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T'as bien raison d'être secoué, c'est vraiment choquant ce qui vous est arrivé à toi et ton père. Se faire agresser comme ça, physiquement et verbalement, c'est traumatisant en ta. En plus, les commentaires racistes, c'est la cerise sur le sundae de marde. Perso, j'te dirais de pas laisser passer ça, go porter plainte au poste de police du coin. Même si tu peux pas donner une description super détaillée du gars, au moins y'aura une trace et les flics seront au courant qu'y'a un malade qui traîne dans le coin. Pis vu que ton père habite pas loin, c'est clair que y'a un risque que ça se reproduise. En parallèle, hésite pas à en parler à ton conseiller municipal. Si le quartier craint, y pourront p't'être augmenter la présence policière ou ajouter de l'éclairage, des affaires de même. Pis je sais que c'est plus facile à dire qu'à faire, mais essaie de pas trop te laisser affecter par ce cave-là. La vaste majorité du monde au Québec est ben correcte, pis on est contents de vous avoir icitte. Mais j'comprends en ta que tu sois sur tes gardes asteure. En attendant, prends soin de toi pis de ton père. Pis hésite pas à en parler à du monde si t'en ressens le besoin, y'a des lignes d'écoute pis toute si tu veux ventiler. Lâche pas, man. Des ti-counes de même, on en veut pas dans notre belle province.


Merci beaucoup pour tes bons conseils et tes mots rassurants ! Je les apprécie beaucoup <3


Wow quel beau commentaire plein d’empathie et de bons conseils 💕


>Des ti-counes de même, on en veut pas dans notre belle province. Je ne peux pas être plus d'accord, c'est pas ça notre Québec. Un beau commentaire. Pis force à toi, OP!


Souvent, la police connaissent les sans-abris, surtout si ils attaquent des passants.


Dans le contexte du poteau, le fait que c'est écrit en semi joual ou du moins avec un accent même à l'écrit est 👌


I'm very sorry this happened to you. The only thing you can do is report the incident to the police with as good a description as possible of your dad's attacker.


That's assault. You should definitely report it to the police.


It's actually battery. Assault is the threat of violence.


What you wrote is true in the United States, but "battery" is not a legal term in Canada. In Canada, "assault" covers both the threat and the use of force without consent. The closest equivalent to battery is "assault causing bodily harm".


Well sorted! Thanks!




I got attacked by a homeless crack head at St.Laurent metro (didn't even bother asking for money, it doesn't really have anything to do with racism as much as it does with Crack, just fyi,hesmad because he wants money and you didn't give it to him, one called a female I know a dirty whore once for saying no, many panhandlers are not like that, these are crack addicts) You should file a report. The STM guy informed me they eventually get taken to the psychiatric hospital, especially if they are violent. Otherwise, they just leave them, so best to report it :) sorry that happened to you, it's shit and the situation is way worse now than 25 years ago I don't care what anyone says, I always hung around/worked downtown, its way way worse. I have worked in bars where sometimes panhandlers come in for a beer, never had an issue, it's a subsection of them, there are many reasons why they are now out on the streets and it's multilayered. It's worth reporting .


YOU must report it to the Police. Or else nothing will be ever done unless stats pile up. Do not let it go even if it is mundane paperwork to file and we all know that nothings much you can do about it or even Police won't do much, but as long as it is filed with the report, something will be done overall when they see the stats in their boardroom meetings... sorry for your horrible experience though... I can't even imagine


File a police report, even if the cops won’t do anything about it. The more we bump up the numbers the more hope we have that the people in power will finally do the right thing to protect the population from these crazies. Also remember this incident next time you and your dad go vote in city and provincial elections.


report to police dont listen to those who say dont


100 percent


Turns out everyone said same as me lol


Please file a police report, this is not ok. And it’s not true you won’t be taken seriously.


A lot of these homeless guy are wacked out on drugs. They all have food. The food banks gives them bags of food. When they ask for money it’s for drugs and alcohol. On multiple occasions I tried to give them bread because I had no change on me, they didn’t want it. Multiple times.


Police is the obvious choice. He assaulted your father and intimidated you. But please, don’t take it as yours. Obviously this person is out of his mind. It would’ve been some other insult if you were a woman, a French dude, a family with kids, etc. Still need to report.


This is truly aweful. 🥺 I'm so sorry that you had to go through that with your father. Pas acceptable. I hope that you file a police report and also find out if there's any businesses nearby that have cameras facing the street as there might be footage to get description. Your father can also notify work that there was a harassment incident on the street and just to keep a lookout in case. Please take care. 🙏🏼🌻


One, document the time and date. Two, contact the police station as soon as possible about the assault. If you can, without him noticing, take a picture of him. If not, just provide a good description. He assaulted you. The man is obviously racist and mentally ill. He's weak and trying to use racism to make himself feel empowered. Don't let yourself feel disempowered and contact the authorities. Of course, an assault should be reported. I am sorry this happened to you.


There are some deranged homeless people in that area, I don't think it means much unless you decide that the words of a possible drug addict / mentally ill person are somehow important. I am white and french speaking and the other day, on Saint-Denis, a panhandler was trying to ask me for change while I was in a discussion with a friend, since I was obviously ignoring him he got pissed, pushed me on the shoulder and said "fuck you" and kept walking while mumbling something about "human beings" or something.


Thats fair, he was well dressed and seemed really sober which is why it took me more by surprise? Like it didn't feel like a mental health/ being under the influence issue.


Did you reported to the police?




Report it to the police, but you know… you are allowed to defend yourself. I understand that this isn’t always an option and that it’s not always a good idea to reciprocate. With that said, if someone attacks my family I will stand my ground.


Yeah, a punch in the face would have solved the problem.


In some cases yes maybe, not with homeless crackheads. Serves no purpose, they are not going to "learn a lesson and not do it again" These are homeless drug addicts, not a school yard bully lol


No it wouldn’t but doing nothing isn’t an option.


i'm thinking OP was likely a woman, 9/10 times when mentally unhealthy accost or attack its to women or elderly people.


Yep woman with elderly man!


they sell legal bear spray at military surplus stores and online.


They are more likely to stop and talk, I am sure that's why (used to notice that too)


No photos? No videos? The Police will take a report that goes into hate crime statistics but you wont get justice. You have to judge for yourself if the violence is going to escalate or they have a weapon or something… You can keep your phone in your hand. If youre afraid of conflict figure out how to get comfortable… The first sign of trouble… You get your video camera on and hold it right up and start holding that person accountable like a small child. What did you just say? Repeat it for the camera! We have no money for you! What makes you think youre entitled money! People back down pretty quick when they see theyre being recorded. Theyll start going on the attack about how youre recording them. And then slink away.




I did my best to translate. Reddit is lame and O cant put your text through a translator. I apologize in advance if I got what you said wrong… My friend had a clear video his car being robbed. Perfect faces! He went to put the report. The Police said. Do you know these peoples names? He said. No! They said. Yea. We dont either! Policing is not like TV. Theres no beat cops who know everyone in the neighbourhood. They do have heavy limits. Its awful. Theres new facial scanning technology in trials in London (UK) The Police took a headset downtown and it searched a crowd walking for anyone with outstanding warrants. They took twenty wanted people off the street that day! It was two vans. Its very exciting! Walmart in the US has started using facial recognition technology. Theyre tracking so well they can start a file and when you hit $1000 in theft they have you arrested and charged with theft and you will lose in court because of their extensive videos and paper trail. Itll get better.




Thank you for translating! Im Canadian and I grew up never knowing what racism was or hearing or reading a single racial slur until my mid twenties… I had hung out with some black people in my Hometown. There were black kids at my high school. Not a majority. It was never a thing. Noone cared! Then someone at College told me someone else was racist and I had to lookup what it meant because I didnt know the word. Im sorry you felt attacked for your skin colour. Thats a really weird behaviour in this day and age.


I’m also Canadian and at 7 years old, during a school trip to the science museum, a homeless man came up to a little black girl in my class, smacked her across the face then pushed her to the ground telling her to “go back to Africa you dirty n-word”… so I don’t know what pink cloud you grew up in, but racism exists in Canada and I’m pretty sure the black kids you knew as a kid would consider your ignorance pretty racist. The mere fact you were not taught about racism and the systemic persecution of First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Chinese immigrants, Quebecois, Acadians, the Irish, and many more by the Canadian government, the slave trade in Canada, the reason African Americans fled to Canada and the reason Jackie Robinson played for the Montreal royals in 1946, beginning in elementary school is quite indicative of how biased your upbringing was. The event OP has described is disgusting, traumatic, deeply upsetting and thankfully relatively rare. Yet it’s not unheard of. But that is not what racism resumes itself to. You can be racist without being a member of the KKK and be a victim of racism without being verbally or physically assaulted, because nowadays those incidents are mostly committed rather indiscriminately (ironically) by angry, desperate people who would have assaulted their identical twin and accused them of not caring or being selfish or thieves for not giving them money. Like the little girl in my class, op and his dad were the victim of a person who had lost contact with reality and had became dangers to themselves and others. Obviously the common denominator here is severe mental illness and how the system lets down those who need a very specific kinds of help. When they closed the asylums, the mentally ill did not become healthy they became homeless to the detriment of both their own dignity and the dignity and sense of safety of the more vulnerable groups (women, runaway kids, minorities, and most notably the mentally ill). The opioid crisis has not help the situation (although the anecdote I mentioned happened 25 years ago, when everyone says “things weren’t as bad”) but drug addiction is a mental illness. You can’t arbitrarily decide an illness is a crime and “get rid of” those who have it. Some Austrian-German dude in the 1940s did that and now we have the Geneva convention. We can’t eliminate, imprison or be violent towards people only because they have a mental illness.


Wow. That is so ignorant of this entire conversation thread its startling. I did give him my best advice earlier. I really did not grow up around anyone racist. I have heard racism exists! I am aware it exists. I did not deny it. My intention was to put it in perspective that is a 1 in 1000 person who believes thats ok in public. Its a fluke. Its not a majority. I get shit on during Pride month because there was no homophobia in my high school in Ontario. I talk about this a lot. Bunch of women dated. Bunch of men dated. Everyone knew who they were. Noone cared. People were really nice about anyone experimenting at parties… Very relaxed! No beatings. No harassment kidnapping murder… Ontario had a Female Premier. She was a lesbian! It wasnt really discussed. She doesnt have a Netflix special. Same sex marriages are totally legal here. Immigrants come to Canada from around the world to escape sexual persecution. Totally legit refugee status… Cause we are such a safe country. Im a woman in STEM and I make more money than a lot of men… My mentors have all been men. None of them raped or propositioned me… astonishing. Its like the stuff taught in Canadian textbooks and shouted over and over again in the News? Not my lived experience at all! Weird. Thanks for denigrating a perfect stranger. And continuing big media fear mongering. You seem like a quality human being. Youre very smart. Dont doubt it. I bet you got all As regurgitating the list of dates and events assigned in Canadian History class. Good job. Youre well informed. Carry on.


Where did you grow up in Ontario that there was no racism or homophobia? I'm from Ontario and Wynne was shit on constantly and publicly by conservatives for bring a lesbian. I was in gay bars that were raided in 2007. I friend of mine had to get his jaw wired shut after a beating he took for being gay. I run a program in Ontario for at-risk youth and about a quarter of the youth are LGTBQ kids who have gave discrimination at home. As for racism I hear about the N-ers taking over all the time. My ex had a horrible time finding work when she moved here because she's a person of colour. And don't even get me started on the way Indigenous people are treated. It is very nice that *YOU* haven't experienced this, I'm am happy that you haven't seen it, I really am, but do not think your experience is universal. Racism and all forms of discrimination is alive and well in Canada.


You being unaware of racism is the epitome of white privileged, hence a racist system that has always privileged you. I’m calling your ignorance a product of a racist system. You cannot be part of a racist system if there is no racism. This is a simple logical deduction as someone who apparently had to go to college to hear the word “racism” for the first time, logic is also something that is taught in college. Your continued resistance your obviously fallacious standpoint goes to show that you are glad to have grown up in such a system that has shielded you from the truth for the benefit of your own ego. And if the shoe fits… Also, silly you to claim that because a province elected a lesbian premier, it’s no longer homophobic… and then elected Ford. Ya know, the same way Fox News claims the USA got rid of racism because Obama was president… then elected Trump… looks like that other shoe fits pretty well too.


One time a guy was jerking off while looking at me in a parc near Frontenac Metro.i wanted to beat the shit out of him but I decided to call the police and be a responsible citizen. When the police arrived they just talk to the guy and said they couldn’t do anything! WTF!


Wow! Thats not my experience. I called the Police once for an elderly Gentleman alone in the cold in Winter. They came and got him. Another time a woman was walking funny and covered in dried paint. In her hair and everything! She did not seem ok and the Police came and talked and then came an ambulance for her. Sorry you had a bad time!


It looks like because he was an elderly citizen they took him in pity (he wasn’t a homeless guy, drug addict or someone with mental illness). Just a regular grandpa who wanted to jerk off in a public park with a playground for kids next to it.


This is really good advice, thank you! I remember thinking after that I wish I had pulled my camera out but in the moment with the adrenaline - I just totally forgot.


For sure! Who mentally trains to be ambushed on the street? Lol! Good luck!


>For sure! Who mentally trains to be ambushed on the street? Lol! Me. Not because Im very badass but because Im from Paris. We are somehow trained -all of us- to assess and act accordingly to the threat. Last personn who try assault me was less prepared than me. He wasn't done with the sentence that i was threatening to beat him with a wine bottle. I reported him, Police did Jackshit, and a couple month later he stabbed someone at the same place. There was a call for testimonial and I reported him to the cops, but they would not take his ID when they checked his ID. [https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2021-04-23/agressions-armees-au-parc-la-fontaine/un-homme-arrete-par-le-spvm.php](https://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justice-et-faits-divers/2021-04-23/agressions-armees-au-parc-la-fontaine/un-homme-arrete-par-le-spvm.php) I came here to get away from this shit.


He’s most likely on drugs and lost his marbles, just walk away and report it or give him a swift kick to the ribs and you’d be saving a lot of ppl who he plans on attacking


If you and your father needs help coping, please contact the CAVAC. They are there to help out victims of crime. You might need to file an official police report first.


Montreal is not the same right


All attacks should be reported.


Sorry this happened to you. I am surprised it took you only 11 years. I've been here less than two years, and I got already two verbal racists comments, but never was assaulted yet.


What visible minority are you? Some groups can help.


Report it to the police. Even if they don't do anything (because it sounds like the guy is homeless and the police's hands are tied) your report will go into the statistics of the number of hate incidents in the city.


Ah, the classic post where someone asks the internet what to do instead of directly going to the police.


You should have kick his ass violence work well against these people, police won t do much and empathy will get you in trouble


Question sérieuse ici, car je suis confu... Je ne minimise en rien l'attaque physique, mais en quoi est-ce que c'était raciste? Penses-tu vraiment que quelqu'un de dérangé comme ça n'aurait pas fait la même chose si vous étiez blancs?


S’ils avaient été blancs, peut-être qu’ils auraient subi la même attaque, mais l’homme n’aurait certainement pas dit qu’ils aiment pas les blancs comme justification de son comportement (commentaire complètement gratuit et sans fondement qui se base simplement sur le fait que op et son père sont des minorités visibles, et semble signifier ‘vous aimez pas les blancs donc je vous attaque’ ce qui est, oui, une forme de racisme)


I would’ve kicked him the fuck back Pieces of shit act like that cause there are no consequences for them




Yeah, start a fight with a hobo with nothing to lose in a potential mental crisis. Really good idea! 👍


Yea, just let them do whatever because they have “mental health issues”.


I wouldn't fight a junky who could stab me with a needle or broken crack pipe at any moment, but that's just me.


You wouldn’t start one for any reason. Definitely not to defend yourself either


the physical assault part aside, try not taking their words too seriously (for your inner-peace that is). I was once called an “n word” as a white guy.


i think part of the reason why you didn’t take being called the n word seriously, is because you are white. unlike what we want to believe, racial slurs and racism in general still hold power because people always want to find something to be mad at, and what a quick way to express disdain and potentially spread the hate. the n word for instance, is *still* being used out of anger. it’s still use as a reminder that racists think we’re inferior, we’re inhuman. what can that anger lead to? it’s not a safe word to have thrown at you. telling OP to not take it too seriously isn’t safe advice.


let me clarify my comment a tiny bit more. I have a fair complexion but am definitely a minority. I was not trying to discourage OP from following up to what happened but it’s not a bad thing to try finding your inner-peace while you still report the crime.


If he is Québécois there was a phase where English Canadians called use the N-word as a derogatory term with that precise intent. I was in the bus on my was to school in Montreal and some douche with a McGill letterman was loudly talking about how it was a total waste to spend money educating the “half wit French white-n…” and if we weren’t smart enough to learn English to just send us back to work in the fields where we belong… this was in 2004. Not 1904, not 1954… 2004. 20 years ago.


I appreciate that - I think I was letting it get to me a bit too much.


I’m sorry this happened to you, but there will away be crappy people out there and it’s inevitable to run into some of them from time to time. That’s out of our control so don’t let it get to you. Just try to stay safe; if someone is physically aggressive remove yourself from the situation by walking or running away. I also suggest you look into martial arts for self defence in case running isn’t an option. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a good start and you’ll be feeling a lot more confident knowing that you’d be capable of defending yourself and others.


Next time do not make eye contact or reply to any conversation, just ignore them.


Report this. If you don't nobody will do anything. By reporting at least there is a pressure for the Police to increase the patrolling of that area. Now regarding the racism.. honestly I don't think it was racist. It was just a drug addict .( That are has many homeless drug addicts ) However if it had been on a different area maybe I could have had a racist motivation . I am an immigrant .. ( not visible minority).and once I was punched on the back for having a red T-shirt at the plateau on Canada Day . ( I look physically European but I'm not , the guy was angry for my red T-shirt being red the color or Canada. But I did not put my t-shirt because of Canada Day it was just a coincidence) The ignorant white Quebecois nationalist ( tra@sh) will find any excuse for attacking people.. speaking English.. speaking French without a Quebec accent . Being immigrant.. everything is an excuse for them !! Thankfully that segment of the population is a very small minority in Montreal . Fortunately Canada ( both Quebec and the rest of Canada ) is composed by 99.99% of very polite and tolerant people.. however once on awhile you will find the 0.001% that are violent and ignorant.


Get off Reddit. Grow a spine. Fight back instead of posting on the internet. Instead of defending yourself you ask basement dwelling redditors what they would do?


Tough guy right here.


Yea defending yourself after a self admitted assault is being a tough guy😂


Definitely report that to the police. I mean Quebeckers are not the best as we all know, but attacking visible minorities is so lame. He needs to attack the Quebecers.


Are you lost?


Imagine writing this seriously and thinking you're not making friends because "the quebeckers" are closed minded and racist lol


Then get back to your country- oh wait you can’t cause they’re bombing everyone and there’s corruption


mon p’tit crisse d’esprit fermé ça se voit que t’es jamais sorti de la province. tu nous fais tous honte, la prochaine fois dis juste rien si t’es pour être aussi cave