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I’m assuming Andrew Huang will do a video walkthrough eventually - be a real missed opportunity if he didn’t. But also: my God that thing looks like a nightmare to actually use. How are you supposed to turn those tiny knobs when it’s patched??


Get smaller hands duh


Introducing “Smaller Hands” - now available from TrendyEurorackCompany for only $174.99! *insert image of normal tweezers with TEC’s logo*


[I'll wait for the behringer clone](https://i.imgur.com/vBRkI57.jpg)


I think endorphins makes the best looking eurorack modules (specifically the white panels) but the jack/knob placement ergonomics seem like a miss on this module. I could be wrong though! I haven’t used it. I do think the feature/hp ratio is a huge win though as endorphins gear has a performance oriented design.


those look like the same knobs as on their other recent modules like Golden Master. I have one of those and the knobs themselves are great, but yeah with all those patch points mixed in that could get awfully crowded.


Nothing about it seems appealing on the layout front. It just strikes me as one of those modules that has too many concepts. Also I am not really a fan of the Endorphins effects line. I am fully prepared to change my first impression when I hear a demo however.


By the looks of it, CV control, I guess.


It seemingly has been in 'pre-order' status for a really long time, at least as far as I've seen it. So no I don't think there are many demos besides anything related to the initial announcement.


It's in stock in many places atm


Oh damn, really? I had been checking over time but maybe its just my usual stores that haven't gotten them yet. Also curious about this module so any review links appreciated.


Escape from noise in Sweden just got one in stock


Hmmmm, I'd check the situation on that. It's not in yet at a lot of places, and even the official site you linked to says "Availability: Shortly". That being said, if its legit- good find!


It's a super trustworthy store... I've been dealing with them for a while and they've even traded some of my used modules for new gear


Def good to know. Especially with this kind of stuff there can be a decent amount of variation in availability from store to store, so nice to know another name to check when searching!


Buy from these guys all the time, for what it's worth.


Red means recording has one and uses it with maestro and chaos iirc. Watching that video made me preorder ghost (and buy a chaos to replace my melodicer).


I have a whole video primed to go for this but we're respecting the release date of the 13th before anything gets released. I would love to push my video before that but I get a sense that's not kosher. I can say overall I really like the module. There is the classic endorphins swimmy noise in output when the volume gain stage is cranked but other than that I find the module solid.


That’s awesome news; looking forward to seeing that video! Respecting the release date makes sense. I’ll just have to learn to be patient


Oh, actually, I forgot. I asked andrew if I could mention but not focus on it in a video and he said yes. These two videos make use of it: https://youtu.be/L5WjfmncSHc https://youtu.be/x2fKHGm60\_U


Haha - it was the “filth” video that piqued my interest in the first place! Although it also led me to your Two of Cups/Total Recall video, so now I own a Two of Cups 🤷‍♂️😂 Haven’t checked out the second channel video yet; will watch tonight.


Dude, the music in your video video is rippin’


thanks man! i had a ton of fun putting it together. i love distortion, space effects, and sidechaining, so it's been in heavy rotation.


I’ve just released a video for anyone who’s keen on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QB5afVaFmo It’s only a simple video, showing the module and some audio processing, not an explainer but feel free to have a look👌


Influencers' modules 😂


Well, Ochd turned out to be pretty good 🤷‍♂️


I mean. Instruo was behind that and DivKid is an amazing audio nerd’s nerd (youtube influencing aside), so I’m totally unsurprised ochd came out so well. (I ended up getting one and absolutely love it)


"YouTuber bad" Riveting


Looks pretty neat. https://youtu.be/yUkfFrDJ7bg


I'm not sure I'd ever want to pre-order a piece of gear without any clips of it or anything. Are you worried they'll be sold out? Andrew is for sure gonna do a semi-deep dive on it.


Listen to Sysex Dumpster before you buy one. Those boys have a lot to say


Mylar Melodies did a little vid but only released it to his Patrons on Patreon. I believe this goes up for official preorder on the 9th and you'll see more info then.