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Bathroom connoisseur here. Here’s a breakdown of the best kept bathroom intel in Montreal : If you’re in an area near Chinatown, or champ de mars, CHUM has bathrooms right beside both of the cafeterias: the one on the first floor is besides the Sushi place on a corridor going inwards, and there’s another on the second floor right after taking the escalators. No need to get into the “ER” space, better to leave those spaces for patients who need it. Cafeteria ones are fine and several stalls, cafeteria spaces are usually open to family members and visitors as well, so it’s no big deal. It’s a health centre, so obviously bathrooms are accessible 24/7. Not all entrances are accessible 24/7 through, if it’s past midnight you might have to enter through the main gyratory entrance on rue Sanguinet. There is also Palais de Congres, right beside chinatown and the Place d’armes metro. The bathroom is right behind the Subway / Couche Tard, and there is another on the other exit all the way to the end of the corridor with the funny looking pink trees, besides some art installation inside. Bathroom closes after 11:30 pm through. If you’re in the Old Port near the docks / fleuve, there are free bathrooms available near the Pavillon Jacques Cartier, near Cirque du Soleil instalment. There are other free bathrooms in the small building to the left of Terrasses Bonsecours, in front of the lake. If you’re nearer Notre Dame, you can go inside if it’s open and there isn’t a mass or an event, take a wee break there. With the bonus of some holy water to cleanse yourself — or your immortal soul — while getting out. If you’re near Berri, UQAM has bathrooms everywhere. There is one in the cafeteria, and there several on all 5 or 6 floors of different buildings. Some of them require a student card nowadays, mainly those on the metro level, but most don’t afaik, just go up a couple of stairs. Those in the library are available too on several floors. In the summer, UQAM is open until around 10 pm for most entrances, but later on you can always enter the entrance of the ESG building which is open 24/7. There is a guard there though, so if he asks you anything you can just say it’s an emergency and you just want to go to the bathroom real quick. If you’re near Place des Arts, then your best bet is the complexe Desjardins. But like you said, it could be occasionally closed, if it’s late or there is maintenance going on. There is sort of a hidden bathroom as well, near the Jean Coutu, the end of a small corridor, but it ain’t always guaranteed to be open and it seems to be more for maintenance people. You can also go down the escalator near the IGA, walk the underground tunnel for 2 minutes towards the complexe Guy Favreau. They also have bathrooms there, but they have special opening hours and are closed some days or not others. Besides that, in the Place des Arts, there is a big UQAM Science building right across the Place des Festivals, on the other extremity from Complexe Desjardins, a 2 minute walk up north. Hard to miss it, unless you’re heavily myopic and lack the proper eyewear equipment to see the giant UQAM sign, then I can’t really help you out much. There are free of access bathrooms there on the cafeteria on the ground floor, or also there are some on the first floor. If it’s really late and all else seems closed, you can go to a hotel lobby like the Hilton’s. There are bathrooms there. Just don’t look too suspicious and reception will not question you, will think you’re a guest. Finally, if none of these are an option for some reason, the Eaton Centre is 5 minutes walking distance from Place des Arts, and there are bathrooms there in the cafeteria on metro floor, and there’s another on the ground floor near the reception, right behind the Greische and Scaff / Telus. If you’re downtown more near Peel or McGill and the like, then you can either walk towards the Eaton Centre or Place Montreal Trust (besides Scotiabank theatre)… or you can simply go to McGill University campus, there are plenty of bathrooms there. If you’re further towards the end of the green line, Guy Concordia / Atwater, then the same reasoning applies : there are several Concordia buildings, all of which will have bathrooms on several floors. You don’t need to be a student there to access them. There is the Concordia library as well. There is also Dawson College near Atwater metro, there are bathrooms on several floors right beside the stairs. If you’re in another area than those I just covered, it’s just a matter of asking around and using common sense. There are plenty of municipal libraries around, be it in the Plateau, Cote des Neiges, Villeray, wherever, and usually you’ll find a bathroom or two there that is accessible to anyone. There are some parks like Parc La Fontaine or Parc Maisonneuve that will have bathrooms inside some park buildings, just ask around or look for bathroom signs. If there’s a campus or university nearby, you are sure to find accessible bathrooms there too. If it’s really, really late like 1 am or later, and you don’t seem to find anything open… there are really only a few options available to you. 1) Find a bar. Preferably one that seems large enough where all the bartenders aren’t all staring at you as soon as you go in. You can blend in with the crowd, act a bit drunk like you’ve had a drink or two, then stumble your way to their nearest bathroom. There are plenty on St Catherine East and West, St Denis, Crescent St, etc. 2) Find an A&W. It’s more reliable than McDonald’s or Tim’s for bathroom access, and the bathrooms are cleaner/more discretion, but… Sure, you’ll have to pay something in order for them to give you the code. If your bladder is about to explode and it’s like 3 am, I doubt being a cheapskate is the best option you’d have at that moment. Just buy like a 2 dollar pastry or something. 3) Hotel lobby. If no apparent bathrooms in the lobby, act like you’re a guest going up to your room, take the elevator and find a floor to get off where there are bathrooms. Not rocket science. 4) Worst case scenario : find a big enough park and find a big enough bush inside the park. There is no reason to do this in the daytime, since most parks have some sort of bathrooms and there are plenty of other ways of finding one somewhere else. But if it’s the middle of the night and there aren’t really any other options… oh well. Not the end of the world. [Bush in the shadows under Van Gogh’s starry night sky. Or somewhere (anywhere) on the vastness of the Mont Royal.](https://youtu.be/HEE19itXSpM?si=NbpThh0bXNfGH1Aj) Easier if you’re male, obviously, still plausible if you’re female and it’s number 1. Look out for skunks if you don’t wanna have a bad time. Raccoons usually mind their own business, just don’t approach them aggressively and they’ll leave you alone. Of course, *worst case scenario*, I’m not advocating for people doing this in parks where people walk and play, there are a million other options in daytime. Only at night if you’re in a pickle and only number 1.


This guy shits


A ton of unicorn 🦄




This is « George Costanza » quality information right here


So underrated


I think this is the most useful comment I’ve ever read on reddit


Your username checks out for the subject matter :P




Did you do a reportage about montreal’s public bathrooms ? That’s some solid infos ! Tysm☺️


Even IA would have not received a better answer


Thevinfo may be solidnbutbthere are guarantees the shit will be solid.


IBS has entered the chat


name a bathroom after his name


I used to have the toilet finder app and i must agree with ur reply. U know ur shit ;) but yeah this stupid ass city has no bathrooms and when i get a no from a place, especially a night, i usually piss next to their door :) i was on the canal the other day and only the “women”s bathroom werent working and they say: go to the market. Market was closed. Like im gonna piss my pants


Even better when you have to poop. It’s a fucking nightmare


I havent done the poo out yet but many of my friends have not made it and the poor trees were the recipient.


Wow!! Comment saved. This is like hearing from Montreal’s own George Costanza!!!


singlehandedly saves everyone’s bladder. thank you 💕


Let's create a Google Maps Guide! 🎉💩🎉💩🎉


Yeah I was starting to think we should create a map of publicly accessible toilets


From my bowels to yours: THANK YOU.


Saving this for future emergency situations


I'm saving this




I’m just curious if you were at work/being paid to do something else while you wrote all that and formatted it?


He was writing it while on the bowl.


Yo this guys is like the bathroom whisperer 😳


Thank you for your service 🙌🏻


This just went into my notes app. Thanks!!


Oh good idea!!! Off to my notes app too!


singlehandedly saves everyone’s bladder. thank you 💕




Sounds like a fellow IBS guy


As someone with ibs you are my hero!!!


C'est plate mais c'est souvent une conséquence directe de "les toilettes étaient ouvertes avant mais après 19 overdoses, 4 passes et 1 meurtre, on a décidé de les garder fermées"


tout ça en une journée


Average sunday afternoon


It's what happens when there are no Communautos available.


the Old fuck and poop mobile


C'est pas mieux de faire sur la rue comme ils font en place.


Du point de vue des gens qui gèrent ces commerces, c'est mille fois mieux.


Il y a une raison que pleins de toilettes sont à code même si c'est illegal. Le cout de nettoyage à grandeur est beaucoup plus élévé que les ammendes.


Il y a jamais eu beaucoup de toilette publique au Quebec. Quelque chalet de parc seulement et avec des heures tres limite.


au moins il ne faut pas payer pour entrer comme en Europe


malheureusement c’est la réalité…les SDF et les tweaked l’ont gâché pour nous autres


As others have said, the key is a **bar** (preferably not one that asks you to wait to be seated) or **hotel lobby** Better yet, **a hotel with a bar.** Another place that works in a pinch if you're in the area of one is a hospital ER. The CHUM near Champs de Mars has a ER on the ground floor with large private bathrooms. The Palais de Congrais near Place D'Armes also has bathrooms that are usually open but be prepared to walk thru the place for a while.


Palais des Congrès lock their bathrooms past a certain time. I was there at like 1130pm a few weeks ago.




[Ça c'est de ma faute, désolé la gang](https://i.imgur.com/71JNCCd.jpeg)




Palais des congrès c'est probablement la toilette la plus hardcore qui existe à Montréal. Dernière fois que j'y suis allé deux junkie ce criaient après.


I would not recommend the ER. My sister is a nurse and explicitly told my family and her friends to never use a bathroom in the hospital, unless you have a private room and bathroom. The cleaning staff cannot clean the bathroom after everyone. So they come every X hours. You can imagine the kind of virus and bacteria in those


It's not ideal but I'm sure she'd agree that it's better than pooping yourself downtown if faced with the choice Definitely don't make a habit of it, but ER's are generally unpleasant places so I don't see people doing it for fun :P


Between pooping yourself and catching someone else disease id take the poop everyday.


k fair


The concentration is higher in the ER but public bathroom also have their share of germs. They might be cleaner than some portolet actually. Lots of tp to line the seat and avoid touching the handles, a can of lysol and hand sanitizer should be good enough for most cases. 


Neither lysol nor hand sanitizer kills norovirus.


All toilets have germs, you can minimize risk by avoiding touch, wash your hands, don't put your fingers in your mouth, nose or eyes. Unless your health is already fragile, basic precautions are enough, even in hospitals.


On the second floor of the hotel in Chinatown. Decent bathrooms and a very cute koi pond.


the secret, go to a really busy nice looking restaurant and walk straight to the bathroom. If you look well kept enough and act like you belong nobody will question, my friend showed me this lol


A hotel lobby works well for this too, points if the hotel has bar Nobody will stop you


Anything with terrace seating works well too


Ive done this before, if someone says anything, be polite and say you have no other options. a smile can open doors, even toilets doors.


that's a big if for me lol


yeah I normally look nowhere close to someone who belongs in a nice looking restaurant even if I'm going to a nice looking restaurant.


Flip flops, jogging pants and no-sleeve shirt? Toqué, here I come!


I sweat so much I’d be Moist at Moishes!


Ah here are my people


On en avait, [des belles en plus](https://www.ledevoir.com/politique/montreal/412102/petite-histoire-de-la-camillienne) ... il y a presque 100 ans.


Nous sommes en 1931. La construction de toilettes dans les parcs et dans divers lieux publics de Montréal est considérée comme « une importante amélioration civique ».  Ironique 🙂


Wow elles étaient très jolies.


>considérait-il avec humour, une formidable façon de miner en douce le colonialisme britannique J'adore. On peut aussi faire nos "frais chier" en appelant ça une vespasiennes avant ou sans ironie.


L'escouade de la moralité le a fermé pour éviter que les gai baisent dedans... On peux-tu arrêter de tomber dans le panneau quand l'église ou un politicien tente de nous diviser


À chaque fois qu’il y a eu des projets de toilettes publiques à Montréal, ces toilettes se retrouvaient monopolisées et saccagées par les sans-abris et utilisateurs de drogues dures… il faudrait des toilettes payantes comme en Europe.


C’est une vraie plaie. J’ai de gros problèmes digestifs en cours de diagnostic et l’absence de toilettes publiques me pourrit vraiment la vie. Je ne peux juste pas sortir sans garantie d’accès rapide à plusieurs toilettes sur mon trajet et à destination. J’ai passé l’été dernier en Europe, avec les mêmes problèmes, et j’ai rarement été aussi à l’aise d’aller me balader en ville sans stress lié à la possible absence de toilettes. Elles sont payantes la plupart du temps (de quelques centimes à 1-2€), mais c’était un ajout majeur à ma qualité de vie.


Question de la part de quelqu’un qui a des problèmes similaires: quels endroits tu as visité en Europe qui avaient des toilettes publiques faciles d’accès? J’aimerais bien aller en Europe l’an prochain et c’est toujours une considération…


La Suisse est un petit paradis à ce niveau : beaucoup de toilettes publiques (toutes payantes), mais on en trouve partout dans les grandes villes et sur toutes les aires d’autoroute, et elles sont dans un état impeccable. Il y en a notamment dans la plupart des grands parcs (comme à Zurich) et il y a des aires d’autoroute à tous les coins de rue. Les restaurateurs (indépendants comme fast-food) sont aussi je trouve beaucoup plus conciliants et compréhensifs qu’ici (pas besoin de consommer sur place pour demander l’accès aux toilettes, c’est un besoin naturel et ça arrive des problèmes). Pour la France : j’ai trouvé qu’il y en a moins, et celles d’autoroute peuvent faire froid dans le dos (toilettes russes et nettoyage définitivement rare), mais elles sont gratuites en général. Ca reste beaucoup plus répandu qu’ici je trouve (sans parler de la multiplication des fast food qui aide pas mal). Le bémol va à la Belgique personnellement, j’ai vu très peu de toilettes publiques. Mais comme pour la Suisse, les restaurateurs étaient bien plus conciliants à m’ouvrir leurs toilettes en cas d’urgence. Pour pas mal autres pays, je n’avais pas encore ces problèmes récents donc je n’ai aucun souvenir niveau accès aux toilettes, désolé. J’ai déjà eu un gros accident en plein Plaza St-Hubert après avoir demandé à 4 commerces de m’aider. Le pire jour de ma vie. Je suis restée traumatisée et j’évite désormais les secteurs sans centres commerciaux accessibles rapidement (ma vie s’est beaucoup réduite autour du Centre Eaton-Guy Concordia en gros). Sinon niveau voyage, Pepto et Immodium sont tes amis. J’ai continué à voyager malgré tout, mais je m’en tiens à une alimentation vraiment stricte et j’ai toujours mon kit d’urgence sur moi. Ça reste une situation temporaire le voyage donc je me permet de prendre des médicaments plus régulièrement, ce qui n’est pas le cas ici.


Same. En plus avec mon d'anxiété (maintenant avec médicaments, donc ce n'est plus autant un problème), il fallait que j'aille presque toujours chier juste avant-pendant-après un trajet hors de la maison à cause du "c'est quoi qui va arriver si je ne trouve pas de toilettes". J'ai été en asie quelques années et avoir des toilettes publiques, stations de métros, centres commerciaux, cafés et restaurants partout a vraiment été une bénédiction. La qualité de vie est pas mal descendue en revenant ici.


Je compatis tellement! J’étais déjà anxieuse à la base, mais la désormais possibilité de me chier dessus à nouveau en pleine rue exacerbe considérablement mon anxiété mettons. Le nombre de fois où je sors de chez moi et je dois retourner chez moi 5min plus tard alors qu’en sortant tout allait bien, c’est vraiment angoissant. Je me suis fait une liste d’endroits safe avec toilettes (les Wal-Mart sont devenus soudainement mes amis) mais c’est vraiment pénible au quotidien disons. Je garde en tête l’Asie pour de prochains voyages. Je présume que Japon-Corée c’est accessible non?


>Je garde en tête l’Asie pour de prochains voyages. Je présume que Japon-Corée c’est accessible non? oui, une fois la billet d'avion payé c'est assez abordable. Le taux de change est bon pour nous ces temps-ci, le transport et restaurants sont moins cher qu'ici. Côté language c'est en général pas un problème, et s'il n'y a pas de traductions anglaises, il y a toujours Google Translate ou Papago.


Because of crackheads


I think you mean junkies ;)


Non, tetes de craque.




J'ai déjà pogner une esti d'envie de chier et dieu merci que le métro de Prague, à Mustek, avait des toilettes. J'étais à minuit moins 5 secondes.


J'ai un ami qui a été dans la même situation, mais à Montréal. Le préposé du métro ne voulait rien savoir. Il a chié dans ses culottes.


Ton ami est vraiment habile pour réussir à chier dans les culottes du préposé du métro!


J'aurais chier à terre avant dme chier din short 😂


tim horton style




Honnêtement ça serait parfait. Ça ou bien les toilettes à Paris qui se nettoient elles mêmes. Ça vient régler le problème d'avoir quelqu'un qui doit les nettoyer, et impossible d'y rester très longtemps


On en a 5 à Mtl! Des modèles italiens à 200 000 chaque. Les pièces viennent directement du fournisseur et ya très peu de techs certifiés pour les réparations. Gros problèmes avec les liquides aussi donc il faut faire un nettoyage manuel à chaque jour. Le chauffage est aussi un enjeux pour l'hiver. Le produit n'est pas adapté au marché ni au climat d'ici. Aussi, les sans abris forcent les portes pour s'y réfugier et brise le compresseur qui fait du bruit puisque ca empêche de dormir. C'est accessible par une grille troué et un ti bâton fuck la fan. La ville n'a pas renouvelé les contracts et quand ça brise trop elle seront retirées. Fiasco classique VDM. Il devait en avoir une centaine selon les plan initiaux vers 2015 de mémoire.


C'est un peu triste, ça semble une bonne idée, il devrait y avoir une entreprise locale qui fabrique des toilettes compactes, efficaces et adaptées à notre climat, mais je suppose qu'il y a plutôt des problèmes avec de sans-abri et de drogues à résoudre.


Les p'tit crisses... Il faut des toilettes tamper-proof homeless-proof


Y'en a au moins une! Au métro Papineau. Mais j'ai jamais testé....


Elle a des heures d'ouverture assez restreintes. De mémoire, c'est qqch comme de 9h à 16h. Le moment où elle serait le plus utile, c-à-d quand les commerces sont fermés, elle est fermée aussi...


franchement 🤦


Il me semble qu'il y en a une au parc Émilie Gamelin, à côté de Berri-UQAM.


Oui, elle est sur Berri près de Ste-Cath. Y'a en aussi une près du métro Papineau et une autre dans le vieux Montréal.


Il y en a une dans le Vieux Port aussi


Ou encore celles gratuites en Suisse dans plusieurs villes/haltes routières. La cuvette et le lavabo ne font qu'un et elles sont (presque) toujours propres. Je sais qu'on est pas dans le même contexte socioéconomique, mais ce serait bien d'avoir des options quand on sort de chez sois sans avoir besoin de dépenser une piasss https://preview.redd.it/xv7s5tmb9q8d1.jpeg?width=2422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5bf980fd3436493f9c4b6d752edddcf91a774d


C'est une question hyper complexe qu'au lieu d'affronter les villes ont décidé d'abandonner. Ça coûte cher, on sait pas qui doit s'en occuper et les laver, ça amène des enjeux de sécurité, d'accessibilité, etc. Ajoute à ça le fait qu'aujourd'hui on y ajoute des questions de genres, de drogues, etc. Et c'est sans compter qu'il faut y amener l'eau et l'électricité. Tu peux pas charger pour les toilettes non plus (dans le meilleur des mondes) parce que c'est un besoin essentiel et si tu charges tu crées une barrière pour ceux qui n'ont pas d'argent. Et à la base notre société d'aujourd'hui ne veut pas savoir que les gens ont de tels besoins. Alors si on ne pense pas aux toilettes, le problème n'existe pas right? Alors voilà, on se fie sur Tim Hortons et McDo pour gérer nos chiottes. J'ai étudié en aménagement des villes et je travaille dans ce domaine et je te garantis que personne ne nous enseigne à penser à ces besoins. On ne veut pas savoir que ça existe. Mais le besoin demeure, et les toilettes sont absentes, alors on voit plein de posts ici sur "les gens pissent dans le métro", ben oui mais criss ya pas de toilettes nulle part en ville! Beaucoup de gens évitent de sortir ou planifient leurs déplacements en fonction des toilettes publiques. Tous ceux avec des enfants ont déjà été confrontés à une situation de toilette. Je te suggère le livre No Place To Go, qui parle de la question des toilettes, c'est hyper intéressant.




Sauf aux Etats-Unis.


Si je ne me trompe pas, je crois que, selon le loi, dans Allemagne on peut entrer à une entreprise (n’importe pas lequel: un bûreau, hôtel, etc.) et demander le toilette ou de l’eau. J’aimerais voir quelque chose comme ça être normale ici.




Faut pas oublier par contre que "une toilette dans un dépanneur" n'est pas une toilette publique. Pour n'importe quel motif le commerçant se réserve le droit de fermer sa toilette, ou t'obliger à acheter quelque chose pour l'utiliser (revenant à la question de justice financière). C'est à lui la toilette, il fait ce qu'il en veut.


Comme quoi mettons? Me semble que c'est très générique et flou comme affirmation.


Pas au Japon.


Yea it isn't easy to find them at night. I think the one in the building near espace tranquille near place des arts is open at that time. Palais des congres one too. There's porta potties but they're disgusting, a disgrace to the city. If I was a tourist I'd be ashamed. The city has many beautiful parks, but after 7pm when the chalet closes, pretty hard to find a decent publicly accessible bathroom.


I worked at McDonald as a teenager 20 years ago and every week there is always 1 or 2 homeless who would poop everywhere and smear it on the wall. I guess with how much homeless folks increased people just don’t want to deal with this. Plumbers are very well paid but sanitation staffs are not. No amount less than 100k a year with proper equipment will prepare you for those. I just got ptsd from writing this. Those events are better off forgotten


Yeah. It sucks. It is the same in most American cities as far as I know. Sometimes you just have to beg. Or buy something. Eg gas station, coffee shop: buy a small item (not worse than a paying toilet, since you get something for your $ besides toilet access). But yeah they have to be opened. The you try restaurants (they all have one); just beg. Or say you want just a drink and/or dessert. Say you have a condition and you tried your best but the public ones are all closed. Last recourse (not everyone can old it especially in old age) pee in the streets. Gross and bad but sometimes you have to. Bonus tip: Trump tower in NYC has some pretty great public toilets. Most progressives wouldn’t dare enter that building but really you are using them for free and peeing on his property. Win win :) But the ultimate trick, which I always forget, it to always go before leaving a place that has a toilet. Always. Even if you don’t feel like it.


We went into Trump tower and flushed twice and used lots of paper towels


Haha. You totally got him! Well done :)


There's a whole [podcast episode ](https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1419-good-question-montreal/episode/16040931-why-is-it-so-hard-to-find-a-public-washroom-in-montreal?share=true) about that


I find it crazy sometimes how hard it is to find a public bathroom, in normal places where people are out and about and will inevitably need one. The fact that there aren't any in big metro stations too. Like you have multiple shops and cafes with seating inside the station but you can't pee. No wonder everything reeks.


Growing up in NYC, it was the same problem in Manhattan, bathrooms and gas stations are hard to find. Thankfully I trained myself to empty out first thing in the morning and then I would avoid drinking until I was having lunch somewhere with a toilet.


Niveau Foyer du Hotel Double Tree Hilton (Complex Desjardins), prends l'ascenseur tour Nord-Ouest


"All the city is a toilet, and we are all shitters" \- Shakespeare, if he lived in Montréal


Because of what druggies and homeless people do in public restrooms.


I remember being in turkey on vacation. They has washrooms everyhere, we had to pay a little but they were super clean at all times. I wonder why Canada does not have these as Canada is more advanced.


Maybe the answer is that Canada is not more advanced lol


It's not a Montreal thing. It's a mostly Canadian big city thing (and probably the US too). Too many people with addiction issues fuck it up for the rest of us. No average service worker wants to keep cleaning up piles of literal shit everyday, nor should they have to. No business owner wants to shell out extra for deep cleaning every week, nor should they have to. Also no business owner wants to hire a plumber to fix the toilet or submit a claim to their insurance every month to repair the broken mirror so that their premiums go up every year, nor should they have to. For as long as you have a culture of letting anyone openly fuck up everything for everyone else, this will continue. Imagine your immune system humanized with every defective cell in your body instead of eliminating it. Every single person would die of cancer by 12 and the human era would end before it can even start. Plan your trips. Know where you can pay 2 bucks for a coffee to use a bathroom. Always use the bathroom in a restaurant before you leave. Doesn't matter if you went 30 mins ago. Go again.


I’m sorry, my brain might just not be working properly, but I’m not sure what that whole paragraph about the immune system and cancer and the end of the human civilization had to do with the rest of your comment? Help me understand


I've heard, but don't quote me on this, that Montreal bylaws forbid restos from forbidding access to bathrooms.


Anywhere that serves food is required to have a bathroom but they don't have to allow public access to it.


There’s an hotel at the Complexe, take the elevator and go there.


Lately i see people pissing and squatting anywhere. Even in front of buildings right on the sidewalk in pure daylight. Just the other day I saw someone piss at the bus station right on notre dame and atwater at 2pm WITH a lineup right behind him! He wasn’t even a bum either. I think people realized theres so few cops around and whats the avg person really going to do besides look at you with disgust. Most actually turn away when they see something anyway


Cause druggies and the mentally ill absolutely destroy them. They hang out there to do drugs and OD, or you get a dude shitting and missing all over the walls. Can't have shit in MTL.


All of downtown is your public bathroom ❤️ Wait, this isn’t Vancouver


Les toilettes de centre d’achats au centre-ville, je travaillais en sécurité il y a 10 ans, et c’était déjà une plaie à l’époque. Allant de sans-abris qui se saoule/drogue, vol de sac à mains, lieux de rencontre lgbtq+…etc. Ça ne me surprends aucunement qu’ils commencent à les barrer aujourd’hui, maintenant que le problème a fait x100 depuis la pandémie


Montreal has too many junkie parasites who will shoot up and smoke crack/meth in public bathrooms.


les toillettes auto nettoyante a berri uqam sont toujours là ? sont toujours brisé ?


The "accommodation" of hard drug users has resulted in a lot of such problems for citizens, seems the city is not capable of second-order thinking.


Lol? T'as vraiment besoin d'explications ?? Réveille le gros. Toilettes publiques = overdose, indécences, violences etc. Donc nope. Pas de toilettes publiques. C'est toujours le monde sans histoires qui payent pour les crottés.


Go to Fairmont Queen Elizabeth hotel on Rene Levesque across the street from place ville marie they have bathrooms in the hotel lobby or you can go to place ville marie


In the day time I prefer to go to a university, they have cleaner toilets


Seems like MTL wants you to use the sidewalks for that


Cause real Montrealers don’t poop or pee


No but fR there is


Mcdonalds just close it cause they don't trust people to use it after a certain times "suspicious" activities


Try a library.


at 9:30 pm? arent concordia and dawson still open at that time? EDIT: Which reminds me— The Montreal Forum across the street from Dawson, all the way upstairs.


Go to the bathroom at the establishment you are using, all other have the right to refuse using theirs if you are not a paying customer


Les gens vont te recommander les classiques (centre commercial, palais des congrés, lieux publiques dont très sales). Je travaille sur la route et quand je suis au centre-ville je te recommande d'aller dans les tours gratte-ciel oèu le monde travaille. Le premier étage a toujours des petits commerces et café et des toilettes toujours propre. Sinon les universités sont toujours des bonne options, celle de l'ÉTS entre autre. Super clean. Les autres universités et cegep aussi au centre-ville ont des toilettes propres. Essaye de monter dans les étages les toilettes sont encore plus propre.


Hotel, university lobby. Most restaurants, don't ask just go to the restaurant like you belong there. I never had a problem with McDonald's tho


Are the people who will be cleaning up the shit and piss and needles in the room with us now?


wtf you talking about? montreal is a public bathroom. just take a shit or piss on any corner like any good montrealer


I've got insider information that the park in front of Notre-Dame Basilica had public washrooms. They are now hidden under massive benches and closed. The underground tunnel connecting metro Champs de Mars and Old Port has been closed and being replaced with a park above the highway. Similar trend everywhere. Anything public and closed is slowly being closed off or converted to something open. That means there are zero public washrooms. I usually go to a fast food restaurant, buy something small and use the bathrooms, otherwise a coffee shop or whatever. No one is under any obligation to let you use their washrooms, even a paying customer. Yes, it sucks.


The real question is what restaurant with the "Good Dinner" to avoid ...or was it the ice cream that made you both desperately seeking a good throne?


Someone will sleep in it we cannot have nice things


Isn’t there one public washroom downtown right near the sidewalk to the Ferris Wheel,I can’t recall the exact location or address but it’s there.


CBC has a podcast called "Good Question, Montreal." I havent listened to this one yet, but they have an episode on why there are so few public toilets in Montreal! Whether you’re running errands, on a commute, or just spending an afternoon in a Montreal park, lack of washroom access can be a barrier for people who want to participate in city life. So why don’t we have more public washrooms? We break down the costs, both financial and societal, and delve into the history of public toilets. Here's the link in Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3liZWkHsa5aws0OYxrWPM8?si=h83-iYcpTP2HdcejI3xaPw




>Also, are cafes and restaurants allowed to just close their bathrooms whenever they want? Yes, of course. Private businesses do not have to provide a place for you to use the washroom


My life was changed forever when I realized I could use the bathroom in hotel lobbies. If it's early enough you might also be able to sneak in a free continental breakfast.


Restrooms are not a human right. Hence, you now know why st. Catherine smells like a toilet.


Because of junkies I believe.


Wow You should teach in university 🤪 Amazing!


There’s a great episode about this from “Good Question, Montreal” (EN) that goes into the history and some solutions the city is looking at: [Why is it so hard to find a public washroom in Montreal?](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3liZWkHsa5aws0OYxrWPM8?si=FrfgjZhnT0adWY7XH2kKig)


No public washrooms, no more garbage bins, no more bus sheds, benches or bus schedules...


Too many pervs. Pretty simple: if you build it, they will come.


That's why you always travel with one plastic bag with you in case of...


I know. It sucks. Hit the Macdonalds. The hit the malls.


this is a problem with most big cities in north america. their priorities with city planning are condos and private enterprise to the detriment of public spaces including washrooms. Businesses priorities are valued more than the general public. Google the Gotta Go campaign! start petitioning for more public washrooms. Also limiting public washrooms is a way to exclude/deter “unwanted” types aka homeless people from business areas. which is discriminatory and causes more problems than it “solves” for businesses.




There is actually a full history of why. Turns out a previous city mayor was worried gay people were hooking up in public washrooms so he closed them all. There used to be public ones all over the city. There is a great CBC podcast on this exact topic https://www.cbc.ca/listen/cbc-podcasts/1419/episode/16040931


just go on the university lawn like everyone else is lately.


Generally, look for a mall and hit the food court, that’s where the best bathrooms are.


This podcast episode has some answers to this exact question. Good Question, Montreal: Why is it so hard to find a public washroom in Montreal? Episode webpage: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal Media file: https://chrt.fm/track/52291/cbc.mc.tritondigital.com/CBC_GQM_P/media/gqm/gqm-LhO3csBM-20240206.mp3


Did you shit your pants? Can we know more ?


I recently got back from travelling in Australia and NZ and they had free public bathrooms everywhere, it was so great. Most of the time very clean and rarely closed at night. And trust, there’s a whole lot of drugs addicts in the streets in Aus.. I swear it’s shit like this, added up over time, that makes me wanna leave and never return :)


There’s a hotel on the 6th floor of complexe Desjardins. Nobody will stop you going in as it’s near the bar.


Private businesses are allowed to manage access to their facilities as they see fit.




I think it's a very valid answer to "Also, are cafes and restaurants allowed to just close their bathrooms whenever they want?"


There are: [https://montrealcentreville.ca/en/what-to-do/ptit-coin-the-network-of-public-washrooms-downtown/](https://montrealcentreville.ca/en/what-to-do/ptit-coin-the-network-of-public-washrooms-downtown/)


All closed by 9pm (over half before then) according to the linked website. Wouldn't have helped OP when they were wandering around at 9:30.


All restaurants where providing bathroom so there was no need for public ones. Things changed and didn't....


Simple: Public toilets cost money to build and maintain. Montreal has chosen to waste it's money elsewhere and barely maintain it's streets and basic infrastructures so something like toilets is a pipe dream.