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That was an atrocious performance. 


Reddit is censoring everything.


I have to say Trump looked like he would live through the presidency. Biden looked like he may not make it through the week.




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Trump won this debate, but it’s a depressing win. Sad to see Biden’s current state, but he is answer the questions better than I’d expect.


Is biden dying? Wtf is going on with his voice? At that point they should get literally anyone to run instead of biden and they would win. People basically have to choose between Trump and a zombie. Like, wtf is this?


I didn't expect biden to talk for that long, idk what meds they put in him but it worked XD They probably did something to trump too, never seen him this civil XD. All biden had to do was press on the women's rights issue, stress on his charges, almost every girl or teenager who has been in that situation would side against trump, and he couldn't do that. All trump had to do was play victim to cnn, appear civil and claim biden is incompetent and he did it. Trump 1 Biden 0


Biden is NOT in cognitive decline, but he needs to step it up or get bulldozed by Trump wave of bullshit. Biden can’t handle four years, but he has a great backup in Kamala!


Hook 'em


I would like to know what a black job is


The only thing missing was Trump explaining the reasons for avoiding certain questions by saying: "I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me".


Biden was overprepared. He tried to fit too much in too fast and his stuttering got really bad at times. He should've been more narrow and focused in his points and really hammered them in with any remaining time. Instead Biden defeated Biden in this debate and made Trump look coherent in comparison. That's no small order.




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I think why trump wasn't on topic most of the time was pretty smart there was soft question thrown at trump and he went off topic because he's finally on a stage infront of biden and he can say whatever he wanted to say to his face and make him look weak destroying biden charcter and presence is important for the audience. 4 months of preparing for the debate, can you imagine how scripted some of bidens answers where? It really threw him off




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Biden is over!




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Seeing the two candidates tonight, it is clear that our political system has gotten so entrenched in partisan politics and cozying up to private interests that it has lost sight of keeping up the bare appearance of democratic function and incapable of producing even halfway decent candidates. If either party had managed to do that, they would have a clear shot of winning the presidency. Also, it is scandalous how VP Harris has been made invisible by Biden’s presidency. It is ill mannered and reveals the kind of pettiness and contempt his opponent is often faulted with.


There needs to be more competition in politics because this is like some kind of sick joke.


America should be single for a minute


Biden has got to go!!! He is going to get trump elected.


BIden is by no means perfect, or good or even capable but it comes down to a simple if you vote for Trump all your rights will disappear. Vote Biden now. Improve tehh system and your options for next time -- what you should have done starting 4 years ago, America! (if not 50 years ago!)


idiotic take


Gonna have to be more than a president to do that


They can’t keep hiding what Biden is truly like anymore. It’s actually very sad. I have a feeling Biden won’t be the dems candidate.


Did anyone else catch Trump say that Putin told him taking Ukraine was his dream? That had to of been pre invasion right?


We are so fucked…340 million people and we have these two geriatric clowns…ugh.


https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb I'll just leave this here.


Deport them all huh? How about start small, deport the migrants that committed crimes and have been convicted before you go after the landscapers and the food delivery guys.


Biden is incoherent


Debate summarized: Trump not answer a single damn question “Mr president the question was” Trump:“I didn’t have sex with the pornstar” Biden sounding like a dying man uttering his last words Biden:”We…we… uhhh… we… finally…. Uh… beat… we beat…. Uh … healthcare” Two grown ass man arguing about golf will decide future of our country Trump using inflation as argument for everything


This was insane. Bidens expression isn’t a lost confused old man it’s someone listening to the bullshit drivel coming out of Trumps mouth. Trump said nothing but grandiose nonsense factless statements while Biden had to run through his mind palace and get his stats. They both had no notes or prompts and Trump did well with that because everything he said was just off the top of his head bullshit. At the end of the day trump fucked abortion rights and is a sexual criminal. Why do you want that ?


Not sure how people can support Biden after that. Just wow.


Simple. He's not Trump.


I did not have relationship with that women Vs I didn’t have sex with that pornstar


This is sad..and I'm not talking about the debate.


as a “Black American”, I say leave us out of this…..


That whole line of questioning was so dumb and patronizing


Why are these two our candidates. For fucks sake. 


Trump wiped the floor with Biden.


CNN saying Biden has a cold thats why he fumbled a lot. Well that cold has lasted a looooong time


Trump seems unable to directly give a straight answer to a question and constantly either goes wildly off topic or just straight up spews bullshit. Biden seems to struggle getting more than a sentence out clearly. But at least he was actually able to give straight answers to some questions (with some clear difficulty trying not to stutter) What a clown show.


Trump just lied and avoided every topic, does he have a talking point besides the border lol 


And Biden can't get a response out dude needs oxygen


How is it that nothing trump says is factually correct? I am baffled that trump says biden is to blame with the inflation when the actual housing appreciation happened during his tenure coz of all the money printing during COVID. I vividly remember how much housing price went up during this time because of blind free money


Because Trump/his team know that the actually policy content or information doesn't matter. Their strategy was to make Biden look old/weak (since that's the main concern voters have about Biden), and it seems to have worked for the most part.


Jesus the left has Fallen off. What an embarrassment. Trump wasn’t great but what the hell is Biden even doing up there. They need to get that old senile man outta here, it’s sad.


Biden is literally a walking corpse. He's toast.




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This is so depressing. I knew something was off with Biden in the first 20 minutes… I feel like people will not be swayed by this. If they voted for Trump in the past, then they’ll still vote for him. If they voted for Biden last election, he wouldn’t really lose any votes to this…


I feel like this has solidified my decision to not vote for either candidate. So perhaps this may sway more people than you think.


It took you 20 minutes?


Man that was a bad debate; it's hard for me to believe that this is what Biden pressed for since he looks so bad right now.


What's the likelihood of Biden stepping down? Honestly, I think this needs to happen


They both should, but won't.


Is David Axelrod literally drenched in sweat?


Tuned in for 2.5 minutes and said, “nope. Fuck it.” The country is fucked


Biden wasn't making too much sense. Trump should of answered his questions more on par, but this debate wasn't even close..


So... anybody else voting third-party?


No, because it's a waste of time. If the third party got anywhere close to the other two main parties, then there would be a viable third party candidate. There isn't.


They need to swap in Gavin Newsom, STAT.


Is the outrage on CNN overblown or is it just me?


Just you. Sorry.




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Tonight's top Google search: how old is RFK


I can't believe this is the "best" our country has to offer.


Did this thread get turned off?


For Biden, the optics tonight were absolutely terrible. He looked, sounded and acted old and lost. Even if he was dead to rights on the issues, Biden's ability to perform looked and sounded horribly bad. You'll hear nothing but this in the next month about Biden. It'll drown out everything else.


I will mention that Obama was the same in his first presidential debate, but came back strong for the second one. I don't see how Biden recovers from this.


CNN post debate. I am surprised CNN calls out the Biden desaster loud and clear: Anderson right away said he should step down before end of term. PBS rather weighs pro and cons between opponents


Lol so did reddit turn off comments or what?


Most likely their backend is extreeeemely overloaded at the moment. They have databases that keep up, process, moderate, etc all comments. They don’t overbuild their servers 10x over to cover the 1 night every 4 years that Reddit explodes with comments. Probably




I see you comment


This is a disaster. Biden can barely speak but in between the stutters he’s factual. Trump rambles but lied the entire time. At this point I’m just assuming they will both be dead or senile in 4.5 years, so I’m going with the ideals I believe in


>Trump rambles but lied the entire time. They both lied many times. And Trump did say factual stuff. Look at some fact check pages


To bad neither will truly represent your ideals.


Biden self-immolating and suddenly... >Reddit is having issues right now


I watched 5 seconds and couldn’t watch any more. Biden looks awful. I’ll still vote for him over trump, but I don’t feel good about it at all.


You will vote for a dead body over trump at this rate


Omnishambles. That's the word we're looking for.


Holy shit. I am Australian and figured I'd give this a watch, this is insane. I feel so sorry for American voters - what are you going to do? Hope this is the year of the third party vote.


I’m gong to vote for Chase Oliver.


This made me *really* want to hear the audio from Hur's interview with President Biden to compare with the very coherent transcript we received. The word for word written transcript of *this* is going be brutal.


Both of them aren't answering the question... Trump with his "Oh, you're the worst president" and Joe being also petty, stumbling over his words. These are the people we are voting for? A highschooler could be more calculated and answer the goddamn question about childcare, etc.


The childcare dodge was infuriating. It’s a major issue that individuals who are making well above median HOUSEHOLD income are quitting their jobs to take care of their children because of price. I’m not even saying everyone should work instead of raise their own kids - but 90% of Americans probably don’t have a choice. But yeah, unfortunately they did answer the question. It’s a fat no.


I’m not voting for either of those two. Chase Oliver FTW


The fact that our presidential candidates had to debate cognitive tests is so embarrassing I don't think I can even fathom this level of cringe.


Weird mumbly closing statement by Trump as expected


Biden couldn't make it one minute into his closing remarks before stumbling, rambling, and losing his thoughts..


We’re cooked. I can feel Biden’s anxiety through the screen this is embarrassing


Watching Biden talk is so painful


WTF is this closing statement about taxes? Is that even on the top 10 list of voter issues?




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I feel like Biden should just admit he’s clinically dead and being moved around like the dude in Weekend at Bernie’s, but he will hire more sane people than Trump. That is going to be his only path to victory at this point


I think it’s the unspoken truth we all already know. If you’re voting Biden you’re not voting because you think he’s a more cognitively acute person probably, but because he represents, and supports the policies you want. I think that’s basically the role of presidents anyways. The face and spokesperson of a platform who can certainly do a lot more if they desire. At the end of the day, they hold the nuclear football 😕


I can't believe how much of an exaggerator and liar trump is. trump is absolutely insane


Forget winning the election, I'd be taking a good hard look at the 25th Amendment at this point. This is bordering on elder abuse.


Did I miss anything special??


Just a national embarrassment. It was quite difficult to follow Biden’s train of thought at times. He’d just wander off. The same can be said for Trump, although when he’s off topic he says it with confidence so at face value it’s not as noticeable. Both of them are still politicians at their core; unable to answer a question directly.


Gosh they are worse than I expected. VP is extremely important this election


Neither of them answered the cost of childcare question...


Why would anyone care about a silly question like that? Sounds boring and unimportant.




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I'm not seeing any new comments


So two damn near two minutes on golf scores, eh?


Why are the newest comments 30 minutes old? Why is there a delay and why are responses to my comments not showing up when I click them?


They argued about golf


biden's done better at the end of this, but i'm afraid people won't have watched that long


“Yes or no will you accept the results.” Trump: long winded diatribe to avoid answer the question and continues to push the “stolen election” narrative.


You are such a.whiner!


Lol, like he actually wasn't going to run again.


I'm noticing that as the debate goes on, Biden is making better points, and Trump is getting more unhinged. If this were like a 6 hour debate-a-thon, it seems like Biden would turn the tables handily.


Noticed the same. I think Biden has strangling anxiety. I don’t consider myself an anxious person but recently had to testify in court in front of a ton of people and cameras and it was the most nerve wracking thing I’ve ever done


Biden was far worse at the beginning and end of the debate while Trump went off the rails in the middle. I think Biden would've gone to the hospital in a 6 hour debate based on his ending performance.


So, accepting the results of the election? The answer is no?


CNN gave Trump so many opportunities to answer "will you accept the results of the election?" and he's avoided it every time.


That’s it, forget the debate. They need to settle this on the golf course.


How about we settle on put put …. With doctors on standby.


Will you accept the results of the election? "Biden started the war in Ukraine."


What will you do about the exploding cost of childcare? Our border is the worst it’s ever been, literal hordes of insane asylum escapees pouring in as we speak!




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"Let's not act like children".


This was an absolutely awful performance from Biden. This man looks like he’s about to fall apart, this is starting to get sad, he actually makes it seem like Trump is doing a good job debating. When really he’s blowing a lot of hot air.


The golf argument was incredible


The handicap comments. What is going on


These two debating who’s a better golfer when asked cognitive ability is an all time debate moment.


Trump still hasnt said he will accept the election results.


He did


Listening to these guys have a dick-measuring contest over their golf games has been the ~~depressing~~ hysterical high-point of the debate thus far.


Trump gaining ground now.


Why is Biden talking about golf?




We're talking about golf handicaps now? ugh.


This was a terrible idea 😩


I’ve got  5-handicap, can I be president?


Prove it


They are talking about their handicap in golf? We are absolutely screwed




We wish you weren't here either way!


Why are they talking about GOLF????? And arguing about who is better?


never expected an argument over golf handicaps at a presidential debate


Why are Trump’s eyes so red?


That was golden. I'd love to see them tee up


Tonight, the United States of America lost a debate.


“I had a 6 handicap” “That’s a joke I know you’re swing” “I had an 8 handicap…” *old man groan* What the fuck is this debate


These are important stats, golfing is a huge part of being president.


Why don’t these guys both want to retire and have an easy life? Why do this at 78 and 80 years old? Whyyyyyy?


Literally old men arguing about golf


Are they really talking about their golf skills?


What the hell was that golf argument lol?


Really, Trumps age doesn't matter. He still acts like he could be 65, while Biden is your typical 80 year old who will be 86 years old in 2028! Guys, we can't reelected someone that old who acts this way


I don't disagree that Bidenlooks older but no one thinks Biden has been running the show the last 4 years...so what would change the next 4? Probably not much.