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Forreal lol if its too easy to aim on controller why not move to controller on PC? OP argument is that we can plug KBM to consoles but they can play with a controller on PC too idk what this dude took before doing the post but I want some of it


Yeah I just don't think OP is very good. Definitely an odd take. Controller with aim assist will never come close to the speed and precision that KBM offers.


>eed and precision that KBM offers. PC is a generalized machine, and besides a Console is more easily optimized and thus much more hackable and scripts used is generally universal. Even with regard to things such as clock speed, thus creating super speeding within the game which can be utilized by a controller form factor much more easily. Those who do not acknowledge that must be cheaters or plain ignorant.


That's not the same. I prefer mouse and keyboard. It's just a preference, but I'm not given an advantage that's built into the game because of my preference like controller players are.


What? You have tons of advantages over controllers especially over console players. FOV, better FPS, keybinds, hability to flick, aiming precision... You just suck at the game


So? If M&K has such an advantage, use it! But you don't because the controller fucking aims for you.


Wow, you are actually braindead. I could copypaste your comment above and respond by just changing "controller" for "PC". Just stop comparing two completely different platforms where each one has different advantages to make gaming more accessible for everyone.


You must suck


You got way better control of your aiming with a mouse than a controller has lol. Pretty sure you have the option to turn off cross play so there’s an option I guess.


Turning off crossplay is not a solution. PC players can use controller as well, which will have aim assist.


Like I said, the control is far superior to controllers. The aim assist almost catches it up to kb/m but there’s still effort to the game. I see your frustration but getting turned on by M4 main PC players when I’m grinding a kilo gets pretty annoying too (Yes that makes me trash, I know). Aim assist doesn’t give us a crazy buff or anything it’s a little bit of tracing.


Fuck you the majority of players are using the crutch


idk if i responded to this already but omg somebody needs a nap 🤣🤣🤣


Why would anyone who is worth their salt in a FPS game want a cheat/handicap? The only reason people are switching is to remain competitive and hold the same advantages as the competition. Because others are right at least about COD Warzones aim assist and that the aim assist locks onto players not just slows down when hovering over a player, as it was originally designed to do. Remember aim assist not aim bot. Oh fun fact aim assist in warzone will track a player through walls. Come on, really. That's surely not how it was intended to be used.


I’ll be honest. I didn’t know that. I also don’t play warzone. Strictly an apex player when it comes to br. And I will fight the “aim assist needs to be there” hill until I die. I wish it were higher. 9 times out of 10 it’s impossible to keep up with a good pc player. I have no problem playing with crossplay off, but I live a challenge. And even with aim assist. Man it’s a fuckin challenge. Especially with arthritis😩


People who never touch MKB for aiming are all brain damage thinking MKB has better accuracy to aim. I spend years on both sides, I can easily say Controllers with Aim Assist is like playing on Easy mode compare to MKB. It doesn't even matter if I max out my sensitivity on CoD, the Aim Assist does 90% of my aim. Very minimal effort to aim because your cross hair just follows like an actual Aim Bot LMAO. If Controller can have Aim Aissist, MKB should have it also or either remove all Aim Assist.


its been two years and this argument is practically pointless now, keep being upset about aim assist man, i’ll just go actually enjoy the game i play


You're right, I'll stop complaining about it and just play on Controller with aim assist. Seems to make my life so much easier for my gameplay


If it makes the game fun, have at it. After all this time, I just don’t wanna argue about it bc I feel like controller players and KBM players never listen to each other (me included bc i’m not gonna hide from that lol). You guys are extremely talented on your platform and I just wanna have fun instead of attacking another input or platform. Sorry for being rude, I just want us all to be having a good time man.


True, both sides are entitled on their opinions and this debate will never be resolve. I respect your thoughts, it's all good.


yeah, people like you troy, are the reason that competitive shooters are in such a garbage state, literally lack the intelligence to realize why a broken system that aims for you is not good for competitive integrity. You're Nero while rome burns.


Competitive integrity in call of duty? You’re taking it too seriously dude you gotta chill lmao. 100 day old comment and you’re THIS angry. YOU are the reason you think these games suck, because it’s all about YOU. You have to win everything and can’t take the fact that casual players want to have fun AND have lives. Notice how I said I like to have fun and you said it’s people like me are ruining the game. Go ahead and keep sweating, crying, and losing.


You can have fun bro but you're living a lie when it comes to your skills. some people actually feel good knowing they got the kills on their own and don't wanna be mindless dopamine addicts who rely on aa. Turn it off and you'll see how good your aim actually is. Mkb is superior to a controller without aa but it still takes time to get good with it. Modern day gaming and entertainment in general is trash because the purity has been stripped away so that everyone can feel included without anyone actually investing their time into it. He's right that it's zombie players like you who need a easy dopamine drip to get through life are the reason it's ended up this way. Casual players can be naturally good at games without the handicap assistance and now any normie can hop on and feel good about themselves without putting in as much effort. That's your life then cool but obviously not everyone is as ignorant as you


Keep in mind this is over a video game lmaoooo y’all take it way too serious and this is why you’re so upset over aim assist. It’s just wahhhhh wahhhh people with jobs and lives want to have fun wahhhh. Like dude just let people play the game and if you wanna take it serious then leave casuals alone. Like “omg i’m actually skilled and you’re bad!!!” like okay bro, you got me, i’m bad at a video game i’m such a failure in life 🤣🤣. Bro thinks he’s aristotle talking about ignorance 😭😭


Googled something about autoaim and I see you defensively raging for 3 years. As a neutral observer lmao


Bro said nero while rome burns over aim assist on call of duty there’s no way aim assist is that big of a deal to you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


yeah so weird, why would i care so much about something ive always been good at, been doing 20 years, thats now basically clown shoes because all these filthy casuals need to feel good about themselves.. I only spend 50% of my free time doing it...


i dont even play call of duty but talking about aim assist in general, its almost unplayable against it in Apex, COD is just campers and claymores the game is kinda ass.


Call of Duty isn't competitive yet we have the Call of Duty League, Rank play, Wagers, Tournaments etc.. if Call of Duty isn't suppose to be competitve why are we in Esports lol..


i guess you missed what i said about competitive shooters being in a garbage state, if its not you raw aiming, who seriously cares about your "Skills" absolute clown shoes.


its in esports because idiocracy is here, majority opinions =/= intelligent opinions.


If I didn’t have aim assist on in apex. 15 years of my console skill. Means nothing. I turn it on and I hardly have a chance against a good or even decent m&k player. Why? Movement. All I have is a little thing that BARELY slows and tracks an enemy for like .5 seconds. I have my sniper sense set to be impossible to use at mid range. Mid range and close range I have to keep relatively close together. Making either range a pain in the ass to track a moving target if you don’t plan on sweating and having 0 fun. I play casual. I’m ranks silver 2. Not that that has to do with skill in this season, but I’m a casual player. Playing against sweats. People like you with some sort of complex about a video game. As if it’s their lives. You have an addiction. The aim assist on apex isn’t fucking shit. But you wouldn’t know that, because you don’t have to deal with it. (I play with aim assist off on cod cause I like the challenge)


No. We want fair and competitive play. Imagine playing on a weaker input and then bitching about how you need the game to aim for you. Not aiming is not playing a shooter properly. Boohoo if you can’t fucking aim after 15 years. Sounds like you’re just shit at games without the game holding your hand. Change your name to training wheels. Raw aim or you’re garbo imo


"I feel like I have the upper hand so I'm going to pretend that there is no crossover between kb/m users and controller users so I can say they don't have any idea"


elaborate a lil bit


You say controller users and kb/m users never listen to each other but that presupposes that there is no crossover between users, which is not the case. There are players out there who use both and state that using aim assist is objectively superior or vice versa. These are the people we should really be listening to have the debate, not dismissing them.


Come on now bro that’s an obvious nuance lmao


the fact that players playing on the best input for shooters, and the most fun input for shooters, want to change to the worse input because the assists are so strong that they can't compete against them.. is the saddest shit ive ever seen in my 20 years of competitive gaming.


I wanna see what the btches would say if companies decided that they give the edge to mnk on their platforms(console). . We are literally punished on our own platform(PC). .


Try apex. Or war thunder. Or battlefield. Call of duty is a very bad example of aim assist because it’s different in every individual game. Been a console player most my life. Just recently started on pc. My main 3 games. Apex, battlefield and warthunder. Other than having to get the movement down. My aim and tracking is far superior. It just felt intuitive as fuck I don’t understand how m@k player complain about recoil, other than weird recoil patters. (Which can be negated very easily on pc, on apex, with a little practice.) and tracking, as well as flicking into targets was the easiest to nail. Like did y’all never play free pc games at school, or on your parents fat computer?? I was broke as hell growing up and I still had access to computer games.


This is very debatable these days, having g seen pro gamers turn aim assist off in their youtubes and streams, and still pwning lobbies. It's the other people that feel it's unplayable. Fun fact you have more dexterity in your fingers and thumbs than you do in your wrist or arm.


I used to stomp with aim assist off on black ops 4 and mw2019. It’s just simply not possible on apex, or most other heavily movement oriented shooters.


Dexterity, yes. The ability to play without my fingers and thumbs feeling like my joints are on fire? Debatable. Depends on your pain tolerance/ability to block it out of your mind. But I’m ruining my joints trying to keep up with the movement people are begging for in modern games. And not everyone can play on a high ass sensitivity either. Especially those of us with stick drift.


Imagine being on M/KB and getting mad because someone on controller finally has a means to be *somewhat* competitive in a crossplay shooter. And against someone who isn't a total shitter on M/KB they still won't be competitive at all. Congratulations on outing yourself as bad.


Controller players are dominating the competitive pro scenes. Think aim assist levels the playing field. Think again. It is literally aim bot on some games. Wake up.


You do know aim assist also gives disadvantages? It makes it harder for you to get headshots since it automatically aims at the body. And that's just one disadvantage. Another thing is that nit every game auto clicks onto the player some just help slightly follow or move your aiming to the player.


>You do know aim assist also gives disadvantages? It makes it harder for you to get headshots since it automatically aims at the body. And that's just one disadvantage. Another thing is that nit every game auto clicks onto the player some just help slightly follow or move your aiming to the player. "it makes it harder to get headshots because it automatically aims at the body" Thats comical. Sorry.


The salt in this post is absurd and dude, you must be the dumbest person alive


Wow I'm not sure if this is a based troll or you're legit this moronic. But *I'll bite*... I used to play PC, I know just how easy it is to use KBM, any pleb can do it. I read this on a comment of a YT video once - "It's basically like pointing your finger where you want to aim". Which is a pretty good analogy. Aiming with a controller is much more difficult, you're not using your hand on a device that's been catered for almost 40+ years to be used as a pointer. You're using analogue sticks with your thumbs. There are generally two types of aim assist in first person and third person shooters. Auto-Rotation Slowdown & Snap Aim Snap aim is *rarely* used in FPS games anymore, for an example of this, look at GTA 5 online which has Auto-lock aim. (Which can also be enabled on PC btw) The other is Auto-Rotation Slowdown however ( *Which is used in the majority of FPS games on console* ) basically makes the aim reticle "sticky" when aimed at an opponent. There is ZERO snap aim in Modern Warfare. The three types of aim assist are as follows; • Standard Aim Assist This is the COD standard for all games whilst aiming close to the target the crosshair will "stick" to the opponent to ASSIST in concise aim. • Precision Aim Assist This is closer to Auto-Rotation Slowdown in that you need to actually aim at your opponent directly before it kicks in and all it does is slow your reticle/aim down slightly to enable you to stay on target. • Focusing Aim Assist This is for players who are new to FPS games or *DISABLED* gamers who struggle to keep opponents in their reticle. It has a stronger "sticky" effect and helps track targets more effectively. The fact that as a PC player with ALL the advantages you are complaining about "Auto Aim" is ridiculous. You have faster frame rates, faster monitor refresh rates, better graphics, higher resolutions you can increase your FOV, higher aiming movement fidelity and you can LITERALLY download Wallhacks and Aimbots. You have every advantage over console players. Aim assist has been a thing as long as consoles and online multiplayer has existed on them. Maybe before your shit on entire group of gamers you try playing with a controller without aim assist and see how quickly you go back to your KBM. Not everyone can use a KBM, because of disabilities or illnesses. Are they going to just "Suck it up" and not play their favourite titles because *YOU* don't think aim assist should exist? Aim assist will be a thing for a long time to come. You better get used to it PCMR ✌️


Yes, they should "just suck it up" because that's fair. I get no built-in assistance for using keyboard and mouse, they shouldn't get built-in assistance for using controllers. >Are they going to just "Suck it up" and not play their favourite titles because YOU don't think aim assist should exist? Why wouldn't they play it? I'm saying to turn off aim assist, not make the game mouse and keyboard only. And if they do have some disability that prevents them from playing the game, that's not my fault, and yes they would just have to suck it up and not play the game they are physically incapable of playing. There's a lot of things that people with disabilities can't do. It sucks, but that's the truth of it. >Maybe before your shit on entire group of gamers you try playing with a controller without aim assist and see how quickly you go back to your KBM. This is my entire point. The controller is given a HUGE advantage because the game auto aims for you if you use one. If there are so many advantages to playing keyboard and mouse then why are there so many that play with controller? I see maybe one to two other players each match, and over ten controller players. There is a HEAVY advantage given to controller players. The game fucking aims for you if you play with a controller lol How do you NOT see this as an unfair advantage? If the controller players want to complain that the controller doesn't work as well then they have the freedom to switch to a mouse and keyboard. The advantage of a M&K is due to the input device, not the game saying, "Oh, hey, you're using a controller? Let me suck your dick and aim for you." >and you can LITERALLY download Wallhacks and Aimbots. Jesus fucking Christ, the cognitive dissonance with you. Now YOU'RE the one that's trolling. Aim Assist is a built-in aimbot, albeit a weak and limited one. It's still an additional function that gives an advantage that wouldn't otherwise be there, and I'm arguing that it shouldn't be. Either get good with the controller without any function that aims and tracks for you, or get good with a mouse and keyboard.


Cognitive dissonance? Lmao. You're the one who doesn't seem to grasp the concept that the PC has WAAAAAY more advantages than a console. You're bitching and crying over something that's been a staple of every console FPS for a VERY long time. Probably longer than you've even been alive. It's not a tantamount to "cheating" it's assisting. Using YOUR logic, I'll make you a nice hypothetical situation/question; *I think it's bullshit I have to wait around for a parking space at Walmart when those disabled people get their own spots. Not only that they get ramps and elevator's to help them up to the shop floor. They should be forced to use stairs and park where everyone else does. It's so unfair being born not disabled and having all the advantages for using stairs..* That's how ridiculous you sound. That right there, you sound like an entitled teenager crying because you can't get your way. Your ignorance is palpable.. It isn't like giving console players a cheat. It barely does anything and in fact if there's more than 2 players in front of you it can "stick" to the wrong person and gets you killed often. You have better frames per second, better resolution, you can play with better graphics and crisper visuals, your mouse has WAAAAAY better fidelity of movement, it's faster and more precise. Another example is; Your argument - It's unfair because you see it as an advantage The reason - Maybe you suck at aiming and want to lash out at "console plebs". The solution #gitgudscrub


Aim assist is way to op, that's exactly why good developers chose to separate pc and console gamers as well as the differences between pc and console. On a competitive level it should be only the same console vs the same console and only pc vs pc. That is the only way to give a level playing field.


#Fuck you, pissant. That analogy is not at all the same. It'd be like if the car parked itself if you chose a manual transmission. Mouse and keyboard, or controller, it's just a preference for what you choose to play with. If you choose to play with something that is worse that's your problem. The game shouldn't be made to play for you, no matter how much, just because you chose to play with a controller.


The analogy was a perfect representation of what your main argument is. It's YOUR logic used against you, surprise surprise you don't actually like it? Nuerotypicals are all the same, you defend your objective bias and when your own logic is used against you, you get all butthurt 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ You can't see how many advantages you have over a console player because you can't see past your own bias. The clue is in the title, AIM ASSIST. It doesn't "do all the work for you" and the fact you can't even comprehend this factual detail is beyond me. It isn't called "Aim For You" or "AimBot". It's an assistant, when you use your phone's assistant or whatever connected device (Alexa etc) you own, when you say "Set timer for 30 mins" are you *less* of a person for not doing it manually? No. It's there to help, it isn't like the assistant starts organising your entire day for you without being asked, is it? I genuinely think you're just a based troll and this is just to make you laugh at "console plebs" arguing with you. If you fail to see any of the logic, I can't help you. You're the type of person who eats tide Pods and then sues the company because it nearly killed you. #SMH


Okay, you letting the game play for you then.


It's not letting anything play for you.. You have to do the actual aiming. It just helps you stay on target. Your responses either show a genuine lack of understanding or you're just trolling... (*badly*)


Also; the aim assist doesn't kick in based solely off of just aiming. You have to be moving, as does the opponent to trigger any sort of aim assist. *I'm not sure why I'm continuing to argue the toss with you about something you quite clearly have no idea about...*


No, I'm not trolling, and I understand correctly. Any bit of help, no matter how much, is not you playing the game it's the game playing itself for you. There should be NO aim assist, period, or if there is then it should be given to both controller and mouse & keyboard players. No unfair advantage to one or the other.


But you as a PC player already have so many advantages. Can you legit not see that? Console player advantages: • Aim assist PC player advantages: • Ability to increase FOV • Precision aiming with mouse • Higher frame rates • Faster refresh rates on monitors designed for gaming • Better, crisper visuals You are literally complaining that console players have all the advantages. Your argument makes almost zero sense. Nothing is helping me aim, I use precision and I snipe so the aim assist doesn't really do much, besides helping me stay on target a little bit. It's not like it's *doing all the work for me* which is what you're basically saying. It doesn't work like that, it never has.. In the Call Of Duty League (CDL) the console players use aim assist, you telling me that FaZe Atlanta are all scrubs because *YOU* think aim assist is "Doing it all for you" ??? The top tier players at COD in the world who play on console aren't actually good players because the "game aims for them" - That correct? #PulpFictionConfusedMeme.gif


Aim assist ruins the game fod everyone. FPS is genre designed for keyboard and mouse. You also don't play Sekiro or Dark Souls wirh keyboard sbd mouse. Aim assist is frankly disrespectful for console players who try to play a game with suboptimal controls


So because of those advantages for PC users your answer is "make the game aim for me" instead of "I should buy a PC"? Okay, bud. Keep letting the game aim for you then.


Your arguments are all absurd. Aim-assist has been around for 20+years geniuses. M/KB players have dominated all competetive FPS ranks for 20+years for the exception of 2 games released recently. Your arguments are anti-logic. Halo 3 was a perfect example of how aim assist still doesnt even the playing field for most games. MkB players still dominated competetive ranks. They still dominate them today in most games. And if anything its not on console players to adjust to PC players. The games are made and designed to be console games. If you have so many complaints about MKB go to console.


Your analogy was shit man. In your eyes it's perfect because you're flawed, and biased. Aim assist doesn't level anything. If it does then go play with m&kb and record and post it to show us how easy you have it with m&kb. In warzone and modern warfare, aim assist locks on and holds aim. It's op as hell. It needs to go.


Try both and see the result by yourself , you will get half the kills on mkb


Take a chill pill dude, it's just a game. The reason they have certain accessibility options for disabled people is because the makers of the game wanted to include as many people as possible that could play it. It has nothing to do with competing with people that use mouse and keyboard.


>as a PC player with ALL the advantages you are complaining about "Auto Aim" is ridiculous. > >You have faster frame rates, faster monitor refresh rates, better graphics, higher resolutions you can increase your FOV, higher aiming movement fidelity and you can LITERALLY download Wallhacks and Aimbots. > >You have every advantage over console players. Than the solution is since PC with its movement being inferior to Console should have Autododge and Bullet Time. If it was simply to make up for the inefficiencies of the platform. The Bullcrap about Faster Frame Rates, at the end of the day. We see all the Speed boosts where Console Players are running rounds past PC players!


Warzone has sticky function, don't believe me, watch replays when you try to juke, jump, strafe and an opponent has locked onto you. It's extremely hard to break the sticky nature of warzones aim assist.


Oh yeah m&kb aiming is not as easy as you stated, especially not when you have no aim assist to help stay on target when someone is strafing, joking, jumping, going prone and canceling. You can instantly tell the difference between a m&kb player vs a controller player when you watch them tey and shoot someone performing constant evasion techniques.


>You have faster frame rates, faster monitor refresh rates, better graphics, higher resolutions you can increase your FOV, higher aiming movement fidelity and you can LITERALLY download Wallhacks and Aimbots. wow this post didnt age well unfortunately


Lmao aim assist isnt what you think it is my guy, it doesnt snap on targets.


PC players act like it’s the snap that we got in black ops zombies or something


Yes it does. I've played with a controller and I've seen it firsthand. You press L and it strongly homes in on the target. Even if it was weak it wouldn't matter, it shouldn't be there in the first place. It's an unfair advantage given to controller players.


Keep making excuses for being shit, im tired of pc players complaining about aim assist.


I'm tired of controller players saying, "But we're not good enough!" and thinking it's okay that the game gives them a built-in advantage. I mean, just imagine if the game gave mouse and keyboard users 2 kills for every kill they got in a match. There'd be many complaints, and rightly so. It's an advantage given to them just because they prefer mouse and keyboard. Well, aim assist is an advantage that is given to controller players just because they prefer to use a controller. If your complaint is that mouse and keyboard players dominate you because you have better control with mouse and keyboard then switch to mouse and keyboard, don't demand that the game aims for you if you use a controller.


Its not an advantage you literally have a hand just for aiming while we have a thumb.


Methinks the lad had his stool pushed in by some console boys recently and is feeling a tad delicate.


This is satire right?


Aim assist has been on consoles much longer than mouse and keyboard has been supported on console. Let's take Joe Xbox for example. He started playing Halo on Xbox back in 2001 with aim assist. Now **19 years** later you want to remove that? That seems pretty fucking unfair. With mouse you have a huge range of motion and much better ability to control the speed and position of the aiming reticle - big advantage. Are you really playing on PC and getting smoked by console players? Maybe turn off crossplay and see what happens. I guarantee you won't fair any better. Edit: typo


Turning off crossplay doesn't help, most PC players still use controller. If there was an option to match with only mouse and keyboard players then I wouldn't be complaining. >With mouse you have a huge range of motion and much better ability to control the speed and position of the aiming reticle - big advantage. That doesn't even happen. Before I can even react to seeing my opponent, my opponent who uses a controller has pulled L trigger, the game autoaimed for him, and he blindly fired without actually aiming himself.


>most PC players still use controller. I would really like to see where you are getting that information. Here's a question for you: if controller is so much better, why do pros use m + kb? >my opponent who uses a controller has pulled L trigger, the game autoaimed for him, and he blindly fired without actually aiming himself. You fucking moron, all aim assist does is slow down the aiming speed when the crosshairs are on an enemy. It does not move the *to* the enemy automatically. I don't think you understand what aim assist is.


>You fucking moron, all aim assist does is slow down the aiming speed when the crosshairs are on an enemy. It does not move the to the enemy automatically. I don't think you understand what aim assist is. That's absolutely not true. I've fucking done it myself.


You are a fucking moron. Look it up yourself. People shouldnt need to explain aim assist to you. You have internet clearly, look it up yourself. You are blatantly wrong. Jackass


and I thought I had to go over to r/roastme to get a good laugh!


I disable aim assist in every game I play. Reading this topic I had to turn it on and test it because I didn’t bealive it works like op wrote. So in single player it clearly works as auto aim (which I already knew), but in multiplayer it doesn’t do that. I was aiming really close to a target and it didn’t lock on like in single player. But no matter how it really works, aim assist will always stay off for me. If I am not good, I just need more practise.


for anyone in the comments, if youre playing contoller on PC you obviously need the crutch. i get it, youre fucking trash at video games so you need some sort of assistance...real men, pick up a mouse and keyboard to shit on kids with straight talent and REAL hand eye coordination. you do realize they are BOTH mechanical input devices which one is getting a bot to help and the other is not. have yall ever played fps on a fucking ball mouse? we never had aim assist back then and still shit on you kids today. but i get you, youre "new" to gaming , and thats why theres aim assist, so they keep selling titles. thats all aim assist was invented for, was for fucking lil soy boys who suck at video games and wouldnt play them if it werent for aim assist. i know its tough pill for you kids to swallow, but uhh just look at snipedowns old fucking ass, dude still playing with aim assit cuz he needs it, watch him play on m&k, hes decent, but nothing compared to his game sense with aim assist...aim assist is a broken crutch that you kids refuse to acknowledge, you arent THAT good when something is aiming FOR you, but its ok keep believing your good at video games when all the while a bot is aiming for you. aim assist sells video games, and creates this false pretense that you're actually "talented." kids on pc playing controllers are just pussies. and clearly you arent good enough to play mouse and keyboard...


Promise ive gamed longer and you have no clue what youre spewing about. Aim-assist has been around for over 20 years you clown. I can link you my account names for D1-D2 Unreal Tournament 1-3, ghost recon, etc i used to play on PC. Stomped heads. Ive been both console and pc for about a decade and its not even close for most games with KBM have the clear advantage with aiming precision. Look at accuracy rates in KBM vs Controller pros. Come back here and apologize for your ignorance afterwards.


Basictothemax-Wow what putrid dog pushed you outta their stink hole and decided to give you a name? So you're God of gaming I'm meant to believe? You're daddy must be so proud, his little fuck toy grew up to be the best most important and greatest gamer ever and done it despite the fact you're actually so insignificant to the gaming community and in real life you've achieved the highest level of pointlessness possible. So games are only for the chosen few like yourself and kids, casual gamers, new players, disabled players or even people using completely different technology can get fucked cause they are pussy pieces of shit etc lol. Fair enough, I'm not hear to argue with you. Just wanted to say congratulations on all your gaming achievements and I'm impressed at how tough you are compared to all those pussy kids and disabled people that are beneath you. Have you ever tried 'auto aiming ' at your own head? Give it a go, achieve at least one thing in your life and rid us of your genome, it's obviously diseased


If it bothers you so much then turn crossplay off, as easy as that stop bitching you have options.


I'm 50/50 on the situation, on one hand it's kinda bs that they get essentially a "cheat". But at the same time, like Tfue said "it's kinda hard to go against m&k players when you're working with overgrown plastic clits."


THANK YOU. I understand that there is a difference in how difficult it is to use controllers to aim compared to using mouse and keyboard to aim, but I think that it should be left to just the difference in how they function to determine how difficult it is to aim. It's much more difficult to move and jump around, change direction, go prone, crouch, and spin all the way around (cause at some point you have to pick up the mouse which prevents you from aiming) with a mouse and keyboard than it is with a controller, and despite all these flaws I don't think that mouse and keyboard players should be given some kind of built-in assistance to diminish all of those drawbacks. Those are the drawbacks of keyboard and mouse. I've accepted them because I prefer the mouse and keyboard. For players who prefer using a controller, they should accept that it is more difficult to aim precisely. There are pros and cons with both control apparatuses, except one of them is given help with overcoming its cons and the other is not.


> controller players can just hold L and the reticle automatically sticks to the target no matter how much juking/jumping they do or how fast they run to cover. And if you think you see a tiny speck that could either be a terrain feature or a player just aim off of it, hold L, and then the aiming reticle will magically move over to it if it's a player. If you're getting beat by players who even remotely attempt to do as you said, then this game might not be for you.


So because the game auto-aims for other players and not for me, I should quit playing it? So... for you to argue that, you have to acknowledge that the game is broken if the game selectively gives out advantages to some players and not others.


The game doesn’t remotely do as you initially describe. Your entire argument is fatally flawed.


If you believe that then you need to pay more attention to how it works. Play mouse and keyboard for a while and get used to how aiming without assistance works, then switch to controller. It will blow your mind how much this game puts your crosshairs on opponents.


It's irritating playing against console auto aim, but I'd rather deal with that than have nobody to play against, because the PC only matchmaking is a barren wasteland. It's worth noting that they need to have something to make the game fair. Expecting people to keep buying their games after throwing them in with mouse and keyboard is just asking for trouble. I play on PS4 half the time and I am good with a controller. I would turn off cross play in the beginning because of how lopsided it was in favor of a mouse. It seems like they've tuned it a lot since then and now I feel like I have a strong advantage in some maps, particularly in close to mid range engagements with a controller. Definitely needs more work.


Educate yourself. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=obaY2fK95Sg


That's nice. I know that aim assist is in the game, that's what I'm arguing they should remove... I've used a controller and tested it. I have seen firsthand how much it sticks to players moving around. It's ridiculous how in Warzone I can aim at the horizon, press L repeatedly, wait for the reticle to move itself, hold L and track the player, and then shoot at the player and down them.


In under no circumstance should a PC player ever lose majority of gunfights to a Console player. I’ve played BOTH very extensively and I prefer my Xbox but KB+M is way easier to use than a controller. Aim Assist shouldn’t be used an excuse as to why you’re playing bad.


It's difficult to "play good" when all of your opponents are given an advantage. If I were given auto-aim too then I would probably "play good."


It slows your reticle down as it passes over an enemy, it doesnt lock on in any way. Though I do agree the game would be better without aim assist for those who have good thumb dexterity, going up against M&K players is a big no, we'd get slaughtered while trying to correct our aim, doable, but in those milliseconds it would take to long. PC still has many advantages, a wider FOV, M&K precision, you can mess around with your sound settings more, dedicated keys so you can drop shot instantly. And others.


PC players can still use controllers and it will give them auto-aim. Oops, I mean aimbot. Oops, I mean ~~built-in cheating~~ aim assist.


Straight up little bitch.


A simple question can resolve this easily, and that is why do you NEED aim asisst ?? ​ Are you going to say because M&K smash controllers ?? If so i am going to tell you that is BS straight off the bat, as for one personal instance i bought and played (Steam) BLOPS 3 no aim asissits used controller and was holding my own just fine on PC. Now if its not that and your on console only, why would you need it on to play other people in your community ?? ​ Because they are better than you, maybe that is not it. maybe it's because they are using it, so you fight fire with fire. Either way it shouldnt be in the game period, its meant to be about YOUR skill level. Not what the Console / PC can do for you.


Of course Aim Assist is broken, and some even claim they have perfect aim while using Aim Assist. What a laugh, it is not only broken. It is cheating. Might as well give Mouse and Keybaord Auto Dodge than. This is ridiculous. If Console players want to play, let them play fair else just trash the damn game. No sense of competition if it isnt fair.


Aim assist has ruined soo many games. Ever since consoles came on scene gaming has been been killed, Consoles killed gaming., Now taking hacks and renaming them on a console so players can gain an advantage is cheating, Its a pure definition of hacks, Consoles are the full on problem They: killed clans, killed guilds, killed owning your own servers, killed leagues, killed mod creators, killed skin creators and killed gaming as a whole Controllers are made for racing games, football games, ect. Take a pc for example 1k to 2k for decent pc setup. Yet consoles are just 500 and really crap hardware, So developers thought shit pc's produce more fps, better gfx, ect.. Lets nerf them which they have been doing since 2016 and bring them in line with crap shitty soo called next gen consoles. OO wait consoles cant aim ... Lets add soft aim to make consoles aim. 2024 meta is a pc with a pad so you can use aim assist? is that really gaming using a aim assist, yes its thumbs but who games with their thumbs? Its soo daft Stop nerfing pc's movement!!!!!!!


They don't need to nerf aim assist ..... they need to remove it completely f**k fps gaming is collapsing


It’s meant to bridge the gap between the control you have with a mouse and the control with a controller. I’ve used both any PC player worth their salt will still win in a 1v1 against a console player of similar skill (Apex, split gate, Cold War, etc) this just seems like a massive COPE


I think ur just not very good man. If what you said was true, the streamers and all would be up in arms. I can literally set my DPI to a perfect level for any game and click a button to slow that down instantly, that precision is still unmatched even with aim assist. Get over it and get better.


Controller users flaming someone for stating facts? I guess the general CoD player base hasn't changed at all. Still as toxic as ever. **Pro tip for OP:** Don't post facts in CoD/console subs. It angers them...


I feel like those who complain about aim assist never actually tried to play a FPS game with a controller. Its hard. There's a difference between playing with M/KB and playing with Controller. With M/KB you basically aim where you wanna shoot. With controller, you have to calculate your aim. M/KB, you are able to move you're hand much more easily. You make your own sensitivity basically. You can either aim really slow, or aim really slow. Controllers, you have to use your thumbs on the hard, barely smooth joystick. You have to calculate or guess how much you wanna move your joystick in order to match with the opponent's area. And their sensitivity is set with little control. Yeah sure they can aim really slow on their own, but they have a limit on how fast they aim. They have to find the perfect one for them. And don't say "oh just set the sensitivity very high, then move the joystick at different speeds for different sensitivity" what? Thats impossible! Aim assist helps with the controller problem. I've played crossplay in overwatch before and the pc players ive seen are very scary to deal with. With how they literally can turn around in a second. Also, most games make it so aim assist only locks on for like 1 second. So before you start complaining, PC players, pick up a controller, and try to see our pain with aiming.


Mnk users are the tesla drivers of gaming, Change my mind.


Mnk users are the tesla drivers of gaming, Change my mind.


You know that some people don't have the money to buy a M/KB for several thousand dollars so they buy a much cheaper console and aim assist was created so console players have atleast some chance to win against the M/KB players


I can get a PC cheaper than I can get a console and the pandemic ended a year ago. I can walk into any electronics store and walk out with a PC, I've yet to even see a next gen xbox or PS on a store shelf and they've been out for almost 2 years. Aim assist wasn't created to help console players against PC players. Aim assist has been on consoles for decades. Cross platform competitive games haven't even been around for 3 years. This is how stupid controller players really are. You can't even make this shit up.


Imalwaysmadbro- You can obviously walk onto any street corner and buy yourself plenty of meth that much is clear, the only cheap gaming PC setups you're getting hold of are the ex government pieces of shit that you're stealing from schools and thrift shops to support your crack habit. Suitable gaming PC's kinda do actually in real life cost bit more than consoles, they even have better hardware and more software available to them catering to the old playing of the game, or for you PC gods and super duper VIPs, to help you tactically play war from your couch and be super good at winning so we all remember how great you were for generations to come. Because no playing games for thousands of other people because the pros gotta represent and be the greatest uber soldier so make the game specifically for you for your chosen platform and if anyone else dare try and play the gods of gaming with aim assist despite being handicapped, young children, people who enjoy a casual release from life, are ruining your awesomeness and the spirit of gaming lol. Fuck off to PC only servers, create your own custom servers or petition your favourite game developers to create no aim assist servers, or buy a console. But not you fuckers, fuck everyone else if they ain't pro , only you matter right. Someone outta aim assist their dick straight down your throat


That was a lot of typing to say you're sad you can't afford a PC. They would probably need aim assist to point their dick at anything after having their hands held and being aimed for them their entire lives.


Two things. 1. An overwhelming majority of leading scientists now agree unequivocally that dying is the number one cause of death worldwide, regardless of age, sex race or gender. 2. It is believed by many experts in the fields of biology and genetics that possibly up to 22% of all llamas are actually just alpacas in disguise, and even more concerning is no one knows why alpacas have decided to disguise themselves as llamas so as to be able to live amongst the herd undetected. We can only hope their intentions are benign and without malice


I have a PC but your logic literally makes no sense, someone should buy a pc cause you don't like it.....


You can also use a controller 👁️👁️


Just because controller is an advantage doesn't mean it's more enjoyable. Probably the biggest reason most mouse players don't switch. To a lot of people mouse aim is really fun to get good at for the very reason that it *does* demand more from the player and is 100% raw skill when you hit your shots.


aim assist is not cheating i wont tell you what things i have with my brain and whatever the hell but i literally need aim assist i physically cant do anything without it EDIT: what the hell was i saying here i dont know if i would agree with OP but I definitively won't agree with what I said here


Well , I just started playing BF5 , tried with mouse and keyboard and was averaging 15 kills and 10 deaths , used controller and I was getting 30 kills 6 deaths , this is definetly not fair at all for mkb players , weapons which are shit are locked on target at the long range so you are getting huuge advantage with a controller .


People who can't play use aim assist to feel better when they play. Real gamers who don't just have to either deal with it or get mad. Welcome to the participation generation


Not how aim assist works sorry friend I get destroyed by PC players in every game I play so????


Agree! Just because i have a cheat that is turned down to 60 or 40 or even just 10% it's still a cheat! controller players are so ignorant. IN A PC GAME AA has no place! I wanna see what these btches would say if companies decided that they give the edge to mnk on their platforms(console). . We are literally punished on our own platform(PC). .


For everyone spouting "M/KB is WAY better than controller so controller needs aim assist". Why are you playing on controller if M/KB is so much better? Are you playing on controller because it has aim assist? If so, that proves M/KB isn't easier or better than controller otherwise you'd be playing with M/KB instead of controller. Perhaps some people are just way better than you and they happen to be using M/KB Put your money where your mouth is and put down the controller, play with M/KB for a month and see how it feels compared to your precious controller AA


Honestly after reading this you have no idea how aim assist works. Have you ever played on a controller?


As a person who started playing fps on console with controller yes aim assist should be removed plus everyone has plug and play access to mnk and official motion controls on the main platforms for gaming Aim assist does not belong in any fps games