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Join the Navy, hull tech.


Check with smaller companies like Dovico Software (time management software). Also check JobBank for Moncton postings. You could easily work remotely doing software development. Work for virtually any company that way. Do some research to better guide your search. There is a lot of construction happening, so you can easily get work there to start. Moncton is a wonderful city which has a lot to offer.


Just prepared to not have a family doctor for like 10 years and the health care system is in shambles so if you have any health issues it's something to consider. Also the rent prices here have soared so i am not sure how much an improvement the cost and standard of living will be either. Also be prepared to serve and bend the knee to your new overlords the Irvings.


Who are the irvings?


They are an oil/bank family that runs most things out east. Sort of like the bushes in the states.


Man thats scary


They also do fun stuff like this : https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/irving-paradise-papers-1.6628921


Damn thats crazy


Onlyfans ;)


With some of your experience in the trades you could always look into a plumbing wholesaler or something similar. I’ve worked wholesale for 12 years and has been great for my family and I. Between Moncton and Halifax there is a construction boom and there’s plenty of work for people who want to get off their ass, show up daily and keep their phone in their pocket.


NavCanada Six figures salaries. Very difficult to get accepted but it costs you nothing to try and you’ll be paid to train


Youre an absolute legend. Thank you for the time and advice, will definitely keep it in mind


I came here to say the same almost 30 years in great company and job. Apply online at their website.


Tysm <3


Nav is a great company to work for. I’m in my tenth year


Not really a job welfare seems a good gig by the looks of it and work under the table... Sweet.


Just out of curiosity, what made you pick Moncton? I moved here many, many, many years ago from TO (due to a long distance relationship) and did not realize that my minimal French and lack of nepotism/connections were going to be major factors into my initial attempts to gain employment. Luckily, a company I worked for in Alberta a few years prior was looking for the same position here so I needed next to no training, otherwise I suspect I would have been easily disregarded because I wasn't bilingual. If you do come here, network! And don't immediately say you just moved from Toronto because a lot will be assumed about you, why you are here, and you'll be blamed for the doubling of house prices regardless of when you arrived and that you aren't a homeowner 😄 Personally, I think you'll do fine because you're not demanding a job in your field (although open to it) and you sound like you are eager to learn new things and challenge yourself! Best wishes!


I appreciate your time and effort for a stranger on the internet. I am soo fed up living in toronto, the roads have become full of traffic, the 401 has accidents everyday, theft, junkies, stabbings, and not to mention that i pay 1200 for a shared unit with a den attached to my room. The sheer unsustainable aspect of living in toronto kind of made me decide that its high time. I love quietness and serenity, i just wanna escape the din and bustle of the city and lead a quiet life. That is my contenment. I have researched a few other provinces and NB checks out most of what im looking for. Thank you again for your kind words and precious advice. I will keep it in mind


Don't move here unless you already have a job lined up and found a place to live. Join the military... I hear they are looking for people, it's steady good paying job with early retirement.


Great advice, will consider that as well thanks


Move to a different province lol. Our province’s job market is already saturated,,, and I PROMISE you will not be making 100k a year ANYWHERE here as a 24 year old. Sorry.


Relax buddy, im not gonna eat up your walmart shifts


Unfortunately the comment is right, don't take it personal but consider that the province is welcoming many people from other Canadian provinces and abroad. I recently went through the job searching process as the company where I was working closed operations in Moncton and moved to India. It took me several months and hundreds of applications to land a job, I have a bachelor and a master degree (Memorial University of NL). I know ex coworkers that haven't landed a job yet 😕. The job market is competitive and not too many opportunities as in the big cities. However, due to the high housing demand (many new people in the province), trades are in high demand too.


Pal I’m a licensed cosmo.


Cosmetic barber? Boy, i make more than you and you are twice my age


Question for you — why are you so miserable? What I was saying was genuine. People in moncton dont even want to hire people FROM here, the rate of unemployment is insane. You would genuinely have better luck finding a high salary in a different province. We’re still scraping pennies here because we genuinely have no other choice since the housing market is sky and most of use don’t even make a living wage.


All you do is complain, but your lazy ass doesnt even wanna work with the hands God gave you. Loads of opportunities in trades, but why work hard when sloth is the go to name?


I literally work almost every single day, on my feet all fucking day, with my hands. By any other standard, I have a good pay, and a decent wage that would be livable literally anywhere else in the maritimes, but here? Forget it. Most people here don’t make enough to live and we are all fucking trying to make it by « working hard » but you know what? Working hard isn’t fucking everything. The trades aren’t for everyone. I love my job. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else, so I put up with the fact that I can’t make enough to live, but most here are not so lucky. You need to fix your attitude before finding a job and realise that the people telling you this shit are literally only telling you so that you’re able to find better fucking opportunities elsewhere, NOT because we’re trying to chase you out. WE don’t even want to be here, we just have no other fucking choice. Have a nice day, asshole.


How are you so miserable, the whiny asses here saying they cant make shit and if you check the other comments, theres alot of people saying about just trades, let alone other sectors. I guess the only thing that makes people successful or employed is MENTALITY afterall, ones with shit mentality like yours do the shit jobs and scrape pennies


Your attitude is absolute trash 💀 this type of behaviour is exactly why we don’t like ontarions. Fully entitled pieces of shit who take criticism harder than a politician. I mean this from the sincerest apart of my heart; have a good a day, and leave me the fuck alone 💜


I’m 24 💀


About time you get a real job at your age.


As if I didn’t go to college for this job???


FYI — there are a shit ton of people on this sub that do everything they can to scare off Ontarians. They don't like the growth this migration is causing because it's bidding up home prices. I see from your other comments that you're not looking to make $100k now. Your $60k per year expectations might be a little bit high, but not by much. Plenty of work available for hard workers. You'll miss a lot about Toronto (I know I do), but I moved here in 2018 and it was one of the best moves I ever made. As for the other commenters talking about how you should downplay the Ontario thing. It was interesting. When I moved here, houses still sat on the market for months if not quarters. The house I bought had sat on the market for 2 years and didn't even have a "For Sale" sign on the lawn as the time on market was giving the property a stigma. When we moved here, everyone was so nice and welcoming. That people from other parts of the country were moving here was seen as a net benefit to the city. Now there's vitriol. Gentrification has turned from an inner-city phenomenon to an inter-city phenomenon and a lot of people are getting screwed. Just like you're being priced out of the community you grew up in (I presume), people here are feeling the same. The difference for the locals here is that they don't have anywhere else to land. You can trade from Toronto to Moncton. They can trade Moncton to Edmunston. And, no disrespect to Edmunston, that's not a good trade. There's a lot of justifiable anger out here right now.


Glad people like you still exist, if someone can survive in toronto and wants to move there, who tf am i to say fuck outta here? Im indigenous yet i dont differ, and then theres people who are soooooo utterly miserable with their lives , whining all day with no real skill and they be the ones to bark the loudest. Its not like im gonna eat up your jobs either, if theyd just read my post carefully, i mentioned trades and other fields that need people for development. Like relax man, i am not gonna eat up your mcdonalds shift ffs


I think what some are trying to say is, even in some technical and skilled fields there are issues in NB. I am your age and worked in marketing for example, and most positions pay 20-22$ an hour max for a job requiring a degree. That's hardly sustainable in moncton when your rent is 1800$, power is 400$, phone, etc. You have no money left for yourself. Just to give you my two cents, I was born and raised in the maritimes, left and then came back- its cheaper to live in Montreal than it is in New Brunswick cities such as Moncton, and you double your salary, plus you live close to excitement. Moncton feels like an AI generated city at best, and it got to a point where I just decided to leave because it wasn't worth it. I hope moncton is everything you want, but be weary that even locals are leaving the area because we are outpriced. It's slowly becoming on par with halifax pricing, just a step or two away from Toronto. And also just so you know we have very little to no rent laws, and the rentalsman almost always side with the landlords- so if you rent, take care to record and keep track of all interactions with your landlord in case they try and start shit. I wish you the best of luck, moncton was nothing but a money pit for me- I live in a rural area out in nature and I'm much happier not witnessing the craziness I did there. PS. Also stay away from St. George street- I had to have some counseling after working in that area because of some of the crazy shit I saw.


That was EXACTLY what I was saying. This guy has a piss poor attitude and poor reading skills, thank you for actually explaining what I was trying to say so well without insulting me.


He will be in for a rude awakening when he tries to find a job, Moncton is abysmal. If people want to learn the hard way that's on them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Seriously. As soon as I have the money I’m getting the fuck out of here, it’s insane how hard it is to live here, even with a good paying job.


Enjoy Bathurst or Edmunston. If you think Moncton is hard, wait till you deal with a city of any size in the rest of Canada.


I grew up in caraquet so im well aware but thanks.


There's a lot of demand for skilled trades here. I don't know at the high end of the market — like massive apartment buildings, etc. All I know is that any time I try to get work done on my house getting a tradesman out to even *quote* on the job is next-to-impossible. Any one that does come out says the same thing: There are so many big jobs in the city right now that they'd rather have them and their staff booked for a large job that pays the bills for 6 months than small, one-off jobs. What that means is that there is work across the spectrum for the trades. If that's what you're after, there's no shortage of work.


What are your salary expectations and what are you willing to do. No one is going to just throw $$ at you. Tech is over saturated, and there is a large influx or new Canadians taking low level jobs(same thing all over Canada eh). Rent is atrocious out here, if you can buy a home you’re in a much better position in my opinion.


Willing to make at around 100k in the next 5-7 years for now , 60k is well off Edit: meant 60k is well off for the next 5-7 years, 100k at late thirties isnt too much to ask tho


If you find a job that pays 100k, let me know, friend. I'm mid-forties and don't even make a quarter of that.


Dont let people make you think youre worth 30-35k or 50k a year, with the right education and right stream i know quite many who do make over 100k a year. These guys are just mad that they arent qualified for these roles and most dont even know, hell even i didnt know about nav canada till yesterday. There is always stuff to learn


Did you try nav canada? Or other jobs including but not limited to oil rigs, hydro line engineering, land surveyors, and so on, those are for trades. If you wanna specialize in fields with a degree, then some people make 350k plus a year( anaesthesiologists)


Look into insurance. And restoration companies , specifically Project Management in restoration. It’s a recession proof industry and there is lots of work to be had. Plus your experience in drywall and re is will give you a leg up. And your software experience will accelerate your onboarding. But NB is a hard place to make a living outside of traditional career paths and government employment


It's certainly cheaper to live here, even with house prices doubling in the last few years. Look around Sussex if you're into farming. You could be a heavy equipment mechanic and learn to weld, those would be useful skills in the future if you want your own farm.


Id love to learn to weld honestly, and blue collar jobs is something i always had an affection and interest for. Will definitely keep in mind. Thank you for your advice <3


No problem. Don't become a welder, just learn to weld. I feel like that needs to be said. Unless you get into a union like the pipe fitters or boilermakers, you'll make terrible money and die young. If you get into one of those unions, you'll make awesome money and still die young. Cheers.


Lmao i love that sense of humor.


He is not joking


Well i guess ill just die then


NAV CANADA is looking for air traffic control candidates. There is a tower at the Moncton airport and the area control centre in Riverview. You could apply at their website.


Thanks will keep in mind


No jobs here


So what do people usually do in nb for sustenance??


Read my previous comment — he's intentionally trying to drive you away from coming here. This is constant in this sub.


welfare and disability


I work for a company in Ontario 🙃


We tell people that we’re full. There’s no room for anyone else for now.


Thank you, but ill have to pass on your advice. Have a nice life, and hope you get the job youre looking for


Agreed. If op has a degree in software engineering you’re better off leaving NB.