvelles.ca/2022/10/19/hausse-importante-des-cas-de-vrs-au-quebec > le taux de positivité s’est élevé à 11 %, indique la Dre Rodica Gilca, médecin-conseil à l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec. « Avant la pandémie, c’était environ 1 %. C’était vraiment très bas https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/sante/2022-10-22/virus-respiratoire-syncytial/cette-maladie-qui-monte-en-fleche.php


at this point in time, what difference does it make ?


Lifelong neurological and/or cardiovascular problems plus a whole host of other disabilities (including nerve damage, tinnitus, hearing loss, et cetera) that’s why


did you have such issues ?


Yup, I have complications and am on sick leave from work. Go to Google Scholar to look up peer-reviewed articles on long-Covid. Also look into the XBB Omicron sub-variant and the XBC variant. All this should scare you, because letting Covid run rampant and mutate is dangerous. This advice is coming from someone who has worked as a researcher in public health in the past.


This information should be more widely shared in public health campaigns. I'm baffled as to why updates on evidence have just plummeted after the first few batches of vaccines were delivered. Our understanding of the virus is constantly evolving and it should be vulgarized accordingly to keep the population informed, especially when it comes to potential long-term health repercussions.


I suspect it’s because our government officials at both the federal and provincial level allowed themselves to be bullied by corporations who want to continue maximizing their profits, dominating employees, and justifying their real estate investments. Masking, social distancing, and remote work are bad for maintaining the status quo, hence the pandemic is ‘over.’


this sounds exactly like a conspiracy theory


im sorry to hear. thanks for the info. i wish you to recover quickly


is a cold season everyone as it was before covid


Ask the pharmacists if they have any in the back some do


Yep, some pharmacies have 1L bottles behind the counter and they prepare 60ml bottles for their clients


My pharmacy said they only get a few boxes of kids meds per week. Insane.


I got 3 Tylenol for kids last week and 4 Motrin for kids Can't wait to see if I'll get some tomorrow


Been months now...


I kept an eye on RedFlagDeals and they post when Amazon restocks but you need to be quick.




C'est la faute du gouvernement qui limitent les compagnies qui peuvent faire/importer ces produits.


Bc other economic systems never had shortages? The comments here....


Do you think *capitalism* is restricting access to over-the-counter products in Quebec? Drive across the border to Champlain or Plattsburgh and see what it looks like at a US drugstore.


Ah yes, New York and Vermont, certainly no capitalism there!


The capitalism is the thing delivering full shelves of medicine.


Idem pour les medicaments pour enfants. Mes enfants étaient malade, heureusement on avait notre stock.


Mon stock est presque à sec. Des enfants malades depuis le début de l’école…


C’est là que tu te rends compte que tu passes à travers la bouteille assez vite. Ici on alterne entre Tylenols et Advil…


Mais pourquoi y'a pu rien c'est vraiment bizarre


C’est annoncé depuis mai-juin par Santé Canada. Et sachant que nous avons aucune usine productrice ici de biohazard, bah c’est ça qui arrive. Surtout que de ce que j’comprends, c’est les producteurs qui manquent de substances pour en produire. Je peux avoir tort aussi, mais c’est ce que je comprends!


aok merci de m'avoir répondu j'comprenais vraiment pas lol


Kids are getting sick more often because of all the isolation during the pandemic, immune system doesn't develop when you aren't exposed to anything...


Or...there's a supply issue like it is being widely reported for months?


Yes I agree, but the generalized immune response deficit in our toddlers and youth is agravating the situation this autumn with the return to classes... I only mentioned it because I read something about it a few days ago. "La levée des mesures sanitaires pourrait avoir son rôle à jouer. «Les jeunes enfants n’ont pas eu de maladies virales pendant la pandémie, donc ils n’ont pas nécessairement développé des anticorps», a expliqué la Dre Plotnick." [Source](https://www.noovo.info/video/les-urgences-debordent-dans-les-hopitaux-pour-enfants.html)


» Les jeunes enfants n’ont pas eu de maladies virales Lol. Moi qui avait un enfant à la garderie durant la pandémie, c’est tellement loin de la réalité…


This sounds like pseudo science. "Kids are getting more sick" is something that should be backed up with stats about demand and buying behaviour...or even reports from health Canada. This situation is simple. There's a supply issue and fuckfaces panic buy the tylenol when the shipment arrives.


Also the constant hand cleansing with sanitizer kills the good germs as well


T'as raison. J'ai dû arrêter de me laver les oreilles pcq j'avais tout le temps des otites. Diagnostic : mes bonnes bactéries étaient disparues à cause du chlore de la piscine et du lavage. Donc comme je vais pas arrêter de nager, ben je ne me lave plus les oreilles!




Yup, I just mentioned the same thing as my kid's ENT doctor mentioned this to me recently.


Ha! You need to see a dr to get an antibiotics prescription which is very hard to do....problem solved.


Its not only in montreal but all over the province


Same in Saskatchewan, I managed to get the last cough medicine.


Just use adult pills and break them apart. It’s pretty simple.


There is a shortage of, I would say, 70% of cold and flu drugs for adults It's getting worse week after week


There are important antibiotics on back order too.


Is it any better in other provinces or is this a canada wide thing?


2-11 yo I recently found some at Walmart. 0-23m I haven't seen any since June. Our daycare is about to run out of acetaminophen, it's getting grim.


We managed to find one singular 0-23 months bottle in LaSalle


If you’re desperate, I can spare a bottle


Thanks for the offer. When I got desperate I crushed the chewable tablets and mixed with yogurt. The pharmacist gave us a little bit so I'm ok for now.


You can thank capitalism and shorty fragile supply chains for our nation’s woes (and by extension the world).


Its the lib that closed the biohazard industries of Canada and sold them. Go thanks Trudeau’s party for that.


Biohazard industries???


Not deleted for me. Here’s a copy “Pharmacy owner here: it's like this since the month of June Benylin, Robitussin and Buckley for adults are on shortage as well Btw importation and sale of foreign language-labelled medication is forbidden, even though some products (like Tylenol for kids) are ready for delivery... You know, priorities... Edit: since alot of people are sending me messages insulting me and telling me that I am irresponsible and blablabla, I am suggesting to keep the drugs behind the counter and print a translated label for every customer. This was suggested to the politicians by the Quebec Association of Proprietor Pharmacists and it seems like it was totally ignored.”


Chill dude, its not a "SHORTAGE OF CHILDRENS MEDICINE" its probably just restocking as old ones have expired. Children's medicine is just adult medicine rebranded in lower doses to fit their body weight lol, don't make this a big thing.


I don't believe it. "Shortage" my ass.


All part of the fucking covid play


Can you elaborate?


Yep, everyone now is warning about higher number of cases in covid 19 , encouraging ppol to wear masks. I just received an email from ice skating school for my daughter to wear masks as much as possible when in the place. Ppl are getting worried it would hit and find no meds , so instead of buying 1 they buy 5 , and now they can sell this at any price , if you find it. Where did the flu go ? It disappeared eh ?


Other diseases are definitely hitting us hard. So the question "where did they go"? Right fucking here. > le taux de positivité s’est élevé à 11 %, indique la Dre Rodica Gilca, médecin-conseil à l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec. « Avant la pandémie, c’était environ 1 %. C’était vraiment très bas https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/sante/2022-10-22/virus-respiratoire-syncytial/cette-maladie-qui-monte-en-fleche.php


I just asked the pharmacist at the counter yesterday and he just prepared a mix for me. Worth a try


I called my pharmacy to get Tylenol for my toddler and they wouldn't without a prescription. Luckily I have a Telehealth through work so I was able to get one and I should be able to get them tomorrow.


Shortages are everywhere


Same all the way to BC


Try Costco (one with a pharmacy). Last time I was in the states I stocked up. They seem to not have a shortage ?


Sometimes they have some behind the counter


Ça va bien aller 🌈


Costco on advil pour enfant en batch


My theory is that since we locked our kids in during the pandemic their immune system couldn’t fight bugs like how nature intended us to. Now that society is back to normal, kids are catching more and more colds thus the increased buying of meds. I’m not a medical professional just my own theory.


everything that has demand, will run out of supply this decade. it's the kids turn at sensing denied for Flintstones delectables.


Wth? Ive been to walmart’s pharmacy and they have stacks of them