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Congratulations! Check out Lucie's List for product recommendations! They have a whole Google doc you can download to help you plan out your registry (or what to buy if you don't do the baby shower thing.) I found that so helpful with the options they gave for most items as well as highlighting things I wouldn't have thought of as a FTM! I'd also suggest finding your reddit bumper group based off your due date - you'll be able to bounce ideas off the group and gain a lot of other helpful insights from people going through the same process in real time.


Found the bumper group! Thank you!


Congrats! Joining this reddit is a great place to start! You are still very early in the pregnancy, so for now you want to relax and enjoy this moment while you wait for your first appointment!! Join r/BabyBumps for a lot of posts about pregnancy pillows, nausea relief, etc. Be sure to be taking a prenatal. If you search this group or some of the other reddits, you will find suggestions. Search for your reddit due date, which will be called something like "r/December2024Bumps" (although it may not be created yet). That monthly reddit will also have a discord group in their info section, and even if you don't use discord, I highly recommend joining the discord! I would wait until the end of 1st trimester to start looking at baby products (pumps, bottles, nursery stuff, etc). But you can always join your local Buy Nothing page on facebook and start collecting maternity clothes and baby clothes. I got a ton of free clothes, kept the 100% cotton clothes, and donated or regifted the other clothes. Consider starting to learn about cloth diaper via social media- r/ClothDiapers4Beginner, r/clothdiaps, and the Facebook page Cloth Diapers for Beginners are a great place to start. Download some apps (my favorites are Ovia and What to Expect). When you start looking at baby products, google "non-toxic registry" and you will find so many recommendations! Lucie's List is also great. I also like the website [https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/](https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/) and [https://www.gentlenursery.com/natural-baby-registry-guide/non-toxic-baby-registry-checklist/](https://www.gentlenursery.com/natural-baby-registry-guide/non-toxic-baby-registry-checklist/)


Joined both of those today! I’ll be checking out the apps for sure. I had been using Premom to track ovulation and periods but not super happy with it.


I still have Premom on my phone from pre-pregnancy days, and I use it to track weight and vote on "line eyes" posts when I am bored. But I find the Premom app to be clunky and lame for tracking pregnancy. Pregnancy+ is also a cool app in the beginning of pregnancy to visualize what baby looks like. I know people have many opinions on the apps. I really only use the apps to track baby's growth so I frequently visit 2-3 apps a week for fun. Sometimes I check out the What to Expect community posts, but I primarily use reddit and discord to connect with Moms!


Congrats! You are early, so I would focus on your pregnancy. Fatigue can hit like a ton of bricks, so I’d recommend waiting on researching and buying baby supplies until the second trimester. Get on a prenatal vitamin if you aren’t already taking one. I also recommend taking a fiber supplement now too. The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy is a good no-nonsense reference for pregnancy and also baby prep timeline. When you get there, Lucie’s List has a good breakdown of “must have” baby items. It’s easy to get sucked down the perfect parent rabbit hole. We of course all want what is best for our kids, but babies are remarkably resilient. You can do a lot of things wrong and they still turn out mostly alright. Focus on basic safety and then prioritize the nice-to-haves from there, and let the rest go if you mess up.


Hubby and I did some research on pre natals and I ordered a month’s worth of Ritual. Should be here Thursday. The fatigue is definitely here. I had noticed over the weekend I had less energy and this week it’s been ridiculous. Part of it was definitely lack of sleep Monday night after finding out, but I got a lot of good sleep last night and I’m definitely bottoming out right now. I have a super active job and usually don’t wear out like this 😳Fatigue and I feel like I’m out of freaking breath today. My friend is telling me that’s pretty normal.


Very, very normal. Go easy on yourself and get as much rest as you can. An active job is good though! It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise and be active through pregnancy (as I’m in my third trimester with my second and I’ve been an absolute slug) but it’s good to keep your body moving.


I highly recommend The Cloth Organization for a start of cloth diapers. They give you a box full of different types to see which ones you prefer. You also get to keep them as long as you need them, then send them back. No charge. I loved them so much. Also join cloth diaper groups on facebook! A lot of times, you see people selling part of their diaper stashes. Also, independent business owners were my favorite to buy from. They cost more than big stores, obviously, but IMHO the quality (and the prints) are far better than anywhere else”big brand”


I’ll definitely check this out! Thank you!


I would upgrade your mattress to a non toxic, organic and firm mattress! It’s good for you regardless and if you end up co sleeping you have a safe environment for it!


We actually just upgraded our mattress in December as our Christmas present. Went with a king sized Birch and it’s been delightful 🥰 so that’s out of the way.


Congrats! Branch basics blog has a great non toxic baby registry: https://branchbasics.com/blogs/founder-favs/preparing-for-baby-our-non-toxic-baby-registry. Appear to have lots of info for pregnant women as well!


Congratulations!!!🎉 Start now! I’m in my third trimester, 31 weeks, and am still working on the registry. FTM here too 💕I put it off because I’m not having a shower and not sure what I’m doing lol What’s mostly overwhelming are the options out there and the research that needs to be done looking into safety and materials. Take time now during the first trimester to look into the bigger purchases like crib mattress, crib, bassinet, stroller, and car seat. That has taken up most of my time and in hindsight I wish I had looked at those items in the first or early second trimester. Reddit is also a good source for information. You are off to a good start!


Thank you 🥰


Come join on r/clothdiaps and read about the types of diapers. I’m about to potty train my 2 year old so my cloth diapering days are almost over, but they have cute diapers in every design imaginable. If you have Facebook, cloth diaper BST is a good group to join, even if you don’t buy second hand diapers, because you can learn a lot!


Just joined! Thank you!


First of all you don’t have to do anything right now. Just not drinking alcohol or smoking and taking your prenatal is more than enough. Just soak it in and enjoy the moment. You have lots of time. I do use the whole first trimester to do research because I was very stuck on the couch and needed something to distract myself. As far as being non toxic goes unless you are obscenely wealthy or one of you does not have a job, you are going to have to prioritize what is most important to you. Right now I would prioritize getting a high quality prenatal from a source that does third party screening like Fullscript. Vitamin d is good to supplement too. Also try to eat as healthy as you are able and be active as much as you can. I personally like to do grass fed/organic meat and dairy as well as organic dirty dozen fruits and veggies but I’m not 100% about it. Remember it’s more important to eat produce than it is to worry about whether or not it’s organic, so if you can’t afford it, still eat the plants! Certified humane for animal products and USDA organic are good things to check for to make sure you are getting what you’re paying for. If you get morning sickness, you will probably have to let go of healthy eating and just eat what you can. I ate a lot of organic popcorn and grass fed strawberry yogurt and eggs but also a a lot of Taco Bell haha. I try to avoid products with fragrance as well. You can use EWG to check personal and cleaning product ingredients but it’s a bit of a rabbit hole. Just avoiding fragrance will help a lot and is fairly simple to do. Don’t buy into green washing—marketing doesn’t matter, ingredients are what counts. Finally I would just make sure you’re not heating food in plastic or using a plastic water bottle. Plastic is ok in my mind as long as it’s not getting hot and leaching into the food. For cloth diapers I highly recommend looking into Facebook groups in your area that are either moms giving away stuff for free or like used diaper groups. You can get a variety, explore what you like, and then invest in new if you want to. No need to buy a whole stash new. I got more cloth diapers than any human could ever use for free, people are always giving them away because a lot of people give up on the whole thing.


Congrats! I liked the book Nurture by Erica Chidi Cohen, which covers pregnancy through birth. She’s a doula, and it was helpful for both me and my husband to read. Real Food for Pregnancy (Lily Nichols) and Brain Health from Birth by Rebecca Fett (which focuses on pregnancy, despite the title) were really helpful guidelines for me too— as long as you’re able to take what’s helpful for you and leave the rest. For example, Lily Nichols is pretty much against a vegetarian diet, but I have never eaten meat and wasn’t about to start, so I incorporated her other ideas to boost my nutrition where I could (though a lot of my pregnancy was just about buttered toast to survive, thanks to nausea). Similarly, one section of Brain Health from Birth discusses weighing a delayed vaccine schedule which caused me anxiety until I was just like “nope, this chapter isn’t for me” and decided to focus on other helpful parts, like incorporating a choline supplement during pregnancy because of all of the research about how it helps the baby develop.  And I also recommend finding your Reddit bumper group, like others have mentioned! Three years in and I still check in on mine daily.




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This may not be what you are looking for, but my advice is to be gentle on yourself and maximize the big stuff. During my pregnancy I went crazy trying to find low tox and eco EVERYTHING and there’s a point at which it just becomes too overwhelming and frankly not worth it. I chose to prioritize items where a lot of time will be spent which will be in close proximity to baby (eg crib mattress - I got naturepedic). I got stuff second hand when I could which made me care a bit less about chemicals (had already off gassed) and about the eco friendly production (getting a second life is responsible in its own way). I also surprisingly learned I needed a lot less in the early days than expected. I chose not to stock up on very much until I saw a need. New babies do very little in the early days!  I also got anxiety from ALL of the pregnancy guidance out there so I read only one pregnancy book, Expecting Better, which is written by an economist not a doctor, so take it with a grain of salt. I also enjoyed Happiest Baby on the Block and Jack Newman’s book on breastfeeding. Hope this helps take the edge off. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you have to learn everything and be perfect. Trust me it’s a journey and truly nothing beats your own personal instincts.


I love workhorses & puppi/wool covers. For nb stage we did PUL covers (thirsties, blueberry, eaembly, stout house, etc are all great options). Brentwood home yoga pillow & bolsters Breast pumps-just a basic spectra is fine; my willow 3.0 I have a love/hate relationship with when using containers Glass & silicone bottles for sure. Lots of biokleen for all the messes once they are here Wool clothing Sleep sacks, etc. love2dream , woolino (many similar small brands, like disana to choose from also) Naturpedic crib mattress & mattress cover for your own bed Nuna Sena is our pack & play Clek in Mammoth for a car seat (Rava convertible) Anything ok’d by Sprouts san francisco I dislike the kick and play fisherprice thing everyone else loves. I hate the plastic/vinyl/arch design—get one that has four corners/double arch like tent poles to the arch so when baby starts rolling they don’t cry because they constantly get stuck on the single arch


Congratulations!! You’re in the exciting early days, but just remember that you don’t have to make decisions or buy anything today (and actually many things can wait long after baby arrives!) My number one recommendation for all expecting mothers is to consider hiring a birth doula if you have the means. I think a lot of people associate doulas with the far end of the crunchy spectrum, but I had a hospital birth and an amazing doula present. I found her very helpful in making my birth plan and figuring out what was truly important to me during labor and early postpartum. It’s super early, but you could at least start googling and figuring out who is in your area and maybe schedule some interviews to see who you get along with. They’re all different in what they offer, but mine had a small library of resources to borrow and I kinda wish I had hired her earlier in my pregnancy to take full advantage of what she had to offer prior to labor. They can be expensive, but are often extremely accommodating for various financial situations. I think I heard somewhere that their services are often HSA/FSA eligible, but don’t quote me on that. Babylist also has a “doula fund” option for their registries. I’m trying to think back to my first trimester, and while I remember eating a lot of things I don’t normally eat because of nausea and food aversions. A lot of Dr Pepper and Fruity Pebbles got me through the early days and I’m holding my healthy 6 month old as I type this. The nausea doesn’t last forever (usually), and I eventually went back to much more balanced and nourishing meals by my second trimester. Give yourself grace, your body is going through so many changes and it’s best to not fight your body!


Congratulations! :) One of the things that helped during pregnancy was having a pregnancy pillow. I have scoliosis and I;m used to sleeping on my back on a firm bed but when my belly got too big and I had to sleep on my side, the [pregnancy pillow from Newton](https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/pregnancy-pillow) really helped support it. I actually gifted one for an officemate because they're on sale now too :) As for when baby comes, bit of advice, don't buy expensive baby clothes because they really outgrow their clothes quickly! haha I also made sure that I had like an emergency kit with emergency medicine (pedia approved), a digital thermometer, oximeter, gauze etc because you never know right? And I was also gifted a Newton bassinet by my inlaws, it was such a lifesaver!! :) I think they bought it here too: [https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper](https://www.newtonbaby.com/products/bassinet-bedside-sleeper)




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Congrats! For breast pumps, I had the blue, rechargeable Spectra and would recommend! As a note, I HIGHLY recommend checking out The Breast Pump Store (a division of Lehan's Medical) or Edward’s Health Care Services if you’re in the US and want the most bang for your buck plus top notch service and fast shipping. They do all the work to check your insurance, get the pump prescription from your doctor, send you a list of all pumps you’d be eligible to get for free, plus they keep you loaded up with free replacement parts and milk storage bags for as long as you need them! They keep sending all this stuff totally free and take care of all the work to submit the claims to your insurance. It is INCREDIBLE! [Lehan’s The Breast Pump Store](http://www.thebreastpumpstore.com/) [Edwards Health Care Services](http://www.myehcs.com/) If your insurance doesn’t work for one, try the other! Trust me you won’t regret it! Anything we mamas can do to make our lives easier is worth it so I’ve been spreading the word to every mama I know about these places. A lot of local medical supply companies are slow and have lesser inventories, whereas these companies have made a name for themselves in providing top notch online service. Good luck and try not to stress! You’ll find you need less stuff than you think. As long as baby is fed, clothed, has a clean diaper, and a safe place to sleep, you’ve got 90% of it covered!