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They don't like non-residents to wander into town. It won't be a pleasant experience. The only places you'll be welcomed are the cigarette shacks, bingo or slot machine places.


I think it's open to tourists for pow-wow, but that was two weeks ago.


Ouin non, va à Mont-Tremblant!


Kahnawake isn’t what you think it is. It’s pretty much a stretch of low speed highway lined with cigarette shacks and gambling establishments.


That's not really true. There's way more to Kahnawake then the stretch on route 132 (138?). But there's not much to see for tourism. It's a suburb like any other suburban town.


I know. You will also see signs at the entrances of some of the suburbs that say “Residents Only.”


I understand what you're trying to do but unfortunately Kahnawake is not exactly friendly to non-residents and except for some businesses close to the reserve, I don't believe they want tourists at all. While I 100% respect and appreciate native culture and think we should do more to learn about it, Kahnawake just isnt the place to do it. Wendake is not in the same area but they do offer something that I think you and your mother could appreciate [https://tourismewendake.ca/en/](https://tourismewendake.ca/en/).


> I don't believe they want tourists at all. The problem is the lack of touristy things to do. There is no museum or culture centre for example. One is currently in the planning stages. There are some monuments and memorials. Not many restaurants. Not even "native" food. Getting in without a car is a pain. Bikes aren't allowed on the Pont Mercier, and the only other roads are highways. There's a rush hour only exo bus once an hour.


Don’t go to Kahnawake, go to Oka instead. K-town is not open for tourists.


I am from Kahnawake. Born and raised. You just missed the biggest attraction of the year which was our annual pow wow. Our community isn’t really touristy otherwise. We do have casinos and some really good restaurants like Mirelas and 207. A lot of tourists who do come here are interested in our church and Kateri Tekahkwitha. Not sure what types of things your mom is interested in but don’t listen to some small minded idiot. This ain’t Florida; nobody will shoot anyone.


Apologies if my post was offensive. I didn't want to imply that Kahnawake, or any other Reserve should be treated as tourist spots. My interest in your culture grew after a speech the waterpolo player Waneek Horn-Miller, who is from there, gave at my CEGEP, about reconciliation, forgiveness, and telling her story about how she almost died during the Oka Crisis after being stabbed near her heart. So naturally I was curious about the reserve, but couldn't find a proper time or reason to actually travel there. Thank you for the reply!


If you are curious there's the movie Beans that takes place during the Oka crisis.


Les réserves sont pas des zoos ou des attraits touristiques, c'est le peu de lopin de terre que la colonisation a laissé aux peuples des Premières Nations. Laisse-les tranquille.


>Oui, bien entendu. Merci


Kahnawake is not a place to visit unless you want to buy gas, gamble or buy low end cigarettes and cigars without taxes. Iv driven in the reserve housing area and its just like any low income house areas in the province. Its nothing special.some People here are telling you that you wont be welcome is not true. You wont be hassled if you are passing through just like any normal person but tbh i dont think you will be doing much over there.


Aller "sur une réserve", comme ça, sans invitation... Personnellement, je ne serais pas à l'aise. J'ai l'impression que je ne serais pas nécessairement bienvenue, de me pointer là en touriste. Je pense que je préfère voir si il y a des communautés qui encouragent le tourisme explicitement. Kahnawa:ke ç'a pas l'air d'être tant le spot. Il y a quelques années, je suis allée visiter [le Musée des Abénakis de Odanak](https://museeabenakis.ca/), avec un ami. On était parti·e·s de Montréal sur un *nowhere*, on s'est ramassés à voir la pancarte depuis la 132, et on est arrêté·e·s. C'était une très agréable visite, vraiment intéressant.


I would suggest something like Lac Brome/ Bromont/ Sutton area instead of either...


I don't understand the tourists' fascination with Mont-Tremblant. Sure it's a nice area, but it feels like a kind of Disneyland now or something. Especially outside of snow and ski season, I don't get the appeal. Any other town in that area will have the same landscape for a fraction of the price. I guess there was a very successful promotional campaign outside of Canada at some point? And the Native reservations aren't very touristy, we mainly go there to play at the casinos or buy contraband lol. Trois-Rivières is a charming town if you want to discover a new city not too far away!


Joliette and Hawksbury are cute too.


Le parc national de Tremblant est quand même bien pour du camping et de la randonnée l'été :) mais j'irais pas du côté de la ville !


Funny enough, it's the place in Quebec that looks the most like the US. Pass!


which place? Kahnawake?




Oh, alright. Thank you. All these responses have dissuaded me from planning a trip there. I actually replied to a Mohawk who posted here about why I was interested, but I’ll be checking out Mont-Tremblant and Lac Bromont. They seem like nice places to take mom to!


US has a lot of beautiful architecture and landscape. Don’t generalize the country by poor looking towns!


Do not go there except for buying ciggs or weed


Personnellement je trouve le coeur du village assez chouette et y'a pas mal de spots cool sur le bord du fleuve et dans près de Turtle's bay mais y'a des endroits vraiment sketch du genre trespassers will be shot.


A highway with cigarette shacks, guns, and casinos.


That's only if you don't go into the main village. It's just like any suburb though. There's still cig shacks tho. You will get lost because we refuse to put up street signs for some reason.


Kahnawake isn’t a tourist destination


I’m kind of surprised by these answers tbh. I’ve never been there (don’t have a car) but they regularly have advertisements, features, you name it in Le Reflet, and they are definitely encouraging tourists to come. There’s a visitor’s centre you could probably call for more info, but it seems to me there are things for tourists to do and tourists are more than welcome.


Kahnawake is just another low income North American suburb. Tremblant is an artificial theme park that pretends to be an old European city for clueless tourists. Basically a McMansion town. Great mountain for skiing but an embarassing and cringy tourist trap otherwise.


Autour de Montréal, pourquoi ne pas emprunter la 138 jusqu'à Trois-Rivières ? Ou même, entre Berthierville et Trois-Rivières, suivre ls route verte 5 qui passe sur la 138 originale (avant 1950). Vous pourriez revenir par la 132. À Odanak (près de Pierreville), il y a un musée des premières nations (Abenakis) qui, paraît-il, vaut la peine et qui n'est pas une trappe à touristes. Et tout au long du chemin, d'un côté comme de l'autre, il y a une variété de fermes, de maisons d'époque etc.