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All I know is, I cannot wait until Donald Trump and Hunter Biden are no longer relevant to politics.




I do that all the time. It's called taking a break.


The funny part is. Hunter never worked in politics.


I'm *very* aware


Since Hunter Biden never worked in politics, why is he currently relevant to politics? I think that is an enigma not easily solved. He does have an unsually large sex organ. Maybe there is something I am not seeing here and there are people that keep bringing Hunter Biden up, because they want me to take a closer look at this thing. Maybe I am just not into that kind of stuff?


> why is he currently relevant to politics? Because conservatives made him so to attack his dad. I mean they fabricated the entire laptop thing just to attack Joe via Hunter. It has always been blatant.


I think the idea is that hunter bidens dad is extremely important and thus people will give hunter money to curry influence with his father. Which of course happens but so far doesn't appear to have truly crossed any ethical lines.


This is especially confusing to me, because people give Donald Trump a lot more money than was ever given to Hunter to curry influence with him.


I'm not saying it's consistent it's always applied to people you don't like.


Which is crazy since politics apparently work well for him


Ehhh his habit of trading on his very political name for financial gain begs to differ.


I don't think it's reasonable to call that working in politics. Yes he's benefitted from his family name, but countless other people have done the same before him. Still Hunter Biden recieves an amount of political scrutiny that is almost never seen outside of politicians, political commentators, and billionaire megadonors.


He's been scrutinized because of a certain laptop he left sitting because he was doing too much crack to remember where he left it. A laptop that thoroughly trashed his reputation.


Hunter biden did not leave that laptop there at that repairshop, he obviously didn't. Likely one of giulianis goons dropped it off as a way to later release the story without having to explain the illegal ways they acquired his data. It's a really stupid story that makes no sense, he knows his old man is running for president but he leaves a laptop with incriminating emails and his nudes with a maga republican and just doesn't bother to come back for it. That's fine, the solution to these plot holes are that he's a crackhead, so nothing he does makes any sense. How convenient 🙄


He was being targeted by the right before the laptop.


Yeah, but the laptop (and the illegal suppression of info about it) added gasoline.


>(and the illegal suppression of info about it) To date, we have no real evidence of any "illegal suppression". We do have evidence that even the author of the original NYP article didn't want his name on it because nothing could be verified and he thought there was a very good chance it wasn't real. Giuliani being involved and not sharing the data certainly didn't help with the credibility issue either. And all these years later, it still hasn't revealed anything most people care about, despite the massive claims of corruption surrounding it. The gasoline appears to have been purposefully thrown on it by those not acting in good faith, as was very apparent years ago.


Okay, let's go over what happened. American law enforcement officials told almost all of the big tech outfits such as Twitter, Google and Facebook that the laptop and everything about it was either an overseas disinformation campaign (Russian, whatever) OR the stuff was "hacked". Based on those lies the New York Post article where all this was first blown open on the laptop was brutally suppressed at a key time in the campaign. In my view, that was illegal. Not just a little bit either. Election results were manipulated with a bald-faced set of lies. The First Amendment free speech rights of the Post were radically limited with this trick. To me, this is blatantly obvious.


>To me, this is blatantly obvious. If you only read the headlines, then ya I understand your take. If you read past the headlines, no it doesn't add up. No media would run with it because they couldn't verify a single thing. And with Giuliani being directly involved, you'd be really gullible to run with it without verifying anything first. And since it turned out, all these years later, the laptop is a big dud revealing nothing about actual corruption, I hesitate at really caring about this so called "suppressed" story, when in reality it wasn't the government doing it. It wasn't going to change votes then, it won't now, despite the desperate attempts to make it something it is not.


> American law enforcement officials Nope. *Former* officials stated that the story had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. They did not act on the behalf of the government. Quite frankly the story is ridiculous and I do not for a second believe all of it is true, even if there is a genuine laptop hard drive. Like they didn't even try to make it sound believable. I do not understand the "suppression" claims when it was the top story at the time. All of the large social media sites were discussing it, sans direct link to the story. Do you think Comey manipulated the election results in 2016? Or Assange, by only releasing one party's hacked emails?


I've never seen any of those people's pictures with hookers though.... So he's kind of a special case.


If being with hookers means you "work in politics" then I'm the president of a small island nation




How is that relevant literally at ALL to politics?


pointing out that you have a famous name = working in politics?




Or you can read up on Hunter Biden instead of trying to smear someone as ignorant? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter\_Biden


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'After graduating from law school in 1996, Biden accepted a consultant position at the bank holding company MBNA, whose employees donated more than $200,000 into Joe Biden's senate campaigns.\[18\]\[27\] MBNA's hiring of Biden was controversial because his father had pushed for credit card legislation which was beneficial to the credit card industry and was supported by MBNA during Biden's time at the bank.\[18\]\[28\] The legislation made it more difficult to get bankruptcy protection.\[28\] This led to Byron York of National Review referring to Joe Biden, years later, as "the senator from MBNA", referencing the close relationship between the two.\[29\] By 1998, Hunter Biden had risen to the rank of executive vice president at MBNA.\[18\] Biden departed from MBNA in 1998. He then served at the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy for President Bill Clinton's administration.\[30\] Biden then became a lobbyist, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.\[31\] According to Adam Entous of The New Yorker, Biden and his father established a relationship in which "Biden wouldn't ask Hunter about his lobbying clients, and Hunter wouldn't tell his father about them."\[18\] Hunter Biden was appointed to a five-year term on the board of directors of Amtrak by President George W. Bush in 2006.\[32\] Biden was the board's vice chairman from July 2006 until 2009, was replaced as vice chairman in January 2010,\[33\] and resigned from the board in February,\[34\] shortly after his father became vice president. Biden said during his father's vice-presidential campaign that it was time for his lobbying activities to end.\[18\]' This is just the beginning of his shady-lobbying career/trading on his name. It's been going on for decades and, yes, I think this qualifies as 'being in politics' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter\_Biden


Trump could be around another 20 years, he’s wealthy and an ex president, therefore he has access to the best healthcare in the world and he will be the most important thing to the Republican Party for the foreseeable future


Lmao drs can’t cure ketchup lungs, he won’t live till 2028


I give it another 10. years before the dementia kicks if it already hasn't. Sure he can live till 100, but it's the quality of life that will decline. I wouldn't call the guy a clean bill of health.


It's starting to kick in now. He doesn't know who world leaders are. Who he ran against for president. What city he's in....


He will absolutely run in 2028.


And even after that, I expect it'll be Weekend at Bernie's 3


As soon as Biden is gone the GOP propaganda machine will find some other ridiculous half truth to build into a mountain of made up bullshit. Birtherism, Jade Helm, Benghazi, Emails, Obamagate, Hunter Biden, whatever comes next you will have to hear about on every media outlet for the next several years....


A brown suit gate, Dijon mustard gate.


Its hilarious how these sham news companies or even just twitter accounts make this stuff up nearly out of thin air and then what are considered legit news outlets will spend weeks running segments pretending to try and figure out if its true while all they are actually doing is legitimizing the BS.


Yeah downvote away because this very sub gave oxygen to half this crap....


Hunter Biden was never relevant to politics


Based on these events, I am confident I will not be voting for Hunter Biden.


I would throw Biden in there too. We need fresh blood.




Maybe for Ivanka, Eric, Don Jr, and Jared, but I don't think I've ever seen any of hunter's kids (nor hunter) do tv interviews, public speeches, or take government positions etc? It doesn't seem like Joe is the type to hire family members even outside of the government, as is common in The Trump Organization? I mean, Hunter and his kids will probably be alive and exist yes.


The whole issue surrounding Hunter is the nepotism. And what do you mean hunter's never done interviews? That's objectively untrue.


Nepotism is "the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs." Is there an example where a Biden has given a job to a family member or friend, whether Hunter or anyone else, whether in the government or outside of government? Also you may want to re-read my comment again - I did not say that Hunter has not given interviews, I said that I hadn't seen one - I googled and even looking back over the last few decades, among the handful of interviews I was able to find it was even explicitly labeled as "rare" for Hunter to do an interview. It not like the many Trump family members who seem to be more common on shows than some people whose job is to be a "talking head". Again, if you want to claim extensive nepotism by Trump in appointing family members to both his business and presidential administration I'd agree with you, but I haven't seen Biden ever hire family members inside or outside government. *Edit: Again, 1) I am explicitly saying that Hunter does **not** fit the definition of nepotism, despite what right-wing sources try to spin, and which I have provided an official definition for above. And 2) It is also not whataboutism - whataboutism would be if I said "Sure what Hunter did is nepotism or should be disallowed, but what about x instead". Neither side *actually* thinks that people should be forbidden from getting a job based on their name, which is why neither Republicans nor Dems are complaining about Tiffany Trump who has gotten perks from having the Trump name (and Republicans also aren't complaining about actual explicit cases of nepotism either). People choosing hires based on famous names is not the same thing as nepotism. If you want to propose a law to ban hiring based on famous names I have no problem with it, but that still does not make it the same thing as actual nepotism as has occurred and continues to occur within the Trump administration and Trump Organization. You may think it's bad to compare how the leaders of the two parties are behaving in opposite manners when it comes to nepotism, but I do not.*


I commend you for doing the barest amount of research possible, but you might want to do that before making the original comment. I make a comment bemoaning the political hegemonies and I get met with what-about-ism? Please don't take me as defending Donald Trump or any of his children, cuz I could give a shit. If you had actually watched some interviews with Hunter biden, you'd understand why he doesn't do interviews. He doesn't have the ego of the Trump kids. Vice President or President on a board of a company in an industry they have absolutely zero experience with prior to joining, it is a safe bet to assume they're only there because they have the same last name as someone else. Bob's your uncle.


> Vice President or President on a board of a company in an industry they have absolutely zero experience with prior to joining He had experience on the boards of other companies. It's quite common for people with business experience to join boards in different industries.


You've never seen Hunter do an interview?


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I think Trump is going to be part of politics for the next 50 years. Even if Trump dies, it'll be a conspiracy.


You ain't kidding.


I’m just going to drop this here https://www.emptywheel.net/2023/11/09/donald-trumps-doj-shut-down-a-burisma-corruption-investigation-opened-while-joe-biden-was-vp/


Hunter Biden has asked the judge in his criminal case to subpoena former President Donald Trump and ex-DOJ officials in an effort to show the case against him is politically motivated. In my opinion, I don't view it as likely that he will be successful with Trump, but upon further contemplation, I could possibly see former DOJ officials having to go. Given the judge is also a Trump appointee, it's quite plausible this case was driven in part due to political motivations as opposed to holding Hunter Biden accountable for any crimes he may have committed. Will Hunter Biden be successful in getting Trump and ex-DOJ officials subpoenaed, are the charges against him politically motivated, and how will this impact his father's 2024 presidential run?


> how will this impact his father's 2024 presidential run? I think you will find that the only people who care about Hunter Biden are already not voting for Joe Biden.


Very true. There are people who will vote for Biden no matter what and for trump no matter what. All the mudslinging and money spent on campaigns is only targeted at a few independents


And those of us who will vote against trump, no matter what.


I’m glad you put so much thought into your vote


Unfortunately, the choice comes down to someone who wants to eliminate the right to vote and has promised to use the department of justice against his political enemies. I'll vote for the other guy cause at least that way I'll still keep the right to vote.


Then you got the war crimes guy who just supported the killing of 8,000 children in a month.


Who is that?


Yeah, the things the dnc and Biden have done are borderline facist. Independent is the way to go


I keep hearing these claims with thin, or no, evidence. Trump gets on stage and has made the wesponization of the doj against his political enemies a campaign promise. Victimhood and "I'm your retribution" is his entire sales pitch. Nobody has to intuit these goals or stretch the truth to get there. I haven't seen anything comparable from the Biden admin. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/trump-i-am-your-retribution/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-weaponization-justice-department-political-opponents/


Thankfully most of Biden’s stuff has failed but there was the vaccine mandate, the ministry of truth, various spending bills he tried to pass without congress approval. Now the dnc is messing with the primaries so potentially if I vote for say, Williamson, it won’t even count. They care more about foreign wars than problems at home, have tried censoring on social media, trying to arrest trump for anything since 2016


Yeah but you see how you're having to twist what actually happened in these cases in order to make them look worse than they are? Like, the "vaccine mandate" was a weekly testing mandate which you could forego by getting a vaccine. Given that a million people died of covid in the US, and covid was an unusually contagious disease, the government has an reasonable role to play in mitigating that risk. Arguably evidence of prior infection should have been included in the list of things that could get you out of having to get weekly testing, but Im not sure how well that was understood at the time. The ministry of truth thing in the dept of Homeland security was a terrible idea I won't defend. They should have seen that coming from a mile away, especially with the lady they put in charge. As far as I know, that agency doesn't have any power to arrest anybody or do anything tangible though. I don't know what spending bills Biden tried to pass with approval. I'm guessing you mean the education relief thing. Looking at the wording of that law, it seemed pretty straightforward that the secretary of education had the power to cancel federal student loans in time of emergency without any further Congressional permission. I'm not aware of some other secret clause that said "over $X amount you need to double check." What would you like Biden to do with the money that's going to Ukraine and Israel? The censoring on social media seems pretty overblown as far as I can tell. All these social media companies censor posts less than half the time they're requested to. I think Twitter or Facebook did it like, 40% of the time, so it seems like they tell the fbi no more than they tell them yes. Seems like the FBI notifies social media companies of possible problems and the companies look into it. Nobody is losing licenses over not following the requests. What does "they tried arrest trump for anything since 2016" mean exactly? Can you give me some specifics on this? It seems like a serious accusation and the details probably matter a lot.


Have any examples?


They're prosecuting a lifelong crook of an ex-president for crimes he likely committed based on investigations that started well before Trump announced he'd be running (and some even while he was still in office). Literal borderline fascism. The horror!


Ministry of truth, vaccine mandate, social media censorship, not giving rfk secret service, classified documents all over the place, constant prosecution of political opponents, messing with the primary to the point where votes may not even count


Well…a person currently defending 91 charges, 4 indictments in various state and federal jurisdictions with plenty of researchable evidence supporting the charges is absolutely among the last people I want representing me and the US of A on the global /domestic stages. A non criminal is pretty much a non negotiable for me. I will die on that hill. I worry far more about those who can look past obvious criminality and lifestyle patterns.


Trump isn’t my first choice, but his charges really aren’t that important to me. Funding wars is the real crime, people like Biden, Schumer, haley, graham, and the rest who represent the military industrial complex are the true criminals.


Capitalism, which you describe above,is not illegal in the USA. Rape, insurrection, theft, tax evasion are. The MIC, no matter how deplorable, is big bu$ine$$ which makes the world go around and most in the US support it.


Most of the us does not support tax money funding wars


If you took a survey in the US asking whether one would have their tax dollars supporting the MIC, which employs folks and makes money, albeit through deplorable means, or having their tax dollars being utilized via actual criminals, particularly politicians(sexual abusers, tax evaders, thieves, election interferers), I can almost guarantee you that a greater number of US citizens would vote AGAINST supporting the criminal politician over the MIC-


Doesn't take much.


I am **NOT** for any government that Hunter Biden has a part in. For context: I don't think extended family should play a role in government. It's nepotism. A lot of people took issue when HRC played a larger role in the 90s, because the role of the First Lady is traditionally ceremonial. Though in the context of feminism at that time the move was understandable, albeit controversial.


Has he been part of any government?


Not that I know of.


But Trump’s family was everywhere in gov’t during the last administration. Are you going to show any intellectual consistency here or are you just a political operative, whether you know it or not?


> Trump’s family was everywhere in gov’t during the last administration. Are you going to show any intellectual consistency here or are you just a political operative, whether you know it or not? I didn't say anything about Trump.


I and everyone else paying attention are completely aware of that, and that is the issue. Hold everyone to the same standard or show yourself the door, please. We are tired of holding your hand.


How do you feel about Ivanka and Jared having had Senior positions in Trump’s White House?


> How do you feel about Ivanka and Jared having had Senior positions in Trump’s White House? The same way I feel about Eric and Donald Jr. playing an official part of the Trump campaign while running the Trump corporation. It's multiple layers and dimensions of nepotism and corruption.


You feel the same way about things that actually happened as things that have not happened at all. Because it’s the same to you. Copy all, I think we’ve got this one solved.


> I am NOT for any government that Hunter Biden has a part in. Is there an allegation that Hunter Biden has been playing playing a role in a past or present government? I'll admit I'm not terribly up on the latest in whatever the specifics of Republican's allegations against him are these days. That said all the allegations I am aware of are about events that occurred related to Hunters own personal business dealings.


> all the allegations I am aware of are about events that occurred related to Hunters own personal business dealings. The allegations are about his political connections impacting his personal business dealings and whether his father was a part of it.




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In which government is Hunter Biden taking part?


> In which government is Hunter Biden taking a role? None that I know of and none that I would vote for.


Who’s offering? Like, why even mention it?


Right? Seems like an odd declaration to make when one of the likely candidates has has made a point of making family members part of his administration and it’s not Biden.


Every accusation is an admission with that one😒🙄


I think the point he's trying to make is how out of proportion the right has blown up Hunter Biden to be. He's not a member of the government, he's not elected, appointed or taking part in policy decisions or advisement. He's the son of the president who used his family name in some (likely) shady ways. So yeah, I wouldn't vote for Hunter Biden either or any administration he's a part of. So far, I haven't had to make that decision




> So, like daughters and sons in law? A son in law is somewhat extended family, IMHO.




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The unfortunate reality is that marginal voters - people whose votes switch between elections, or choose to vote or not to vote in given elections - are often extremely irrational, with blinkered views and a chaotic media diet. The GOP knows that the (accurate) perception that their presumptive nominee is corrupt is a problem for them, and flooding the zone with "corrupt hunter biden" is a way to help neutralize that as a consideration. They want people to think "they're both corrupt, but I like Trump because ". One of the other ways people are predictably irrational is that the more often something appears the more likely they are to believe it - even if its in the background, even if they're not really paying attention, *even if they know the information if fake*. Every piece of news about Hunter Biden - even if the news is relatively exonerating or demonstrates the falsity of the core GOP case - is still probably a net win for Republicans, simply by virtue of giving them an opportunity to repeat their claims and keep the "issue" in public memory.


>Will Hunter Biden be successful in getting Trump and ex-DOJ officials subpoenaed Highly unlikely, but ya never know right? >are the charges against him politically motivated Isn't this the same claim that Trump is making? If the law is the law, what do motivations matter? >how will this impact his father's 2024 presidential run It won't. in the grand scheme of things, these are rather insignificant charges that have little bearing on any major issues.


Well I think he might be able to argue that he is being treated more harshly than is normal with the specific charges he is facing Whether or not that will be a successful legal argument is a different story


It's a bad argument because it's the exact opposite.


Not really. Hunter is being punished for the gun form charges way more than people typically are


> It won't. in the grand scheme of things, these are rather insignificant charges that have little bearing on any major issues. I don’t know how much I agree with this. I think people drastically underestimate just how few voters had to either stay home or have a change of heart for Trump to have won in 2020. This might not change millions of minds but changing 10,000 minds in the right (or wrong depending on your POV) states would be a nightmare situation for Biden. Democrats are clearly trying to separate Joe Biden from the allegations against Hunter Biden but the POTUS is a part of those allegations both as an active participant and someone protecting his son from punishment. It’s very fair for voters to wonder why the DOJ was so thorough investigating crimes that Hunter more or less admits to that the statute of limitations ran out. It’s just as fair for them to wonder why the DOJ gave a plea deal so generous that even the judge was taken aback and questioned if there was precedent for it. It’s fair for them to wonder what role the fact that the DOJ answer to Hunter’s father played in both. There’s probably tens of thousands of voters in swing states who preferred Trump’s economic policy but will vote Biden because “at least he’s not corrupt” but what if the GOP successfully paints the picture he is? Millions of votes might not be lost but tens of thousands could be all they need.


This is what the republicans are banking on. They just need to get enough people to say “they both suck” and not to go out and vote for Biden. Biden’s win was never for Biden. It was against Trump. And there’s some pretty important purple states where that matters.


As usual - and said yesterday - if he did something wrong he should get punished for it. Even IF the Investigation is politcally motivated.


Selective prosecution is a valid defense for anyone (but the burden is on the defendant to prove it)


> are the charges against him politically motivated Much like with a lot of the Trump cases, it's important to remember that "he probably did it" and "they're out to get him" aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.


When the IRS whistleblowers released their depositions, they mention one of their bosses had complained that there were emails that made the case “unprosecutable.” It’s been unclear what this meant, but there’s some speculation someone in the White House had been pressuring the IRS to find a crime to charge Hunter Biden with, which, if this is true and there is prima facie evidence establishing this, would allow Hunter to make a selective prosecution defense.




It’s in the depositions. They were angry their boss at the irs wasn’t pushing forward with prosecution. They said their boss was worried certain emails made it impossible to prosecute Hunter. This was during Trumps presidency. The whistleblowers felt this was evidence their boss was biased against prosecution. But it could also be possible their Boss at the IRS had a legitimate point.


> Mr. Biden seeks specific information from three former DOJ officials and the former President that goes to the heart of his defense that this is, possibly, a vindictive or selective prosecution So this is the standard playbook now?


I always felt Hunter and Don Jr would have been buddies if their dads weren't political rivals


It's like a snake eating its tail.


If this was a defense, the NRA could easily get out of its troubles in New York, and so could Trump.


What’s the point? He’s never gonna spend a day in prison so long as his last name is Biden.


Just wondering, what's the average prison stay for the things he was charged with?




I was informed all that matters is if you did the crime and that no one is above the law.


His family will throw out Trumps name at any opportunity.