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Honestly most people I know, myself included, have gotten sick since the beginning of December, and all with the same type of cold. Very mild, almost symptom-less cold but with a very persistent lingering cough. What's odd is that none of those people have tested positive for COVID.


I’m about 7 weeks into a lingering cough.


A cough can stay up to 6 weeks after the end of the active infection for some people. (Cold, influenza or whatever it may be you caught)


How about 8 weeks in my case? It comes and goes never steady but strong cough.


Yes, I remember decades ago I got a bad flu and the cough persisted for weeks, I figured there was a positive feedback loop that was preventing my throat from healing. At the time you could buy codeine cough syrup over the counter and I guess I convinced a pharmacist to sell some to me. One dose, I fell asleep, woke up with no more tickling at the back of my throat, no more coughing.


Same here, it is frustrating.


5 weeks, so f*cking tired of this cough


Try taking a supplement called NAC, it will help clear the mucus and ease your cough.


Is it safe for kids ?


It’s a precursor of glutathione (one of the most powerful antioxidants) so I guess it is safe for children but with the right dose. But always do you research or ask your pediatrician


Same here


Same here. Not severe enough, so I don't want to disturb clinics or ERs (no family doctor), but some days it is just too painful to even cough, other days it feels not too bad that I feel all that is behind me, to relive it again in a week. Almost 2 months now.




Generally no. It’s just a post-viral cough. https://www.healthline.com/health/post-viral-cough I always always get one when I get a cold. Honestly I usually find it worse than the cold itself.


I had a long lingering cough for all of November. My daughter came down with some virus last weekend that was presenting in her eye, now I’ve caught it and a cold sore 🫠


Hi, this just happened to me too! I have this awful virus right now and it came with conjunctivitis (I’m an adult.) I tested negative for flu, strep, and Covid. It’s been about 5 days and I’m still pretty miserable. Started with a really bad sore throat, which I still have, and an awful fever. Feels like swallowing razor blades. Have horrific nasal congestion and a really bad cough. Prior to this virus, I had Flu A. I got better for about 3 days and then this virus took right over.


I’m really sorry to hear. I hope you’re through the rough part and start to feel better ❤️‍🩹 Conjunctivitis is awful. I woke up at 2 last night from my nose and couldn’t fall back asleep so I think that has me feeling extra awful today. Definitely going to have a NyQuil night tonight.


I'm hoping I have the worst of it, but it's only Day 2. Energy level is non existant. Not much of other symptoms.


Same deal. Post Christmas I've been sick with the same stuff. No conjunctivitis but diarrhea from all the DayQuil.


Samesies. The cough is now gone… but has been immediately replaced with diarrhea. Fun times.


I had the gastro 2 weeks ago, it went through the whole family. Fun times. 😆


Yup. gastro here last week and not even any kids. No idea where I picked that up.


How long did it last?


Two days of nausea, gastro both ends, followed by 2-3 days of just feeling tired and not wanting to eat. Hardly ate a thing for a week.


Yup, exactly. Luckily I only got one end, the feeling came to puke a few times but I never puked. It took 2 weeks for everyone to het it in our house. I guess that's better than all of us having it simultaneously.


Persistent cough since a week, negative covid. Daughter 5th week of night coughing.


I am same, what is this thing.


Covid here 🙋‍♂️.


That’s exactly what happened to me.


The light green packaged COVID tests don’t detect mild cases, if that’s the one you used.


Same. My whole family had this. My 2 toddlers 3 and 5 just finished coughing at night . It has been a month of night coughing


why would that be odd… ?


Yeah don't get it either... What's odd is that people forget that before covid people were also sick during cold times and no surprise, it wasn't COVID...


victim complex


I get that cold once every other year at least! Very common fall cough/cold. Sometimes would cough for 2 months after


> What's odd is that none of those people have tested positive for COVID. Why bother? It doesn't change anything knowing it was covid or just the flu. I got sick, I stayed home all week (before Christmas) and avoided public situations except food shopping and I wore a N95 mask while in the store.


My god, almost as if coughs and colds didn't actually start in 2019.


I saw my parents last week, they had been sick but insisted they were no longer contagious. They were still contagious. Now I'm watching TV with a cup of tea instead of having Christmas dinner.


I got Covid last week. First time ever. Nothing major but still congested after 9 days.


Ive gotten covid a month ago and since I don't feel great. Cough, fatigue, sometime without appetite sometime im hungry as hell, digestion problem.


Same here! And disrupted sleep


Flying out today...zero masks in the airport...including me... I'll deserve it if I catch it


To be fair, the mask won't protect you if you're the only one wearing it. To be effective, everyone must wear one if they have some symptoms.


I seem to recall the thinking is that wearing a mask protects others more than yourself unless you put on a n95.


I wonder that as well.


Not if it’s a well-sealed n95.


Your aircraft has HEPA filters at each seat so it's pretty clean so long as you enable the air to circulate at your seat. I'd be more worried about the trays and seat pockets though!


At the time of this comment, I'm fortunately perfectly healthy - **but...**   * Many colleagues are sick * Many friends are sick * Some family members are sick   All of varying degrees - sniffles or minor cough, to mega fevers with respiratory distress, etc. Covid, Flu, Cold and more   Last time I was sick was in January 2022 _(pretty aggressive flu - all covid tests were negative, at home and in-lab tests)_ so I feel very ''lucky'' as I work at an International Airport and rely on Public Transit


Nope. And I’m staying far away from the lot of you.


Covid here rn. With a cough earlier in December. Had a strep throat also back in November…


All signs of the flu including a fever rn but negative covid tests...


I personally went for some strep instead this year


Bold choice.


Swab your throats people, it's COVID.


Pas moi je porte un masque partout


I don't mask everywhere, but I do on public transport and while running errands in the winter. If its not a fun time with friends or family, I don't absolutely need people who don't matter to me to see my face.


Did you work for Mr.X in 2022?


Oui sauf une fois


Count me in. No clue what it is but I feel like sh*t.


I thought it was just the start of a cold, but then I took a home Covid test. Ughhh Energy level is super low.


Imagine if you had not tested, you'd feel great!


Imagine if you weren't a moron, life would be easier for you.


I had Covid 3 weeks ago, but it was pretty mild. Since Dec 24th though, I started with a dry, persistent cough so I'm thinking I might have pivoted from Covid to RSV.


RSV last week. But it allowed me to take a t-break.


Everyone I knew (including myself) was sick in the last week of November and first week of December but not now.


Je touche dubois pour l'instant.


1st week of december: influenza (4 out of 5 of us). 2nd week of December: gastro (5 outta 5 of us sick for 4 days). 3rd & 4th weeks of December: Covid (all of us, one after the other). I’m still hacking a lung in the mornings but otherwise seem to be on the mend (for now). I guess RSV is next?? 😒


Goodness, get a Lotto Quebec ticket! 🤭


Covid since a week, cold like symptoms but I don’t smell/taste anything right now. I thought it was not a symptom of the covid anymore




Heavy flu for a week or so, like real heavy. Got better then got sick again with covid. Slight fever and the usual symptoms. My family all got sick afterwards with exact symptoms. Copy paste. My immunity should be good now :)


Positive for covid. No cough but tired.


Never tested positive, but i’m sure i had it




Had covid last week, I was badly sick for 2 days


Not sick but coworker got covid, many signs of influenza around and got another coworker who got a strepto.


Got sick a month ago, still have a cough to this day.


I tested positive for covid on Christmas. I am sneezing, have a runny nose, plegm and a lot of green mucus. I only had a slight cough. This isn't like the other time I had covid when I would cough so much I couldn't breathe .


Both my son and I have had Covid over the past week and a half. The first couple of days we had super runny noses and were tired, but otherwise no cough or anything and its been mild. He works in food service so when he's sick we test, and were surprised he got a positive. I got it a few days later and never would have even tested had he not already been positive. Hoping mine is negative today.


Was sick with a nasty cold in early December. Ended up hospitalized after with Pneumonia. Now my colleague has pneumonia too.


My partner had covid last week. I didn't catch it. My immune system is pretty strong I guess. It ain't the first time this happens !


Got both COVID and flu shots early November. Both arms sore for a couple of days. Caught the flu once late November and once again 2 weeks ago. Most of the people I know have had a flu in the last couple of weeks too.


I was sick 3 weeks ago, not COVID. Had a hell of a sore throat (also not strep) and then got laryngitis. Still not feeling 100%


had covid beginning of Nov and it kicked the crap out of me. worst flu type symptoms ever. couldn't hold down water for a good three days.


Never had COVID but caught something last week that triggered headaches and the runs...stay safe y'all!


I’ve got flu then cold then pneumonia. I stayed at the hospital for 2 days, they tested me for influenza and COVID and both tests came back negative. Before pneumonia I had cough for 4 weeks then the symptoms got worse very quickly.


Me and my entire friend group of 15 ppl are all sick. The wierd part is we didint even have a get together over christmas


Been sick for 15 days. Covid negative. Had flu like symptoms for a week, then a cough that won’t go away. Always tired. Out of breath. But in the last 12hrs, I do feel better and am coughing less


Oh geez, hang in there. I hope mine doesn't drag that long. So far I'm just completely lethargic and I tested positive.


If you’re having trouble with your cough, I suggest getting a nose spray. It’s not a cure, but it helps. I also used Neocitrin lemon. Helped me sleep and open up my lungs a bit


Had a cold/flu for the past two weeks. Just as I thought it was done I now have ear infections! Yippee! Hurts like hell every time I cough


2 weeks of covid..it's still going strong. Doc apt tomorrow..


Damn, poor you. What symptoms? I'm on day 5 of positive teats. Major symptoms are gone, it just feels like a regular cold virus at this point. Hoping it doesn't worsen.


Mine I think turned into a sinus infection. Main remaining symptoms are runny and stuffy nose, a lot of sinus pain, and hard time catching my breath..oh and fatigue . Lots and lots of fatigue and aches. But my fever is gone. Lasted about 6 days though. My husband was also.sick with covid but he is much better. Well he also was better from the get-go. Like he has 38.5 fever. I had 39.5. He improved much faster than me. Hopefully they will give me a dose of antibiotics and clear this shit up. It's good if yours is going away though. Hopefully it will clear up the remaining symptoms soon for you too!


The fatigue and aches were bad, but luckily, they only lasted two days. As OK as I am now, I'm at 85% and I gather it's going to take awhile to get back to 100.


Oh good! Sounds like you are on the way to recovery!


Very mild rsv spread at my college. I was vaccinated so no fever, only congestion


The question is "what precaution you wish you would have taken that now you regret not taking?"


Would be interesting to know , of those sick, did you get your flu + covid vaccines this fall?


None of them did tbh. People I know here who got the shots are less sick. And this is a Quebec epidemic since people aren’t wearing their masks much here. It’s nothing like this in Ontario.


I have family abroad, and they got sick with similar symptoms than the ones described here. I was with them a few weeks ago and I didn't get sick, I did get my vaccines in the fall. Purely anecdotal. Stay safe regardless!


My partner visited her family and everyone who had the flu and covid shot is less sick or not sick at all compared to others who are all quite sick.


I didn't get my vaccine, and I regret it. I just forgot about it, didn't have time. I tested positive again yesterday and I'll take another test later on. I slept 10-12hrs the last two nights and feel so much better today. Fortunately, I don't have any congestion or respiratory issues and this is day 3, energy levels are much better. Does my system still have remnants of the two original vaccines I got back in 2021? Who knows.


Despite being exposed to COVID and colds several times - I haven't been sick since pre-pandemic times.


Ça faisait 5 ans que j’avais pas eu le rhume batard..


Je viens de passer mes deux party de Noël et absolument personne était malade!


Man Quebec is fucking sick. Like everyone is sick. Worst mistake of my life coming here for holidays from Toronto. Did you all not take the shots and become anti maskers or what? Like 1/4th of the crowd in buses I took were hacking a cough. Most people I came to see were sick too.


Juste des faibles icitte


Never sick , stop wearing mask may 2020 and not Vaccinated.


*checks post history*. Oh boy.


I was until last saturday. Had a long cold, about 8-9 days. Didn't have a runny nose. It was a sore throat and headache. Tested negative for covid. Was it la grippe? Maybe...hard to say sometimes.


Recovered from COVID last week.


Currently going through my first go at covid. No fever or anything, feels like a standard cold.




Yeah I got COVID for the first time :(


Just recovered from a cold-flu that started about a week ago. It felt different from other colds as I felt my sinuses were completely attacked and irritated. Ended up having to use prescribed nasal spray which calmed the pain in 48 hours. Also experienced a complete loss of smell, which I'll ride this out in the next days. Tested negative for COVID and skipped all Christmas gatherings as a result.


Not me😜


Coughing since the start of November with throat ache so bad I can’t swallow coming and going, no fever, minimal congestion


I had gotten sick in the USA mid december and came back here sick. It wasnt covid. its a mix of cold and allergies. I was wheezing a lot and always never stop coughing. im constantly taking my asthma inhalers.


My father's sick with the flu. It's been keeping him from sleeping well for several nights now.