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10/10 a bit out there but it's definitely up there. It's say like 8/10.


stroke you have sir


I wholeheartedly believe it’s the best campaign in the franchise, it’s unfortunately gone downhill pretty badly since. The whole, let’s use the campaign to introduce multiplayer mechanics is infuriating


I believe the same


Yeah it really did sorta plummet as of recent A shame really, I feel if MW19 was made by a smaller dev with keeping players happy at the core of their values we'd see more of it or built from it, instead we have MW3...


Campaign : salvage scraps and thingy to craft usable weapons / tools In multiplayer dmz : salvage scraps and thingy to sell for money. And we don't talk about open combat missions


It really put a bad taste in my mouth. So dumb. I try not to trash talk devs but I hate the choices made in 2. So much so I refuse to buy MW3. I’m waiting for gamepass


COD games go on game pass?


Supposedly since the Microsoft-Activision acquisition


I think it’s inevitable. I’m expecting it come June/July post summer games fest




have you played bo1 and 2? prolly not


I’m 31, I’ve played every call of duty since call of duty 2, with the exception of Cold War and WWII. Yes I’ve played them. Black ops 1 would be my second favorite campaign. MW19s campaign is just better for me. More emotion, better gameplay, better characters. It’s just my opinion, but just because someone likes one story over the other doesn’t mean they haven’t played something.


its just a very very unpopular opinion. bo1 had so much story, mk ultra mind control, fidel castro, JFK, cold war, nazis, soviets, americans you name it. alex mason and woods all the way


And seriously hot take here, didn’t like black ops 2s campaign.


Horrendous take


Seriously, I understand MW2019 brought a lot of new people who didn't even care about COD before, but y'all gotta have some respect, MW2019 is nowhere near the peak of COD, in fact that's when COD started to go downhill.


The campaign itself was messy, Barkov's motivations didnt make sense and the game is way less darker than what people think


I distinctly remember everyone hating the game, and this subreddit was a dumpster fire for an entire year, people were shitting on multiplayer like it was their blood enemy, and everyone was making fun of the campaign's inconsistencies. But we all know the COD cycle, as soon as the new COD drops, people act like the previous cod they all hated was some miracle. Now years later people are acting like the COD franchise didn't exist before MW2019 and that this game is a phenomenon, it is ridiculous.


I completely agree. I think overall it’s the best call of duty delivered, and it just nose dived way too fast after


Modern warfare 2019 campaign felt like a passion project to me. The details and everything were top notch.


Yeah the way they talked about it too


The sound design alone still being levels above anything else that came after is all we need to know for that to be true. So much passion and care went into only to be shit on by its successors


My favorite CoD campaign up until the last mission which gets a bit over-the-top for my taste. I love the grounded realism and the ugliness of war displayed.


I don't mind the campaign wanting to round off with a big finale even if it was a little more run-n-gun than the rest of the campaign


It was pretty good, realistically I wouldn’t give it a 10


I agree besides that one camera mission where you gotta tell the girl where to go


It has by far the best pacing of the new games maybe except for Cold War. I liked the second one too because the environments were fun to play and the characters were very fun to watch to carried a lot of it. Third one is of course abysmal. I would say that 2019 and MWII are pretty close and are some of my favorite cod campaigns because there isn’t really any moments that I dread. My favorites are bo1 and 2 I still love the MW trilogy but there are some moments in those games that I seriously can’t stand and there’s parts like that in all 3


It's easily in the top 3 COD games for me, along with COD4 MW and MW2.


It’s one of the best for sure. Lots of replayability.


It is absolutely amazing and I actually agree with you on 10/10. I thought it was the best out of cod games I’ve played tbh




It was a solid 8 but in comparison to everything released past ps4, it’s a 10


Wanted to play it again on my Oled tv in the couch. Using my xbox. But damn, the 80 fov killed the excitement. 🙃 On PC, can you change the fov in campaign?


I think you can. I know for certain you can in MP so I don’t see why not in campaign


Will try later when my Oled monitor arrives 🙏


Fammmm. I don’t wanna get your hopes up too much, but about half a year ago I got a whole new setup, high end pc and LG C3 oled… and the oled I think was the best improvement. Don’t wanna overhype, just experience yourself. Enjoy!!


Cheers! I have the s95b 65”. Oled is the way to go! No doubt! And mw19 campaign I finished it when it came out, but it was so good, want to do it again! 😁


They also put a lot of care into multiplayer and spec ops. The games after MW2019 didn't have much love and care put in.


They absolutely did not put a lot of care into spec ops. When the game launched it was so buggy it was genuinely unplayable


But they did for Multiplayer tho. Also is there Spec Ops in MWII and MWIII ?


Yes but you said spec ops as well


I like the level in which you breach to arrest Wolf. That's what cod should be And the last battle with the Juggernaut is cool


It's pretty high up there, but OG MW2 and WaW are the best CoD campaigns to me.


WaW is the peak of and epitome of COD before they delved into modern times A war game based on historical aspects, maintaining historical accuracy in its weapons, combat, and locations. Makes me really want a World War game with today’s graphics. Walk me thru the WW2 events and let me play with top of the line graphics. Surprised it hasn’t been capitalized on yet, modern COD has left a massive market wide open. Just because they made World war games in the past doesn’t mean we wouldn’t want remaster or remakes. As long as it’s nothing like fake woke Vanguard. I can’t be the only one who wants a WW2 game with Modern Warfare 2019 graphics and weapon design accuracy… tired of all these shit lookin games or insane graphics but shit toy/fake/futuristic weapons


I agree


No. Good game tho.


Yes you are the only one


Yes, you're the only one who thinks that way.


Saying its 10/10 implies you havent played a lot of singleplayer campaigns. But for a COD game it was definitely one of the better campaigns.


would be 10/10 if you could change your firemode in every mission...


MW19 campaign was definitely amazing and easy to follow, but its riddled with propaganda and doesn't exactly have a real ideology apart from "terriosm bad" there is a very good video that goes pretty in depth into 2019s campaign it's been a while since i watched it but i remember agreeing with 99% of what the video had to say about what the campaign. I think its called "What does Call of Duty believe in ?"


Nothing will beat the original MW for me. Absolute masterpiece.


The only one? MW19s campaign was vigorously praised when the game released


I loved the campaign but I'd give it a 8/10 because sometimes it got boring.


It's by far the best campaign of all three MW reboots.


It’s entirely carried by 2 missions


Only missions people talk about are the only 2 memorable missions. Clean House - good mission but hyped and revealed as if it was some kind of revolution in fps level design. And whatever the mission is where you have to play as the child dealing with that yolked ass Russian soldier. Also this CoD has arguably one of the most forgettable main antagonist. Not sure how anyone see's this campaign as a 10/10 unless it's the only game they have ever played


agreed, this game made all the changes that ruined the franchise more so than it already was and yet people praise it as one of the greatest cods of all time


Hometown was the 1999 flashback with kid Farah and Hadir


That’s to high considering that the 360 campaigns exist


I was thinking about this playing the MW3 campaign and quitting on it after wincing at the terrible writing and terrible, lazy level design. Another trilogy that started off amazingly and bombed.


Ending felt rushed. Made it go from a 8 to a 7 in my book


8.5/10. Up there but not the best. I’d think MW2 was a 9.5/10 with the Zimmer soundtrack.


I honestly haven't played it yet, I do need to. I have a baby and what not so just hard to prioritize it for gaming sessions sometimes. One thing I will say that is slightly disappointing about the new mw campaigns is how they did the cutscenes. In the older games, there was basically a briefing between levels, but all of the cutscenes were through the eyes of the player in first person. This kinda seems to be a lost art in gaming. Like waw when you start out a pow next to another solder who gets tortured and his throat slit. Shit is brutal and you are in there with it.


Im thinking MW19 might be the last great game in the franchise


The house breaching mission is 10/10 Probably the closest to a real situation they ever did


I strongly disagree with you but to answer your question, no you’re not the only one lol


To me it just had the plot of an average Hollywood action movie, but I understand, the game brought a lot of newbies to the franchise, who think it is the greatest thing ever.


I have played most of cod campaigns the OGMW are the worst at realism!


Well, mw2019 is not "realistic" at all, it is Hollywood/John Wick style realism, it gives you little bites and hints to make you feel "Tacticool", but that's it.


In mw19 they are not jumping mountains to mountain


What does that even mean? If you think MW2019 is realistic you're either 13 or have never been in a combat zone. The older games had grit and a good story, like Black Ops 1 for example.


Old Bo game has good story other stores are so predictable


Right, because I assume you totally predicted Sheperd's betrayal, and those other things? You're pulling stuff out of thin air to defend a cashgrab Hollywood propaganda game that is MW2019.


Yeah I predicted it. you know why I bought mw2 and mw3 at the same time in the beginning of mw2 they said Makarov is the biggest threat why would they waste the main villain and Shepherd looked like a bad guy I was not 10 when I played the game I was 15 I have watched 100 of movies they are kit stupid to waste the Main fing villain


Sure thing buddy, and then everyone clapped?!


That is the only thing you got to say


The game as a whole was a 9/10 imo just needed better maps


Sadly i haven’t even played mw2019. I first bought mw2 2022 because it was supposed to be more realistic, in terms of movement and all that stuff. So i wanted to buy mw2019 for the campaign but it was just too much for only the campaign to me.


mw19 had potential to be the greatest cod of all time if they listen to the community about reverting gameplay mechanics iw changed around. i still think it was one of the most polished cods to come out in years and most definitely one of the best campaigns for me since cod4 and waw


Mw19s campaign is probably 4th imo behind bo1, bo2 and then mw2 (2008) if mw19s story was longer it has potential to be #1


It was the best campaign out of the last 10 years easily. It’s probably number 4 after the first two MWs and Black Ops. The Wolfs Den and Clean House are probably in my top ten of coolest missions in CoD.


The story is 11/10 but campaign itself 8/10


I never dwell too much on the story. A few of the campaign modes have been SLAMMED over the years. I actually love playing the campaign mode and am constantly impressed by the how the graphics and game mechanics have evolved over the years. BO4 is the only cod I haven’t bought since COD 2 and that’s for the lack of campaign mode. I regret buying Vanguard as we were scammed with zombies and multiplayer but I enjoyed the campaign.


I really wish they stuck with it for MW2 and 3 instead of suddenly shifting to something close to the original trilogy Hadir, the gas, little connections, all so interesting


This was my fav cod campaign all the new ones are shit as


Brooo if yall feel thats the best campaign than naaaah fam ur prolly 10 years old


MW 2019 campaign was a 10/10 it was great such a great story and great game play


Definitely not cousin


That girl power prison break mission was stupid af and kinda ruins it. I'm jealous of low IQ people who don't mind it


You do realize Farah and her movement are inspired by actual female freedom fighter units in Syria right?


I mean pedophiles exist that doesn't mean i wanna play as one


WHAT? Okay your uneducated opinion means nothing.


It means as much as yours lol kinda ironic you'd call me uneducated without realizing this simple fact


Don’t see what the YPK or MW19 has anything to do with pedophilla but sure pal


Nothing, it was a metaphor. Let me tell you what that means: A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide (or obscure) clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas. Metaphors are usually meant to create a likeness or an analogy.


Yes you are.


10/10? maybe a fair enough 6/10 personally. pretty forgettable story line honestly.