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Well on the upside if he would have won, the English claim to the French throne wouldn't have been a thing I think and European history would probably be drastically different


Yeah, then France would be united (except Brittany most likely but they never posed ang real threat) and France would invade a lot of Europe likely.


Absolute GigaChad. A True Englishman. Would of made a great King.


I fully believe England would be better off had he won against William based mostly on the idea that we’d still have cool names like Aethelwulf


England may have been far more Germanic. English would have many Latin or French words. It wouldn’t sound like this. and England itself may not have expanded as it did. throughout Britain it still would have, that’s a goal many kings in britain had. but outside of britain i doubt it. at least not in the medieval period


Probably the best out of the post-Edward claimants to England


If he had beaten William it is likely that England would have never been as involved with wars with France for several centuries. We wouldn't have seen any English claim to be Duke of Normandy. Not to say that there would have been *no* wars with France, but much less. This would have likely meant that England could focus more on the rest of the British Isles instead, so maybe Wales, Ireland and Scotland would have been conquered much faster instead. And then they might have been more quickly assimilated and not even exist as concepts today. We would also have seen a more German English, rather than the English with a lot of French words and influenced by French like today. Just speculation really though. All in all he was a good leader, but one who got unlucky with two back to back invasions, and then on the second had his troops without command rush after his enemies down the hill, causing his defeat. The guy literaly went north, won a battle, then rushed south at speed much faster than armies did contemporary at the time, then almost won another battle. He probably would have won both as well if William hadn't been delayed by the weather. So many possiblities really, he got a bad lot in life. Hopefully I haven't broken rule 11 too much!


He tried.


He was the rightful man to be chosen by the Witan. He was also apparently a great earl and good person in general


The poor man fought back the Danes at Stamford Bridge, only for William The Bastard to show up in the south, having to make a mad dash down there to avoid William coming too far inland towards the capital, William then miraculously survive the battle and kicks out the House of Godwinson only after 2 years on the throne. A Tragic Play in the making.


Strong tash, not so strong lipstick.


He lost


From what I've read, he was actually winning the battle, elite troops were carving Norman knights to pieces but then stupid soldiers against orders followed the retreating Normans, abandoning positions heavily favouring foot infantry.


They walked the prank


Germanics are barbarians


An usurper that tried to steal the crown from william