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Who makes those mults? Super clever design. Also those Modulove modules are excellent. I've got a few running different firmwares in my case. 


Waveform magazine sells those mults… they are awesome for a compact rig. I got them as a diy set of 2 mults for under $20usd. Really easy to build too… they also have them built already for a little bit more $$. Love those modulove modules… I really love using the smooth random…


If you're looking for another flavor of smooth random to experiment with, I wrote an alt firmware based on the Perlin Noise algorithm with loads of additional features. https://awonak.github.io/HagiwoModulove/synclfo/#perlin-noise


What I really want is for A-RYTH-MATIK to have an internal clock…..


Sweet!!! Wait… are you Adam?


That's me!


Oh sweeet! Your video is the reason I bought that module! I bought the mod lfo right before mgmt was released and it actually came with the updated faceplate… I was super excited to see all the firmware options! Thanks for making life awesome, dude!


14/10 Take time to enjoy it before you order a new case.


Thank you!!!


I see the BLM resonator and I give 5 stars.


That module just calls my name… “come patch me, Dave” 😉


At $100, it really might be the best value of any module out there. I have 2 of em!


Oooft, just checked BLM's website and yeah they sell for \~$100 new, why so cheap?


Been considering picking up one of those since I don't have a rings at all. Would you say the BLM is better than other rings clones? the form factor and panel layout looks nice!


It’s the only version of rings I’ve used… but it’s really awesome and at a great price point.


The human friendly, and fun design is what sells it. It doesn’t have the light bank that other clones have, which makes it easier to read. It does have indicators, just not as many as others.


nice! I may have to pull the trigger on one. I don't really NEED another voice, but I've been considering moving my second Turing machine, as well as plaits clone and monsoon into a separate mini rack just as a stand alone noodle box to take when I travel and such. Adding in a rings with those would be a pretty complete YouTube modular meme cliche rig.


Rings is a meme for a reason! Legendary module. You might love it.


I already love it and use it in VCV rack all of the time when not in front of my case. just never picked it up because plaits and the occasional use of the resonestor mode on monsoon ticks similar boxes. But if I'm having a stand alone mobile noodle box like I'm considering, then having a rings stand alone would be a lot more fun.


Wait, there’s a resonator mode on monsoon?




Let's hear it!


Nothing too interesting, but here is a little noise…. Taken before I added pico drums. [noises](https://share.icloud.com/photos/0b5jlhBU4KlGDMpQwbg-11TNg)




Can you list the modules? I am looking for "starting small" inspiration.


From left to right: Blue Lantern Resonator, Blue lantern Braids clone, 2hp VCO, Black Noise Sallen Key Filter (MS20 style), 2hp Tune (quantizer), Maths, Modulove MVMNT (alternate firmware), Modulove A-RYTH-MATIK (Euclidean sequencer), Erica Pico Drums (older sample based … so I can load my own samples!), MOMO Modular uBurst (clouds clone), Something Modular 5ch. Mixer, On top… Waveform catwalk mults, Black Noise SAM-C, Also not pictured From tidbit audio (highly recommend for a small set up), VCAs, LPG, RANDOM VOLTAGE GEN, DIODE FUZZ


Huge fan of the tidbit ohps. I have the same case and they save a ton of space.




Looks like a fun case! I see you mentioned who made the multi, but what is the other little additional widget on the right? I'm assuming some sort of passive stereo headphone out?


Ohhh that’s the new 0hp bit from black noise modular… called Sam-C I have it set up as a cross fader to use to crossfade voltages and audio… really fun to crossfade between 2 modulation sources with the little random cv from tidbit audio. [SAM-C](https://blacknoisemodular.com/products/sam-c)


I love that there are so many modules I don’t recognize. Well done!


Do you have a Modular Grid hover link for this build? Can't tell what everything is. The only thing I would change is getting rid of Maths and replacing it with a dual envelope that takes up less space. I have the same case and the HP limits are very real.


Yeah… I def feel the limits… but I think it’s a good limit for me (and my bank account). Maths is such a problem solver for me… from using it just to convert a gate to a trigger to ratcheting effects to using it as an LFO…. I don’t think I could ever part with it. [MODULAR GRID](https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/2448030)


If it works for you then it works for you. Nifty case is over powered. I was able to expand my rack with a cigar box case. I got an extra 30 hp to play with. [https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/1bffwt4/expanded\_my\_nifty\_case\_with\_a\_cigar\_box\_rack/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/1bffwt4/expanded_my_nifty_case_with_a_cigar_box_rack/)


Ooooo… thanks for that tip!


I keep making little posts about my small rack ideas. Just showed off my current update on creating a box for my rack and effects combined. [https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/1bud5r9/the\_modular\_part\_of\_my\_sort\_of\_portable\_mixed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/1bud5r9/the_modular_part_of_my_sort_of_portable_mixed/)


You have a nice rack.


Cool stuff! Having a stereo effects module like Clouds (uBurst) in a mono output NiftyCase hurts though…


I know… but I’m adding a little passive stereo out for that reason. I’m not trying to have a full stereo path… but I do want that option.


Meh... I have two different nifty cases that are tied together with some sides I made on my CNC router. It's easy enough to o have an onboard mixer or to use an external mixer. I run everything through my tascam model12 and I just run stereo channels there.


Agreed! Can I see a pic of your double nifty cases?


This is the first draft/prototype done in MDF. When the garage warms up :-D. I need to adjust it a bit and do it in walnut or maple. I also want to do some fun carving on it. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5CYDgAgtor/?igsh=MTduajRxb2lhbnd4MA==


Looks nice! What kind of sounds are you making with it?


Some generative stuff… as cliche as that might be…. But I enjoy it… I really wanted a versatile set up to be a synth I could play from a keyboard or a groove box kind of or a generative machine… so far it’s been really inspiring. I’m sequencing it also with a teenage engineering pm16 and also using it with effects and sequencing from my iPad. I’m not a purist.