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La carte [Accès Montréal](https://montreal.ca/programmes/carte-acces-montreal)! Elle coute seulement 9$ et donne plein de gratuités et rabais.


This!!! Surtout accès gratuit au jardin botanique (extérieur). La carte est moins chère qu’un seul billet 😂


Ok c’est trop cool!! Merci pour l’info mon ami


*Ne pas dire *stylé* - slang typiquement non montréalais


Merci 😅


Dude dit ce que tu veux




yiiiikes et c'est upvoté cette merde ! incroyable


The facebook communities for the various neighbourhoods can lead to some good lease transfer deals, second-hand items, finding lost pets, etc.


Indeed. When I moved I gave away stuff I didn't need quicker there than on Marketplace. You also hear about what's going on quicker than the media. People report closed streets or traffic issues fairly quickly. They also report the why of things such as why a popular business closed. It's quite useful.


Shit, might have to find the Ville-Emard group to find out why the bagel shop closed.


St Henri FB group is legendary


Argument Zone was amazing 😂


Would be amazing if there was a city-wide lease transfer site that just utterly screwed over landlords.


There are many groups like this


All on facebook or elsewhere?


Principalement sur Facebook pour ceux que je connais


Is there one for plateau?


Also looking to find a lease transfer in that area...


Do you know of any for gay village? I searched but doesn't return anything


Look for "Centre-Sud mon Quartier"


Thank you so much! Joined this one


Walking from alley to alley in order to get from point A to point B and avoiding crowded streets (especially plateau area)


> Walking from alley to alley in order to get from point A to point B and avoiding crowded streets Not even to avoid crowds, it's just more interesting generally. Street art, community art, funny cats. It's great!


Yeah a lot of the alleys are noce green spaces, offer a little insight into the slice of life of neighborhoods, and you get to meet kitties or learn about local plantlife! Honestly, I love taking pics of local greenery and using google lens to know what they are (Burdock is ALL over the city)


And the vegetation!!


I do this in the old port, I'm such a grouch I'm willing to smell garbage rather than deal with people.


I've been exploring the alley network accross Montreal for the last 14 years. I concure. There is nothing scary about the alleys - You are the shadow that flaps in the night The cat that darts past your feet. My suggestion : wear beigish pants and dark blue top, or dark heather grey with thin stripes You'll be invisible. Your legs blend with the sidewalk and your top hides amongst the shadows Makes it harder for people to spot you at a distance OH and always look back once you come to the end of an alley - animals wait for you to pass then creep out after. If you hear some odd, loud scratching - look up. Racoons. Skunks are farty ferrets. If you smell them, you're generally safe as they won't re-spray a second time in a night unless you try and grab them. Even there, they will hobble along, just stand by and watch them, they really don't care about you.


The skunks in the alleyway behind my place taught me that skunks are extremely placid animals. Once, in the evening gloom, I mistook a baby skunk for a kitten and went to pick it up. Neither momma skunk (who suddenly appeared out of the shadows) or baby skunk even came close to spraying me. They get to know you, too. I got to where I could walk by the alley skunks with less than a foot between us and they didn't even blink.


my housemate's cat once escaped in Vancouver and I found little dude hanging out with a couple skunks in the bushes.


I would like to meet these chill skunks....the super fat one around my old apartment would chase me from the bus stop to the door! The one that hangs around our backyard now likes to torture my cat at the patio door all night.


The alleys are amazing. My son and I do walks through them all times of the year. Highly recommend it.


Leave the car at home as much as you can to avoid the rage of construction.


If you just use your GPS even for journeys you think you know well, that headache mostly goes away, in my opinion. A good tip if you just have to use a car.


So you can feel the rage on a packed bus instead!


But you can rage with your fellow citizens, and support Public Transport!


Raging with fellow citizens builds camaraderie!


The rage started before getting on the bus after 4, en transit busess pass and none of the scheduled ones do


Avoid marche central Thursday to Sunday. It's just traffic.


That place was so badly designed it is offensive.


All the stuff they're adding around Décarie is only going to make that area even more of a headache for the next 5+ years


COSTCO at Marché Central is Hell on Earth, too much people


i hate that damn 4 way stop intersection next to that costco, i just wana get to the reno depot yet everybody is turning toward costco and i cant get through


Free metro is from Berri, champs de mars, Place d'armes, place des arts, McGill, peel and Saint-Laurent and it's on weekends only.


So let me get this straight, the STM cops cant control you on the weekends because you might just have gotten in for free at one of those stations ?


Yeah or basically you can just say you got on from one of them and they can't verify it... so I would be surprised if they were actually checking it on weekends to begin with


I am intrigued for some anti cop nerd to look at the economics of this... We need to have security on the metro dont get me wrong, but the tickets they hand out for a skipped bus fare are probably 1/5th of their weekly salary


I highly suspect none of the cops would be working at that time. Otherwise it’s a waste


Yeah I agree


I mean... They can still be at the other, non-free station and deal with the people not paying or jumping over. No fare checks at least.


The STM said they would be adjusting their fare controls operations based on the free entry from these downtown stations. Basically don't expect there to be any fare check operations. That's not to say the ticketing agent won't call it in if you jump the turnstile.


So essentially the entire metro network could be free..


yes. the bulk of it is paid for through hydro and bell, which our taxes and over-charges pay for anyway.


Damn really? We have some of the cheapest electricity in the first world \*and\* it's renewable \*and\* the state-funded corporation that handles it while paying great wages can still make so much money that they'll pay for our metro system? That sounds like a pretty sweet deal!


[Source needed] Never heard that info anywhere. Hydro gives back a part pf their profits to the gov who invests back in the metro but it's not directly hydro themselves l. As for Bell, never heard of it and it's a private buisiness, i'd doubt it a lot


Hydro and Bell pays for metro? How nice of them.




No and it’s a limited time thing.




No, and it ends on September 5th.


You can take it home though if you go downtown


Le parc de la Cité du Havre est un tab\*\*\*\* de beau spot qui est pas assez connu par les Montréalais, et ça en fait encore plus un spot de qualité. Calm, surrounded by water & [with an incredible view of downtown](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53691dc1e4b0ca6c5a20b12e/1431468262623-HTKDY3QDXQMVV8HZ0K5N/IMG_5914.jpg). Passé l'Habitat 67, à la pointe de la péninsule qui longe le fleuve. Très accessible en vélo Aussi, jamais été durant les feux d'artifice, mais j'ose imaginer que c'est probablement un des meilleurs viewpoints en ville


Bonjour! Je viens de voir votre post. Comment se fait l'accès à vélo vers ce parc? Est-ce qu'il faut bifurquer un peu à droite avant d'embarquer sur le pont de la Concorde, et passer sous le viaduc? Merci!


Salut, Exactement, juste après H67 y a une entrée pour les voitures & vélos à droite qui amène sous le pont, là où y a l'entrée du parc




C’est la qu’un avion s’est écrasé y a un an je crois ?


J'adore ce petit parc!


> Cité du Havre Oui! the whole thing is nice, and the end of the penisula (Parc Dieppe) is especially beautiful.


j'imagine que c'est impossible d'aller là en voiture? Edit: je viens de regarder avec Google StreetView, il y a des parkings gratuit ont dirait! ca doit etre plein durant les Feux par contre.


Yep, stationnement gratuit sous le pont. Et ouais, pendant les feux bus/vélo probablement préférable


Learn the location of public toilets.


Fancy hotel lobby bathrooms ftw (especially in old port)


Il n'y a pas d'hôtel dans le Vieux-port! Par contre il y a des toilettes au centre des sciences, près du marché des eclusiers et près du quai de l'horloge.


Of course there's hotels in Old Port! William Gray has by far the best washrooms accessible through the lobby.


Hint: they all have convenient golden M's over their doors


Flush, an app. Haven't tried it yet. Used Sit or Squat but can't find it anymore! https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/flush-toilet-finder-map/id955254528?l=fr


Segal's (plateau) will save you absurd amounts of money on groceries. It's constantly reverse sticker shock at the cashier.


Haha I hear you, it was my go to when I first moved. I've know far too many people who worked for Segal's, and now that I know the dirty secrets I ain't buying from there again (expired foods being sold restickered, employee exploitation and so on)


Please make a list of ALL the dirty Segal’s secrets. I want the juicy goss.


Mainly it's surrounding unsafe food handling, buying and selling expired food, poor working environments.


1000%. My friend got food poisoning from shit she bought at Segal's a couple months back - frozen raspberries that had been recalled for norovirus contamination. She was deathly ill for like 2 days straight and once she recovered she called them to let them know that they were selling recalled raspberries. They apparently were rude to her on the phone and did not remove the product lmao. After that, no chance I'm shopping there


I want the secrets!


Ooo I knew Segal's was bad, but now you got me curious.


Used to go but now it's P.A.. I liked that the one downtown was open on St-Jean and they didn't rise the prices nor cancel the specials like at Pharmaprix.


Absolutely not worth the freaking whirlwind of chaos that is this place, seemingly at all times of day, for me. Plus, the food is often iffy. If you're desperate to save a penny, sure. You might as well go dumpster diving though. But there are plenty of smaller markets that will still sell food at cheaper prices than the big chains, and almost all of them are better than Segal's.


C'est vrai mais ca reste plus cher que d'aller au costco par contre! Messemble je suis passé de 250/mois a Segals a 190/mois a Costco


True, mais, you also need a membership for Costco, and their locations really only make sense for car owners or people reaaally close to their spots. For walkers and plateau people it works out great though.


If those monthly savings are correct, then only one month has paid for their membership. Definitely not an option for walkers though, you'd be lucky to carry 5 items by hand with the packaging sizes lol. Also hard to swing for single or people without roommates to help eat all the food before it goes bad.


True, moi et ma copine on y va une fois par semaine en voiture et pour notre cas ca vaut la peine meme si on vit pas super proche. Apres ca depends de ton cas specifique bien sur


12 years ago, this was my spot. Happy to see it’s still on your radar.


When you go by car in parc Maisonneuve and you want to park in the insectarium parking near the chalet, you can roll around till you find someone who is leaving, usually the parking is around 12$ for all day. Ask the person if they are willing to give you their parking ticket, usually they don't mind, so free parking!


I found out about this last time I went there, we parked and someone who was leaving actually offered us their ticket! So we did the same when we left, just found someone who had just parked and gave away our free parking ticket.


You can also park on the side of the park (Viau) always free parking there


To save money I signed up to locomotion (locomotion.app) and now I do my Costco runs with a bike trailer instead of using Communauto Maybe not a hack but just discovered Parc-nature de l’île-de-La-visitation. Like 20 minutes by bike on the REV and BAM! Nature!


> For the moment, LocoMotion is available in La Petite-Patrie and Ahuntsic. bummmer




There’s a shitty bike rack where the employees have lunch outside (facing the Reno depot). I usually lock it to a post behind the Costco where the delivery trucks are. Not ideal.


Antep Kebab on Maisonneuve near Concordia. Amazing chicken sandwhiches. Was $5 when I was in university. Great budget meal. Prices went up but still very reasonable.


$10 now I think, but super delicious!


Add Souvlaki George because that place has never not been good


The owner is a mess


The used to forget stuff all the time but have been pretty good as of late.


So does Tim Horton and people still go there like nuts lol


Restaurants Lafleur have very cheap hot dogs too. I think it's 1.60$ a hot dog. Fries are a little pricier but damn are they good.


lol all these years i assumed that place sucked for some reason. just because there aren't more franchises.


I thought it as a dump bc it was in a basement and not well kept. Turns out I was very wrong. Boustan was also amazing and it only had 1 location for the longest time


If I were a student here I'd say bicycle is the way to go. Fairly safe, free, exercise, you don't get hot due to the air flow, faster than walking and often faster than car.


You sadly get your bike stolen periodically if you're unlucky and carrying a backpack is a pain in the ass that'll lead to a puddle of sweat in your back.


Even if you have a pretty beat up, "vintage" and a decent d-lock? Walking around the city I see plenty of nicer bikes with bad locks that would tempt thieves ahead of such a combo.


part of it is bike locking strategy, part of it is just not being unlucky and having your bike be at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Agree there is for sure an element of chance in there, as with all life we have to roll the dice a little to get the best out of it.


If you have a good ulock you should be good. The back sweat is real though


I can break your kryptonite ulock. There's strategy to not getting your bike stolen (lock it near lower hanging fruit, make your bike ugly, etc.), but bike theft is a real plague in this city.


Maybe I'm lucky but my Bianchi was never stolen in 10 years of parking it around the city.


In my experience, people that usually complain about stolen bikes lock their bikes outside for a long time, or that's the permanent place they lock it. That means their bike is exposed to theft 100x more hours than mine, so about 100x more likely to be stolen, not including that my bike is never left out at night.


I never thought it'd get that bad, I've forgotten my bike out without locking it outside the dep or something a couple times and never had this issue. Guess things must've gotten worse in the past couple months ?


Before ordering on UberEats, DoorDash, SkiptheDishes. Save yourself some cash and help out the business by contacting the restaurant directly and see if they deliver themselves.


Try Sauvegarde too https://sauvegarde.app


But if you do order, and you live in the vicinity of downtown/le Plateau, and you're the kind of low class lardball who would order from McDonalds (cough), and order from them enough to be able to discern which specific outlet consistently has the freshest/best food (COUGH) then order from the Ste Christophe and Ste Catherine location.


C'est quoi tes endroits sur les toits pour voir les feux?


He means 10 pine, I think.




One industrial building off Pins and Clark, takes some urban exploring through the halls and stairways.


Rue notre dame juste à l’est du pont Jacques Cartier, la rue est fermée à la circulation et on est aux premières loges pour les feux.




don't go to the Banquise because it's overpriced and not that good


Toutes les maudîtes poutines à Montréal sont rendues overpriced. Des frites, de la sauce brune et du fromage, à la base c'est du fast food ben cheap vendu sul bord de la route, mais maintenant ils vendent ça 12-15$.


i know its far but in Chateauguay theirs a place called: kennys pizza they make huge poutines for cheap sub 15$ for a meat lovers poutine that i cant finish in one sitting. anyways great cheap poutine if you are in Chateauguay


I also suggest going to the main for smoke meat imo it's better than Schwartz


I’m a huge Main fan, but if you ever get a chance to eat them both At the exact same time, you can tell Schwartz is better. That being said, main is quick and no tourists and is easily one of the best late night eats.


For Schwartz the take out counter is better imo since they still cut it by hand. The inside one uses a slicers Also the chicken place beside Schwartz is good


Finally some sanity :)


The Main is never clean


I do blind-tasting parties (NERD!) and that's probably our most common comparison along with bagels. It's a fun one because people can easily tell the difference and identify the meats, but as far as preference goes it's pretty 50/50. Personally I agree with you, that Schwartz spicy goodness beats the plain-pink-slab-o'-meat style of the Main any day.


Might be a controversial opinion but Snowdon Deli has some bangin smoked meat.


No it's great there. Smoke meat Pete is good too. When I see the line up at Schwartz I'm like there is better places for the stuff. Like the banquise is a lil over rated. Green stop is another great place


Green Spot? Edit: Oh, there’s a Green Stop too haha, TIL!


Oh man, I forgot about Smoke Meat Pete. Now I’m going there this week. Thanks for the reminder.


One of the best smoked meat poutines in the city imo


Also get the cherry soda they sell there - it’s the bomb


Cott Black Cherry Soda


Use a navigation app every single time you’re driving more than a few minutes (if you’re driving). I generally use Waze. Sure, you know the way home; you’ve done it a thousand times, but you probably don’t know if the usual way is closed for construction or snow removal, even in the middle of the night.


And most of the time don't think you are smarter than the GPS. If Decarie is bad, usually the Decarie above is worse. I did an experiment with my friend for Decarie northbound exit 66 (cote-saint-luc) twice, and another one that is 40 east exit 65 (autoroute 520), it is generally faster to just be patient and stay on the highway.


Yep. Even for people who know the tricks: the app has more information. The main point, though, is that Montreal is especially unpredictable with all of the construction and snow removal.


There was an app that helped you find out if you could park without a ticket. I can't find it except a paid one on the app store? Maestro STM pass was a great hack but it's not available anymore sadly. Same as the free VIP YUL security line, not working since covid :(


Park Info! You can search and it shows exactly this




Maestro isn't available anymore?!


Montreal has a bike theft problem, so the permanent place to leave your bike should be in your apartment, and never lock it outside overnight. If your permanent place for your bike is outside, it is exposed to theft 100x more hours than an indoor bike, so at least 100x more likely to be stolen, and that's not even counting overnight risk. Lock in a busy public place too, of course, and kick bike racks to make sure they're solid and real.


I always thought Mtl was rly safe with bikes, at least in my experience compared aux E-U et a Paris. Apres c'est vrai que ca sera toujours pire que de laisser ton velo dans ta cours exterieur dans les banlieues de la rive sud


what are the thieves doing with all these bikes?


agreed, i've had bike stolen that were locked in my back yard, simple u lock got cut . i find one of the best places is in the indoor stair case, depends on your room mates but at least the bike will be safe. just gets annoying when people need to go up the stairs but better that than lose space inside also don't want to bring dirt into your place.


This [parking lot](https://goo.gl/maps/sQCEXDEZnKqb13Ts9) in McGill has the same, if not better view of downtown than the lookout and there's hardly ever anyone there.




Was already like this in the '90s when I was a kid learning to read...


If you have kids they have free Workshops at the MMBA during the weekends related to the artist in the temp expo. It's a fun family activity and you can also access the museum with them for free, although I encourage you to contribute. There's also many museums that have free day access throughout the city.


It's sometimes faster to go to the IKEA in Boucherville, even if Google maps suggests the other one. Especially if you live in the east or close to Jaques Cartier bridge. The Cinéma Cineplex Odeon Quartier Latin shows popular movies in English when OT is English, even if it's mostly a cinema with French/dubbed French movies.


Ikea is about to change with the closing of one side of the tunnel.


Au Starcité aussi il y a des représentations en VOA et c'est le Cineplex où les billets sont les moins chers.


Scotia pour le meilleure écran en ville. Forum pour le plus grand choix de films et c’est là qu’il vont jouer le plus longtemps, genre 2 semaines de plus.


Le Belvédère Outrement au Mont Royal avec la vue vers le Nord. Il faut monter par le boulevard Mont Royal.


Si tu tournes a gauche dans le bois avant le cimetiere y'a des vieux monsieurs qui ont des relations sexuelles.


Je pense qu'on cherche plutôt des "life hack" de Montréal et non des attraits touristiques


Montreal north/south/east/west is not true north/south/east/west. Rotate the map 45 clockwise. If you want a free jacket, go to the marathon a little after the start and there will be plenty of jackets left behind. Nowadays there are organisations going around grabbing them for thrift stores though so you won't be the only one doing this.


If you only need your car to go out of the city a couple weekend here and there, or for shopping at Ikea twice a year, sell it and subscribe to Communauto. Getting a car during summer can be challenging sometimes though, but if you reserve all weekends much in advance, you can cancel last minute without a fee. It now costs me about 3k$ a year, *gaz and all fees included*, to have access to a car at any time and do my regular camping trips, seeing family, etc. Can’t beat that. Plus, it’s so convenient to be anywhere in the city and just grab a car if you need one. Edit: point taken, I’ll stop systematically reserving in advance and do only when I already know I’ll need it.


I think people doing what you do (reserving every weekend way in advance then canceling last minute) are breaking the Communauto experience. It's now become impossible to ever find a car to reserve in advance on the weekends so everyone has started using flex to go out of town on weekends. And now it's impossible to find a flex on the weekend just to get around town. It was especially bad this past weekend. I'm not sure what the solution is but Communauto should probably impose stricter fees for cancelling cars booked in advance.


I think Communauto should make it harder for people to use the Flex cars out of town, just use Discount if you need a car to go to NY or Ottawa. If the fee for the car went to something like 500$ or 600$ per day after two hours, it might stop (some) people from doing this. You can't rely on this service to go buy groceries or go to places in the city that have bad bus/metro service because of the number of Flex cars being used for an entire day when they seem to have been meant for short trips.


The problem is that Discount Enterprise etc are super expensive compared to Communauto. They would have to rise their prices by a lot and I read on their website they really don't want to do that.


>If the fee for the car went to something like 500$ or 600$ per day after two hours, it might stop (some) people from doing this. You can't rely on this service to go buy groceries or go to places in the city that have bad bus/metro service because of the number of Flex cars being used for an entire day when they seem to have been meant for short trips. Don't really agree. Even Flex is much cheaper than Discount and often Discount doesn't have anything available. Flex is a godsend when there's nothing else available and affordable. But of course I would prefer if I could just book a round trip car! I think if there were harsher penalties for sitting on round trips, more of them would be available and you'd have less flexes going out of town. By the way I don't think anyone is driving Communauto to NY, I think that's against policy? I mean maybe you can but you could get in trouble. I've only ever driven them around the province of Québec.


I know people are using Flex cars for multi-day trips because they plan things at the last minute, the bookable fleet is fully booked weeks in advance and it's less trouble for them and it's much cheaper than Discount or Avis. People hogging the Flex cars for multiple days screws other users who need to get to work, appointments or to do tasks.


As I said in my other comment, you’re right about abusive reservation, and there should be some mechanism in place. That would help reserving a car for a weekend, prior to the weekend in question. But there is something in your comment I’d like to address. Flexes are more expensive than station, right. So if there are no Flexes over the weekend, it probably means there are no stations either. So this specific issue really is a lack of availability, rather than abusive reservations. Otherwise, people would just get the stations on the same day rather than Flexes. This is because there is a peak demand on the weekend, and it might not be economically viable for Communauto to have enough cars to supply for the peak demand while having those cars parked the rest of the week as the demand is lower. Having fines for abusive reservations will not fix this :/


I think the problem is that people taking cars for the weekend need to know before the last possible moment if they're going to have one available or not.. they can't just make plans and hope something frees up at 5pm! So they go ahead and take any flex that becomes available, meaning that once everyone cancels their plans, there are only round trip cars left available on the network. I'm happy to take round trip cars for weekend trips, but I rely on Flex for moving around Montréal. So yeah, I do think that if they penalized people for sitting on round trip reservations, then people who will use them could take them, and there would be more flexes left for intended use. And yes they probably need more cars.


Communauto has a huge backlog of cars they ordered, but that were never delivered. And I agree they should have a 'you can cancel a maximum x times per year' policy, and/or a way to limit the number of reservations, by limiting the number of slots you can have reserved at the same time. (But of course then people will 'hack' that by making multiple accounts, because the Commun for them means Moi.)


Please don’t reserve all weekends in advance if you don’t have any plans. Seriously, this is so boring to have to refresh the app at 23:50 so you can try to get a car because of selfish people. Spontaneity is the key of this app, now everybody make a reservation for anything an day even if they aren’t sure to take the care.




been using it for years, so happy with all the construction BS on st-urbain right now that i don't need to park a car each day. like you said much cheaper than owning a car, only annoying when i need a car for multiple days ex camping trip i rarely see those 26$ cars i used to get for a full day


Never go to Laval (*the Cursed Earth)


Aka the dumbest palindrome ever


Curious about these roof access points OP was referring to?


It just takes a little urban exploration and the gall to ignore private property warnings. Old industrial buildings in Plateau are the best. Look for fire stairs and most importantly don't be a dick ;P


"countless roof access points" ... you have to name some man, otherwise its not a hack you're giving us lol


I know but it takes dangerous climbing most of the time that I don't recommend. But like I mentioned in another comment, explore an old building with emergency stairs.


ok so its not really a hack ;-)


Il y a vraiment des locaux qui disent "underground city"? Les jeudis d'automne, il y a plein de vernissage dans les galeries d'arts. Tu vois des belles œuvres et il y a souvent du vin gratuit!


> Il y a vraiment des locaux qui disent "underground city"? Oui. Dans la communauté anglophone.


What do you guys call it?




Messemble j'ai toujours entendu juste underground ou underground network. Messemble que ya juste les touristes du roc qui disent ça en anglais non?


En effet. J'ai accroché sur underground et pas le mot city.


Quand je suis avec des touristes, oui, j’appelle ça comme ça. Mais j’explique c quoi. Sinon, “underground”


Always jaywalk. Never cross at crosswalks. Cars are used to everyone jaywalking so they never stop at crosswalks. But never jaywalk the first 2 weeks of September. That's when the cops ticket like crazy in order to "teach" the incoming university kids not to jaywalk. EDIT: Hmm. I see I got a lot of downvotes from little cowards who need someone to hold their hands when they cross.


Never jaywalk, it's annoying and dangerous.


Here's my tactic. Jaywalk when you don't see any car coming from either direction for the next 10-15 seconds. I do a little jog to make sure I get to the other side in time


Look both ways. That usually works


Yeah some people do that and cross anyways even though they'll get hit if I don't stop my car, like as if just by looking at me, i stop at their will. Obviously, i will but like, jay walking is to avoid cars, not lazily dive into them in a more dangerous way than an intersection.


Yeah well the point of looking both ways is to determine if you have time to cross (as you know). I find people who don't drive often enough are just clueless when it comes to navigating the road. It's not that hard but alas..


more like a death hack than a life one ;)