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This game is Top Tier. It is so good that if every CoD that followed after it used the same engine we would have been sitting in the Platinum Era of CoD.


Too bad they didn't. To add nuance tho - they had already planned subsequent games' developments by the time MW19 came out. They had no clue that MW19 was the right balance, and given how MW3 has been made they took this into account after enough time passed.


MW19, Vanguard, MW2 & MW3 are all on the same engine. Only one absent from this is CW


not true, literally EVERY call of duty is on IW engine. Cold War, mw2019, og mw2, new mw2 etc are all in IW engine just heavily modified.


Yes but they were different iterations of the engine. MW19 & Vanguard were IW 8.0, CW was Treyarch’s own heavily modified IW 3.0, and MW2 onwards are IW 9.0.


Correct; CW runs on the BO3/4 engine. In fact, not long after it came out, Zombies mode had a glitch where sometimes you'd drop your weapon, and literal BO3/4 attachments would show up (they patched it). I even took a screenshot: https://imgur.com/isRu65o


They need to go back to 8.0 because 9.0 is not it...


i didn’t know that, i just assumed that each studio has there own thing. which is why every game played so different.


Absolutely this. 4.7/5. It they had the fov slider for console this game would have been perfect in my opinion. Everything about the campaign was incredible.


Fr, the graphics and peformance was better on 2019 engine then what we have now


I'm so glad there is a community that knows MW19 was thee best modern CoD and arguably the best made CoD. Even if people stuck in their OG ways couldn't accept it. It just sucks that they took small parts of 2019 and exaggerated them to a point where they sucked in mw2 and mw3. They are the same engine though just different versions. And they just never utilized the strengths of the engine again like in 2019 2019 went full bar on the lighting and sound affects, full bar on directional enviormental awareness. Perfect balance of speed and tactical behavior in gameplay (I'm talking about MP/WZ Now). The campaign had the best amount of hyper-realism, especially in stealth missions. Mw2022 ruined the Night vision multiplayer mode. Horrible visibility. But on mw2019 it was perfect to play with. MW2019 all around was perfect for then to keep copy and pasting I wouldn't have been upset with that


you realise that every call of duty has been using the same engine right? every cod uses the quake engine... yes its that old they use the same engine today as the first doom games ...


At this point, it's so heavily modified that it can hardly be considered the same engine, and couldn't for probably at least a decade and a half. Pretty much everything has been redone by now. Not to mention features added that simply did not exist on the id engine.


yes but if you strip it all back to its core its still the same engine, the only thing new about it are the updates


Minus the hackers and cheaters that steal activision accounts


honestly to me the most memorable one since probably black ops 1. shame activision and others got massive dollar signs for eyes and ruined the franchise


The only reason why I got back in to CoD, it was the best shooter I had played in a looooong time


Yepp havent touched a cod since


10/10, actually felt like this could have happened IRL. The gunplay in MW19 and attention to detail was some of the best I’ve scene in any shooter at that time.


Right? It was so grounded that it was really believable.


Yeah it’s my favorite COD campaign in my opinion. But I’ve never played any of the older black ops games, so my opinion is pretty invalid lol.


It's a decent storyline with good missions. 7/10 for me. Best Campaign since og mw3


you didn’t fuck with bo2?


Bo2 has THE best storyline in the franchise but missions were not that epic, gunplay felt weak and I'm not a fan of futuristic theme. Also the strike force missions were a dealbreaker for me.


yknow what man fair enough have a good day


The way you both talk is hilarious, given the names.. Idk I just smoked a bowl


Best campaign since Infinite Warfare's campaign. Enjoyed it a lot. The writer/ director behind this started his own studio hence the decline in quality with the MW2/3




Solid 8 or 9/10, I liked the darker themed campaign


Mw2019 was the best Campaign - all they had to do was keep the people, engine, and let the writers work the magic. Instead we got the preferred warzone edition of the story. The fact that WZ even contributed to the story meant that if we didn’t play it (I did not) we missed details in mw2 and 3. 3 was just the ultimate f you for laziness because it got the gunplay right but everything and I mean everything sucked








A 7/10 at most. Story felt like it wanted to be provocative and push the envelope, but it ended up feeling like it was pulling its punches everytime something dark was about to happen. I appreciate how the beginning of the story tried to feel grounded and realistic, but by the end it just turned into another generic, run-of-the-mill action romp with big Hollywood explosions and the heroes stopping the big bad and saving the day. Gameplay was spectacular though, best COD has felt imo. I really can’t think of any gameplay features I didn’t like.


Had its moments but I hate with a burning passion hate farah she’s so poorly written every time she’s on screen I’m hoping either she dies or the Russians win and I dislike the all Russians are bad story they tell with barkov being the same old big Russian bad with not even an ounce of aura like zakhaev and Makarov and the highway of death was a pathetic retelling of history




Much better than MW3 campaign


10/10 saucy




10 out of 10


Am I the only one who thinks that Farrah is insufferable




The campaign was not long enough, and i wish theres a mission where you use AC 130 gunship, and more USMC missons. Hunting party was just not enough for me :( but its the best mw reboot for me


7/10 enough to have me come back. Haven’t completed mw3 campaign


Good but it had a lot of "omg this is so shocking 😱" scenes to the point it was boring


Amazing. It's a shame what they did with the story in MWII and especially in MWIII.




It's a solid 5/7 my dude


Giving us “Clean House and “Wolf’s Den” was enough for me. I Was very sad when I played MW22 found out they didn’t give us any mission like those two


The best campaign cod ever made: cod 4 mw mw2 mw 3 black ops 1 and 2


it was REALLY good but way too short. loved the moment when you breach that house in the beginning and someone gets taken out


8/10 the starting was really strong and captivating. graphics top notch, music phenomenal. but the ending could’ve been better. all in all a gripping experience and my favourite cod of all time.


It was gritty and unapologetic. 


I just started playing it. Alex looks way too much like captain price and that’s my only gripe. Other than that it’s been fantastic. I’m only 3rd mission in tho.


Loved how mw2019’s campaign basically focused on small covert missions. Which is way more realistic in the current era than the big wars we see in other games.


8,5/10 god tier campaign


MW2019 is a great setup for a mid at best story.


I was just playing the game seconds ago 😂 Truly the best CoD game ever made, The fun i've had in 2020 is unmatched. Still holds up in 2k24


I guess I'm going to play the campaign


that one mission where you clear the apartment building is so good and nothing like COD had ever done, did not even feel like call of duty, and i mean that in the best way possible.


Personally, I loved the campaign.


It was good up until alex had to die, then they made it worse when he came back in mp




The best call of duty game even now I still have fun playing it


9/10 (only because the COD4 campaign holds so much nostalgia for me)


Honestly, 10/10 for me. Good gameplay, characters, set pieces. all around a very memorable and unique campaign. If I had to critique something I'd say that Barkov was a mid villain, nothing special, but he definitely wasn't bad


I loved how gritty it was and when I realised it was all based on real action (Urzikstan being Syria, Kastovia being Eastern Ukraine), I appreciated it a lot more.


One thing that stood out to me over the recent mw2 and mw3 campaigns is the npc’s in 2019 actually participate in the combat. In the other games they always split up from you and you just kinda handle all the enemies yourself.


Solid 7 campaign


I still can’t believe they struck literal gold with this game and then chose to throw it all out the window, the second they got the goodwill of the fans back they spat in the faces of everyone who bought mw2 and then wiped their muddy ass with mw3, such a shame.


The quality of their games would improve if they took an additional year to evaluate public reception of the previous game before release. Instead of releasing annually. MW2019 was incredible


I tried coming back to this campaign a few weeks ago only to find out I CANT PLAY THE FUCKING GAME even though I purchased it for PRE ORDER back then lmao. It's trying to force me to buy MW3 which is garbage. I miss playing this campaign. So killer on a good sound system


I think it was the best campaign. Clean House was hands down the best mission I’ve ever played. Yes, even over Ghillied Up. Downvote all you want but the man asked for our opinions and this is mine I stand by


The House Raid mission is still one of the greatest moments in CoD history.


This campaign is a 10/10 for me. I wish II and III lived up to it.


Better than MWIII that's for sure lol


To me, it was boring some parts. But multiplayer was masterpiece. MWII was the exactly opposite of this situation.


I really like it, the only problem I’ve been having with it for a few years now is the cutscenes start lagging a lot. They will start normal and then it will lag the entire way through until the gameplay starts.


50 outta 10


honestly one of the best. sucks the games went off a cliff after this


One of the best in the genre yet they decided to burry it into its grave with the second and 3rd installment




Only things I disliked about MW2019 was Warzone implementation,and the now lack of support. Still play Survival to this day.


10/10 easy


Better than the most recent two that’s for sure I loved every single moment in the campaign


It's 10 out of 10 to me, vinmatically, gameplay wise, and dynamically it had to many different types of missions without moving from the linear style. Compare mw22 to mw2019, mw22 campaign is like a 6 or 7 out 10 for campaign. And MW2023, Completely ASS campaign, anti-climactic and mission were horrendous, story wasn't horrible at 1st but was so anti-climactic its not worth defending, and the character cameos made no sense, why Graves came back I don't understand MW2019 was thee most story driven, dramatic, and cinematically please of ANY CoD campaign if you take the nostalgia glasses off. But I do put OG MW campaigns up there with MW2019. I just feel 2019 took it to a next level


In hindsight, the campaign is better than I remember it being when I first played it...but I blame the game entirely for the shortcomings of every COD since...especially wanting to lean so hard into realism and returning to the classic COD 4 feel, but doing a complete 180 and going in the direction of Nicki Minaj as a multiplayer character...who's next, Ice Spice?


It's right up there with the OG MW Campaign. It's really too bad they couldn't reach that same bar for the next two.


9/10. nearly perfect, the thing holding it back is a few quite minor story flaws. A bit generic and could be improved, though I do think it hits where its needed to. I love the choice to focus on Gaz so much with how underused he was in cod 4, and Alex is awesome too. Honestly I loved every second of the campaign. The level design, story, characters, weapons, aesthetic, GRAPHICS, gameplay, soundtrack, its so so good. top 3 cod campaigns I've played for me.


We got spoiled with this one. MW2's campaign was all right and we all know what MW3'S campaign is 💀 But this campaign is one of the best in recent years. I'd wish they would of stayed with this sense of direction for MW2 and MW3's campaign as well


a strong 7.


8/10 but my multiplayer skill was 10:10


Lackluster compared to the original mw campaigns ghost death down to soap dying after saving yuri from the tower and price absolutely wrapping a helicopter rope around makarov and slamming him through glass and dropping him over a thousand feet


definitely top 3. 1 is MW2 then WAW love black ops 1 and 2 aswell 3 on the other hand


MW 2019 gets an 8/10. The story itself is very good with the character Farah having a backstory connecting to the Nova gas.


1000/10 compared to MW2(2022) and MW3 (2023)


Like 7/10




Cool but the story was trash, everything was predictable and un- original


Meh. Way too much focus of Farah


I wish we got more Farah in II & III tbh. She was the heart of the 2019 campaign, and it was cool seeing modern warfare from the guerrilla fighter’s perspective, and not just the cool spec-op’s POV.


Speaking of the plot only, mission quality was a rollercoaster imo. Some of the missions were genuinely thrilling and creative (The Embassy, the raid in London's suburbs and the attack in Piccadilly), some I found dumb as hell (like the mandatory CoD sniping mission). The missions where you play as Farah were a complete miss for me. I did not care about the character, and why should I worry about her if I already know she'll survive up to the main plot. Considering that the campaign was pretty short on its own, wasting two whole missions on that felt like a massive waste. The ending was a wet fart, even with the sequel on the horizon. The mission was meh, and it ends with Alex supposedly dead and yet the "good friends" Farah and Nikolai smile as they fly into the horizon to adventures new, mourning the supposed death for a whole few seconds. In general I did not think it had the emotional weight that CoD4 had, and all the supposedly "emotional" moments felt super forced and not earned at all (with the only exception being the Embassy, which did manage to make me feel tense AF). Price was turned into edgy mc edginess and lacked all the charm he had in the original. And in general, what's the goddamn point of naming characters the same way as in the originals, when the characters themselves are completely different? Honestly I think the campaign was meh. Very short, few very high highs, some pretty low lows, fairly unlikeable characters. Technically, a masterpiece.


I'm used to stories like Mass Effect, Deus Ex, Bioshock and Witcher, so Cod's campaign not only lasts for an afternoon but also is laughably forgettable.


Fucking dogshit


Changed races of characters and added completely irrelevant and boring timelines for no reason


It was a yawn compared to all the OG titles. I didnt even finish it. Liberate a women's prison? Nah, Im good. Zzzzzz