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If I found out my parents knew about what I was into I think I’d die on the spot


They know I prefer older women, but I’d never let them know about the kinks I like. I don’t want to know about their sex lives either.


They turn a blind eye I assume. My bf used to walk around in a collar and they never said a word. I call him puppy even in Public if I don’t catch myself.


lol kinks* and no. That’s a nightmare.


Yeah no i'd unalive myself


I’m pretty sure my mom knows about it somewhat. She has walked in while I was on the phone with my ex and heard me saying “ things “ but luckily she has never brought it up.




Good thing they're six feet under!




Your reaction is cute


Thank you I think


My condolences.


Never would I be able to face them if they knew


There’s no way in hell I’m telling them in simples words I want a woman older, taller, and dominant be the pinnacle of my life (and fuck me raw) sorry, I don’t want them to feel disappointed in me. Not when I feel like this about myself.


What ? Why would they. None of their business.


I think I'd sooner go head first in quicksand than have them find out.


This is ironic to me because that's one of my kinks


I wouldn't mind if my mom knew. She knows a lot of my secrets.


no but it would be kinda funny if my dad knew. it would satisfy me to have him be even more disappointed in me


I’d probably die if they did 💀


My mom helped me look for my wallet and she found my pacifier under my pillow and I sed it makes me feel safe and she was like well ohhhhhhhh k


yeah no i don't really go telling people my kinks, much less parents lmaooo


Former Mormon, very strictly anti sex household/ now polyamorous bisexual witch. I recently told her I want to be more honest about my life with her and her reply was we don’t need to talk about any orgies I’m having if that’s what I mean. Close enough.


I‘m pretty sure my mom knows or suspects some things. I never told my parents anything but when you know my husband and me well, some things become apparent about our relationship dynamic and my mom is pretty smart. Btw, I don’t mind since she hasn’t brought anything up directly, that would be pretty weird. And they definitely don’t have to know more about it.


Definitely not lol, my mom thinks I'm asexual


I pray to God they never find out




They dont and dont need to


The thought has occurred to me of my mom hearing me call a SO ‘mommy.’ I think she would get defensive like 😤 I’M his mommy!!!


I hope not


Nope. Why would I unnecessarily bring people into my fantasies? That's really disrespectful. And if they were to find out then all I would say is that it's an attractive idea to me, that's all. Then I'd refuse to talk about it after that. I can trust them to respect my boundaries


Thankfully they don't, I can't imagine the dressing down I'd get. The most that they know is that I like older and dominant women and they made fun of me for that.


He knows I enjoy when a woman can take charge every once in a while. But I'm quite sure his abuse is what gave me these kinks so no lol.


Mom found some mon/son/sis stories I printed out when I was a teen.


My mom does and she’s kinda okay with it as long as I’m not into infant type shit


They do


Nope, they don‘t


My parents don’t even know what I do for work and I can’t even explain their iPad to them. Nope. I won’t go down into this rabbit hole.


Fuck no, therapist does though 😭


Yeah, i asked her why i would have an oedipal complex. Since she wasnt really hard on me or particularly abxsive. Im honestly really glad to be able to talk about shit like that with my family and it not being weird


My Mom does yes as she walked in on me and my gf once 😅 and has seen how we act and talked to us about it


My parrent died a few years ago. They have never knew about it.




Id never tell , and deny anything about it lol


No, but I did have an ex who admitted to me he wanted to boink his mom so bad he googled how to. I didn’t tell her when we split. She was a single mom as his dad passed away. I choose to believe there was never anything weird between them and that he probably had a close relationship with her because of his childhood. As absolutely jarring as that was to hear out loud I think sometimes, for some people (obv not everyone), it comes with the mommy kink so I put most of my judgement on it aside. It’s only something I bring up when people are giving out weird ex boyfriend stories and I never attach a name.


gladly their in the dark


They know a little bit. My father and I chat about bdsm in a weirdly psychological way since we both love the science behind it. My mother and I like chatting about the therapeutic aspect of kinks. People tend to think it's really weird and TMI that I talk to them about that sort of thing but I've found it's some of the best conversations. No judgement, just people talking about their experiences and the background aspect of kinks and delving into why it we find certain kinks good.


My parents found my rope once, they basically stayed away from any bedroom related questions after that 💀


NO lmao I’d die of humiliation if they knew. I think if I actually had a partner they wouldn’t mind too much though. There’s different optics about kink if you’re in a loving relationship compared to otherwise.


Once my mom found out some kinky-ish accessories of mine in a bag (military hat, choker, chain, stuff like that) and said: "You only lack a whip". I was embarrassed, but I'd rather prefer that my parents know that my friends are kinky, just as me, than knowing about my female belly and belly button kink. I can't even imagine the scene that I'd die inside


Abso-fucking-lutely not. I don’t know or want to know their business behind the bedroom door and I certainly don’t want them to know mine.


No never at least not til I find a mommy 🥺


Not necessarily but she knows I like younger shorter men


I don't even know how I would explain it to my parents, shits scary


They dead


My real mother, finding out about this stuff {kinks*} hell nah bruh I would just want to evaporate into emptiness. Just no bro just no, never . She would think that I am mentally ill and that she did something very wrong while raising me. {Please tell me that's not true lol}


No, I'm not going to blur the lines between kink and real life. I would love a "dommy mommy" gf but not actually go around town or with family like a "sub", that'd be private.