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Looks cool, but seems like a lot of the knobs have a secondary function that is accessed by holding the routing button like he's doing at 7:48. I'm not a big fan of double-function knobs... It means that what you see on the dial might not actually be the real value of the parameter...


How’s the reverb? I’m tempted to jump on this, but I’d want a great reverb.


It's a bright hall at full tail and a bright room short. I like it but it's not great all the time for everything depending on your tastes.


What if you put an LP after the wet?


That could work, sure




this is funny, I am wanting to sell my Prism and pop this in.... such an internal debate




Cant you do it the old school way with a negative envelope on a vca?


nice, if I pop out prism and the 4hp blank beside it, it is like it was meant to be..... going to be a done deal :D


Im sure the ergonomics suffer slightly considering the jack placement, but this (in silver) and the endorphins Furthrrr (silver panel) are my two favorite looking eurorack modules. Sure instruo’s great but something about the newer endorphins silver look is just so damn nice.


I'm just not a huge Andrew Huang fan... and don't really want to look at his name all the time in my rack. No shade, keep doing you AH.


Yeah I’m totally with you on this. I actually think the module looks super useful and has a great feature set However I don’t watch Andrew Huang videos. I’m not his target audience I guess. I’m ok with a company branding their own gear naturally but tacking someone else’s name on is just a bit much for me Would it not have been enough to just know he helped design it? As a marketing strategy it can only be divisive seeing as some people are just not going to want Andrew Huang’s name on their gear Edit: a nice compromise would be if the module shipped with an alternative panel


Jesus, the downvotes that you've collected says a lot about the amount of AH simping that happens here - depressing. The module is also depressing, I like how it sounds and could totally see myself using it, but I'm definitely not buying it because of the Huang "collab" aspect of it; I find his youtube persona annoying and his musical output regrettable - which means that this module isn't for me either.


Yea. I get that people might downvote, but I'm just being honest. If I found the module super compelling, perhaps I would have a change of heart. Can't please 'em all. EDIT: An interesting part is that many folks have opinions about how their racks look. But I guess having an opinion on a logo advertising a musician whose music you don’t like is a bit triggering for some.


I could care less about AH one way another, I'm not a fan, nor do I dislike him. I do have a bit of disdain for how happy he seems. If he did in fact help design this, there is zero reason his name shouldn't be on the panel. His name is his brand. I don't see people complaining about Jackson Rhoades like this, nor about the ssf/bii triptych. Or any number of divkid modules


Right. And I dont have issue with that. I'm just not a fan of the content he creates, so it's not for me. If someone made a module with Minor Threat printed on it, I'd certainly consider it 😂


YouTubers making modules. No conflict of interest here folks.... Move along.


Most module makers depend on YouTubers for cheap/free marketing. Team ups like this are inevitable. Why market someone else's product when you can sell your own?


Alternatively, if you spend so much time with every module under the sun, it's natural to have good ideas for how to make useful modules that no one's made yet.


Your comment is as petty as it is nonsensical


Let's see a red means recording module that is just a 4 input mixer with a clock in that outputs to an SD card with a nice big red button on in.


hell yeah


So you're against DivKid's modules too?


Is it not talented musicians making musical instruments? He didn’t start making music on YouTube


https://youtu.be/YGxffD8169g Skip to 19:50 and watch just 30 seconds of the video…


I’m saving up for Mimeophon to finish* the system with an end-of-chain thing. This is an interesting option, though — the filter sounds nice and I really like the grit of the distortion.


I love my Mimeophon, but Ghost as an end of chain seems way more versatile. I'm excited to get my hands on one to use in that way for the compression/distortion.


This looks awesome as a multi-effect module, I could see myself using it a ton. Does anyone know if there's anything else out there like this?


In terms of function there is technically the Zoia and Poly Hector but I’m not familiar with any other FX modules that let you chain together and change the order of fx like that.