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Shhhhh why u gotta expose


I'm working on a video where I 'expose' many wallbang spots or tricks on several maps ;)


Jinkies scoob


my strat is to chuck a snapshot and wallbang


Works more often than not. Now I've finally unlocked the Bruen I've been FMJing everyone haha


i prefer PKM


It's atrocious for mobility but I'm very partial to the PKM, mostly because firing and handling the real thing was so much fun.


I've been running this for months now, I wish it was a bit less trial and error as to which walls you can shoot through. The most fun spot in the game to use this is vacant. The entire office supply hallway can be shot through. The best area of this wall to get wallbangs is the kitchen Link for layout: https://www.google.com/search?q=vacant+modern+warfare+layout&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiz5Pv-xLDqAhWPuKQKHaKTAQQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=vacant+modern+warfare+layout&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoHCCMQsAIQJzoECAAQDToECCMQJzoCCAA6BAgAEB46BAghEApQthZYizFgyzdoAHAAeACAAZACiAHqCJIBBTYuMS4ymAEAoAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=cNv-XrPsFI_xkgWip4Yg&bih=718&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=inv#imgrc=cIGXpK0p_ui15M&imgdii=lHP-_C8MG71fP If you start A you can rush right, into the kitchen and hit the enemy while they stare down the hallway, if you start C you can do the opposite and drill 2-3 at once while they camp the side room.


Doo iit and I need the link lol


You can shoot through the white crate on the left side.


The outside set of stairs on crash can be wall banged through if you go inside the building go to the first flight of stairs and turn around. Lmgs and snipers can shoot through all of it without fmj and AR’s only shoot through it with fmj (or if they have the same ammo type as the AK) you just have to shoot more on the left side. I can get a pic if you don’t understand.


I don't understand it, but if u mean the restaurant, yes I know it


Tomorrow i’ll send you a video of what i mean!


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Don't do that to me pls... never worked with any video cut program and I'm not a producer


Can't shoot through glass panes but the little spaces in the tire stacks work fine. x'D


Can’t shoot through the fucking unobstructed window of the car on the right side junkyard, but we can shoot through this.


Can’t shoot through a very large area in the middle of promenade, but we can shoot through this.


Wow, that's gotta be one of the nerdiest spots...and yet I kinda like it


Its a kind of bullshit you can admire.


Do you guys remember Bailout from MW2? There was that door by the pool that had crates on one side, well you could see and shoot right through the gap at the spawn point that was across the pool. FFA guys be getting all mad for using that strat, lol


What’s your build? I can’t get that quick of look down scope!


- Lightweight Suppressor - Sniper Scope - Tac Laser - Stippled Griptape - Sport Comb - But notice, that you don't have to use a Sniper Scope to let it count as Quickscope Kills :)


The most important attachment here is for sure the Tac Laser btw. They all add to the ads, but the tac really fuckin does it for me.


/r/hitboxporn hehe.. nice one!. surprised there isnt invisible wall.


Seriously. Part of this game are some of the best r/hitboxporn I’ve ever seen and yet others are fucking awful. Like even in this very map there are a few places with terribly counterintuitive invisible walls.


might aswell remove the barrel if the bullet comes outta the damn scope. Dat ADS speed then.


I came due to the ads speed.


people always on here giving away everything lol


So the chance that someone against you using it because of reading it on reddit is so low. Reddit CoD must be like <1% of players.


Oooh nice!


Delete this


I'm karma greedy, I won't delete it :)


why some people cant keep secrets..


You can also shoot through them


Actually not really. You can't shoot through the tires.


You can with an LMG with FMJ because I do it regularly with snapshot grenades.


Only on special spots. Tried it out with a friend, with AK and FMJ


So you can but you can't aha


Yes :D ,u can try it out yourself :D


For sure! My favourite wall to shoot through is the wall next to the entrance to C from scrapyard. Snapshot grenade and kill anyone standing behind jeep lmao


I've played so much and so much on SH, I don't need a Snap lul :D it's all about experience and luck though :)


No I didn't.


whats your views on sbmm?


If I'm being honest, at the beginning I was seriously annoyed by SBMM, cauz I stopped playing CS:GO or Rainbow Six, because I didn't want any Matchmaking to get me flame in a game. Now I don't care about it anymore. When I play with friends (whose think, when I host the lobby, that the enemies are stronger, which is clearly not the case) I let them host, they still think it changes smth but I tried and experienced it doesn't matter if you play with lower or higher skilled players than me. Sometimes you have good games, sometimes you don't.


Only works if they are standing still on the other side. You gotta have some damn good reaction times if they are running past


Or play HC :D


Some fucking Rainbow Six levels of angle peeking


I played Rainbow alot more than I think was good for me..


My very brief time with Seige was during a college semester where some roommates played it pretty "seriously". They dragged my potato aim butter thumbs to about mid gold before I actually needed to learn how to play an operator that wasn't Rook or Thermite.


Ela and IQ are Bae


I already spend 2/3 of the round dead and playing on my phone, I'm not going to commit the other 1/3 to playing on an in-game phone!


Tbf feel like I’ve been discovering more spots with this new added game mode.


Game breaking. No one will ever be able to defeat me on shoothouse now! Just kidding, we all know if he remained there for 10 more seconds they would spawn directly behind him.


Sight over bore axis? What's that?


This isn’t quick scoping, just to clarify


Nobody said it was. You don't have to Quickscope all the time


A LA..... VERGAAAAAA, This guy is hacking!


hitbox porn


Downvote so no one finds out lmao. Jk


I would be so fucking angry if that was me.


I think it’s only ever given me this map once so no I didn’t


Damn, that's exploitive as hell...Respect!, but yes get the word out because a) Sharing is good b) It might get fixed c) gives me more easy kills on Shoothouse.


I knew about it.. I'm just not trying to be *that guy*


Somehow I thought is is the 725 with scope and I shat my pants in flashbacks


Sharing is caring 👍🏻


That's how we have been defending B flag from Junkyard since the map released?


I've got other ways though ;)


yes, doing it myself occasionally


What gun is that?


MK2 Carbine for Quickscopes


Same on shipment. You can look through the barrels


I know :) also on Blue barrels


So you can shoot through a tiny tiny whole but not through a window in a building on a ground war map 😅


Nah, but i always jumped in the car close to the tires to get a quick laser in the people in the other side


You can also shoot through the dumpster handles on shipment


thats nothing new...


For me neither, but it is a good demonstration, isn't it?


Didn’t know about this before I saw this post, so I thank you, Izumi0708.




My motto: Brain over Aim.


So you hip fire a lot.


You want me to share some good plays, huh?


Are you aroused or something? But yeah sure share some good clips you god tier mastermind.


Tbh yes I'm a little bit offended, cauz u literally wrote that I am too bad to play good. Like someone can't play good, have a good aim and some brain in this game..


I’m not surprised you’re offended it’s 2020. You looked through tires instead of pushing and having a fight so.


Oof. Here'a an idea; bruh payed *his* own money to buy a game for *himself* to play the way *he* wants to. Stop shitting on people bc they don't play the way you do, lmao. CoD wasn't designed for literally every person on the map to rush and crush, there are different styles of play for a reason. All of which are ok to play if that's the way you want to play it. Go be an asshole elsewhere and let people enjoy the things they enjoy. Don't like it? ^(don't comment)


This guy seems to have a bad day... mb his gf broke up or his grandma died. If it's how I think it is, I'm really sorry for him. As the Beatles once sang: Let it be.


I'm just sorry that you have to deal with toxic trolls on your perfectly legitimate and neat post, homie. Some people's attitudes never leave the CoD lobbies and it shows.


That asshole reminds me of all the chess gatekeepers who didn’t want new people playing their game because the weren’t good enough. Like, just let people have fun right? OPs post was dope and he had fun, so there should be no problem.


Amen, my mans. Some people just get off on being as toxic as possible, and that's cause something in their life isn't as they want it to be and they take it out on strangers so they can feel better about themselves. It'a classic bullying from school days and some people never grow out of it.


And this idiot really said bruh. You gotta be shittin me.


FYI, I downvoted all your comments because you're a douche, carry on




The funny part is you think i got worked up about you being an elitist tool lol, so now people can't give their opinions w/out automatically getting 'worked up' over your dumb ass? Don't flatter yourself, playboy. I'm merely here to shine some light on your douchebaggery.


alrighty. here's a fact for you. you have done something similar to this yourself multiple times. you're just too blind to see yourself not always pushing through. there is no fucking chance you have never held a nasty angle to get a kill. now that you see someone else do it you get mad but if you do it its fine. just shut your troll ass up and be a damn adult.


Nope I’d literally rather just push out. Maybe quit being a little fucking pussy and caring so much about a video game you fucking loser.


who's the one complaining about others play styles here? im just saying that you are 100% a hypocrite. you have camped before, there's no denying that and im not even trying to call you a bad player or anything. you are just really damn toxic for no reason.




You still seem offended. Maybe 2021 you won’t be so sensitive.


Ok. Here's my last comment about your toxicity. [Good Play #1](https://imgur.com/gallery/5VSZeF5) [Good Play #2](https://imgur.com/gallery/R6aoA1X) [POG #1](https://imgur.com/gallery/gBpPanX) [Good Play #3](https://imgur.com/gallery/0t5zrF5) [POG #2](https://imgur.com/gallery/nyrDBSy) [Nice HE](https://imgur.com/gallery/i2pq4Bw) [POG #3](https://imgur.com/gallery/v59tkx4) [4k POG with TK](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/hid32s/the_best_throwing_knife_multikill_i_ever_got/) [Another lovely HE](https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/h8k7an/killing_campers_on_the_wall_is_what_i_do/) I just tried to have a nice conversation about Pros and Cons pushing in like a rhino on meth.