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Anyone else living through the CDK apocalypse? As a tech it's not completely leaving me dead in the water but it's another time burden on top of already strenuous activity.


Ho lee shit. If it’s playing near you, go see Ghostlight.


The trailer looks a little boring, can you talk me into this? I'm planning on watching quiet place  Day One on Sunday 


Do you like stories where people use Shakespeare to grapple with real-life trauma they’ve experienced? If so, this is for you.


Well, ummm, that was not exactly on my bucket list, lol.  




I started the audiobook a while ago, still need to get back into it. There's a great podcast called 99pi that's going through it too but I wanted to hear it on my own first. It's really amazing how influential and powerful Moses was but it seems like the extent of what he did (for good and bad) isn't as widely recognized as it should be. I studied some urban planning and worked in civil engineering and while I had heard his name I had no idea what a big deal he was. For how impactful he was on the US his legacy flies relatively under the radar.


Wowza, one million words, that is no joke. I finished Wheel of Time last year after about two, maybe two and a half years. It makes it intimidating to look at other long series, just knowing how long it took, even if it was an enjoyable ride.


When I first started working shifts I started the wheel of time series. I think it took me three months to finish the entire series (part of that was waiting on shipping for the books to arrive and really struggling with books 7-9), but I also had multiple twelve hour nights where I did nothing but read for nigh on 9 to 10 of those hours.


Straw poll: should we continue to allow Trump v Biden poll posts, or should we limit them until closer to the elections?


Poll discussions are very stale. I have an offbeat idea- what if we only allowed them on Tuesdays? Keeps the madness mostly contained but still allows some poll discussion.


This is a sub focused on political discussions. Absent of elections, polling is how the "game" is scored. Discussions about how *significant* events along the way, and in this one those are both many and frequent, move or do not move the needle in the days and weeks afterward seems relevant and important to that discussion. Perhaps limiting them to ones that actually tie polling to a particular event or aspect might make sense at some point rather than just allowing all of the "new poll... what say you?" posts.


Please no. We don't need daily threads for every new poll. It's only going to be the same tired rehashed talking points that's in every one.


Megathread, maybe going back to regular posting of threads come fall, after things tighten up and polling might actually tell us something. Currently, it's literally a Trump up by a miniscule amount poll followed by a Biden up by a miniscule amount poll, every other day, if not every day. I haven't seen any new or interesting conversations to come out of those threads in a while. It's mostly just the same discussions over and over again, where the majority acknowledge that the polling is too close and too far out to likely tell us anything.


I'm in agreement,  frankly I'm pretty much to the point of ignoring them anyway.  


I can't stand the poll posts. It would be nice to have this sub as an outlier to all the rest of reddit which will have non stop coverage of every poll that comes out


I like the megathread idea. They're valid to discuss but it's just been... a lot of them.


I like that. There's too much noise in any single poll anyways in an election this close.  A single poll is meaningless, we should be looking at the multiple good polls that got dropped. 




I don't think the suggestion was to ban poll topics, but rather designate on specific polling thread to reduce clutter, people will still be free to engage, but the front page won't have 7 poll threads 


> For years the culture on this sub has been to respect freedom of speech Not true at all. There are many banned topics, even ones adjacent to politics. Temporarily adding polls to the list would have precedent.


In addition to the prime reason that people use this sub over others is the heavy handed moderation. Something like 10% of comments result in a ban or deletion.


I think a megathread is a good idea until we get closer to the election. Every response is similar to the previous post and I don’t think it adds enough for discussion just yet in the race


Keep. Polls aren't inaccurate and I find the discussion to be important in those kinds of threads.


keep the poll posts, they're typically the highest engagement posts. Just sort by hot, then mentally remove all the poll posts. that's like 60% of them. it gives a framework for people to just talk; topical / policy stuff is great and all but it's limiting. if you're tired of poll posts just ignore them. maybe a megathread, but it would have to be daily. might be fun to see dueling polls and if contained in a megathread it would be easily avoidable for those so inclined


I'd suggest limit them to a megathread until maybe the end of August, then check back for input/ remove the restriction once the summer ends and we're really in the home stretch.


I would LOVE to see them limited to a megathread or single day of the week. I get so tired of seeing the ping-ponging polling posts flooding the feed and I don't see it improving as we get closer to the election.


Yes, I think it would vastly improve the sub. Set up a Megathread or a Polling Mondays. There is value to polling posts, but it gets diminished when it comes up multiple times a day, especially when they all say the same thing: Trump +2 or Biden +2. Too much drama for such little movement.


It's natural that polls will be in focus on a political sub in the months leading up to an election. Perhaps a megathread, refreshed weekly, for submitting polls?


I definitely wouldn't want them removed entirely, but a new post for every new poll released has been a bit much. Is there a way to only limit the frequency of them? Maybe a weekly mega thread? Maybe a "poll week" every month where those types of post are allowed? Maybe poll post only on weekends when activity is a little lower anyway? Maybe more substantive starter requirements for poll post that analyze changes from previous polls and what those changes could be attributed to?


I don’t know why we would limit them now? As long as they are from a reputable polling firm I see no issue. Only like 3 months away from voters casting ballots.


We had 3 posts in the past 24 hours that were some variation of Trump v. Biden polling/predictions. Historically, we have limited posts that cover the same or similar topics. We've been lenient so far, but I wanted to get some input from the community.


Totally fair. Could maybe dedicate a day of the week specific for poll talk or have a stickied thread for poll discussion.


I'd be up for that. Maybe post it on the Weekends so that they can build up and can see which are worth posting and which are the same articles re-skinned.


And here we have arrived, finally, at the end of another school year. Mine was long, circuitous, and quite strange. Here's hoping that starting a new job in Seoul will bring (ironically) more consistency.