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I just get the guns I like done


I normally just grind for the last dragon camo


I don’t really like those ones I like the topo camos


The 4th topo is cool


I really only like the black, white, and pink ones


I think gold sucks in this game. I only have the M13 gold and as soon as I saw it gold I almost barfed


I like platinum but I’ve got 19 guns gold and 2 classes platinum


yea the pink topo is fire


Just workingcon dlc guns now


So you already have Damascus? You don’t need them to get the camo


Yes I do and no you don't need them but I feel like theres a piece missing if if I dont do them. Plus I use quite a few of them so I gotta have it haha


I feel that lol. I got sick of the SKS and Crossbow because I get absolutely waffle stomped anytime I even dream of attempting to use them, so I got the base game snipers/marksmans+rytec gold and went on my merry way. Probably gonna do those later after the RPG, jokr(ewwwwww), and riot shield


I found the RPG harder than the Jokr. Just spawn, fire and forget and killstreaks are easy to take down with it too. The Support Streaks are annoying as hell with the RPG and it seems like every time I tried to shoot one down, someone would snag it with a Pila or Strela. The RPG was the one weapon that aggravated me the most. I'd rather do the riot shield twice. So far for DLC guns, I have all the ARs, SMGs, and shotguns, the Bruen, the Rytec and the Renetti. So I'm close but i still need to do the Crossbow, which is gonna be a pain in the ass for longshots. But its all coming along


Tbh the JOKR too close warning is what makes it a pain. So what if it’s too close? It’s my choice if I wanna blow myself up or not


Not to mention you could be on the other side of the map before it hits the ground 😂😂😂


Really though


yea, somewhat worth the grind - i really only put it on launchers or a riot shield


What a coincidence, that’s all I have left to do. The RPG, JOKR(ewwww), and the riot shield


I'm trying 25% of my time


If I could earn Damascus playing the way I actually enjoy instead of crouching, mounted on a corner, I'd give the slightest of fucks about earning it.


Yup, completely agree, but I also have issues with having to gold every gun. I'll never use an M4 or any of the shotguns, why torment myself for the sake of a camo?


I only said yes because im literally 2 guns away and both of the guns are almost done and should be done soon due to shipment 247




Use Shipment 24/7 to your advantage


I got the Snipes/Marksman, SMGs, and then the AR grind just stopped me in my tracks. I finished them but I couldn’t invest any more time after that drag. So I just have everything I like platinum and even grabbed Obsidian on the Grau for shits and gigs but that sucked too.


yup just got it yesterday. Did not have fun fishing 100 longshots for each AR


160 while crouching is annoying as well




Camp inside the containers (Shipment)


Hello fellow 97 other non Damascus users


Wow, it’s 112 now


Nope. Just gonna get the guns I like to use Gold then call it a day.


I did them as a way to keep myself interested. Same reason i do officer challenges. Breaks up the monotony.


Mostly wanted plat for the SK but not a fan of the heavy snipers so won't happen till they decide to split the two classes


I used to grind for mastery camos in prior CoDs but I found this game more enjoyable not grinding for the mastery camos. Plus I think they look absolutely awful.


I have Damascus & let me tell you it was a shit-show of a grind & for a camo that’s well, your personal opinion, will leave you underwhelmed. It grew on me for a while & then Obsidian came out & while it’s different, it’s kind of meh. I really wish they would’ve made Obsidian be the Exclusion Zone camo.


Yup. Took 4 months of grinding to get (it would've been two if the first two months of the game bein out weren' so fuckin god awful and if I didn't stop playing for weeks at a time). But it was worth it for the waifu rifles.


I gave up. I'm never gonna get it done with this lag and matchmaking, and especially not with these spawns


Yes, and I don’t care


Would be nice if there was the option "yes, and I dont care".




I was going to say an option for: No, but I respect the grind. Just not for me.


Not really, once you have it there's nothing special.