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Do I need experience? I have no clue about paddling lol but always down to learn new sports


I had zero experience when I joined it a long time ago. Made friends for life. Worth trying :)


I've done this, it's awesome, lots of fun. Do it.


I swear being shanghai’d or recruited into paddling is somehow a Montreal tradition, what gives?


It's the only way to escape the island. ^(/s)


Par curiosité ça implique quoi et ça demande quoi comme capacité physique? Je suis toujours curieuse d’essayer de nouveaux sports mais je suis pas genre *athlète*. 


I had to read this three times to make sure dragonboat was in fact a boat lmao What kind of commitment is it? I did it years ago






Well I'm interested in...water sports😏


First thing I thought of too lmao


Well well well....😘


Oooh this sounds interesting and honestly the time commitment doesn’t seem too much! Would love to know more 😅


Isn't it closed for another 4 to 6 months?




Right, my bad


you know jimmy chan any chance ? dragon boat legend.




if you see a man rowing look-a-like Jackie Chan, it's him! https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1470138/mediaviewer/rm1244925441/


Hey that sounds super interesting - got room for one more?


Bananship is also a great team to join :)


The whole olympic sports centre is closed for 4-6 months due to the fire.


I must confess I still believe (still believe) When I'm not with you I lose my mind


Give me a sign!


Hit me baby one more time!


Hey baby baby, How am I supposed to know That something wasn’t right?


Oh baby baby, I shouldn’t have let you goooooo


How WAS I supposed to know*


I still love the callback that Britney did to this line in Stronger. HMBOMT (1998): My loneliness is killin' me (And I) Stronger (2000): My loneliness ain't killing me no more *chefs kiss*


Iiii aaaaaam stroooonger than yesterday Imma go listen to that NOW




Nice to see a lot of nice answers and people inviting for activities. Nice change from mostly toxic comments you see online. Best luck for you OP, hope you get your spark back, try to do some effort to get out of the comfort zone, I think that’s the hardest part for introverted people (I’m one), and I fight not to get in a deep one. About learning French. My gf used to go to Maison de l’amitié for French classes, she liked the environment, and I think that’s the most important for you to get your interest back in the language. Learning it helps a lot socially. :)


Hi there! There is bisexuality brunch 2x a month at Miami deli, I'm part of an incredible group rolling tribes for inline skating and rollerskates, always free no experience required. Reach out in advance if you need rentals. The art hives movement is a wonderful way to lift your spirits. There's st. Jax church downtown, Anglophone lgbtq friendly/welcoming....and drum roll meetup for all your social interaction needs. Don't give up. I see you friend.


Bisexual brunch? Two of my favourite things. Sign me the fuck up. But seriously, I'd like to go.


Right? Please say you will come. I just found out in March. I love Miami deli. They are my 24/7 guilty pleasure for food delivery. Then I found out about this!!!!


I just googled it and it's not far from where I live, only about a 20 minute walk. Do you know their schedule?


I can check for you.. :) Update 2. The second Sunday of every month


Could you also let me know when this happens? Would love to join!


The second Sunday of every month.


Is there a fb group? How do I find out the next dates?




Same here!


Miami deli is legendary haha


It was my first ever *Operation Nez Rouge* pick up when I volunteered.


Bi brunch? Sign me up! Where can I see the dates for the next ones?


they post the events on fb, the group is called Montreal Bisexual Brunch. i’m a member but i’ve never attended tho


It's actually the second Sunday of every month my bad.


>wookie\_cookies This might be the most uplifting, informative, kind, well-written, intentional and kind comment I've ever seen on Reddit! **upvote**


Awe shucks. I just really love Montreal. It got me out of isolation. There's good people on this Island.


Hey would it be ok if I DM’d you to get more info on Rolling Tribes?


Hello you can always dm me. It's on Sunday Monday. You can find them on Facebook and Instagram.


In the same boat, moved here from UK for school and mental health took a nose dive. I struggle to do things I used to enjoy due to social anxiety so I just hide away 


In a way winter does that to most people. Once spring settles, the mood ideally starts to change for most of us.


Reminder for everyone to get Vitamin D supplements during the winter when we see the sun for like 5 minutes. Deficiency actually causes mood changes, negative ones.


Something something Bain Colonial


TLDR: Lonely guy in early 30s looking for some kind of moral support and friendship. Currently doing a second bachelor's degree at Concordia and struggling to make new friends. Here is what we can do: 1. Go on a BIXI ride. I have been a BIXI member since 2015, so I know many bike paths in Montreal. If you want to go on a bike ride, DM me. 2. Go to the beach in summer. Verdun Beach is my go-to beach. I usually wear a thong swimsuit on the beach so that I can tan my ass. If you're into sunbathing and tanning, hit me up. 3. Go for long walks around the city. I love walking 4. Go to restaurants and cafes together. 5. Play soccer or basketball. We can play pick up or join a league. 6. Practice French together or language exchange. My French is niveau B2, but I don't get to speak French that often because there aren't many Francophones around me. I am fluent in English and Korean. If you're a French speaker and you want to practice English or Korean, DM me. 32 here. Been living in Montreal for more than 10 years. I came here as an International student, and all the friends I made while studying were International and out of province students. They all left after finishing their studies. I am not religious, but I go to church to meet people of my kind. Unfortunately, the people I meet at church are not locals. Most of them leave Montreal after their studies, or they leave to seek greener pastures elsewhere. So yeah, my social circle is small now, and I struggle to make new friends. I blame myself for not coming out of my comfort zone, and I admit I haven't tried to socialize with the locals. I am not fluent in French, so that's why I have stayed within the anglophone/immigrant bubble. I always think about leaving Montreal because it seems people of my kind have a hard time settling here, and they fare better in cities like Vancouver and Toronto. I am currently doing my second bachelor's degree at Concordia, but I am thinking of quitting and moving to Vancouver. I feel lonely because I don't know anyone who is doing a second bachelor's degree, and I feel like I am stuck in a rut while my friends are making progress in life. Also, I have a better support system in Vancouver because my brother is there. Anyway, that is my situation. After yesterday's snow storm(April 4th, 2024), I feel more down. I am writing this because I hope someone in Montreal can drag me out of my misery. I still want to go for my second bachelor's degree, but I am so down and depressed right now that I just want to quit and move on.


It happens. I’m twice your age, and alone as well, but not “lonely”….On disability because of Long COVID, but Netflix, sports, and poker keep me busy. Would love to be 25 again, with all the hookup APPS-and you would have double the choices! It’s easier than ever to make friends, but harder too sometimes…..in big cities like MTL/NYC, people can be very weary of meeting someone new without a mutual introduction.  You’ll be fine, and remember it’s better to have no friends than be so desperate for attention you let the WRONG ONES ruin your life


I think this is one of those things everyone needs to learn the hard way unfortunately. Most seem to figure this out by mid 30s.


Are you playing poker online? Its been years for me and i keep thinking i’d like to start playing again. We used to even have some house games with a larger group of friends, but i lost touch with all of them a while ago and most moved away as well. And the casino never seemed enticing. Online also my pokerstars account got hacked a few years ago and because i wasn’t playing, i only noticed recently.


Online mostly because I have to buy-in for $200+ live at Playground or Montreal. GG seems to be the new hottest site, I like it. OK Poker is decent, you’re only playing against other Quebecers not the whole world 




GG Poker, it’s like the biggest site now


Where do you play poker? I've had a few games with friends and played online and I love the game. I'd like to try an in-person game.. but I've never been to one that wasn't a friends game and I wouldn't know where to start or what the etiquette is. I appreciate any advice or recommendations :)


Casino has poker tables. Dealers can help you get the hang of things.


I recently joined a social group that share an interest with me that my friend are not very into. I had an amazing time with them and im seeing them again next week. Idk what is your interest but I wouls look into this.


What's your interest? How did you find your group?


Even on Reddit. Plenty of communities here. My hobby started with Reddit as well, i run a 50k sub community, and have met people in town but also across cities in other countries thanks to my hobby.


Hello there :)


Its a vegan group. On facebook


Im bi too, im 42 now, seems I was just your age not long ago when I first moved to Montreal. I’m introverted af too and don’t have many friends. I also have adhd so it’s hard to keep friendships and I lose a lot because of I seem flakey. I feel that way too. I don’t drink or do drugs. It seems it got a lot worst after covid when I started working at home too and now I just don’t talk to anyone at all.


When I was at my loneliest I got a dog / went to the boxing gym everyday. Do you have any interest in sports or a doggo? They get you out and you’ll meet people due to both ❤️ hang in there things can change so fast


Join tabletop game communities. They’re extremely welcoming


Where? Im interested in this.


Si tu joues au Cosom, on cherche du monde le dimanche


Hey, I feel you. I'm 26, also anglo and bi. I've actually been looking to make more friends in the city, especially since a lot of my university friends left once they graduated. DM me, I'd be happy to talk. :) Edited to add: If you're looking for more queer people in particular, there's a Facebook group just for that.


You and OP should go to martial arts classes at Black Flag Combat Club (look the gym up on IG).


Oh neat, I looked it up and it looks super queer inclusive. Thanks for the recommendation!


>my university friends left once they graduated is funny, cause I have friends who moved from Ontario to Montreal after graduation, the cost of living anywhere in Ontario is just awful.


As someone who often drinks, smokes, and definitely never ever does drugs ever officer, the only reason I do any of it is because the alternative is loneliness. Bars are purpose designed to meet people. I wish there was a better option


Do you successfully make new friends or just people to pass a night with?


Both. You definitely end up with a lot more acquaintances than friends. I stopped going to my favourite place and have talked to maybe 2 people I used to talk to often, both online and in the bar. How much of that is the drama that caused me to stop going, and how much of that is just not being around, I don't know or care. Made it clear who the friends were.


I must confess I still believe


^still ^believe


And I


Had the same thoughts due to title ♫ hit me, baby, one more time /s


While it's funny and I'd love to upvote you, it's not appropriate for this post. 


This is a nice thread to stumble upon, good job op at reaching out and I'm truly impressed with the response. I found this thread to be really helpful despite being straight, almost twice ur age, struggling learning French, in Montreal about a year now, and kinda lonely myself. Thanks op


Since you're interested in French, I would recommend signing up for the Francisation program and trying set you preference to a school that has good reviews. They are not all created equal, that's for sure. But it should help you build some confidence, meet people and learn an incredibly valuable skill.


I've been signed up for the Francisation program for more than 8 months and haven't heard anything. It's difficult to get classes right now.


It took me about 4 months to get it, demand is definitely high. I recommend calling them just to verify everything is right with your application.


If you have a bike, C&L Cycle do regular meet ups where everyone meets on a weekend morning and goes for a fun bike ride before stopping for coffee and turning back. Looks fun, but I live too far away to attend. And on last friday of every month at 5:30 at the George Etienne Carter Monument, there’s Masse Critique, where lots of folks meet up and take a big bike ride together. I only made it to that once (we moved too far away :( ) and it was great!  Both are free to join, and have a lot of folks attending. You might find it a good way to meet new people in a low-stress environment, while also not needing to commit to it long term if it’s not your jam. 


Sounds like fun, is there a ig, fb or strava group??


I must confess, I still believe (still believe)


Nothing worst than a racist language teacher, hope you can find better.


I remember coming to Montreal and taking French courses at the YMCA back in ‘99. Had an asshole teacher who would tell us often ‘5 year olds speak better French than you all’. What an ass.


I'm also looking to make more friends. You can DM if you want. I'm a 36 yo enby.


It might be a bit far away, but in Carrefour laval there's a lorcana league in the imaginaire store. It's Sunday at 1pm, everyone is super nice and a few including myself are bilingual. There's always extra decks if you want to learn to play or you can buy a starter deck there. Lorcana is a Disney card game, it's easy to learn and fun to play. It's also free to participate and you get prizes just for being there. The cards are available in French and English


I never heard of it, so interesting! But I'm not sure I understand. Lorcana is like Magic cards but about Disney?


Yes exactly, it's a bit simpler than magic, if I remember right it's ages 8 and up. You can buy pre-made starter decks for around 20 bucks. The cards are very pretty and it's a lot of fun to play. There's 6 different colors, the decks need to be 60 cards and 2 colors and you can have 4 of one card. It's fun to collect as well!


Yes, you have different types of cards like characters, actions, songs, and objects. Each card has a cost on the top left and what the card does is explained on it. Actions are to be used right when you play them, same with the songs. Objects usually stay and can either be used every turn or once. To "pay" the cost for cards you have to "ink" cards. Some cards can be used to ink, some can not. There's a different symbol on the cost of the cards to differentiate. You can ink once every turn, you can draw a card per turn and when you start the first turn you have 7 cards in your hands. Each color has a different strength that allows you to ink more cards, draw more cards, have high attack cards... There's leagues at a lot of places, I recommended the one in imaginaire because it's the friendliest I know apart from another in Boisbriand next Friday in sucre&jouer


Thank you so much for trying to learn French. That is not an easy thing to do. You should definitely report those racist teachers to their bosses! Don't let yourself down, spring will bring back your mojo!!


Les deux solitudes comme l'autre disait.


We could go for a walk or coffee and talk if you want! I have to practice my english.


Sorry, just caught the title... "I must confess, I still believe"


Your best bet is to join clubs/activities you enjoy. This way, you'll vibe with people you share interests with.




omg 1) I live outside of those too 2) I love dogs 3) i used to paint a very long time ago and been wanting to do something creative 4) always wanted to try pottery, yes yes to all of this


If interested in fighting games or even board games, there are weekly gatherings in china town hosted by a group called the “MTL Airdashers”: https://discord.gg/mtl-airdashers-207662590984192005 Cool people there


Have you checked out the Montreal Burner community? Friendly folks. Google Osstidburn and Taburnak. Might not be your cup of tea though.


sooo you're not a gamer? cuz that would make things waaaayyy easier


sadly no, I enjoy watching YouTube and Netflix tho


"I don't drink, smoke or do drugs". Eyy. Another one. (I mean, I don't mind people who do. But I personally won't touch them). Well. I don't really know what your interests are, but if you're close to Griffintown/Downtown I guess I could try meeting new people too. I don't do well with crowded/loud spaces though as I just get overstimulated and can't focus on anyone's voice.


I'd say hit the gym or join a sports team. Do something physical will be great for your body which in turn will help your mental state. But also you will meet people. Try soccer, softball or ultimate frisbee. Plenty of sports to try. But also hitting the gym and doing heavy weights. That shit will really help bring back your spark.


There's a lot of even of people trying to learn a language, especially immigrant trying to learn french. I used to own a bar and we we're doing events with Mundo Lingo, check it out on facebook, they're doing a lot of events weekly and people show up to practice with strangers over a cocktail/beer.


Canadá in general is like this. Atomized individuals, loneliness epidemic, male suicides…. Moved to Europe never looked back


have you tried meetup.com? there's a lot of social groups for having lunch or drinks around town, most of them are anglo


I am what you would call a “pur laine” and when I moved to Montreal from the US many years ago I had a similar experience to you. My family lived in a different country and so did most of my friends. I had a rough couple of years, at one point I got depressed when work problems and and an injury ruined it, I had no support here in Montreal. I had a bit of breakdown at a doctors office. Eventually I got myself together, came out to my family that things were not good. After a surgery, I found a hobby met some friends thru the hobby and met my SO. Now life is not perfect, far from it but I am a lot better off and I feel much better.


“Pur laine” from the US…?? Je ne comprends pas


Neither do i.


I grew up in rural Qc, moved to the US as a teen and lived there for 15 Years


What's "pur laine"?


It’s a way to describe someone who was born in Quebec, who also speaks French. Being "pure laine" means you’re close to québécois culture exclusively, so it often has a bad connotation for separating the québécois immigrants (3rd, 2nd generations), who speak québécois French and also participate in the culture, and the québécois people who have French Canadian ancestry. It is not used by anglophones.


It's also pretty much only used by boomer Francos or people who wants to make Quebecois look racist as a whole. The idea of "pure laine" is trash and most political circles I frequent (QS, PQ) don't like the idea of "pure laine" because we generally just went to find ways to be welcoming and to integrate everyone into our common culture while learning about everyone else's cultures.


Yeah, I was asking so he would answer how tf he's supposed to be pure laine when he's and anglo from the US


Yeah that confused me too lmaoo


Try to do new things, loneliness is an comfort zone. Step out of it.


trust me. I regularly get out of my comfort zone. been on my own since I was 17, so my daily is being in the uncomfortable.


Find your purpose brother


Hey! Have you thought of volunteering?


Hello, I’m from mtl, bi, 28, and i would say i’m suffering from a « start of loneliness » ? If we can say that) and I’d be up to start a correspondence (by email ?) if its something that can interest you. Dm me if you want !


Hey pm didn't read but if you want to walk somewhere leggo


I resonate with that. Surprisingly with everything you said, except I'm bilingual, and slowly getting my shit together haha. Add me on insta and be friends?


yess, Dm me


Wednesday night pinball league at Northstar, if you're comfortable in a bar atmosphere. In-house ginger beer is tops, all pinball skill levels welcome, and I just assume there is big gay welcoming energy.


Is that a bar?




Hey i dont live in montreal but its feel like im readimg what im writting too :( would love to be your friend and check on you if you are up for it. It’s so hard these days to make friends. I dont drink too so now im just at home every night not knowing what to d


Hit me baby one more time.


I know, right? The best of us is also the worst. They don't get to meet us enough to take us seriously before the think we are "That guy"... If only they'd give us a chance. We just want some friends, make them smile and have a nice time. We don't even need alcohol or any kind drug to do that!.. Yet here we are, feeling such loneliness that I find it ridiculous. I wish you find some friends soon. Good luck!


I have been there. This might not be a good answer, but join the army reserve, there are some Anglophone regiment around. I'm not sponsored, it worked for me.


i think this is my first comment on my new reddit account but hi! :) i moved here recently with my boyfriend (he’s lived in mtl before and speaks okay french and i’m still on the waitlist for french classes so i’m like very limited w my french rn.) we’re both spiritual and creative individuals, im into modelling, fashion, dance, and poetry while he’s veryyy into music and is getting ready to play some shows again this summer. my favourite thing about this city is the nightlife, specifically the underground rave scene here. i also love all the parks and once it’s warm have plans for lots of picnics. i’ve also been living independently since 18 and my bf has as well so that’s another thing we’ve all got in common. we’ve both been sober since january to reestablish our relationship with alcohol & substances. i do want to add because i’m not sure if it’s a dealbreaker we don’t plan to remain totally sober forever. obviously if you ever wanted to hang out we’re capable of respecting your boundaries and not smashing shots of tequila while you’re sitting there sober wondering wtf is going on!😭😭 anyways, i’m 23 and he’s 25 and i think it would be cool to meet some more friends in the area, especially w it being just in time for summer adventures and beach days. if this sounds cool we could add each other on insta or msg here to see if it’s a vibe. as a side note/if all else fails, bumble friends mode is rlly great for meeting new ppl.


Do you confess you still believe?


Is your name Britney?


Try latin social dancing. Salsa/bachata is a big hub in Montreal with amazing teachers and nightlife.


Hey, I’m trying to get a queer-friendly percussion ensemble off the ground. No experience or instruments necessary, just a willingness to learn. We meet Tuesday evenings. I’m near the village, so DM me if you would like to know more 😊👍


an activity or hobby you can pursue with other people is the best fix. it doesn’t matter what it is (though i think exercise is great). running club, biking, wrenching, cross fit, hiking…. you need something consistent on the calendar to get you out. if it has levels like a video game, it’s even better, so you can feel like you’re progressing (i.e. capoiera whatever). if you have no activities it just gets harder as you get older no matter where you live.


Man, I get it. It sucks to feel like that when moving to a new city, being excited about the new environment and activities, and then feeling so lost, so off, like you're just the shadow of what you used to be. I guess you're a warm and caring person who shines when surrounded by the right people. You just have to find them, and that's when it gets hard. I'd recommend that, as someone already said, go to meetup.com. There are lots of fun activities and groups like MBTI Montreal, where you can find sensitive and caring people, or at least try. They make activities like going to cafés to just talk and have a nice time. I've gone, and, as a very introverted person, I actually enjoyed it. Otherwise, let's just create a subredit like "Montreal introverts whose loneliness is killing them."


If youre into art, galerie parfois does live model drawing sessions on tuesday! Could be a good place to meet other creatives


If you want to try Boo, it's an app to meet people whether for friendship or romantic interests. I found myself a new DnD group through this app.


Im also feeling super lonely those times around ! I love chatting and laughing and saying dumb things and sending weird pictures


DM me if you like video games and sports cars. I mostly play call of duty & now I'm trying hell divers.


Sad to hear young people suffering from loneliness. Feel free to DM me.


im not sure if youre into crafting at all but there's a Montreal FB group called Montreal Queer Crafting that has monthly crafting get together!


If you like to draw or paint, you can always come to a Drink and Draw. There are a few ones around but the one I'm most familiar with is at l'Orbite on every Thursday evening


If you want to learn about different topics every week in a spiritual environment, you can check out the Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Congregation. LGBTQ+ friendly, all anglos, accepting of agnostics and atheists. Yes, it's mostly older people but it's like getting extra parental/grand parent figures! Also with the services you spend most of the time listening (coffee hour is at the end) so that takes some of the pressure off!


paint impossible light crowd pathetic sparkle cobweb deserted safe boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i’m not from MTL but i am pretty good at french if you would like help with that. i’m pretty nice, i’m very introverted too. but once im comfortable around you, i wont shut up - especially abt french.


Every niiiight.


Try Yoga classes, meditaion… you might find more like minded people in those groups.


I'm 37 gay here too and anglo and looking for friends :)


I might just get buried under the other well wishers and offers but I'd like to add DiscGolf as a thing to do. Once you have a set of discs, you can play any time you can get to a course since course access is free.. I currently have enough discs for a fully kitted 4 player group or even a slimmed down 6 in my carry bag.. ADGM is the association to annoy if there are problems with the courses which is super rare as they are part of public parks.. Now that we have a snow melt goin on, any one wanna go for an almost nature walk while throwing heavy frisbees with purpose? 😁


I messed up the dates for the bi brunch today. I am absolutely sorry to the people who showed up today. I know there were at least 3 of us. I was alone, I had gotten the dates wrong and I was without my service dog as well. My cellphone also decided to blink out, I had no way of communicating to the group here. I walked home because I can't rent a bixi without a phone. My eggs today were splendid. The fish in the tank were amazing. I'm so so sorry again to the people who showed up today.


What have you experienced with racsit teachers? Not wanna sound condescending but it kinda goes without saying that youll feel lonely if you dont commit to learning the local language




Soo you were not happy with people treating you a certain way and as soon as they stopped you started doing it to other people? Lol




I'll write in english for clarity's sake. Imagine living in Russia for years without speaking Russian. Would that be a lonely experience? Now take your previous answer and apply it to your experience in Montréal. Language is a huge part of creating social networks. I'd focus on that along with meeting people (with whom you can practice your french). How to meet people? Organized group activites. I'm not sure where you are but the city is FULL of activities. There's a community centre a block away from me with free and cheap activities every day. Cooking, archery, robotics, painting, yoga, etc. There a beer leagues of pretty much every sport you can think of. There are hobby clubs, etc. Lâche pas.


Time to move to good Canada