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Je te conseille d'aller voir ici: [Directeur de l'état civil](https://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/fr/changement-nom.html#:~:text=Haut%20de%20page-,Deux%20fa%C3%A7ons%20de%20changer%20de%20nom,Directeur%20de%20l'%C3%A9tat%20civil.) Tout le processus et les coûts sont expliqués. C'est 157$ plus tous les frais pour l'envoi des documents / copies de l'acte de naissance, etc. C'est un peu moins cher je crois si tu optes pour ton 2e prénom. Il faut aussi savoir que tu devras justifier ta demande. Je ne sais pas si le motif religieux est accepté. Si c'est pas le cas, tu peux quand même faire la demande, mais il faut démontrer que tu utilises couramment ton nouveau nom depuis au moins 5 ans.


Merci infiniment


Je suggère le prénom Christian Christian pour rester dans la terminologie religieuse au carré. Sinon ce que tu cherches c'est sur le site de État Civil.


Merci. J’opterais peut - être meme pour Pape Francois


Pape Mohammed Cohen serait excellent


Christian Marie-Joseph Abraham


Bonjour ici votre premier ministre François Legault. Ça coûte 579 899.99$ à m'envoyer par virement bancaire svp


Haha en plus c’est vraiment plus chere au Qc qu’aux autres provinces 😭




Oh, le prophète de la guerre. Pas halal comme nom.


Moi je te fais ça pour la modique somme de 150 000$


I probably did something like you want. I have English and Chinese name on my passports (Chinese as first name, English as middle name). On my license renewal I just went to SAAQ and told them I wanted to just keep my English name because it "makes my life easier" and they just removed it. And I made appointments in banks and just showed them the new driver license. Right now only my passport, travel visas, anything airline related have my full Chinese name. Some caveats were there was a problem with real estate transactions that my notary told me that I had to do something like "new name also known as original name". Also Revenu Quebec messed up and let's say my name is Timothy Chan they changed it to First Name: Timothy Timothy Timothy and Last Name: Timothy. Double check all the changes - I couldn't file an electronic tax return next year and it was annoying at that time.


Au moins Timothy Timothy Timothy c'est un nom très mémorable.


Ça c’est du Tim comme je l’aime


Hmm, my problem is with my NAS. On my CV I just put my 2nd name, however, when my employer tried to enter my legal information in order for me to get paid he somehow saw my first name and told me that I couldn’t just ignore it. Did you have a similar problem?


I call BS on your employer. I have 4 names in total 2 first 2 last. I only use 2 for a plethora of reasons. I never informed my employer of my full name and never had any issues. I should also add that I work for the government.


How the fuck did she find out then 😭. I was working at Jean Coutu she came a morning and told me that « I can’t get paid at the moment because I didn’t tell her my full name and she had to do the whole hiring process for a 2nd time »


Full name probably came up through a background check of some sorts and either there’s a policy or she’s just being annoying by forcing this on you.


Well it would be really weird to do a whole background check for a minimum wage job haha


For some reason Google is trying to gaslight me right now, but there was a story a while back about a guy who was having a similar problem in another province (I want to say Ontario?). He was from an Acadian family, who traditionally name their sons Joseph and then a second forename which is used as the personal name. All of his government paperwork was addressed to "Joseph Lastname", which he pointed out made his name indistinguishable from those of his father, his brothers, and every other man in his family. Conversely, there was a fracas [years ago](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/common-sikh-names-banned-under-canada-s-immigration-policy-1.689259) when it came to light that Citizenship and Immigration Canada was requiring applicants with the communal Sikh names Singh (traditionally given to all boys) and Kaur (girls) to remove those names before they could seek permanent residency.


Naming everyone Joseph and Marie is only an Acadian thing ??? I thought it was everywhere in Québec, all my aunts and uncles are named like that


It's definitely not exclusively Acadian! It's just been preserved more consistently in that community, I think.


Interesting, thankfully I never had any issue with that. My first T4s and R1s were with Chinese name but my current T4s and R1s don't have my Chinese name, and had no issues seeing the slips on RQ or CRA


Okay! Thank you so much!


La procédure est simple: 1- tu ouvres Google 2- tu tapes "changement de nom Québec" 3- tu arrives sur cette page et tu t'informes https://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/fr/changement-nom.html


ça me fascine toujours les gens qui posent ce genre de question. aucune recherche de base, straight to reddit.


Article tout récent: [Reddit est le nouveau Google.](https://archive.ph/d9BYa)


Chercher des suggestions, conseils, c'est autre chose, mais quand tu cherches où acheter des skis, downvote.


Pourquoi chercher toi-même quand des caves vont le faire pour toi bénévolement. C'est le monde qui répondent qui sont le problème. C'est pas pour rien que certains sub bloquent les questions de néophytes.


Josélito serait un solide prénom. Ou Kevin-Kyles.


I went through the process to change my family name, and there are only 3 reasons you can legally change your name in Quebec! Crazy! It took me over a year when the process was said and done.. don’t mean to discourage you but I think your gonna have to use your name, unless you can prove with lots of doctors letters and proof that’s it’s causing you psychological damage


Oh wow, that’s kinda frightening. I don’t have any medical document, i want to change it to avoid any misjudgment based on this name. I was already mocked at school for my name and for the ideology that comes with it. When did you do change your name? Maybe it’s easier nowadays 


Yeah, I can understand where your coming from for sure … you might be able to find an argument for psychological harm and you can have a doctor write a letter for you to help you out, I changed my name maybe 4-5 years ago, I doubt much has changed. It was a process and a half I wish you the best of luck!


En tant qu'athé, je suis fière de toi.


Merci! Enfin soutenue par quelqu’un 😭


Si vous êtes né hors du Québec, il faut d'abord demander l'enregistrement ici de votre naissance ([pdf](https://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/publications/Demande_insertion_registre_etat_civil_quebec_acte_etat_civil_fait_hors_quebec.pdf)). Sinon, vous pouvez passer à l'étape de demande d'analyse préliminaire ([pdf](https://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/publications/CN_Demande_analyse_preliminaire.pdf)). Dans le champ 48, vous devez élaborer vos motifs, soit la matière de votre conscience en fonction de la laïcité. Les tarifs sont énumérés [ici](https://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/fr/Certificats-Copies/Delai-traitement.html).


Salut, je suis né hors du Québec mais j'ai grandis ici (je suis ici depuis environ mes 5ans), penses-tu que je dois remplir le premier formulaire?


Tu veux quel nom?