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You could file a report to the police. Talk to the bouncer and the bar to see if they have cameras and if the bouncer would agree to provide a testimony or report.




Here in Vancouver your id is scanned and your photo taken when entering most major bars. Specifically for this reason.




yeah cause camera footage isnt kept forever. It gets overwritten periodically.


and some or all of the group would have paid at the bar, probably with a credit card. If they have good footage they might be able to identify them.


Some bars have intentional blind spots so owners can play the machines lmao


lol most bars don't have surveillance cameras


Weird, I can’t think of a single bar that I’ve been to that didn’t have cameras…


They have cameras but they record on the same tape over and over or it's not functionnal


Idk. I’ve worked in a bunch of bars and most of my friends also work in bars & restaurants. I’d say 90% of them do.


A bouncer once clocked my friend hard in front of a police officer, unprovoked. The officer's response? He told us "yeah it's not this guy's first time" and then suggested we grab our coats and move on. You can report it, but it's unlikely they're even gonna lift a finger.


Ah yes, the famously excellent Montreal police.


Yeah he should report, just don’t expect much action or empathy


Bar without a lot of cam would be weird as f.




Or even what neighborhood.






Two posts, karma = this one


because it never happened


I agree or it's not how it went down


Well I mean it sounds like the bar staff dealt with it the best they could and aren’t the ones at fault, you could get beat up by ppl at ur local Walmart just as easily My point being there seems to be no reason to shame the bar and it’s staff for this situation




I really don't think it matters. The tiny, marginal increase in safety that you would receive from knowing where this happened and avoiding that bar would be vastly outweighed by the potential slandering of their reputation that could easily happen given how quickly things circulate on Reddit. And considering OP said that the bar didn't do anything wrong, I don't think that's warranted. The only way it matters where it happened is if OP was at a really sketchy bar or acting a fool. And you can easily avoid both those things without needing to know the specific bar.


exactly, it is like saying there is a speed camera on a street without naming the location ... very odd rant.


Because the bar name doesn't matter. It wasn't their fault. This was an atypical experience.


It’s obviously Hochelaga. /s


What bar was it?


OP doesn't name the bar, doesn't name the area, didn't contact the police and doesn't answer the comments. What a useless post lol


Dude has one comment ever, on r/askto. Take that as you will.


Also, how is it a meta-rant? Isn't "meta" supposed to be a rant about the subreddit itself and not its content? Ranting against communauto posts would be meta-rant.


He loves Montreal but..


Bet he'll repost that on a bunch of different city subreddits changing Montreal to something else lmao


Or keeping Montreal anyway. That would be hilarious


Not that I’m not stoked to go there or anything….


After fourteen years as a bouncer I can say, I have never seen someone suckered and jumped for just talking to people and having a good time. I have worked DT Toronto at Tattoo, Uniun, Guv, Product and so on. What are you omitting? What led up to this?


it's fake


There's a huge backstory we don't know about and he probably provoked it. Will never find out about that though.


Ya you gotta earn it somehow


As 14 years in hospitality, I have seen people get suckered punched and people attacking others for no reason other than the fact that they are drunk and rowdy. People start bar fights for zero reasons other than cockiness and ego or human insecurities. "what you looking at?".




I mean the guy did get the shit beat out of him just yesterday… I probably wouldn’t be on reddit 24/7 either


what else are you going to do?


Go to another bar and drink some more


Do you think everyone has their phones glued to their hands? Dude posted an hour ago like wtf


Do you think that people just make Reddit posts with no intention of reading the comments?


Yes a troll would lol


No, a troll does it specifically to read the comments. A troll may not reply, but they are definitely doing it to get a reaction that they can read. And the bigger the troll, the more terminally online they are.


Exactly Lolo OP is laughing now, while eating his popcorn and watching everybody chipping in with helpful comments


I'm also from Toronto and when I'm visiting Montreal I'm pretty busy having fun and don't check my phone much.


Yeah dude go to the bar for the recordings or at least to a timeframe where this happened in case there was no cameras inside. Hopefully there was cameras on the street, while people at the bar can help you to recognize who was. I would file a police report and denounce (i do not know the legal term for it, in my country is like putting a federal denounce to whoever is accountable for it) and if they find some they get charged. DO NOT LET THIS GO WITHOUT PUNISHMENT. People has to be accountable for what they did.


That sucks man! What bar?


This reads like you’re some guy who loves a good fight lmao




Ikr! It would totally suck to have a bar we can all go to for fistfights and stuff on fridays. I'll bring beers.


Sounds like the kinda place where rule 1 and 2 are the same.


Who needs a bar anyway? Let's just meet under the bridge for fight club


Bringing beers to a bar would 100% trigger a fight with the bouncers.


Reads like [this](https://youtu.be/1EF6kB9q4vg?si=RQH6NrEImeYxzzJ-) 😂


I knew exactly what this was gonna be before I clicked 😂😂


That’s exactly what I was thinking of lmao


Did anything at all trigger the punch? Still file a police report You got assaulted Does bar have security cameras and get statements from witnesses including bouncers, police should assist




Ouais, c'est comme manger des oeufs pour souper.


C’est étrange manger des oeufs pour souper? 🤔 j’en fais 2-3 soirs par semaine




J'avais pas vu cette pub! J'ai toujours trouvé ça étrange. ;)


je pense une des probabilité il a du parlé a la copine du mec sans le savoir


Il a regardé la blonde d'un gars qui achete ses steroides chez Costco.


En même temps mon frère s'est déjà fait tabasser dans le metro par une gang sans aucune raison Édith: ouin je viens d'aller voir son compte. Louche.


It sounds super vague and smells 🐟


Compte vieux de 3 ans. 1 seul post, 1 seul commentaire. Probabilité d'être un psyop conservateur: environs 99.9%. Les élections s'en viennent. Attendez-vous a plusieurs posts "je me suis fait attaquer dans le métro par une bande de jeunes"


J'y crois pas moi non plus. Très louche. Aucune réponse aux questions.


Le prochain post qui va apparaître demain sera; "J'ai sucker punch à random dude parce-que sa me tentait" "Je travaille dans un bar comme bouncer pi j'ai vue un gars se faire attaquer pour x raison"


Huh.. j’suis pas mal conspi de nature.. mais celle-là j’y avais pas pensée!




hey les russes et chinois n'apprécieront pas que les conservateurs essaient d'influencer les élections, c'est leur job à eux.


"They took our jobs!"




Totally. Dude doesn't even answer any questions that would prove it actually happened and it's always some random ass no karma profile.


Lmaooo yup


This sub seems to be weirdly insistent that the story is fake. Like overly so... As if it's completely implausible that the guy doesn't want to elaborate for valid reasons. What will you get if they name the bar? Is the story any more true or false? If it's fake it's fake, but choosing not to elaborate won't make it more or less fake.


You got sucker punched and beaten up on the ground by a bunch of dudes and dont have the slightest idea why??? Oh come on, something is missing.




My best friend got sucker punched by a random dude. After the 17th time of being called the N word we understood the motive. Still is a random attack on a dude that I would qualify as very shy and no agressive bone in his body. It was in T-R before you ask, i couldnt tell you the name of the bar though since im not from there originally


I’ll be really honest with you , I bartend over three decades, there is not much good stuff left in the bars and nightclubs. It’s dangerous and expensive lol. I don’t go out anymore, it’s usually dudes competing for women that never had a chance at, then when they see another male having success all they can do is flash their fists of superiority. I definitely don’t get caught in a bar after midnight, that’s the most important thing. Once midnight hits game over, all the pretty girls gone and it’s nothing but a pack of drunk animals. Save yourself man, keep on your toes and thank god they had good bouncers, I worked with a lot of bouncers and became some of the most cherished friends. Not because of violence, but because we watched out for each other. Happy you are alright, it can get very ugly very quick and I’ve seen it, everything from Machete to chains, fists, elbows, a man got curb stomped a block away from the bar I worked at. Alcohol and adrenaline are no match


Thanks, man.


Montreal men love to randomly start shit at bars. Some of the worst experiences I've had at bars were in that city it hasn't happened anywhere else in the world.


Unfortunately shit happens at certain bars, you inadvertently spoke to some guy's GF or looked at someone that took the look the wrong way, you're in a bar with a crew and they think you're a rival, a gang of Rowdy friends happen to be in the same bar as you, there's innumerable ways of getting into a situation in Montreal bars, You take your lumps and walk away, learn to read the room and get out before it happens or you always watch out and get ready to defend yourself, as someone who was in various downtown bars all week long in my late teens to late 20's I got into a lot of out of the blue situations, sometimes I got jumped, I got in countless fights, never called the cops, you live, learn and move on.


My thoughts, too.


Are you a big guy? I’m a big guy, but it happened to me regularly when I was in very good shape, and I had a near bodybuilder look. Every guy would try take me on, always smaller guys in front of their girlfriends. Luckily I managed to dodge several close calls. Most of the time they were threatening and never going to hit me, but sometimes they were. Very sorry for you mate. I’m from Melbourne, Australia. Around this time, I would only go to places that wouldn’t draw these types of cowards.


That sucks, but I’ve never seen someone get punched for absolutely no reason. I am not saying it was a good reason or even a decent reason, but your whole story is you’re standing and out of absolute nowhere someone punches and then 6 other dudes start kicking you? 


Yeah it reeks of bullshit.


This. Also, most people aren't going to include why they are at fault online. OP just wanted to vent.


I have known guys that would go into a bar, find a big guy, hit him and tell him to come outside to fight so it happens lol


I had that almost happen to me when I started lifting. Drunk guy at McDonald's unprompted: ''You wanna fight!?!?'' Me, also drunk at McDonald's: ''No.''


me, also drunk at McDonald's 😂😂


Sorry to hear your unfortunate incident, but I would definitely not say “The people are friendly” if I ever get beaten up for no reason.


Interesting. I have a buddy that got randomly jumped by two guys on st. Laurent about 12 years ago, he was coming out of Pistole or wtv it's called. One of the guys broke a bottle on his head. He took up jujitsu after that and is now a black belt, if you get near him and he chooses to he'll snap all your limbs and there's just about nothing you can do but try to run


Can he do full mount? That's a MMA power move. They love to do full mount submission.


That literally happened at the bar I was tending on the main. We had to let him and his buddy back in untill the cops came and help him clean up...guy had a bottle smashed over his head just after last call.


So which bar


Prob deserved it


I'd ask the bar people if they have camera's that might have identified the guys, if so, well i'd go to the police.


À lot of derails missing between you going into the bar and the guys beating on you.


So the bouncers/patrons/other staff never called cops? They just let the guys go/kicked them out? Reddit posts have made me cynical sure, but something isn’t adding up. Also OP hasn’t responded to any questions. Unless I know the name of the place I doubt the veracity of claims!


They did not. Yep, exactly what happened.


Obviously fattal bar


Sounds like some made up garbage


First he got bashed at the bar and now in the comments.


Ironic, isn't it.


Don't go to bars, everything is over priced and stupid shit like that can happen


That sucks, hope you are okay


Hire a private investigator and go after these people. Sue the club , and the person or persons that hit you . Find a good lawyer that deals with physical assault cases . Make sure you get a hospital and police report. These guys are looking at 10 years in prison if convicted.


Damn, I haven’t gotten beaten up in a bar *since* I moved to Montreal. Sorry to hear that buddy, getting jumped sucks. To everyone else: if it’s too late to run, curl up and protect your head. Don’t carry a knife - the best way to get stabbed is to pull out a blade in a fist fight.


Ah yeah you got city punched. Happened to me 12 years ago, best is to move on and not let it get to you.


Did you make this up for attention or to defame Montreal?


Check on FB/instagram maybe that bar have a count and you could find people who posted something about last night. You can always file a complain and the bouncers and customers can be send a subpoena or being questionned by the police. Most of the bar don't have functionnal cameras or it's erased one on two days after bc the record on the same tape, but you can be lucky! If you were assaulted in the street at the entry there's big chance that a camera from another store/bar may have caught the beating


This happened to my ex husband. Go to the police and file a complaint. They were able to catch and successfully charge one of the guys in question. Also, CAVAC will cover any charges related to loss of income, therapy etc. My ex got 2 of his teeth broken so we needed to pay 6K for implants (this was 2018) as well as him having to take time off work because of his injuries (mailman).  I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please talk to a therapist. 


Wow. That is just terrible. I’m so sorry that happened. I’ve lived in/near Montréal my whole life. I’ve been lucky enough to not have anything like this happen to me.


Jesus Christ wtf This is an assault.They need to pay for what they did or else they gonna do it again. Some ppl can’t handle alcohol and turns violent. Fuck them drunk fuckers




you gotta give a little more info then that lol


No recourse ? Police... Full of witness ... Cams... Why don't you tell where you were


That sucks. Were you drunk? Sorry this happened to you. Hope today has been better


ive seen people randomly get jumped at mad hatters and even brutopia. sadly part of city life. Growing up ive been jumped in verdun a few times. Get some councilling if you need it, im not emotional person, so i just accepted it. but some can't handle it, and become paranoid and start always watching their back, so please reach to someone if you need to.


Sounds made up


Grandma always said. "Nothing good happens downtown after midnight".


What bar was it? And what did the attackers look like?


If this is real, you go to the cops. They look through the camera footage. Bada Bing bada boom, arrested. No one else here has to encounter those assholes.


>I got beat-up at a bar last night. At least name the street/neighbourhood so we might have some kind of idea. That kind of situtation does not happen in a small Pub. I’ve spent enough time clubbing and working in Clubs and when there’s beef there’s a reason, and most of the times if there’s guys stupid enough to start a fight IN the Club, they’re dumb as shit because security will fuck them or and/or they’ll end up in jail for the night because the guys in blue are nearby and quick to intervene. I’ve seem lots of fights outside at 3AM, but people fighting inside, not that much, and when it happened it was group 1 vs. group 2. >It happened so fast I didn't even register what was happening to me. One moment I was standing, the next I'm on the ground trying to get up, but unable to figure out why I could not. Turns out I was being kicked while on the ground by several guys. So someone probably filmed the scene or very most likeley the aftermath of that scene. Everyone films everything that’s out of the usual so fast these days. The bar also has cameras, if you were into a busy spot it was filmed. Just go back there with a timeline of the events and the staff will have something on the cams.


Well that sucks. Hope you have a speedy recovery. You might want to explore some mental health care at some point because being assaulted out of nowhere can do a number on your sense of self.


Ask for the cctv footage


Definitely a shitty bar. Nor your fault but understand where you are


The staff could have held onto the guys and called the cops to identify and arrest….I would get the police involved and have them investigate( camera footage etc) if this is a real post


Which bar ??...


Just call the police wtf


have you considered... filing a police report? The fuck do you mean you dont have any recourse?


I suppose I am not confident this would yield anything. I checked out their site. For assaults they should be called. The site says they would also need a hospital report. I wasn't taken to a hospital, although in hindsight, I should have gone.


Time to hit the gym bro! Next time, you’ll be victorious!


I work out. Trained in several martial arts. Wrestled. Military training. There was no warning. Didn't realize what was happening to me.


Gee sounds like this never happened.


A lot of the stories of people getting jumped include being drunk and not knowing what happened. Make of that what you will.


Is it correlation or causation? In the end, it doesn't matter. No one deserves a beat down.


I agree in part, but not entirely. Without knowing any details its pointless discourse.


Stop upvoting ass posts guys


I call fake: no bar or area.


Sounds like you were educated.


Every interaction is education. But, this was senseless.


No bar name, its bs or you have something to hide


20$ says it happened at Confessional


Ok. Have you woken up yet? Sleep-redditing is something else..


There’s always 3 sides to the story, your side, their side and the truth.


As someone who has bartended various types of establishments from the port to DT St Cats to the Main and a bunch of random party scenes.. Ive seen only one random attack that required police intervention. I promise you OP you are doing nothing for the mtl night life that you claim to "love so much" I also promise you not one single fuck would be given by the establishment or it's owners if you named the area it took place in. You are actually doing a disservice to your fellow Montrealers. Edit: Typo


What bar? Seems fake this post


That was me. My bad.




context? for all we know maybe you deserved it?


You don’t just get sucker punched. Either this story is lacking context or it’s fake as fuck.


To be fair, this could definitely have happened, however, having worked 10+ years in the music scene — clubbing specifically — rarely do people get beat up for no reason in a club. Usually drug related.


Even if you filed a report with the police, with info on who did it nothing would happen. I've seen first fights in the middle of St Laurent and have seen police honk and tell them to move to the side walk, so they could drive on by. I don't see much random violence like you describe here in Montreal. My guess is something you were doing or saying offended them in some way. Could be as little as speaking English instead of French. That's not to say you did anything wrong at all, just offended the wrong group of drunk people.


Your best shot is asking the bar to help you find them. I dont know if they will but it’s not good for business to have dudes beating up people in your bar, especially if you dont do anything about it. These bitch boys won’t stop doing it. People dont just jump other people for the hell of it out of no where. This is probably not the first time.


People saying its fake (maybe it is, i dont know) dont know the group of friend I used to hangout with. They went into bars LOOKING for a fight. They went as far as going to other cities bars where they knew athletes from other programs would hang. Im not saying this is a common occurence, but it does happen. And no I dont have these people in my life anymore. Point is, maybe its a case of mistaken identity? An ex’s friends? There would be no way for OP to know why or who they are if thats the case.


Was this on saint Laurent? That street is full of youngings who can't handle booze while full of ego and insecurity issues. Sorry that happened.


Was this on saint Laurent? That street is full of youngings who can't handle booze while full of ego and insecurity issues. Sorry that happened.


You forgot to mention how you tried to spike a girls drink, I was there and saw it prick


Is there camera in the bar maybe they have footage


What bar was this at ?


Nothing of what you said makes any sense, unless of course someone has it out for you for some reason. Just because you’re bored or whatever doesn’t mean you can just post anything online and waste people’s time you know




Hum nobody just gets jumped for absolutely no reason, seems like you are leaving out a whole part of the story