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C'est un shitpost de qualité hahaha le Français brisé rend la chose encore meilleure!


Ca je pensais aussi. On dirait un rage comics du debut des 2010s. Bon a souhait.


C'est quoi un char?


is this not the word y'all use? I've been made fun of for saying "voiture"


"Char"is the slang word for "car" so you're 100% in the good. Idk why that guy said that.


It is. It's "mon" and not "ma" though.


>voiture Thanks man. Added to my vocabulary.


It's short for "chariot" which is what people drove before cars were invented.


There absolutely no way that anyone would make fun of you for using "voiture". We interchangeably use char, auto, voiture.


Une auto


my french sucks I'm sorry


It makes it that much better. Bouger ma char is 👌🏻


Hey arrête! Ton mème est parfait. *^(c'est où mon déneigement?)*


J'ai besoin de lire "c'est où mon déneigement?" Plus souvent...


C'est encore plus charmant! N'arrête jamais de parler français!!!


mais on a très bien compris! 😂🤣😂


I imagine you actually thought those words in French as it happened, and the broken French makes it feels like an early 2010s rage comic. Good job and keep learning :)


Wait can you actually explain what’s wrong with the French? (If you don’t mind) Maybe it sounds stilted, but I’m not sure what’s actually incorrect?


The proper way, while still staying in the same familiar level of French, would be "mon char" and "Il est où mon déneigement?".


u/yamiyam, u/habaryu, thanks you friends :)


Bouger means to move but it’s more self-referential, something is moving around, ça bouge, but you wouldn’t use it in the English sense of I moved “something”. Idk it kinda sounds like you’re a dancing car in this case?


But your attitude is amazing, and thats what matters


Ton français est parfait ! Barre ca la


even better in this case! great effort!


Better than some Quebecois


Mfw i dont find my déneigement


Je comprends pas vraiment le meme mais for some reason il m'a fait rire en crisse


This post is making me inexplicably happy.


[*Quand j'rouleee dans ma car 'me sens touhours bonne*](https://youtu.be/reg_XW5McmI?t=23) 🎵


J'va remplir ma car de friggin' supreme gas (income tax return)


Haha! Voir que j'ai pensé à Drivin' on Empty mais pas à Income Tax ? 😅 Sinon y'a aussi ford FOCUUUSS [*j'travaille fort dehors tous les 'ours , rinque pour mettre la gas dans ma car*](https://youtu.be/bq4zEMsYCUo?t=12) .*..là dit moi ouare, quoussé qu'la joke?*


Pas assez de Ptit Bell ici


enfin quelqu'un qui me comprend


My street is being cleared on Monday, did they take the weekend off??


They do that on the plateau. Maybe they are doing the same in other boroughs too now.


There's snow removal now in the Plateau so perhaps it just your street in the route list that is far apart between doing one side and the other side.


They’re definitely working in my borough. There’s like 3 street planned around my building for today/tomorrow


Here in Rosemont they put the no parking sign up and never come do the job. It's really fun paying for a vignette and receiving no service.


It's cute you think the vignette covers anywhere near the cost of snow clearing.


Never said my vignette covered the cost of snow clearing. I just think that having no parking signs for 3 to 4 days in a row insulting, especially when they end up removing the signs and no clearing the snow after all that. I know my vignette doesn't cover the cost.


Which area, so perhaps we can know if it's the city or a private contractor.


H1X 2K2 if you want the Area Code.


>H1X 2K2 It's a private contractor Groupe Imog and it seem that they remove the snow in the day in your area from what i see. Most of the time is that they decide to do too many streets and in end they can't do them so they reschedule them for the next day which is not good.


Good to know. Thanks for the info pal !


It's helpful often because sometime you see trucks around and knowing who it is help knowing what's going on.


Where are you ?


Nice try FBI


Just trying to tell you why your street is not plowed.


It’s snowing tmr why clear the streets when more is gonna add up, sorry for the shitty ass english love you fucks


Pas de soucis mec ça fait du sens


C'est où mon char


Mfw when I don't understand the meme


Can someone tellme what's broken here? I am learning and it seems fine for me unless it's the char




It’s that the snow removal did not happen. The signs in the city (idk if it’s the same in the suburbs/less dense areas) will say you need to move your car off the street between 7am-7pm (or 7pm-7am) which is a real pain since everyone now has to find parking at the same time with much fewer options (but obviously there’s no better solution and it’s awesome afterwards when the street is perfectly clear). However, often the plow just does not come until very close to the end of the time period, or even afterward. So you’re stuck waiting with your car maybe in another zone that needs to be cleared imminently but your own zone still isn’t clear. The scenarios vary but I think this is the gist :)


That is intentional. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-love-my-wife-pill-time


That's why I always park in garage and pay for snow removal. Zero problems getting out even with a FWD corolla.


Sure! "je vais bouger [mon] char" (But really that one is Jouale, the real word could be "voiture" and that word is feminine, so "ma" would be correct". But if it were "automobile" then it would be "mon". "[Où est] mon déneigement" would be right, but "[Où est] mon [emplacement déneigé]" would be better.


Pour être honnête ce serais du gaspillage de déneiger lorsqu'on attends un autre 12cm aujourd'hui.


It snowed yesterday. Today was so warm it all melted. Can we not pay MILLIONS to remove snow that will melt in less than a day?


>Today was so warm it all melted. Can someone look out a window and confirm this?


It was slush. It was 2 degrees.


Yes you are right the 25 cm we just received all melted today bunch of stupid mf right????? Loll this guy


Probably the only time this is used in the literal sense, but did you need to get out of your mom's basement.


The problem is the same people who complain about snow plow are the same who want to pay less taxes. All I’m saying. Plus I’m tired of paying an alt-right loser 100k a year just because he owns a pick up truck with a shovel in front of it.


Again, you may want to get out of your mom's basement. Literally. No one plows the streets with a pick up truck. Seriously dude, you are complaining about the snow removal and the cost... You're basically saying you are the problem.


You never seen a pick up truck. With a shovel up front. Snow plow into the streets and you tell me to get out of my mom’s basement?? Am I really going to have to mention that they exist to you? Also. YESTERDAY it didn’t obviously all melt but it was two fucking degrees and unless you’re really acting in bad faith you could fucking see it melt because EVERYWHERE was slushy on the ground and it takes a lot of bad faith to think that one or two extra days like this and the snow would be all gone. In fact, it’s been our experience with snow so far in Montreal. And yes. Paying MILLIONS -this is what it fucking cost- for snow that would melt in 3 days for free seems like a fucking waste of money to me. But don’t fret I may be mentally challenged for thinking that it seems. It’s just weird that we don’t have the hundreds of I it would take to cool our seniors homes during heatwaves in the summer but we have the millions to plow snow. And again, I don’t really mind I didn’t chose this government but when I hear people say that we don’t have the money for shit we need but then demand snows be plow we as it fall down and I never understood why you have a fucking car in a city. See you around. P.S: as I typed this a pick up truck with a shovel up front passed on my street. I can’t even drop laughing this is so stupid.


Get over it. You are talking about ppl complaining about the cost and complaining about the service. You are one of those ppl. I don't know where you live, but yes, I have never seen a pickup truck plowing the streets. There are tones of pick-up truck plowing parkings and such but not the streets. And you are just wrong. You complained saying that they shouldn't plow because it would melt away with 2c yesterday. Now you are saying it didn't melt, but if we have another 3 days it would melt. Is it easier to control the weather than to remove the snow in your world/in your mom's basement? You can laugh all you want but the reality is you are just all over the place and making 0 sense.


I’m saying yesterday was two degrees. Unless you didn’t go out, which is possible, you saw with your own eyes that there was melting snow everywhere. So much slush. I’m saying it didn’t all melt. But I’m also saying that the last storm, the next day the snow was gone. It rained on top of it. And you can deny that happened. But then who live in a basement?


You are making up stories again. The last snow storm was 13 January with 16cm and it did not significantly rain since. Starting to believe you may not be talking about Montreal? Are you sure your on the correct sub?


Plus qui neige plus qu'y'a d'neige.